
Heaven’s Gate (film)

Heaven's Gate (1980) Isabelle Huppert and Kris Kristofferson

Heaven’s Gate – Review by Pauline Kael

Heaven’s Gate” is a numbing shambles. It’s a movie you want to deface; you want to draw mustaches on it, because there’s no observation in it, no hint of anything resembling direct knowledge—or even intuition—of what people are about. It’s the work of a poseur who got caught out.

Gangs of New York by Martin Scorsese

Gangs of New York: America of Scorsese

Gangs of New York (2002) di M. Scorsese. Contributi critici di F. La Polla, F. Cattaneo, E. Morreale, A.G. Mancino e A. Piccardi. Cineforum 423, marzo 2003

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