
The First Omen (2024) | Transcript

A young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, but encounters a darkness that causes her to question her faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

The First Omen (2024)
: Horror
Director: Arkasha Stevenson
Stars: Nell Tiger Free, Ralph Ineson, Sônia Braga, Bill Nighy, María Caballero

Plot: When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

* * *

[church bell tolling]

[metal creaking]

[♪ slow suspenseful music playing]

[pulley creaking]

[indistinct conversation in Italian]

[man] I told you not to look for me.

[man 2] Please, Father.

[object rustling]

[man] That’s all I have.

The only proof of what they’ve done.

But she looks so…

[man] Human.

But don’t let yourself be fooled.

She wasn’t conceived naturally.

[♪ solemn choral music playing]

They found a volunteer.

Someone devoted.

[man 2] But how did they…

[man] No, please.

I can’t, uh…

I can’t talk about that.

[breath shuddering]

[breathing quickening]

[gasping in fear]

[♪ sinister music playing]

What I can tell you…

is that the pregnancy happened quickly.

[♪ sinister music continues]

She’ll be in her teens now.

They’re just waiting until she’s old enough.

Old enough for what?

Old enough for what?

[man] Now, please. [sighs]


I can’t do this anymore.

[woman sobbing] I can’t do this anymore.

I can’t.

But please don’t let it touch me again.

[woman shuddering]

[raspy breathing]

[raspy breathing intensifies]

[♪ tense music building]

[music stops]


[breathing heavily]

[♪ foreboding music playing]

Father Harris?


Hiding won’t absolve your sins.

[pulley creaking]

You think I want to be forgiven? [scoffs]

[creaking continues]

[worker speaking Italian]

I don’t want to be forgiven, Father Brennan.

I just want it all to be over.

You’ll understand…

soon enough.

[rope creaks]

[worker shouts in panic]

[metal clatters]

[eerie raspy breathing]

[soft clinking]

[raspy breathing continues]

[♪ eerie music playing]

[♪ music swells]

[music stops]


Father, are you all right?

I’m fine.

[glass shards crunching]


[♪ soft suspenseful music playing]

[breath trembling]

[♪ pleasant classical music playing]

[♪ pleasant classical music continues playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[music fades out]

[announcer on PA] Il volo sette quattro due,

in arrivo da Milano Linate,

arrivera con quindici minuti di ritardo.

Margaret Daino?




I’m Father Gabriel.

Hello. [chuckles]

Cardinal Lawrence sent me to fetch you.

Oh, sure. Thank you.

Let me help you with that.

He’s in the car outside.

I have heard so much about you.

I feel like I already know you.

Oh. [chuckles]

[Lawrence] Maggie!

I’m so happy to see you.

Oh, me too. [gasps]

Oh, it’s so beautiful here. It’s like a dream.

Well, wait till you see the actual city.


Look at you.

It hasn’t been a year, and somehow, you’ve found a way

to grow up even more.


Is that all you’ve got?

That’s it.

Well, my word. Come on.


I’ll show you to your new home.

[♪ Some Velvet Morning by Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood plays]

[horns honking]

So, what do you think?

It’s wild.

Everything’s so different.

Every street that we pass, there’s something to look at.

I just wanna explore.

[Lawrence] Isn’t it beautiful?

What better place for you to be taking the veil?

It’s wonderful to see you, Maggie.

Even when you were little,

I knew you were destined for great things.

[window thuds]


[Lawrence] See if you can get around them, Damiano.

[car roof thuds]

[Lawrence] These protests have picked up recently, I’m afraid.

[Margaret] What are they protesting?

[Lawrence] For the workers,

it’s about conditions and wages.

But for the students, well,

it’s a rejection of authority,

even the church.

The world is changing, Maggie, very fast.

The younger generation no longer turn to us

for guidance, I’m afraid.

[man] Ooh!

[Lawrence] But it’s a challenge we’ve embraced.

Perhaps you’ll play your part

and help earn back their trust.

I’ll try.

Come la treccia!

[♪ choral music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[door opens]

[footsteps approaching]

Tu devi essere la nostra bella Americana.

[Lawrence] This is Sister Silva,

the Abbess.

And she’ll take good care of you.


[Silva] Bellissima.

Welcome to our family.

Oh. [chuckles] Thank you.

Ooh. [chuckles]

Come. Come with me.

Let me give you a tour.

We’re so happy to have you here.

This way.

We take care of girls.

Girls only.

A total of 62.

Babies to 18 years of age.

Come this way.


[girls] Buongiorno. Hello.

[Margaret laughs] Buongiorno.

[babies crying]

The state has contracted with us

to take in many unmarried women

who are about to give birth.

We have our birthing facilities

here in the hospital wing.

Come, come.

Our doctor will likely deliver this baby within the week.

Ciao, Lanoma.


Come stai?


[Silva] Tranquilla. Tutto va bene.

Pazienza, hmm?

[woman crying]


[humming softly]

Sister Anjelica.

This is Margaret Daino from America.

[♪ cryptic music plays]

She grew up here.

Abandoned on our front steps,

and very ill.

But she’s very devoted

and she keeps all the children smiling.

And they all seem very happy.

[girls shouting]

[girl screaming]


I should see what the trouble is.

Of course.

[nun] Via dal cancello faccello.

[girl whispering] La tua suora e sempre gentilissima.

[♪ girls singing in classroom]

[girl continues whispering]

[♪ girl in room singing] ♪ Ave Maria ♪

♪ Gratia plena ♪

[door creaking]

[soft scratching]

♪ Dominus tecum ♪

♪ Sancta Maria ♪

♪ Mater Dei♪


Hail Mary.


Ave Maria is my favorite, too.

Il mio preferito.

[chuckles] What’s your name?

Come ti chiami?

I’m Margaret.

Mi chiami Margaret.



[metal clinking]

[♪ soft suspenseful music playing]

Um… [gasps]

What are you doing?

Get off of me!


[breathing heavily]

[footsteps approaching]

[Silva] Oh, there you are.

Have you been behaving yourself, Carlita?


Did you do that drawing outside, Carlita?

The one where the girl’s floating

above the other girls?

I thought it was very nice.

[paper rustling]

Thank you.


Why is she kept alone like that

in the middle of the day?

It’s safer.

She hurt another child just yesterday.

Luca will be your driver.

Rome has become a bit dangerous

with the protests.

[♪ Our Love by Percy Faith playing on record player]

[door opens]

[suitcase thuds]

[door closes]


[♪ slow suspenseful music playing]

[music fades out]


By Your divine mercy, rein in the power of evil.

Build us into living stones of a culture of life,

who demonstrates in both deed and word,

the truth that every life, no matter its conditions,

is precious and unrepeatable.

[wind blowing]

Lord, speak to every human heart

and fill it with the conviction:

I am wanted.

I have a task in history.

I am accepted, and I am loved.

It is good that I exist.

[doorknob clicks]

[♪ choral music playing distantly]

[woman sighs] Margaret’s one of

our worstbehaved children…


[woman 2 whispers] What if she has another episode?

[woman] Then you must tie her to the bed.

Here. Let me show you.

[wind blowing]

[voice cries out]


[door shuts]


[keys clatter]

[breath shudders]




Ah, you must be Margaretta.


[chuckles softly]

I’m Luz. [smooches]

Oh. [chuckles]

Did I wake you?

No, no. Um…

I was having a nightmare.


First night nerves?

Don’t worry, same thing happened for me.

If we can’t admit how we are feeling,

our dreams do it for us, right?

You’re a novitiate?

[Luz] Oh, yeah.

I just figured a little exploration is healthy

before the big day.

I mean, I will be hiding this body [chuckles]

under a habit for the rest of my life.

So, why not let it breathe a little now?


[chuckles softly]

[♪ sentimental music playing]

So how does a girl from…

Uh, Pittsfield. Massachusetts.

So how does a girl from Pissfield

end up in Italy about to take the veil?

Well, Cardinal Lawrence was, um, a priest

at the orphanage that I grew up in.


And we got pretty close

because, uh,

well, I was somewhat of a problem child. [chuckles]


Wait, wait, wait.

You were a problem child? [chuckles]

Like how?

[Margaret] I don’t know. I guess, uh…

I mean, I used to get punished a lot.

And how did they punish you?

[chuckling] And where did you get these?


And you are a nosy girl. Do you know that?

[both chuckling]

Well, would they beat you?

Would they beat me?

No, not really.

I used to have a pretty active imagination.

I’d get so convinced sometimes

that what I was seeing was real

that the sisters would need to, um…

subdue me.

But then Cardinal Lawrence came to the orphanage,

and, uh, he was really great, you know.

He really helped me to see

that all that stuff was just in my head.

Things got a lot better for me after that.

For me,

it was a voice.

[sighs] I was 16.

Just kicked out of the house.

It was so cold that night, and I didn’t know what to do.

And then…

this warm wind came…

out of nowhere.

And suddenly it was as if His voice was all around me.

[♪ ethereal music playing]

Inside me even.

So clearly.

And He told me it didn’t matter

if I had no earthly home

because my true home was with Him.

And for the first time in my life,

I felt like I belonged on this Earth.


[indistinct chatter]

[nun] Yes, but

even with the most handsome milkman in town,

we still had a whole group of us

who took the veil together.

Yes. Now, instead, girls go off to college

and poor Luz is taking the veil alone. Hmm.

Hmm. And Margaret…

[Margaret] Mm.

Margaret will be alone in the chapel, too.

[chuckles] Don’t worry. I’ll warm it up for you.

[both chuckling]

Warm up? What is this “warm it up”?

As if Mr. Milkman didn’t teach you.


[nuns exclaiming]

[laughs] I’m sorry!

[nuns laughing]

[nun 2] It’s true!

[nuns laughing]

Practice it again. [clears throat]

Sono una farfalla.

[Margaret laughs]

E devo volare.

[girls laughing]

No, no, no. Shy American.

Say it with passione.

[Margaret] With passione? [laughs]

Okay. All right.

[girls laugh]

Sono una…

[girls] Farfalla.


E devo volare.


[girl] Good.

[girls applauding]


[girl] Yeah.

What does it mean?

“I am a teacher and I love to teach.”

[Margaret chuckles]

[girls laughing]


Hmm. [chuckles]

[girls continue laughing]

[Silva on PA] Silenzio.

Silenzio, ragazze.

[quiet chattering and laughing]

Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli,

sia santificato il tuo nome,

venga il tuo regno,

sia fatta la tua volonta,

come in cielo cosi in terra.

[♪ suspenseful music playing]

Dacci oggi

il nostro pane quotidiano,

e rimetti…

[girl whimpering]

[woman whispering in Italian]

[girl sobbing]

[woman continues whispering in Italian]

[girl gasping]

[bed rattling]

[nun] No! No!

[shackle fastens]

[nun speaks Italian]

[girl crying]

[door shuts]


[woman giggling]

[breath shuddering]

[continues giggling]



[Margaret shudders]

[whispers] Margaret.


There you are. [laughs]

I’m sorry I scared you. Come on.

I have something to show you for tonight.

You’re gonna love it. [chuckles]

[romantic Italian song playing]


[Luz] Ahha!

There she is.

Oh, my God, you look hot.

I look naked.


What do you mean, naked? You look gorgeous.

Come on.

Up with your foot.

The other one.


[sighs] Mother Mary.

[chuckles] Don’t be nervous. Can you stand?

No. [chuckles]

Yes, you can.


Hmm? Whoop.




I can’t do this.

Tell me.

Have you ever been to a bar?

[chuckles] No.

A disco?


Anything at all?

Because your whole life, you’ve wanted

to give yourself only to Him, right?

Look, I know.

I know it’s scary coming out from under the habit,

but look at you!

You’re a very beautiful girl, Margaretta.

And you have to understand that about yourself.

If only to know what it means to give it up.

So, let yourself feel it. Okay?

Be brave.

[♪ Rumore by Raffaella Carra playing on speakers]

[indistinct chatter]


To the bravest girl I know.


[grunts, coughs]

Do you still feel your feet?

[clears throat]

[exhales sharply]

Oh, my.


Do you still feel your feet?



Okay. Another, then.

[man] Hello.

Parlate italiano?


Parlate italiano?

Ah, no. Not when I’m drinking.

Too hard.

Inglese, per favore, no?

If you can.

I’m Alfonzo, and this is Paolo.


Uh, we can buy you a drink if you want.

[♪ Domani by Raffaella Carra playing on speakers]

[Luz laughing]

Excuse me.


Can I have a sip of that?

Ah, yeah, eat it.

Eh… [chuckles awkwardly]

Eat it?

Yes. Eat it.

I was watching this movie with my mother yesterday.


And, um…

And was with Barbara Streisand,

and I just… I don’t know. I love her and…

You do?

I do.


I love Barbara.

Yes, Barbara Streisand.

[imitates Paolo] Barbara?

Barbra, yeah.


I mean, it was the part with the “Hello, gorgeous.”

[imitating Barbra] Hello, gorgeous.



[both laughing]

Uh, what? Gorgeous.

Gor… Gorgeous.

[imitates Barbra] Gorgeous.

You know, it’s… Sorry if I’m not a “professional…”

[chuckles] It was good.

…like Barbra.

But, um, what do you… what do you do?


[clears throat]

Well, since you asked, um…

[in Italian]


Volare. [chuckles]


[in English] Okay.

[in Italian]

[in English] What?

Dai… dai!

Come on.

Where are you going?

[Paolo] Come on.

[♪ I’ve Got to Use My Imagination playing]

♪ I’ve really got to use ♪

♪ My imagination ♪

♪ To think of good reasons ♪

♪ To keep on keepin’ on ♪

♪ Keep on keepin’ on ♪

♪ Got to make the best of ♪

♪ Best of, best of ♪

♪ A bad situation ♪

♪ Bad situation ♪

♪ Ever since that day ♪

♪ Ever since that day ♪

♪ I woke up and found ♪

♪ That you were gone ♪

♪ Gone, gone ♪

♪ Darkness all around me ♪

[breathing heavily]

♪ Blockin’ out the sun ♪

♪ Old friends call me ♪

[Margaret laughing]

♪ But I just don’t feel like talkin’ to anyone ♪

♪ Emptiness has found me ♪

♪ And it just won’t let me go ♪

♪ I go right on livin’ ♪

♪ But why…♪

[♪ Need Your Loving by the Flirtations playing]

♪ Need your loving, baby, stand by me ♪

♪ Who could I turn to if you leave me? ♪

♪ Without you, where would I be? ♪

♪ There’ll be a change in me ♪

♪ You’ll see Believe me, baby, yeah ♪

♪ Need your loving ♪

♪ Don’t you hear me? ♪

♪ Want your loving ♪

♪ So bad ♪

♪ Didn’t you hear me? ♪

♪ Baby, don’t you know that I need ♪

♪ Need your loving ♪

♪ Your loving ♪

♪ Got to have your love♪

♪ Oh♪

[music stops abruptly]

[heavy breathing]

[grunts softly]

[groans softly]

[man on radio] This is the BBC World Service,

and it’s the 3rd of June, 1971.

Riots have erupted in Rome,

with clashes between the far left

and far right groups escalating rapidly.

The unrest has caused widespread damage to property

and has left several people injured.

Italian authorities are struggling

to contain the violence and restore order.

Public transportation, factories,

and schools are heavily affected…

Good morning.

Good morning.

Did you have fun last night?



I’m guessing you’ve never drunk like that before.


I didn’t, like,

embarrass myself or anything last night, did I?

No. No.

Okay. [chuckles]

You were wellbehaved.


Okay. I found you before anything got out of control.

And for the record, I was a very nice friend.

You came home with me.


But it wasn’t easy pulling you away from him.

What do you mean? I didn’t…




Let’s just say you took my advice to heart.

You were a very brave girl, Margaretta.

[chuckles lightly]

[Luz] But, hey, don’t worry.

It’s our little secret. Okay?

[♪ eerie music playing]

[breathing shakily]

[indistinct whispering]

[whispering prayer]

I am loved. I am accepted.

It is good to be a human being.

It is good to be alive.

[whispering indistinctly]

[voices whispering indistinctly]

[♪ eerie music building]

[♪ solemn choral music playing]

[music fades out]

[people chattering]

[Brennan] Excuse me.

May I sit?

No, please, please stay.

[Margaret] I’m sorry. Do I know you?

My name is Father Brennan.

I apologize for startling you. Please sit with me.

This will only take a few minutes.

Your name is Margaret Daino.

You work at the orphanage.

You’re new there.

I don’t understand. How do you know that?

It’s about the girl. Scianna.


You must be very careful, Margaret.

Bad things will start to happen around her.

Evil things.

No, I have to go now.

No, no. Please, please. Come see me tonight.

Saint Rita cloister, room 42.

I’ll tell you everything.

[gasps softly]

[♪ suspenseful music building]

[music stops]

[all] Good morning, farfalla.

[girls laughing]

Good morning.

[girl] What’s wrong?

Nothing. Just a little tired, that’s all.

[girls laughing and chattering]

Where’s Carlita?

She’s in the bad room.

The bad room?

[Silva] Dirty.



[girls] Dirty.

[Margaret] Sister.

[panting] Sister, I need your help.


Carlita, she’s locked in a room.

[Silva] That’s right.

She bit Sister Romano just this morning,

so she had to go to the bad room.

Sister, why is there a bad room?

Because some girls are bad.


[♪ low eerie music playing]

[doorknob rattles]

This room is suffocating.

It’s not meant to be pleasant.

The things we do aren’t always pleasant,

but they are in the name of God.

[♪ soft choral music playing]

[Margaret] Do you wanna talk about

why they put you in that room?

Sono cattiva.

I’m bad.

[Margaret] Oh. You’re bad.


Well, guess who else was bad.



[chuckles softly]


Oh, yeah.

But you know what?

I realized that I’m not bad.

They just tell you that you are

because you’re not doing what they want you to do.

Back then, I used to think that there was something

really, really wrong with me.

What did you do?


Well, I guess at first, I tried to run away.

But, uh,

it didn’t fix the feeling.

That’s what I like about you, actually.


What do you like about me?

I think that you feel the same way that I felt.

But you’re not scared, you don’t run away.

You just…

You raise your little claws, and you fight.


[woman screams]

Carlita, go to your room, okay?

I’ll be right there.

[woman screams]


[woman whimpering]

[tools clacking]

[woman screams, breathing heavily]

[doctor] Infermiera, la regga.

[nurse] Si, dottore.

[breathing shallowly]

[doctor] Forcipe, per favore.

[nurse] Forcipe.

[woman whimpering]

[woman panting]

[indistinct conversation]


[nurse] Stia ferma.

No! [screaming]

[forceps snip]

[gas hissing]

[nurse] Stia buona!

[muffled screaming]

[screaming slows down, stops]

[♪ choral music playing]

[chuckling softly]


[woman continues laughing]

[laughing heartily]

[♪ ominous music playing]

[breath trembling]

[continues laughing]




[shackles clanking]

[indistinct conversation]

[screaming continues]

[breathing heavily]

[girls screaming distantly]

[woman continues screaming]

[gasping violently]

[woman and indistinct voices screaming]

[continues screaming]

[screaming stops]

[♪ eerie operatic music plays]


[♪ music swells]

[music stops]

[eerie voices whispering]

[nurse] Everything looks all right.

You did say you didn’t eat much in the morning.


May be low blood sugar.

[Margaret] I’m so sorry.

Sorry? Margaret, what for?

You wouldn’t be the first to faint

witnessing the birth of a child.

Frankly, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

The miracle of life can be a messy business.

[chattering in Italian]


[♪ girls singing] ♪ Tutti giu per terra ♪

♪ Giro girotondo ♪

♪ L’angelo e biondo Biondo e il grano ♪

♪ Tutti ci sediamo ♪

♪ Giro girotondo Il mare e fondo ♪

♪ Tonda e la terra Tutti giu per terra! ♪

♪ Giro girotondo L’angelo e biondo ♪

♪ Biondo e il grano Tutti ci sediamo!♪

[♪ cryptic music playing]

[whispering indistinctly]

You guys mind if I join?

Carlita, did you do this drawing?

[Anjelica] This part is mine.

[in Italian]

[smacks lips]

[in English] Uh, I don’t think

that that’s very appropriate, Sister.

[♪ unsettling music playing]

[girls] ♪ Casca il mondo Casca la terra ♪

♪ Tutti giu per terra ♪

♪ Giro girotondo Il mare e fondo ♪

♪ Tonda e la terra Tutti giu per terra ♪

♪ Giro girotondo L’angelo e biondo ♪

♪ Biondo e il grano Tutti ci sediamo!♪

You all right?


[Margaret gasps]

[girls laughing]


[girl] Andiamo!


Here. Let’s… Let’s go for a walk.

♪ Tonda e la terra Tutti giu per terra! ♪

Join the group.

Oh, not today, girls.

[girl] Come on!

[Margaret chuckles] Okay.

[girls] Venite, venite!

[Margaret laughing]

No, no, no, not me.

It’s all right. It’s okay.

You ready?

[♪ girls and Margaret singing] ♪ Giro girotondo ♪

[girls] ♪ Casca il mondo Casca la terra♪

♪ Tutti giu per terra!♪

♪ Giro girotondo Il mare e fondo ♪

♪ Tonda e la terra Tutti giu per terra!♪

[♪ slow suspenseful music playing]

♪ Giro girotondo Il pane e cotto in forno ♪

♪ Buona e la ciambella Tutti giu per terra!♪

[singing ends]

[girls laughing]

[Anjelica giggling]

[nuns murmuring]

[continues giggling]

It’s all for you.

[Margaret] Oh, no.

No, no, no, don’t. Don’t!


[Margaret gasps]

[girls screaming]


[both gasp]



[nun shouting in Italian]

[girls screaming]

[panicked chatter]

[♪ eerie operatic music plays]

[breathing shakily]

[music fades out]

[♪ slow suspenseful music playing]

[voice 1] Psst. Psst, psst.

[voice 2 speaks indistinctly]

[knock at door]

[door unlocking]

Margaret. Come in.

[wind howling]

Something happened, didn’t it?

Yes. Um…

One of the sisters took her own life.

You mentioned the name “Scianna.”

That’s right. [breathes heavily]

I assume you know these people.

The priest is named Spiletto.

He’s a radical.

Yes, I’ve seen him.

Turn it over.

[Margaret] The baby in this photo is Carlita?

[Brennan] I believe so.

[Margaret] And this is why she’s in danger?

I know these sisters.

They’re women of God.

They belong to the Church.

Listen to me, Margaret.

The truth is there are two Churches.

The one that follows the teachings of Christ,

the one that you and I are part of.

And the other.

The Church that will turn a blind eye

to torture, to rape.

To commit murder in the name of God.

All in the name of supreme power.

What do you think that Church is most frightened of?

The Devil?


We are living in unprecedented times.

Look at what’s been occurring in your very own generation.

A culture that is outspoken, rebelling.

Sometimes violently.

People are turning away from the church in droves.

And, Margaret, you know as well as I do

that belief is power.

Now, how do you control people who no longer believe

in your stories of fire and brimstone?

People who do not seem to fear?

You create something to fear.

This Church has maintained power for generations.

Thousands of years.

And they will stop at nothing to keep it that way.

[breathing shakily]


a small, but very powerful group

of priests and bishops,

even higher,

they decided

something drastic had to be done.

These priests… [shuddering]

…believe they can birth the Antichrist

and then control him.

Allow him to bring his dark forces

to bear on the world just enough

to drive people back to the Church.

That’s insane.

Yes. Don’t you see?

If no one believes such a thing can exist,

who will stand in their way?

[sighs] Uh…

What does any of this have to do with Carlita?

I was excommunicated.

My contacts within the Church are very limited.

That photo is all I have to go on.

But I believe the baby girl in the picture

is to be the mother.

The mother of what?

Of the Antichrist?


Oh, my God. You’re crazy.

Look, if I am right, Carlita would have been born

on the sixth day of the sixth month at 6 a.m.


It’s the mark of the Devil

which she will have on her body.

I don’t understand why you’re telling me this.

They’re keeping her files at the orphanage.

Locked away.

I need you to get them to me.

I need to know how she was born.

What do you mean, how she was born?

Listen to me, Margaret.

There is a beast they’re mating.

A jackal. That’s the father.


I have to go now.

No, no, Margaret.

If Carlita is, in fact, the mother,

the evil inside her will do whatever it takes to stop us.

We must destroy it at all costs.

Do you understand?


Carlita is a little girl.

And she is not pregnant.

But we’re not talking about a human child!

It’s almost June 6th.

Look, we haven’t a lot of time and I need your help.

No, you need a doctor.

I’m sorry that I can’t help you.

Will you let go of my arm?

[latches unlocking]

[♪ suspenseful music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

Oh. Margaret.


How are you feeling?

Um, I need to talk to you about Carlita.

Do you know anything about her history,

or how she came to the orphanage?

Um, not off the top of my head. Why?

Do you know where I could find that kind of information?

I’m afraid this is not really my area, you know?

[man on radio speaking Italian]

[indistinct chatter]

[radio chatter in Italian continues]

[♪ suspenseful music continues playing]


Why do you keep staring at me?

[margaret chuckles]

I’m not.

Will you come with me?

Come on.

I need to talk to you about something.

But before I do, I…

I just want you to know that you can trust me, okay?



Has anyone ever done anything to you

that might have scared you

or upset you?


I don’t know.

What don’t you know?

[inhales] Sometimes I get this…

bad feelings.

I see…

I see things. [breath trembling]

And I can’t tell if they’re real or not.

Listen to me.

When I was younger,

I… I used to have these

horrible visions.

They were so terrible that I

convinced myself that they were real.

But I learned that those thoughts,

they were just lies.

Just tricks that my brain was playing on me

because I was so unhappy.

This isn’t a lie.

How can you know that for certain?


I’m sorry.


[sighs] Carlita. I’m sorry.

[woman giggling]

[♪ cryptic music plays]


There you are.

A riot’s broken out.

We must go.

[guard] Deve andare adesso!

Deve andare adesso!

[people clamoring]

[protestors yelling]

[Margaret] Listen. It’s all right, girls.

It’s okay. Stay close to me, okay?


[protestors chanting indistinctly]

Stay close to me, okay?


[protestors clamoring]


[molotov shatters]




[Margaret grunting]

[continues grunting]

[Margaret gasps]

[♪ sinister music playing]


[shout echoes]

[ambient noises fade]

[♪ surreal choral music playing]

[♪ surreal music intensifies]

[Silva] Silenzio.


[music fades out]

Silenzio, ragazze.

[on PA] Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli,

sia santificato il tuo nome,

venga il tuo regno… [voice fading out]

[nun whispering] Margaretta.

Sister Silva would like to see you in her office.

Please take a seat.

[clears throat]


Part of my job here is to look out

for the wellbeing of all those

who are under my care.

I’m sure this will come as no surprise,

but I’ve become concerned.

I’m fine. [chuckles]

Perhaps I should have put it this way.

We are concerned.

Myself and Cardinal Lawrence.

We think it might be time for you to take a step back.

And perhaps we postpone your vows.

What? No. Why?

We’re also concerned about your attachment to Carlita.



Cardinal Lawrence told me

about your troubles growing up.

Your hallucinations.

Perhaps being around Carlita is not what’s right for you.

[voices whispering]

[Silva] Carlita is disturbed.

And her illness must not infect us

as her caretakers.

And clearly, it has.

[whispering stops]


I’m not ill.

I understand how hard you had to work

to get to where you are.

It would be a shame to give it all up now.

I am the only one who cares about her.

You don’t let her play

with the other girls.

I’ve told you…

You keep her in the bad room.

…we’re only doing

what’s right for her.

The girl is sick in the head.

Because of you!

[nuns gasp, whisper]

[breathes shakily]

If there was any doubt in our decision,

you’ve all but confirmed it.

You’re clearly unwell.

And, Margaret,

you will keep your distance from Carlita.

Or there will be consequences.

[♪ discordant music playing]

Stop the car, Luca.

I can just walk home from here, okay?

You don’t have to wait.




[Paolo] No, no, no.

Lasciami stare, ti pego, ti prego.


Just leave me alone, please.


Sorry. I’m sorry, I didn’t know.

Really, I didn’t know.

You didn’t know what?

Just stop following me!

[breathing heavily]

Paolo, talk to me.

Just look for the mark.

[tires screeching]


[car crashes]

[breathing shakily]

[concerned chatter]

[metal creaks]

[engine stalling]

[engine stalling]

[Paolo grunts]


[strained grunting]

Oh, okay.

All right. Oh, God. Okay.


All right. Um…

[engine stalling]

Hey, call an… call an ambulance.

[sobbing] Call an ambulance.

Help me.

[Margaret] I’m gonna help you.

I’m stuck. I’m stuck.

[Margaret] I’m gonna help you.

I can’t move.

[Margaret] I know.

I’m stuck. I’m stuck.

I know. Okay.

[Paolo sobs]

I’m scared.

[Margaret] Paolo,

you’re gonna be fine, I promise.

I don’t wanna die.

[sobbing] No, no, no. You’re not gonna die,

you’re gonna be okay.

[Paolo speaks indistinctly]


[Margaret] You ready?

[Margaret grunts]

[Paolo groans]

[woman screams]

[crowd gasps]

[whispering] Oh, no, no.

Oh, God.

Oh, God.

[crying] Oh, no, God.

[♪ ominous music playing]



[whispering prayer]

[voices whispering]

[♪ ominous music continues playing]

[♪ maniacal operatic music playing]

[voices whispering]

[voices continue whispering]

[voices continue whispering]

[girls whispering]

[chattering in Italian]

[girls continue whispering]

[♪ solemn choral music playing]


[♪ solemn choral music continues playing]

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

[all] Amen.

[♪ solemn choral music continues playing]


benedice hunc anulum.

Da ut soror quae induat altam fidem

in te habeat et remaneat tibi fidelis in omni tempore.

Accipe hunc anulum,

nam aeterno Regi spondes.

Serva fidem cum sponso tuo

ut ad cenam nuptialem aeternae gaudii venias.


[girls and nuns] Amen.

[♪ tense music playing]



[nuns laughing outside]

[metal clinking]


[voices whispering]

[♪ ethereal music playing]

[breathing heavily]

[voices continue whispering]


[whispering stops]

[door creaking]

[voices chanting indistinctly]

[breathing heavily]

[voices continue chanting]



[grunts quietly]


[Luz grunts]

[breathing heavily]

[♪ ethereal music continues playing]

[exhales sharply]

[light crackles]

[♪ tense music playing]



[♪ tense music continues playing]

[whispering prayer in Latin]

[all whispering in Latin]

[all continue whispering in Latin]

[light crackling]

[♪ tense music intensifies]

[music stops]


[softly] Oh, god.

[girls chattering]

Come on.

[girls] Farfalla! Farfalla!

[Margaret] Oh, God.


Come with me, Carlita.



Okay, you go to the bed.

I am so sorry that I didn’t believe you.

But I believe you now.


[muffled chattering]

I’m gonna keep you safe.

I’m gonna get you out of here.

[banging on door]

[Silva] Margaret.

Go, go, go. Over there.

[insistent banging on door]

[muffled clamoring]

[Gabriel] Margaret.

You stay away. [gasping]

I know what you’re doing.

We don’t want to hurt you. Just put that down.

I know what you’ve done with the babies.

You stay away! No!

You stay away from me!

[Margaret sobbing]

[Carlita screaming]

[Romano] Remain calm!

[Margaret] No, no, no!


[Carlita screaming]

[breath shuddering]


Please, please, I’m sorry.

No, no, no!

Not in there! Not in there! Not in there!

No! No! No!

[door locks]


Let me out!

Please let me out! [sobbing]



[gasping for air]

[♪ ethereal music playing]

[softly] Breathe. Breathe.

[breathing slowing down]

[quiet raspy breathing]

[♪ ethereal music continues playing]

[female voice chanting in Latin]

[music fades out]

[chanting stops]

[girl whispering in Latin]

[girl] Crucifxus mortuu.

Sede da divinum.

[woman whispering] …conviction:

I am wanted. I have a task in history.

[voices overlapping]

I am accepted. It is good that I exist.

It is good to be a human being.

[voices continue whispering]

Let every human heart experience your love.


[♪ sinister music playing]

[breath shuddering]


[shackles rattling]






It’s not real. [breathing heavily]

It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.

[woman whispers] What’s not real?

Who said that?

[woman giggles]

[breath shuddering]

[quiet footsteps]

[soft squelching]

[faint laugh]

[faint laugh]

[heavy breathing]

[soft squelching]





I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.






Margaret. We have to go.


We have to go. I found the files.

We have to go now. It’s just me.

It’s just me.


Get me out of here.

Yes. I know. I know.

[knocking at door]

All right, all right.

Father Gabriel. Margaret.

I don’t understand.


Oh, well done, Margaret. Well done.

Were you followed?

[Gabriel] What? No.

I don’t think so.

Luca, Margaret’s driver, brought us.

We can trust him. He’s keeping watch outside.

You two know each other?


[Gabriel] No.

Uh, he tried approaching me.

I thought he was crazy.

[hesitantly] It is crazy.


We have to go get her.

[Gabriel] No, it’s not safe.

Not safe?

She’s the one who’s not safe right now, Gabriel.

Margaret, after what just happened,

they’re not gonna let us anywhere near that orphanage.

Especially Carlita.

[Brennan] He’s right. It’s only a matter of time

before they realize we’ve got these.

And when they do, they will come for us.

We have to help her.

The only path forward

is to prove what they’ve done.

Otherwise, no one will believe a word we say.

[thunder rumbling]

There’s so many of them.


Too many.

I had no idea they’d gone to such lengths.

I don’t understand.

They need a male.

They’ve only birthed females.

They’ve all died except for Carlita.

After all these years, so many failures…

They believe the only way

is for the beast to mate with its own offspring.

What is this?

I told you, it’s the photo from Carlita’s birth.



[Brennan] It’s the mark.

Carlita doesn’t have the mark on her head.

Hers is here.

[Brennan] What are you talking about?

I’ve seen it.

You see? Carlita.

No mark.

The baby in this photo is not Carlita.

What does that mean?


I don’t know.

Well, if this is the child that we’re looking for,

then all we have to do

is find a baby with the mark on its scalp.

We must have missed something.


[♪ suspenseful music playing]


Where is it?

Why do they all look like this?

[Brennan] The father. He’s not human.

[♪ suspenseful music continues playing]

[music fades out]

It’s her.

There was another survivor.

[Gabriel] A sister?

Did you know about this?


They must have kept it hidden away.

[♪ ethereal music playing]

[breath shuddering]

[muted] Look for the mark.

How did he know?

He knew where it was.

[♪ eerie surreal music playing]

[♪ surreal music intensifying]

[♪ dramatic music building]

[music fades out]

[soft clinking]

[soft creaking]

[♪ unsettling music building]

[♪ sinister music playing]

[music stops]

[♪ mystical music playing]

[female voices chanting in Latin]

[♪ mystical music continues]

[female voices continue chanting in Latin]

[chanting intensifying]

[chanting stops]

[♪ sinister music playing]

[Margaret gasping]

[gasping in fear]


[Margaret hyperventilating]

[jackal growls]




[screaming and sobbing]

Margaret, Margaret. Hush. [shushes]

Margaret. Margaret.

[continues screaming]

Margaret. [shushes]

Just let me have a look.

Let me look.

[Brennan breathing shakily]


[breath trembling]

[breathing heavily]

Somebody say something.

[Gabriel] How is that possible?

[Brennan] She’s been a ward of the Church

her entire life.

They must have moved her around

to cover their tracks.

Carlita must be too young,

so they brought Margaret back to Rome to…

[Margaret] To what?

To what?

[shudders] I have to get out of here.

You can’t leave.

Don’t touch me.


Don’t you touch me!

…you can’t just leave.

Touch me again, I’ll fucking kill you!

[Margaret sobbing]

[Brennan] I’m so sorry.

I’m so sorry this is happening to you, my child.

But nothing will change if you decide to leave.

It’s June 6th.


They will be coming for you.

[Margaret] If this is true…


If I am pregnant…

then I need it out of me.

I need it out of me now.

[♪ somber choral music playing]

[Brennan] Margaret,

you all right?

This doctor knows what he’s doing?

He’s experienced, yes.

[engine accelerating]

[grunts softly]


[♪ suspenseful music playing]

[car accelerating]

[engine accelerating]

[Gabriel] Wait. Stop. What are you doing?


Don’t stop.

Make like you’re heading for the main road

and then turn off before the arch.


[breathing shakily]

[sighs in relief]

[Margaret retching]

[Margaret coughs]



[♪ suspenseful music plays]

[heavy breathing]

What’s happening to me?

[breath trembling]

[tires skid]

[glass shards clattering]

[church bell tolling]

[crickets chirping]

[moans, inhales deeply]


[inhales deeply]



[grunting convulsively]

[moaning shakily]


[gasping convulsively]

[grunting and gasping]

[♪ eerie music playing]

[grunting intensifying]



[gasping convulsively]

[grunting aggressively]

[grunting in deep voice]


[grunting in deep voice]

[grunting and panting]

[panting tiredly]

[♪ eerie music continues playing]

[screaming in cracked voice]

[screaming stops]

[♪ sinister music playing]

[soft creaking]

[soft clinking]


[♪ music swells]


[shackles rattling]


[Margaret] Hello?

[shouts] hello?

Can anyone hear me?

[Lawrence] Yes.


I can hear.

[breath trembling]

I can’t tell if this is real or not.

This is very real, Margaret.

Can you untie me?

[Lawrence] Soon.

Soon it will be all over, I promise.

[crying] No.

No, no.

Oh. Oh…

You don’t have to be afraid.

I won’t let anything bad happen to you.

[♪ solemn choral music playing]

I’ve watched over you

since you were a little girl.

The very first moment we met,

do you remember what I said to you?

That you, Margaret,

were the bravest girl I’d ever known.

Now you know how special you are to me.

To us.

[shackles rattle]

The baby you’re about to bear will redeem the Church.

Will bring the people back to God.

All because of you.

Don’t you understand, Margaret?

Your whole life, you’ve been searching,

waiting for His voice.

But the truth is…

He was always there with you.

He brought you here.

He chose you.

I… No.

[soft creaking]

[groans softly]

[Lawrence] There.

You’re ready now.

Please know that I love you.

[Margaret whimpering]

I’ll be right here.

[♪ pensive music playing]

[shackles rattle]

[Margaret breathing heavily]

[♪ pensive choral music playing]

[♪ ominous music playing]


[♪ ethereal music playing]

[nurse] Stay down.

[music stops]

[music fades out]


[tools clacking]



[♪ eerie music playing]

No, no. [hyperventilating]

No, no. Please.


[shackles rattling]

Please, please, please.


No, no, no.

No, please.

[Margaret gasping]



[gasps sharply]


[groans, sobbing]

[Margaret panting]

[Margaret continues sobbing]

Help me, please.

Please help me. Please.

Please untie me.

Please untie me, I’m in pain.

[Margaret sobbing]

I’m in pain. Please.

Help. [continues sobbing]

Help me, please.

Please help me.

[shackles rattling]

Help me.

Help. I’m in pain.

[Margaret hyperventilating]

[shackles rattling]

[bed rattling]

[breathing heavily]

[♪ disquieting music playing]

What is it? A boy or girl?

[breathing heavily]

[baby crying]

[baby continues crying]

[nurse in Italian]

[babies crying]


[in English] And the other?

A boy!


[♪ sinister choral music playing]

[chattering excitedly]

[priest] We have him.

[♪ sinister choral music continues playing]

[baby crying]

[continues crying]

[nuns and priests speaking indistinctly]


[breath shuddering]

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

[♪ ethereal choral music plays]

[breathing heavily]

[weakly] Help.

Help. Help.

Of course.

Of course, my dear.

I’m in pain.

[Lawrence] Of course.


Can I hold him?

You’re sure?

[Margaret sobbing]


I’m his mother. I’m his mother.

[Lawrence] Bring him here.

[breath shudders]

[Silva] She’s right.

It is important for a child to bond with its mother.

[baby gurgling]


We all need the comfort of our mothers

in the beginning.

Don’t we?

[breathes heavily]

You did so well, my child.

[breathing heavily]

[Lawrence] You are doing God’s work.

He would be so proud of you.

Can’t you hear Him telling you?

Don’t you hear His voice?


No, I only hear my own.

[Margaret grunts]

[nuns screaming]




[panicked chatter]

[baby crying]

[panicked chatter]


[Silva] Margaret.

Stop this.


[Silva] Margaret,

give me the baby.

Just give me the baby.




[Silva screaming]

[Margaret] No!

[nun screams]

[knife stabs]



[Margaret whimpers]

[Margaret gasps]


Burn everything.

Leave them both to die.

[♪ somber choral music playing]

[baby crying distantly]

[breath shuddering]

[♪ sinister choral music playing]


[softly] It’s okay.

[sniffles, grunts]

[heavy breathing]

[eerie voice whispering]

[♪ demonic music playing]


[♪ wistful choral music playing]

[eerie screeching]


[music fades out]

[♪ sinister music playing]

[Spiletto] The man you are looking for.

The US Ambassador to Rome.

He will be the new father.

He and his wife will suffer a tragic loss,

and be in need of a child.

[baby crying]

The boy will inherit their privilege

and power.

Soon, his darkness will spread

and the world shall be saved.

[♪ sinister music continues playing]

[music ends]

[wind howling]

[object clatters]

Baby, you’re supposed to eat them.

You’re supposed to eat them like… [chomps]

Like that.

What are you doing?

Come here.

No, no, no. Here.


No, not this.

You want one?

[Carlita chuckles]

[Margaret] You want it?

[all laugh]

Give it to Mama. Give it to Mama.

Give it to Mama.

[cattle crying in distance]

[cattle lowing]

[gun cocks]


[Brennan] I’m so sorry, Margaret.

I tried just to leave you be.

You need to go.

Now. [breathing shakily]

I came to warn you.

They know you’re alive.

You weren’t supposed to survive.

None of you were.

Especially the girl.

[girl laughing]

[Brennan] She’ll be important, Margaret.

I just want to be left alone.

I know.

But they will come for you.

[gun cocks]

They’ve even given it a name.

Your son.

[wind whistling]

[Brennan] Damien.

[♪ dramatic sinister music playing]

[♪ eerie music playing]


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