Eyes Wide Shut - Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Eyes Wide Shut (1999): The 90-Second Trailer

Nicole Kidman is dawdling before the mirror, naked except for her eyeglasses and an earring that’s giving her trouble. She fusses with it, but languorously, as might be expected amid her gilded surroundings. They suggest the kind of hotel where each room is a scaled-down version of the queen’s bedchamber at Versailles. The lamps bathe Ms. Kidman in flattery…

Forchette contro coltelli (Forks Over Knives, 2011) – Traduzione italiana

Forchette contro coltelli (Forks Over Knives) è un film documentario del 2011 ideato e diretto da Lee Fulkerson. Il film sostiene l’efficacia per la salute di una dieta che, a differenza delle tipiche abitudini americane, escluda gli alimenti di origine animale e si basi invece su quelli vegetali e integrali, per favorire la prevenzione e cura di numerose patologie.

Forks Over Knives (2011) – Full Transcript

Forks Over Knives is a 2011 American advocacy film and documentary that advocates a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet as a way to avoid or reverse several chronic diseases.

Dominion (2018) – Full Transcript

Dominion uses drones, hidden and handheld cameras to expose the dark underbelly of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over

Slavoj Žižek: The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012) – Traduzione italiana

L’ideologia è così radicata nella società che ha influenzato i nostri sogni. Se vogliamo cambiare la nostra realtà, dobbiamo prima cambiare i nostri sogni. Applicando la teoria psicoanalitica all’interpretazione cinematografica, Slavoj Zizek tenta di scoprire il significato nascosto di molti film hollywoodiani.

Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”: Echoes of Orwell

Virtually from its appear­ance in 1985, Margaret Atwood’s futuristic novel The Handmaid’s Tale has announced its indebtedness to George Orwell’s 1984. Orwell’s nightmarish future is written all over Atwood’s similarly near-future vision of the misogynist theocracy of Gilead.

Pier Paolo Pasolini Behind the Camera

Pier Paolo Pasolini: The «Cinema of Poetry»

The distinction I make between cinema of prose and cinema of poetry is not a distinction of value, it is a purely technical distinction. If I had to define this distinction I would say that in cinema of prose the protagonists, as in classical novels, are the characters, their history and their environment. In cinema of poetry, on the other hand, the protagonist is style.

Barry Lyndon (Barry Lyndon, 1976) – Recensione di Tullio Kezich

Barry Lyndon mette in scena una società violenta, ferocemente classista, dove l’avventuriero gode di una libertà effimera e viene presto emarginato e distrutto. Arricchito dalla più bella fotografia che si sia vista al cinema, il film comunica con stoicismo un sentimento amaro dell’esisten­za e della storia.

Arancia Meccanica (A Clockwork Orange, 1972) – Recensione di Tullio Kezich

Stanley Kubrick ha equamente ripartito il film tra un’immagine agghiacciante del futuro e il grigiore dell’esta­blishment antiquato e cadente. Per ripeterci che l’uomo non può migliorare, il regista ha fatto riecheggiare il romanzo di Burgess in una cassa armonica dagli effetti stereofonici.

Paths of Glory: Kubrick’s graduation piece

Paths of Glory finds Kubrick dealing in the wider realm of ideas with a relevance to man and society. Without casting off any of his innate irony and skepticism, the director declares his allegiance to his fellow men.

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