
Reality Check: Zelensky and the Harsh Truths of Ukraine’s Conflict

Examining Zelensky's role in Ukraine's conflict, separating propaganda from reality. Understand the human and economic costs of a war in crisis
Reality Check: Zelensky and the Harsh Truths of Ukraine's Conflict

by Marco Travaglio

With all due respect to the leader of a country invaded by the Russians for two years, torn apart by civil war for nine, infested with Nazis, corrupted to the core, and economically failed, Zelensky resembles Guglielmo il Dentone: the character played by Alberto Sordi in the 1965 film I complessi. In the movie, he auditions for the Rai competition for the newscaster position, and no one dares to tell him to his face that with those teeth, he cannot appear on television. In 21 months of war, the mediocre Ukrainian comedian has transformed into a seasoned actor, perfectly fitting the role and script assigned by Anglo-American producers and screenwriters: the heroic leader guiding his people (or what’s left of it) from one triumphant counteroffensive to another until the victory of the Empire of Good, meaning the defeat of Russia, the reconquest of the five lost regions, and Putin’s downfall. Unfortunately, as anyone with the slightest knowledge of history, economics, geopolitics, and strategy knew from the beginning, none of those objectives was ever achievable; it was pure propaganda, completely disconnected from reality.

The reality is hundreds of thousands of victims (over 100,000 dead and mutilated Ukrainians only in the “spring counteroffensive” starting in summer and ending in autumn without a trace), sent to the slaughter without any hope by NATO criminals who knew its absolute futility. US Commander Mark Milley predicted failure 13 months ago and proposed negotiating a compromise to salvage what could be saved. In vain. The reality is the approximately $250 billion wasted by the West to arm and finance Ukraine: $132 from EU countries, $69 from the USA, $36.5 from the UK, and others. And the trillion dollars needed to rebuild it: a frightening figure destined to rise, as no one is doing anything to stop the destruction; on the contrary, everyone is committed to prolonging it, waiting for who knows what. Meanwhile, each month of war costs the West $25 billion and the same to Russia, which, however, reacts less badly than us because, while we were predicting its default, it was converting to a wartime economy. The open arms of the EU to Kiev have proven to be empty promises, both because Ukraine is far from democratic and because that black hole could swallow the already agonizing European economy. Therefore, with elections in the US and the EU, no one wants to throw more money (human lives for the bad Putin and the good Westerners are not a problem) into a war that is now lost. It remains to find someone to take Guglielmo il Dentone aside and explain the sad reality, perhaps with a little drawing.

Il Fatto Quotidiano, December 13 2023

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