
The Mandalorian – S03E07 – The Spies [Transcript]

Elia Kane informs Moff Gideon of the Mandalorians' intent to retake their planet.
The Mandalorian - S03E07 - The Spies

Chapter 23: The Spies

Released on Disney+ on April 12, 2023

Elia Kane informs Moff Gideon of the Mandalorians’ intent to retake their planet. Gideon relays this information to the Shadow Council, a group of Imperial remnant warlords. He requests reinforcements from them and questions Captain Pellaeon on the absence of Grand Admiral Thrawn, suggesting that the Council should choose a new leader.
Reassembling on Nevarro, Bo-Katan unites the Mandalorian clans and prepares a recon party to explore the surface of Mandalore. Prior to leaving, Greef Karga presents Din Djarin with IG-12: a rebuilt version of IG-11, which is able to be controlled by Grogu. On Mandalore, the group meets up with another clan, who is loyal to Bo-Katan. Bo-Katan admits she surrendered to Gideon near the end of the Great Purge, hoping that the Empire would spare the Mandalorians.
The party finds the Great Forge but is ambushed by Gideon’s beskar-enhanced stormtroopers. Djarin is captured by Gideon, who reveals his intent to create a new army of Dark Troopers. He attempts to kill the remaining Mandalorians, but Bo-Katan uses the Darksaber to make an escape for the group, with Paz Vizsla staying behind to buy time. Vizsla fights off the stormtroopers but falls to Gideon’s Praetorian Guards.






ELIA KANE: Code T-K-2-7-5-5.


MOFF GIDEON: (SIGHS) Report. And make it quick, as I am short on time.

ELIA KANE: Sir, I’m afraid the pirates have run into trouble on Nevarro.

MOFF GIDEON: In your last report, didn’t you suggest that the New Republic would not be sending support?

ELIA KANE: It wasn’t the New Republic. Magistrate Karga was aided by Mandalorians.

MOFF GIDEON: Which Mandalorians?

ELIA KANE: According to the reports received by the New Republic, Bo-Katan Kryze lead a squadron of Mandalorians alongside Din Djarin and his covert.

MOFF GIDEON: This cannot be. Those two factions are sworn enemies.

ELIA KANE: Which is why I contacted you with haste.


MOFF GIDEON: Continue with your mission. I shall deal with our Mandalorian friends.




MAN 1: The New Republic is vulnerable, but we must be cautious and show no sign of our true strength.

MAN 2: Easy for you to say, Captain. There’s a fortune to be had plundering the hyperspace lanes.

Commander, your hit-and-run operations are gaining too much notice. If we are perceived as anything other than a group of unorganized remnant warlords, the New Republic will increase their efforts to hunt us down.

There are citizens loyal to the Empire on every planet in this galaxy. They’re already getting sick of this New Republic and its rules and regulations.

And if we give them a show of strength, they will rally behind us.

WOMAN 1: Yes.

But that strength must not be wasted. Grand Admiral Thrawn’s return (SIGHS) will herald in the reemergence of our military, and provide Commandant Hux enough time to deliver on Project Necromancer.

MOFF GIDEON: Captain Pellaeon, you always speak with much authority, and yet, I see, (SCOFFS) once again, that Grand Admiral Thrawn is missing from your delegation. Any word on when he will be able to participate in the Shadow Council?


With respect, our one hope for success relies upon the secrecy of his return.

MOFF GIDEON: Captain, secrets are my stock-in-trade. I hear whispers from one end of the galaxy to another, and never a word of Thrawn. You have spoken of his imminent return. Perhaps, it’s time we look to new leadership.

Hear, hear.


Project Necromancer is in place for that.

Yes, Commandant.

What has become of Doctor Pershing and the research you promised us?

MOFF GIDEON: Doctor Pershing was captured by the New Republic. His research is lost. For now, at least.

BRENDOL HUX: I also hear whispers, Gideon. You held Pershing and were attempting your own experiments on Nevarro.

MOFF GIDEON: The creation of clones is your obsession, not mine. I account for what goes on in my sector, no more, no less. The same can be said of every member of this Council.


Of course.

That’s right.


And yet, we individually scrape and claw resources awaiting the grand plan to take shape, while you and Pellaeon amass countless resources and equipment which should be shared.

Oh, we already received your request. “Three Praetorian Guards.” (SCOFFS) Sounds like someone is concerned about an assassination attempt.

And he thinks I’m being the flashy one.

And reinforcements for your TIE interceptor squadron.

And… bombers.

Yes, I see. And what is your security concern?




They continue to be an issue?

They do. I am increasingly confident that they are preparing to retake their home world of Mandalore.

A resurgent Mandalore would hamper our efforts.

Which is why we need to stamp them out now.


You’ll have your reinforcements. And your guard.

We shall be rid of the Mandalorians once and for all. Long Live the Empire!

ALL: Long Live the Empire!



DROID: High Magistrate! High Magistrate! An Imperial shuttle is advancing over the city.

First, that’s a light cruiser. And second, it’s not Imperial.

With apologies, sir. According to my data, it is.

No, no. It was an Imperial ship. Look at the markings. See, those, my friend, are Mandalorian privateers. I’ll bet you, half that fleet was captured from the Empire.

So, they’re on our side then?

I should hope so. They’re our welcomed guests. Come.

I hope these two groups get along. They’ve never met, and what little they know of each other, they hate.

They will if they wanna survive.


PAZ VIZSLA: Take the children inside.


ARMORER: Welcome, fellow Mandalorians. We invite you to make camp. Let us prepare a feast for our guests.

Mando! (LAUGHS) Welcome back, my friend. Welcome back. That’s quite a fleet you’ve assembled. Little welcome gift to celebrate our new neighbors. That’s all the way from Coruscant, so you might wanna wait for a smaller gathering before you open it.

Thank you.

That’s not the only gift I have for you.




What did you do to IG-11?

No, that’s IG-12 now. Do you like him?

Do I like him?

Don’t worry. He’s safe.

You’re sure?

Well, the Anzellans stripped IG down to his base motor functions. They removed his memory circuit. The pilot provides cognition.

IG-12: Yes.




Think of it this way. It’s more like a vehicle. Hmm? It’s safer that way.



Bad baby. No squeezie! (SPEAKS ANZELLAN)

Well, he’s too little to operate this thing.

No, no, no, no. Let’s see if he fits.





(LAUGHS) So what do you think?


They do nice work, I’ll give them that. But, Grogu is too young to operate heavy machinery. Maybe when he’s older.

IG-12: No.

What do you mean, “No?”

IG-12: No.

I think he’s sayin’ he’s old enough to operate it.

IG-12: Yes.

Mmm-mmm. Get him out of there.

IG-12: No.

No, at least let him try it out in my office.

IG-12: Yes.

No, this is not a good idea. Come on.






Will you look at that?

IG-12: Yes.

“Yes” what?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.



THE MANDALORIAN: What are you doing? Stop, Grogu. No. You have to pay for those.



No. Hey. Grogu.

IG-12: Yes. No.

Give it.

IG-12: No.

Grogu, give it ba…





This isn’t working for me.


BO-KATAN: Mandalorians. It is time to retake our home world. Even though the planet is not cursed, there are still dangers. Dormant species have been awakened from the bombings. The remaining magnetic interference has made it impossible to scan the surface from above atmosphere. Which is why I’m proposing that we leave Nevarro and move the fleet into orbit above Mandalore. We send down a small recon party. We’ll scout the surface, find out what remains of the Great Forge, and establish a safe perimeter. Only then, will we bring down the others. I need volunteers from both tribes.

THE MANDALORIAN: I will go. Grogu as well.


I will go.

I will go.

PAZ VIZSLA: I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

I will go.

ARMORER: I will go as well.




BO-KATAN: Scouting party descending to surface.


BO-KATAN: We’ll lose comms shortly.









It’s worse than I thought.

I was here when it happened.

They’re ready.


BO-KATAN: Secure infil zone.



Gauntlet, landing zone secure.



BO-KATAN: Somewhere below is where our ancient capital once stood. We’ll survey the surface until we find the Forge and create a safety zone. Only then will we begin to bring down the settlers. We start scouting in that direction. Form up.


There, on the horizon.

BO-KATAN: Nite Owls.

AXE WOVES: Flanking left.



MAN: Do you have food?

BO-KATAN: We do.

MAN 2: You wear the crest of the Nite Owls?

BO-KATAN: I should hope so.

ARMORER: They’re Mandalorians.

Is that the voice of Lady Bo-Katan Kryze?

BO-KATAN: It is.


We knew you would not forsake us, Lady Bo-Katan. We have failed you, but our blasters remain in your service.

They intercepted any ships they saw leaving. They took no prisoners. They bombed every surface twice over. They punished us as a warning to the whole galaxy because we refused to surrender.

BO-KATAN: That’s not true. I did surrender.


BO-KATAN: After our forces were annihilated in the Night of a Thousand Tears and defeat was imminent, I met with Moff Gideon. The ISB had reached out to me to negotiate a cease-fire. In exchange for submitting to the Empire and disarming, all remaining cities and Mandalorian lives were to be spared. That is how Moff Gideon came to possess the Darksaber. I didn’t trust him, but it was the only chance I had to save our people. And then he betrayed me and we were helpless to resist the Purge of Mandalore.

How did these others survive?

ARMORER: We were hidden on the moon of Concordia.

Are you Death Watch?

ARMORER: Death Watch exists no longer. It shattered into many warring factions.

BO-KATAN: Our people have suffered time and again. From division and squabbling factions. Mandalore has always been too powerful for any enemy to defeat. It is always our own division that destroys us.


THE MANDALORIAN: I had no idea. We were taught that everyone but us had forsaken the Way. That you were selfish and uncaring. Now I understand.

BO-KATAN: You were right. I was selfish. And this is what it wrought.

THE MANDALORIAN: We’ll rebuild it. Isn’t that our history? For thousands of years, we have been on the verge of extinction, and for thousands of years, we have survived.

BO-KATAN: I don’t know if I can keep everyone together. There’s too much animosity. And this blade is all I have to unify our people.

I only know of this weapon what you taught me. To be honest, it means nothing to me or my people. Nor does station or bloodline. What means more to me is honor. And loyalty. And character. These are the reasons I serve you, Lady Kryze. Your song is not yet written. I will serve you until it is.


BO-KATAN: We’ll rest tonight and continue at first light.

These here are too weak to continue. We must return to the Gauntlet and I will ferry them back to the fleet in the morning.

BO-KATAN: Agreed. Captain? Those of you who are well enough can join us in the search for the Great Forge.

We can do better than that. We can bring you there.

Onward, Mandalorians! To the Forge!









You can’t move an Enforcer like that.

PAZ VIZSLA: It’s a flank jump. And you’re about to submit.

But only the Wing Guard can flank jump.

The Enforcer moves like a Wing Guard when it’s flanking.

(SIGHS) These primitives make up their own rules for everything.




Submit or fight.

Can you believe this?





THE MANDALORIAN: Should I step in?

BO-KATAN: Neither side can step in. It was bound to happen sooner or later.











IG-12: No. No. No. No. No. No. No.




BO-KATAN: You taught your apprentice well.

He didn’t learn that from me.



ARMORER: Come in, Fleet Command.

MAN: (ON COMMS) We read you.

Prepare to receive rescued survivors in need of medical attention.

Copy, Gauntlet.



(WHISTLES) There, on the starboard bow!










CAPTAIN: Abandon ship!


AXE WOVES: Let’s go!




This way! This way!

Hurry up! Faster!



CAPTAIN: We’re not far. We need to go further down. Go, go, go. Go! Go, go!





THE MANDALORIAN: Where are we?

This is what’s left of the Great Forge. This was once the heart of our civilization. But the fires have been extinguished since the bombings.

PAZ VIZSLA: You lived here?

We all did.

We never left. Survived by migrating along the surface until the war ended. Some tried to explore below, but none survived.



AXE WOVES: More survivors?

BO-KATAN: Those aren’t Mandalorians.


AXE WOVES: They’re Imperials!



They’re wearing beskar armor!

We’re pinned down. We need backup.

I can make a run for the fleet and get us reinforcements.

No, it’s too far.

I can make it. It’s our only shot at taking the planet back.

There’s a split in the ceiling there. I’ll lay down cover.















PAZ VIZSLA: They’re retreating!

BO-KATAN: Advance.


THE MANDALORIAN: Okay, kid. You’ve gotta keep up.





BO-KATAN: What is this place?



THE MANDALORIAN: It’s an ambush.










DARK TROOPER: Disarm him.




MOFF GIDEON: Thank you for gathering the Mandalorians into one place. You were a talented people, but your time has passed. However, as you can see, Mandalore will live on in me. Thanks to your planet’s rich resources, I have created the next generation Dark Trooper suit forged from beskar alloy.


MOFF GIDEON: And the most impressive improvement is that it has me in it. You see, every society has something to offer. The cloners. The Jedi. And even the Mandalorians. By aggregating the best of each, I will create an army that will bring order to the galaxy. Why don’t we take your fleet off the board while we still have the element of surprise. Activate the interceptors and bombers.




MOFF GIDEON: In but a few moments, the Purge of Mandalore will be complete.


MOFF GIDEON: Take him to the debriefing room.

BO-KATAN: I should have killed you when I had the chance.

MOFF GIDEON: Bo-Katan. We have to stop meeting like this.

BO-KATAN: I’ll make sure of it.

MOFF GIDEON: Let’s skip the pleasantries, shall we? I believe this is the part where you return the Darksaber to its rightful owner. Now, surrender the Darksaber, and tell these people that this planet is mine.

PAZ VIZSLA: This is the Way.


MOFF GIDEON: Open the blast doors. Kill them.

BO-KATAN: Move out! Move out!

PAZ VIZSLA: Fall back! I’ll cover the rear!

MANDALORIANS: Go, go, go! Go! Go, go, go, go!


BO-KATAN: We’re clear. Fall back. Come on. We’re not leaving you behind.

PAZ VIZSLA: Go. There are too many.


PAZ VIZSLA: This is the Way.

























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