
Eyes Wide Shut

Tom Cruise and Stanley Kubrick on the set of Eyes Wide Shut

In Memoriam: Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) | by Stanley Kauffmann

Eyes Wide Shut is a catastrophe—in both the popular sense and the classical sense of the end of a tragedy. Everything in Kubrick that had been worming through his career, through his ego, and through his extraordinary talent swells and devours this last film.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) – Review by Stuart Klawans [The Nation]

Eyes Wide Shut is the work of an artist who long ago stopped paying attention to the world around him. If you are someone who cares about film culture, you will want to see it anyway, perhaps more than once. Respect for the rest of Kubrick’s work would demand no less.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Tom Cruise e Nicole Kidman

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) – Review by Janet Maslin [The New York Times]

Given the grippingly bizarre settings and situations that Stanley Kubrick’s films favored, what could be more startling than the scene that opens “Eyes Wide Shut”? It’s only the sight of two people who resemble glamorous movie stars getting ready for a black-tie party.

Eyes Wide Shut - Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Eyes Wide Shut (1999): The 90-Second Trailer

Nicole Kidman is dawdling before the mirror, naked except for her eyeglasses and an earring that’s giving her trouble. She fusses with it, but languorously, as might be expected amid her gilded surroundings. They suggest the kind of hotel where each room is a scaled-down version of the queen’s bedchamber at Versailles. The lamps bathe Ms. Kidman in flattery…

Stanley Kubrick: La Soggettiva Del Cadavere – di Vito Zagarrio

La Storia, diceva ancora Baudrillard, è uno scenario rétro, è un “cadavere” che si può mettere in scena, un “fossile” che può essere rappresentato e “simulato”. «La Storia fa così il suo ingresso trionfale nel cinema a titolo postumo». Baudrillard no­tava come questa riapparizione della Storia non avesse un valore di presa di coscienza, ma di nostalgia di un referente perduto.

Eyes Wide Shut: Introducing Sociology – by Tim Kreider

Critical disappointment with Eyes Wide Shut was almost unanimous, and the complaint was always the same: not sexy. The national reviewers sounded like a bunch of middle-school kids who’d snuck in to see it and slunk out three hours later feeling horny, frustrated, and ripped off.

Eyes Wide Shut (1999)


To be blunt about it, it’s impossible at this moment to separate thoughts and feelings about Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut from the fact of his death. Or to put it another way, Kubrick’s death is the closure that his final film, for better or worse, resists to the last.

EYES WIDE SHUT: GHOST SONATA – By Richard T. Jameson [Film Comment]

How are we supposed to watch Eyes Wide Shut? Really, how are we supposed to watch any Stanley Kubrick movie? Apprehension of so many of them has shifted between initial reviewing and years of re-viewing, of reconsideration from the vantage of a culture changed, often as not, by the films themselves.

Doppio sogno (1926) – Testo Italiano

Doppio sogno (titolo originale tedesco Traumnovelle) è un romanzo breve, o novella, di Arthur Schnitzler scritto nel 1925; la prima edizione ufficiale tedesca è del 1926. Doppio Sogno si inserisce nell’estetica del decadentismo viennese di inizio secolo XX; racconta la crisi che colpisce una giovane coppia borghese nella Vienna degli anni venti.

Eyes Wide Shut - Victor Ziegler (Sidney Pollack) and William Harford (Tom Cruise)


Porteremo a lungo nella memoria l’enigma di questo film, che è come una dolce e vaga serata d’addio di un nostro misterioso amico settantunenne, che ci ha lasciato per sempre senza svelarci quasi nessuno dei suoi segreti.


Eyes Wide Shut movie review by Charles Whitehouse, Sight and Sound, September 1999

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