

Apocalypse Now (1979): Joseph Conrad and the Television War

“The most important thing I wanted to do in the making of Apocalypse Now was to create a film experience that would give its audience a sense of the horror, the madness, the sensuousness, and the moral dilemma of the Vietnam war. “

Tracy Reed and George C. Scott in Dr. Strangelove

Sex an Dr. Strangelove

This study will point out how Dr. Strangelove is a sex allegory: from foreplay to explosion in the mechanized world.

Fuori Orario (1986) | Recensione di Franco La Polla

«Cambiano le regole. Quando si fanno le ore piccole è zona franca», dice il simpatico barista a Marcy e Paul, offrendo loro la consumazione, per divenire di lì a poco il burbero, inesorabile proprietario che impone al giovane l’ordinazione.

PATHS OF GLORY – Review by Bosley Crowther

To a certain extent, this forthright picture has the impact of hard reality, mainly because its frank avowal of agonizing, uncompensated injustice is pursued to the bitter, tragic end.


Le riedizioni di Lolita e di Arancia Meccanica: il cinema come “magnifica ossessione”, la componente ludica della violenza in una messa in scena “assoluta” delle nostre pulsioni e illusioni culturali.

DR. STRANGELOVE – Review by Bosley Crowther

Stanley Kubrick’s new film, called Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, is beyond any question the most shattering sick joke I’ve ever come across.

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