
Full Metal Jacket

Stanley Kubrick: La Soggettiva Del Cadavere – di Vito Zagarrio

La Storia, diceva ancora Baudrillard, è uno scenario rétro, è un “cadavere” che si può mettere in scena, un “fossile” che può essere rappresentato e “simulato”. «La Storia fa così il suo ingresso trionfale nel cinema a titolo postumo». Baudrillard no­tava come questa riapparizione della Storia non avesse un valore di presa di coscienza, ma di nostalgia di un referente perduto.

Full Metal Jacket - Private Joker (Matthew Modine)

Full Metal Jacket (1987) – Review by Janet Maslin [The New York Times]

Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket establishes its grip on the viewer’s attention instantaneously, with an opening scene in which young recruits are shorn by an off-screen Marine Corps barber, while a corny, lulling song is heard in the background (“Kiss me goodbye and write me when I’m gone/Goodbye sweetheart, hello Vietnam”).

Full Metal Jacket (1987) directed by Stanley Kubrick

Full Metal Jacket (1987) | Review by Pauline Kael

Chances are that when Stanley Kubrick’s Vietnam film Full Metal Jacket is at midpoint a lot of moviegoers will be asking themselves what it’s going to be about, and when it’s over they still won’t know.

Full Metal Jacket (1987) Addestramento

Full Metak Jacket | Recensione di Giovanni Grazzini

A trent’anni dal suo Orizzonti di gloria, che resta un pilastro del cinema antimilitarista, e a una ventina da Stranamore, ecco Kubrick ancora sparare a zero contro chi scatena l’istinto omicida dell’uomo

Michael Herr


The screenwriter of “Full Metal Jacket”, Michael Herr, pays homage to his longtime friend, director Stanley Kubrick

Full Metal Jacket


One dark legacy of the nation that had still not been put to rest by this time was the Vietnam War, which is evident in Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket and in the other notable combat film of the year, John Irvin’s Hamburger Hill.

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