
Roman Polanski

Mickey Rourke in Roman Polanski's "The Palace" (2023)

The Palace (2023) | Transcript

At Gstaad Palace’s NYE 1999 party, eclectic guests face chaos, misadventures, and cover-ups in a whirlwind of high-society drama

Tess (1979)

Il film conferma la tendenza di Roman Polanski a concepire il cinema come arte delle emozioni immediate e superficiali: stupore, terrore, commozione.

Tess (1979) – Review by Pauline Kael

Polanski’s Tess is Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles under sedation. The film has a penitential attitude toward the suffering that men inflict on women. This Tess becomes a tribute to women’s dear weakness.

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