Greenpeace short animation, voiced by Emma Thompson, that tells the story of an orangutan forced from her forest home to make way for dirty palm oil production.
Palm oil, the ubiquitous ingredient in scores of food and cosmetics products, is responsible for the destruction of rainforests home to orangutans, tigers, and other endangered wildlife.
Brands like Unilever, Mondelez and Nestlé must clean up their act to make sure that their products aren’t made at the expense of orangutans’ habitat. If we don’t act, more precious habitats will be ruined; Indigenous Peoples could lose their homes, and Rang-tan and her species could be lost forever.
Narrated by Emma Thompson
There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom and I don’t know what to do.
She plays with all my teddies and keeps borrowing my shoe.
She destroys all of my house plants and she keeps on shouting ‘oo’.
She throws away my chocolate and she howls at my shampoo.
There’s a Rang-Tan in my bedroom and I don’t want her to stay,
So I told the naughty Rang-Tan that she had to go away.
Oh, Rang-Tan in my bedroom, just before you go,
Why were you in my bedroom? I really want to know.
There’s a human in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
He destroyed all of our trees for your food and your shampoo.
There’s a human in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
He took away my mother and I’m scared he’ll take me, too.
There are humans in my forest and I don’t know what to do.
They’re burning it for palm oil so I thought I’d stay with you.
Oh Rang-Tan in my bedroom now I do know what to do.
I’ll fight to save your home and I’ll stop you feeling blue.
I’ll share your story far and wide so others can fight too.
Oh Rang-Tan in my bedroom I swear it on the stars:
the future’s not yet written but I’ll make sure it’s ours.