

Bye Bye Joe

Bye Bye Joe

Biden’s exit, marked by a disappointing presidency, leaves Trump with a renewed anti-establishment appeal. Kamala Harris faces a tough challenge for the Democrats.

The Genesis of Endless Violence

The Genesis of Endless Violence

Middle Eastern violence is linked to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. The article urges global awareness and action to end the oppression.

King Louis XIV

American Faces Like French Butts

Republican delegates’ ear bandages for Trump echo French nobles imitating King Louis XIV’s surgery bandage, showing persistent servility across centuries.

Israel bombings in Gaza

The Horror of Gaza and the Arrest of Netanyahu

Gaza suffers relentless bombings, with the UN ruling against Israel’s annexation offering a pivotal moment for Palestine. Western democracies face criticism for inaction as protests rise.

The EU Parliament, a NATO Branch

FAREWELL TO PEACE – The escalation of war is the first resolution of the assembly. Then the election of von der Leyen, a champion of zero negotiation with Putin, and Italian political divisions vanish when voting in Europe.

Why Voting Feels Futile in Modern Democracies

Marco Travaglio criticizes democratic leaders for not truly adhering to democratic principles, pointing out inconsistencies in the US, France, and Italy. It questions the value of voting when the system resists genuine change.

NATO Declares War on Moscow, Beijing, and Trump

The NATO summit, with its expected decisions (another $40 billion for Kiev, to be used in a potential post-war scenario, delivery of air defense systems like our Samp-T, and the arrival of F16s), was, as anticipated, a piece of theatrical warmongering.

The War on Children

EU sanctions target prominent Russian pediatricians and child welfare institutions, including the Artek Summer Camp in Crimea, seen as an unjust assault on children’s rights. The article criticizes these actions as propaganda-driven and highlights Russia’s recent reunification efforts for Ukrainian children.

G7 summit: Biden, Trudeau and other unpopular leaders gather in Italy

How EU Leaders’ Lies Are Costing Europe

The EU’s policies have failed, damaging Europe more than Russia, which has seen economic growth despite sanctions. The EU must either change or be dismantled, with a shift towards peace and social progress.

The Day of Guilt

Jewish culture exploits historical victimization for ideological gains, justifying Israel’s actions against Palestinians. A “day of guilt” is needed for true accountability.

If Neo-Fascism Advances, Europe Should Ask Why

If Neo-Fascism Advances, Europe Should Ask Why

The rise of right-wing populism in Europe is driven by the marginalized classes neglected by globalization and failed politics. European leaders must reclaim humanist values to counter this trend.

The Gaza Plague and the Palestinian Victory

Israel’s attempts to claim victory in Gaza are futile amid growing global support for Palestinians. Netanyahu’s strategic failures highlight the need to end the Zionist project.

Biden Trump Reality Show

American politics has turned into a superficial reality show with Biden and Trump, ignoring crucial issues. Italy mirrors this dynamic, leading to voter apathy and jeopardizing European interests.

Biden and Trump: Symbols of Western Political Dementia

Biden and Trump: Symbols of Western Political Dementia

Biden and Trump symbolize a collective dementia in politics, with Biden’s senility and Trump’s narcissism distorting reality. This leads to a society where personal opinions replace truth, and politics becomes selfish conflict, depriving citizens of real decision-making power.

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