
Retribution (2023) | Transcript

A bank executive receives a bomb threat while driving his children to school that his car will explode if they stop and get out.
Liam Neeson in Retribution (2023)

Retribution is a 2023 action thriller film directed by Nimród Antal and written by Chris Salmanpour. The film stars Liam Neeson, Noma Dumezweni, Lilly Aspell, Jack Champion, Embeth Davidtz and Matthew Modine. It is the third remake of the 2015 Spanish film El desconocido.

While driving his kids to school, Berlin-resident and financier Matt Turner (Liam Neeson) is threatened by a mysterious bomber who calls him on a cell phone. Turner and his son and daughter must stay in the car or the bomber will detonate a device under the driver’s seat.

* * *

[suspenseful music playing]

[music fading out]

[news report in German playing]



[grunting continues]

[tablet ringing]




[tablet continues ringing]

[tablet beeps]

Bit early for you, isn’t it?

[man] Yeah.

I wanted to see what it felt like to be you.


It’s overrated.

You’ll get used to it.

How about I just live vicariously through you instead?



Listen, I need you to give Karl at STB Capital a call on your way in.

Oh, yeah?


I woke up to an email from him.

I think he’s got buyer’s remorse.

He likes the returns.

Yeah, but still, I think something spooked him. I need you to do your thing.

I’ll talk to him. He’ll be fine.

Good. You’re a credit to capitalism.

Say hello to Heather for me.

Not a good idea.

You’re an asshole.

[mellow music playing]



Anders says hello. Going somewhere?

I… [sighs]

I’m meeting Christina this morning.


[water running]

After that, I thought I’d pick up the kids and maybe move to the Moon.



I’m sorry, honey. It-it’s work.


[keypad beeps]

I’m meeting Christina.

You said you’d take them today.

Oh, God. I really need to make this call.

I can’t have them playing in the back, making noise while I’m on the call…

Matt, I need to see her.

…with an important client.

Can’t you see her this weekend?

I asked you to help out just one day.

[sighs quietly]

Okay, okay. Fine. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.


[Heather sighs]



[door closes]

[somber music playing]


[man on video] Congratulations.

[woman] This actually helps…

Where’s your brother?

On his phone.

Tell him to come down. We’re leaving now.

Zach, we’re leaving!

[woman] So, um, I think you’ll be…

[gasps] I was watching that.

Go and get your brother. Now.

Ugh! [loudly] Zach!

[Matt mutters]



[knife clatters]

[Matt sighs]

What now?

Nothing. It’s fine.


Get them to school on time, okay?

Yeah… Lov-love you.

[Emily] Hey, we’re leaving.

[Zach] Hey, get out!

Hey, get out!

Let me come in!

[door closes]

Just get out!

I told you last time…

Oh, for the love of God.

Get out! Get out! Get out!


Hey, get out!


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey! What’s happening here?

He slammed the door on me.

You don’t come in here!

Don’t speak to your sister like that.

Then don’t let her in my room, Matt.

[Emily crying softly]

Hey, I am your father.

I’m not Matt.

Why is she crying?

‘Cause she knows you’ll fall for it.

He’s gonna skip school with her.

Shut up, Em!

I don’t have time for this.

Go and get your things ready.

Dad, he broke my finger!


We’ll be down in a sec.

[breath shudders]


If this is gonna be one of your talks, I don’t have time for it if it is.

Zach, what is this?

Can I just go now, Dad?

You’re skipping school?

Why would I skip school?

You have a girlfriend, yeah?

Do you even care if I do?

If you’re skipping school, yeah, I care.


Get in the car. We’re going! Now!


Where’s your brother?

I don’t know. He was walking.

Oh, jeez.

[pensive music playing]


[ball thumping]

[system beeps]

Careful, careful. What is that?

For practice. I have a match today.

Well, don’t bounce it, honey. I need to focus.

Are you coming?

[engine starts]


[system chimes]

Um, I can’t.

[chiming continues]

You don’t even know when it is.

Work is busy.

[chiming intensifies]

Next one, I promise.

[continues chiming]

[sighs quietly]


[handbrake clicks]

[music playing on headphones]

[car horn honks]


Zach, get in.


Can you just listen for once?

I can hear you.

Zach, get in the car.

Or what?

Get in the car right now!

Zach, get in the car this second!


[whispers] Please. Come on.

[car door opens]

Thank you.

I think I can see my bone.

Shut up.

[Matt] Hey.

[system beeps]

Call Unger.

[system beeps]

[line ringing]


Karl, it’s Matt.

How’s Katherine?

Telling me not to waste any more of our children’s inheritance.

[laughs] I heard. When did you get so sensitive?

When my stock dropped 17% overnight.

[chuckles] See it as an opportunity.

I see it as a trend. Not in the right direction.

I want out.

What have I always told you?

“Predicting the rain doesn’t count.”

“Building the Ark does.”

I thought that was Warren Buffett.

So listen to him, then.

Turbulence is inevitable.

When everyone runs from the fire, you run to it.

Karl, you’re investing in me. That’s the deal.

Maybe you’ve lost your touch.

Hey, how long have we known each other?

Eighteen years.

Eighteen years.

Do you remember what you said to me the first time we met?

[chuckles] That was a long time ago.

Well, I remember.

You told me you were tired of playing it safe.

That you wanted to be someone else.

Like I said, that was a long time ago.

The man you are now, I know you.

You don’t run from a challenge. You take it on.

You take on the uncertainty, the risks, so you can give Katherine everything she’s ever dreamed of.

You provide.

Just look in the mirror and ask, how you’ve provided everything. How?

Where you’ve come from to get where we are?

You’ve climbed up that ladder.

You can’t let go.

I know you, Karl. We’re the same.

You walk away from me and you’re walking back to that old life.

And at our age, you don’t come back from that.

Karl, are you looking in that mirror?


[Karl sighs]

All right. I’m in.

[exhales softly]

Is this why Anders likes you so much?


You make people feel good about losing three million euros in 24 hours?

You’ll have to ask him, pal. [chuckles softly]

[ends call]

[exhales deeply]

Did you win, Daddy?



Eh, it’s complicated.

It’s like I caught a fish.

You use a nice big fat worm and you dangle a hook and–

You lie.

It’s pretty easy.

[sighs quietly]

[cell phone vibrating]


Someone important?

Her name’s Mila.

Shut up.

I wasn’t talking to you, Zach.

Well, you are right now.

Hey, that’s enough.

[“Row, Row, Row your Boat” ringtone playing]

Are you gonna answer that?


[enunciates] Are you gonna answer that?

It’s not mine.

Is it Mom’s?



It’s not mine.

[ringtone continues playing]


[man, distorted] Hello, Matt.

Hello. Yes. Who’s this?

I like your car.

Sorry, who is this?

You keep asking the same question.

Do you think you’ll get an answer?


Not Sylvain.

Just me. And you.

I’m hanging up now.

I wouldn’t do that.

[uneasy music plays]

I said I like your nice leather seats.

But I wouldn’t really want to be in that seat right now.

All right, that’s enough.

You hang up on me, they’ll be picking your guts out of the trees from here to Austria.

[laughs] Do I have your attention?

Matt Turner, there is a bomb under your seat. You armed it the second you sat down.

If you–

[hangs up]

Who was that?

Um, no one. No one, honey.

[cell phone chimes]

[Zach] Dad?

Dad? Dad, stop!


[brakes screech]

Are you crazy? You just missed the turn.

[breathes heavily]

[tires screech]

[breathing shakily]

Right here.


You sure this isn’t Mom’s?

Pretty sure.

[“Row, Row, Row your Boat” ringtone playing]

[ringtone muted]

[phone vibrating]

[tense music playing]

[cell phone stops vibrating]

[tense music intensifying]

Where are we?

[Matt] Um…

Just, uh, checking the car, sweetie.

[camera clicks]

[chuckles] Your brand-freaking-new 100,000-euro car’s breaking down?

Great. I’ll walk.


[seat belt unlocks]


[seat belt locks]

[suspenseful music playing]

[camera clicking]

What is it?

[camera clicking]

[breath trembling]

Dad, what’s wrong?

[cell phone vibrating]

Dad, who is that?

[Emily] Dad.


[cell phone continues vibrating]

No one.


[cell phone stops vibrating]

[system beeps]

[cell phone vibrating]

[suspenseful music continues]

[cell phone continues vibrating]


[distorted voice] Hang up on me again and I detonate. Do you understand?



Don’t stop driving.

[engine starts]

Do you understand?


I didn’t hear you.

Yes, I’m driving.

Good. Now that I have your attention, listen very carefully. The device is connected to a pressure plate. If you get out of your seat, the bomb will detonate. Do you understand?


There is a secondary trigger, a remote switch that I am holding as we speak. If you try to call the police, if you try to get help…

[Emily chuckling]

…I will detonate. I’m watching you. If you go somewhere I don’t like, I will detonate. Do you understand everything I have said to you?

Yes. What do you want?

Don’t worry. We’ll get to that.

Look, I have my children in the car.

That’s interesting.

Let me get them out and you and I can…

No. Remember the first rule. The pressure plates, Matt. Wouldn’t want to change the pressure. Keep it nice and heavy. You do exactly what I say, when I say it, maybe you’ll get out of this in one piece. And so will they. Think of this day as a profound life experience.

Did I-did I do something to you? If I did, I’m sorry, just… just tell me.

You sound so… guilty. What have you done, Matt?

[car phone ringing]

Whatever it is, I’m sorry.


I’m not convinced.

Dad, you’re going the wrong way.

Zach, please.


Don’t you turn around.

[cell phone chimes]

I’m watching you.

[suspenseful music continues]





[engine revving]

Don’t stop driving. Do exactly what I say.

[engine revving]

I said I’m watching.

Why does he keep going the wrong way?

Take your kids’ phones.

Th-their phones? What am I supposed to say?

Say whatever you want.

And my phone?

Keep it. You’re going to need it.

I don’t think my children are gonna like–





The kids’ phones, I want them out of the car.

Give me your phone.

Em, you too.



Are you psycho? Why?

Yeah. Why?

I have no patience, Matt. I’m your father. I said give me your phones.

[Zach] Why? What did I do?

You almost took my finger off.

[Zach scoffs]



Throw the phones out or kiss your kids goodbye.

[Matt] Now!


What the hell, Dad?

I told you to get their phones.

I’m counting now.

I hear you.

Ten, nine…

[tires screech]

…eight, seven…

[engine revs]

…six, five…

I hear you.

…four, three…

Hang on, kids!


[brakes screech]

[bystanders gasp]

What was that?

Dad! [gasps]

[bystanders talking indistinctly]

[both gasping]

Oh, my God. You just hit Zach’s girlfriend!

Hey, what is wrong with you? You could’ve killed me!

I told you they were skipping school.

What are you doing?

Accidents happen, Matt.

I’m… I’m getting out.


[Emily] Zach!

Now drive.

[Matt] No, no, no, no.

I’m leaving. [grunts]

Stay in your seats!

What the hell’s wrong with you? [grunts]


[Mila] Zach…

[engine revvs]

Are you out of your mind?

Are you crazy? You just hit her!

Dad, stop it!

What are you doing?

Give me your phone, Zach.

What are you doing?

Give me your phone! Now!

No! Stop the car!

There’s a bomb in this car!


[breathes heavily]

[inhales sharply] There’s a bomb in this car. If any of us get out, the car blows up. If you don’t get rid of your phone, the car blows up.

A bomb?


Get rid of them.

Give me your phone.

Thank you.

Number one dad.

Your kids really listen, don’t they?

I did what you asked.

Good. Now drive to this location.


[breathes heavily]

Where are we going?

[beeps, chimes]

Why does he want to hurt us?

I don’t know, sweetie.

Dad, what did you do?

[breath shudders]

[cell phone ringing]

Answer that.

I don’t know what you’re saying.


Sylvain, who is that?

Wait, hold this. Matt?

I’m freaking out here. Okay?

There’s a guy that called and said that there’s a bomb underneath the car. And if we get help, it’ll blow up.

[woman whimpers]

Stop! Just stop doing that!

No! I don’t understand.

[speaks Hungarian]

Matt, he said we’re gonna die because of you.

No. Hey! Stop! Stop!


What else did he say?

Wait, you know him?

Just stop! Would you stop doing that?

[speaks Hungarian]

Please, please.

Sylvain, steady on. What else did he say?

I don’t know. Stop. He said to wait for you until you arrived. That’s it.

So there you are.

No! No, don’t touch that. Don’t touch that. Stop it.

Just stop it for one second.

Please, I don’t know what you’re saying.

Can you please be quiet for one second?

[car horn honks]

[man yells in German]

Matt, please? I’m freaking out here, man.

I know you are. Me too.

But it’s important that you stay calm.

It’s easy for you to say, “stay calm”. There’s a bomb underneath the car!

[shouts in Hungarian]

[shouting in French]

Listen to me.

[Sylvain continues shouting]

Listen to me. Listen to me. He called me too.

Which means we’re in this together.

We’re in what together?


Okay, well, what did you do to him?

I didn’t do anything.

I need you to focus. Did he say anything else?

No, no, no. I don’t want to die.

Matt, I have a family.

No. What are you doing?

He said no phones. Give me the fucking phone.

[shouts in Hungarian]

Stop, stop, stop, stop!

I don’t want to die, Matt.

You’re not going to die.

You just need to stay calm and think.

I am going to die if you don’t…

[distorted voice] Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Sylvain, there’s a police officer walking towards you right now.

Help! Help!

Shh! Don’t say another word!

Help! No!

No! No! Stop!

Calm down now.

[woman crying over phone]

Just be calm.

Just be quiet. Just be calm.


[woman panting]

[both speaking in German]

[breath trembling]

[in English] No! No!

[rapid beeping]


[sounds muffle]

[ears ringing]

[car alarms blaring]

[muffled] Zach, Em, are you okay?

Answer me. Answer me. Are you okay?

I’m okay.

I’m okay.

[sounds return]

[engine starts]

[tires screech]

[engine revving]

[tires squealing]


[breath trembling]

Zach, Emily, are you hurt?

I’m good. I’m okay.

Check her. Check she’s okay.

She’s good. She’s good.

I’m good.

[distorted voice] She should’ve listened.

You didn’t have to do that!

She broke the rules.


[siren wailing in distance]

You just killed three people.

They weren’t the first. But they can be the last.

That’s entirely up to you.

Why did you want me to see that?

So you won’t have any doubts about my sincerity.

Then take it out on me. Just let my children go.

[tense music playing]

Who was that?

Someone from work.

Is that what this is all about?

I told you, I don’t know.

I’m… I’m sorry, Zach.

[sighs] it’s okay.

[tense music continues]

Just tell me what it is you want.

I’m sure I can get it.

I’m s-I’m sorry. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you.

I’m sorry.

I want you to call Heather.

What? Why?

You have a safety box at the AIG bank in Tiergarten.

Heather is going to retrieve it.

This is about money?

You can get someone else.

She doesn’t deserve to be mixed up in this.

What’s going on?

Not now, Zach.

You don’t have the luxury of time to debate me.

[system beeps]

Call Heather.

Call Heather.

And put her on speaker.

[line ringing]

[system beeps]

This is Heather. I’m not here. So say something nice.

[line beeps]

Heather, it’s me.

Call me back immediately. It’s urgent.

She’s not answering.

You’re an industrious man.

Get ahold of her. And quickly.

[system beeps]

Call Christina.

[line ringing]

[Christina] Hello?

Christina, it’s Matt. I need to speak to Heather.

Heather? Have you tried her phone?

She’s not answering.

I know she’s with you, and I need to speak to her.

She’s not with me.

Where is she?

I need to get ahold of her right now.


Tell me where she is.

It’s a matter of life and death.

What’s happened?

Christina, I don’t have time to explain.

I need to speak to my wife right now.

[Christina sighs]

She’s at a divorce attorney.

You haven’t been there for her, Matt.

[sobbing] What does that mean?

[somber music playing]

[cell phone beeps]

Which one?

It’s in Lichtenberg.

I don’t know. Webber something.

Matt… you didn’t–

[hangs up]


[distorted voice] You have two minutes to find her.

Then you know what happens.

I found her.

[breathing heavily]

[Emily] No.


[line ringing]

[man] Webber and Babel. [continues in German]

Um, I need to speak to Heather Turner, please.

I’m sorry. There’s no Heather Turner here.

This is Matt Turner speaking.

I’m her husband. This is an emergency.

I need to speak to her now.

Well, I’m sorry, I…

Our children are in trouble.

One moment, please.

[breathing heavily]

[Heather] Are the kids okay?

They’re fine. I had to get you on the phone.

Listen to me. Something’s happened.

I need you to stay calm.

You’re scaring me, Matt.

Just listen, please.

There’s a man… there’s…


There’s a man who’s put a bomb in the car.


We have to do everything he says.

What are you talking about?

Heather, please. Just listen to what I tell you.

Emily? [sighs] Sweetheart, are you okay?

Heather, she’s fine. They’re both fine.

Is Zach okay?

Yes. Yes, he’s fine.

Have you called the police?

No. No, we can’t.

Then I’m calling them.

Heather, please.

Just listen to what I have to tell you.

If you call the police, he will…


Do you understand?

No. I don’t understand, Matt.

What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense.

Who is he?

I don’t know.

Right now, we just have to do what he says. And everything will be fi-fine. Okay.

Oh, my God, Matt. What?

I need you to go to the AIG bank in Tiergarten. There’s a safety deposit box in my name.


When you get there, they will ask to speak to me. You call me, okay?

Then what?

I don’t know.

[breath shudders]

Heather, I’m…


Look, if…

[sniffles] If I wasn’t enough for you, I’m…

[breath shuddering]

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

[ends call]

[suspenseful music playing]


[crying softly]

It’s gonna be okay, Dad. [sniffles]

You bet.


[Zach] Yeah.

[breathes heavily]

[distorted voice] There’s that number-one dad again.

You better find somewhere to lay low until she’s at your big bank.

Remember, Matt. I’m watching you.

Don’t do anything stupid.

[engine shuts off]

[muffled, lively chattering]

[Zach sighs]


[button clicks]

I’m waiting.

Hello? I’m waiting.



[in German]

[volume increasing]

[in English] We’ve just begun our investigation.

Any speculation at this time is just that, speculation.

[reporter] Can you at least say whether you’re looking for one suspect or multiple suspects?

[Angela] Everything’s on the table.

Because of the protests, will you shut down the city?

No, not at this time.

Thank you. Danke.

[reporters clamoring]

[news anchor in German]

[shuts off news]

You worked with him too.

The first guy. That’s your company.

It is. Yeah.

Dad, what did you do?

[sighs] Nothing.

Stop lying.

This guy is trying to kill us because of something you did.


I didn’t do anything.

Nothing to deserve this.

Are you and Mom getting a divorce?



See? You lie. It’s what you do every day.

To Mom. To them. To us.

No. I promise.

You promise what?

You made me get in this car. You made me.

I promise I will get you out. Both of you.


Listen to me. I promise.


[cell phone ringing]

[tense music playing]

[button clicks]

She’s calling.

Pick up.

Tell her you’ll meet her outside the bank.

She hands you the money and then leaves.

No conversation. Nothing.

[cell phone continues ringing]


[Heather] I’m here at the bank. They want to speak to you.

Good. Put them on.

[manager] Mr. Turner?


I understand your wife would like to access your safe deposit box on your behalf?

That’s correct.

The password is “Siena.”

Thank you, sir.

[Heather] What’s in the box, Matt?

My passport, uh, some personal items and 50,000 euros. Heather, just call me when you get out. I’ll be waiting for you outside. Put the money in the passenger seat and walk away.


I’m serious.


And Heather… listen to me. The kids are going to be okay. I promise you.

[call ends]

What’s Siena?

It’s where I met your mom, sweetie.

Are we gonna see Mom?

Yes, love. But you won’t be able to talk to her right now. Okay?

Matt, I’m coming out.

[uneasy music playing]

Look down the street.

Do you see us?



[chuckles softly] Mom. Mom.

I’ve got it.

[distorted voice] Change of plan.

There’s a man in a blue suit sitting alone on a bench.

Tell her to go to him and give him the bag.

That’s not what you said.

I give the instructions.

She does that and she walks free?

You give me your word?

Of course.

Heather. There’s a man sitting on a bench in the square. He’s wearing a blue suit. Do you see him?


Give him the money. Then walk away.

What about you and the kids?

We’ll be fine. Just… just do it, please.

[breathes heavily] Okay.

It’s all… it’s all there.

Excuse me?

The money, it’s all there.

What… what money?

[tires screech]

[siren whoops]

[police officers shouting in German]


What? What? What?


[both gasping]

Dad, why are they doing that? Dad, help her!

No, no. No!

[gasps] Wait. Wait.

[distorted voice] Drive!


[engine starts]

[tires screech]

[tense music playing]

[breathing heavily]


I didn’t call them, I swear. Please believe me.

I called them.


There is no why.

You didn’t want me to see Sylvain die.

You wanted me to be seen there.

My car. Me.

Trust me, Matt, you’re not as smart as you think you are, or your escape plan would involve more than a safety deposit box at a local bank.

What escape plan?

Take your money and run.

Your investors’ money. Dubai.


The little slush fund that you and Anders have, safe and tucked away in the desert. 208 million euros emergency collateral.

[cell phone vibrating]

[suspenseful music playing]

[cell phone beeps, chimes]

What is this?

Hey, I asked you a question.

I think we should talk to your boss.

[cell phone beeps]

Anders? Why?

If you can’t help me, maybe he can.

I don’t think this is a–

This is no time to start playing games, Matt.

He’s already waiting for you. Drive.

[system beeps]

[cell phone beeps]

[button clicks]

Hey, asshole. Can you hear me?

[grunts softly]

Zach, look at this photo.

Am I seeing it right?

Does that look like a phone to you?

Yeah, I think so.

Good. Good.

A phone.

Is that good?

Yeah. It might be.

[breathes heavily] Great. More phones.


Yes, baby?

You called him an asshole.

[chuckles] Good.

Shit. Dad?


You’re on TV.


[cell phone ringing]

Hello? Hello?

[cell phone continues ringing]

[cell phone beeps]


Mr. Turner, this is Angela Brickmann with Europol.


I’m with your wife. I’ve got to say, we’re all very concerned about you.

I’m not responsible for all this.

That’s good to hear. I believe you.

Do not patronize me. I’m telling you, I’m innocent.

If that’s the case, letting your children go would be a great way to demonstrate that.

I can’t.

And why is that?

This isn’t what it looks like.

Tell me what it looks like.

There’s a bomb in my car.

Like the others?


Matt, you can let your children go.

It’s not me.

You have to believe me. There’s a man–

Who called you, your wife says that’s what you told her.

It’s not my job to believe you, Mr. Turner. It’s my job to stop people from dying, and to get your children out safely.

I have to trust you.

God damn it, listen to me.

I’m listening.

Can you stop cell phones from working?

Now, why would I do that if I could? We wouldn’t be able to talk.

Because the bomb appears to have cell phone failsafe.

A pressure plate and cell phone, okay?


Then he can’t detonate it.

Who is he?

Listen to me. Shut off the phones!

I want to help you, Matt, but I can’t do that.

Emergency services, police…

[distorted voice] Matt?

… you aren’t the only man…

Answer me.

[hangs up]

You hung up?

What if they could’ve helped us?

Ten, nine, eight…

I’m here.

I’m here. What do you want?

You think I’m stupid?

Taking your time?

You better drive faster.

Two minutes.

[button clicks]

The police come to help us and he finds out, you know what he’ll do.

Will he kill us?

Oh, God.

No, honey.

No. I’m… just…

I can’t risk you. You understand?

I won’t risk you.

I can help us.

I can help us.

[suspenseful music playing]


We’re here.

Patience, Matt.

Put him on speaker.

[system beeps]

Call Anders.

[line ringing]


[cell phone rings, beeps]


Why are you doing this?


What have I ever done to you?

Nothing, nothing. Listen…

What kind of fucking psycho does this to his own best friend?

And you brought your kids!

Anders, it’s gonna be okay. Just… just look at me.

Hey. Hey.

[softly] Jesus.

Matt, why?

[distorted voice] I don’t have time for this.

Tell him to authorize liquidating your collateral account.


That isn’t my money. I didn’t steal it. It’s the clients’.

If you’re punishing me, you should know that.

[Anders] Matt, just… tell me what you want.

If I did something to piss you off, I’m sorry.


Did you hear me?

[distorted voice] Tell him to authorize.


I said I’m sorry, Matt.


Anders, listen.

I need you to authorize liquidating the emergency collateral account.

The Dubai fund. All of it.

Jesus Christ.

That’s what this is about?

You did this for money?


[distorted voice] Tell him if he doesn’t, you’ll kill him.

You killed them for money?

Tell him to do it, or I kill you and your kids.


do it.

Authorize liquidation, or I will…


[Matt] Authorize liquidation or I will… kill you.

[tense music playing]

I will kill you.

Okay. Okay. I’m doing what you want, all right? I’m calling, Matt. Just… hold on.

Do it.


[distorted voice] Once he authorizes, you’ll do the same and you’ll transfer me the money. It’s that simple.


As soon as he does it, you’ll let him go. Yes?

Are you listening? He’s doing what you want.

Okay, okay. It’s done.

Matt, I said it’s all done, okay?

He did what you wanted. It’s over.

Once I confirm the authorization, you get it all.

All the money you want.

208 million euros.

You’ll let us all go, yes?

Just tell me where you want the money.

I’ll authorize, I’ll send it.

Dad, it’s over?

[distorted voice] Open the glove box.


Open the glove box.

Oh, Jesus.

You see what’s inside?

Take it.

[tense music continues]

Shoot him.




I’m not doing this.

His life or yours.

[Anders] Matt! I did what you wanted!


[distorted voice] Ten, nine, eight…

[Emily] Dad, don’t.

May God forgive me.

[Anders] Matt, let me go.

Dad, what are you doing?


[gun cocks]



Dad, don’t do this.


[Anders] Please!

Dad, don’t.


Dad, don’t do this, okay? He’s your friend.

[Anders] Matt, let me get out.

[Zach] Dad, he’s your friend.

Don’t do this!


God… God forgive me.

Please. God forgive me.

Matt! Let me go!


[Zach] Dad! Dad, he’s your friend!

What are you doing?

[Emily] Dad, don’t!

Shoot him. Now.

I can’t.

[train horn blaring]

[both breathing heavily]


[all grunting]

[morose music playing]

[Zach panting]


Are you okay?

[panting] Yeah, I’m good.

Emily? Em, are you okay?



Em! Em!

Oh, shit. Shit! Shit! Shit!

It’s her leg. Dad, it’s her leg.

Here. Here.

[Zach] It’s bleeding.

Oh, God. Here, here, here.

Use this. Tie it, tie it.


[Matt stammers]

Her leg. Tie it. Tie it above the wound.

Dad, I’m okay.

Tie it tight.

It has to be tight.


Zach, I’m okay.

[Matt] Em.

Dad, I’m okay.

Em, baby. Look at me.

I’m okay.

Tight! Tight!

[Zach] Are you ready?

I’m sorry. [grunts]

[cries in pain]


Hang on, baby.

Hang on, baby. Okay, okay.

I’m okay.

I’m fine.

Hang on, baby.

We’re gonna get you some help.

[Emily] I’m fine.

[distorted voice] You’re a murderer now, Matt.


[engine starts]

[rousing music playing]

[engine revving]

[tires screeching]

[tires squeal]

Make the phone call, Matt.

Your half of the liquidation authorization.

Son of a bitch. I will kill you.



Well, Matt, that’ll make four people that you’ve killed today.

No. Just the one.

[sirens wailing]

[tires screeching]

[police radio chatter]


Make the call. Now.

Fuck you.

[tires screeching]

[tires skidding]

[police radio chatter]

[Emily crying in pain]

It’s gonna be okay. I promise.

Em, look at me. It’s gonna be okay.

Hold on, Em. Okay?

Make the call or you die.


You hurt my daughter, you scumbag.

You want that money? You need me.

[breathing heavily]

I meet you face to face. When I’m ready.

[engine revving]

First, I help my child. Then you get your money.

I’m in control here.

No, you’re not.

Em. Em, hold on, okay? Hold on.

[breaking up] You do what I say or…

[signal static buzzing]

…or I will kill you…

[rousing music continues]

[sirens wailing]

[pensive music plays]

[rousing music resumes]

Come on. Come on. God damn it.

Come on.

[speaking German]

Come on.

[tires screeching]

[dog barking]


[sirens approaching]

[slow, tense music playing]

[dog continues barking]

[tires screech]

[signal static buzzing]

Em, Em.

Stay awake, sweetie.

It’s almost over.

I’m tired.

I know you are, baby, but you have to try. You have to try it. Please, please.

[car door closes]

[tense music continues]

[police radio chatter]

[car pulls up]

[indistinct conversation]

[gasps] Oh, my God.

Oh. [breathing heavily]

It’s my family.

It’s Mom. What are they waiting for?

They think I’m the bomber.

Then tell them you’re not. Tell them about the guy on the phone.

I’ll try.

Try? I’ll tell them.

Hey! Help us!

My sister! My Dad didn’t do it!

Zach, no one else has heard this guy.

[officer] Turn off your engine!

[engine turns off]

My daughter needs help! She’s bleeding!

Hilfe! Help! Anyone!

[Heather mutters]


[suspenseful music playing]

[breathing heavily]

It’s not there. It’s under our seats.

[loudly] It’s under our seats!

We have no time.

[speaking indistinctly]

This is going to take way too long.

No, we haven’t got the time for this.

[Heather sobs]

[softly] Please.

[slow, tense music playing]

[Zach breathing heavily]

[Emily sobbing softly]

Everyone okay?

My daughter’s hurt. She’s lost a lot of blood.

We need help. Now.

How you doing, sweetheart?

Good girl.

We have EMTs right here. We’ll get her seen to real soon.

Then bring them in now.

You’ve got everybody’s attention, Matt.

A lot of people here are worried about you.

Especially Heather.

She just wants to see her family again, and I want to make sure she does.

I’m here to help you.

I just need to know you’re not gonna, you know, do something crazy.

I mean, you go, I go.

And I have a family too.

[Zach] Hey…

My Dad didn’t do any of this, okay?

There’s this psycho on the phone talking into his ear.

[Angela] Zach…

You see all that?

I have a lot going on here.

I’m just gonna talk to your dad here for a minute, okay?

I promise I’ll talk to you too.

Zach, it’s okay. I… I didn’t do this.

I wouldn’t.

Matt. Can I call you Matt, Mr. Turner?

Call me whatever you want.

Just get us out of this car.

Your children can get out right now if that’s all right, Matt.

The car will explode.

I see. If they get out, the car explodes.

Under our seats, there are pressure triggers.

Well, our friends here are looking into that, aren’t they?

You turned off the phones, yeah?

We’ve jammed cell signal for five blocks. You should be honored.

They haven’t interrupted the telephone service in Berlin since 1945.

Nice to unplug for a minute.


You say that he called you on that?

Do you know who he is?

If I knew that, I would tell you.

Just get them out.

Look at my daughter, please.

Okay. [speaks German]

They think the doors are clear.

We’d like to open them.

[drill whirring]

[screw clattering]

[breathes shakily]

[drill whirring]

[officer grunts]

So, three colleagues from your company die in one day, but not you.

I didn’t do this. I didn’t set off those bombs.

Okay. Understood.

[both chuckle]

It’s gonna be okay, okay?

[Angela] But why would someone do this to you?

I’ll have a look under your seat now.

Why you, Matt?

To punish you?

[Matt] Money.

You can get money robbing a bank…


…or working a fancy job like yours.

Not this kind of money.

What kind of money?

Trust, Matt. I need trust.

You’ve had a lot of losses for your clients, but you still have a nice car.

[scoffs] Do I?

Well, I guess you’ve had a tough day.

A tough week? A tough year?

How much did your clients lose this year?

We all lost this year.

Well, I know that you and your recent colleagues lost a lot of money for your trusting clients who invested in your fund, yet you kept making promises.

Promises that profits would appear.

Maybe he’s an angry client.

“An angry client.” Mm.

What kind of money did you say he wanted?

Just hurry up, please.

What kind of money?

208 million euros.

All Nanite Capital accounts have been frozen.

So, how does he plan to access this money?

The account’s based in Dubai.

It’s outside your jurisdiction.

Who knows about this account?

Partners in the firm.

How many are still alive?

Just me.

[officer] It’s clear back here. No device.

No pressure plates in the back.

He said it was under our seats.

What are you waiting for?

[indistinct conversation]

We’re getting your children out now, but…

Please, hurry.

But the bomb under your seat is hardwired to the seat sensors.

Even if we take out the car battery, shut down the car’s CPI, you get up, it will still trigger the bomb.

[officer] Grab my shoulder.

There you go, Em. Em, go. It’s okay.

Baby, it’s okay. It’s okay, baby.

It’s okay. I love you.


[sighs deeply]

Dad, I’m not gonna leave you.

Uh, I’ll be fine.

If you stay, I stay.

Go with your sister.


You just tell that girlfriend of yours, um, Mila,

I hope I can still meet her. Yeah?

I hope so too.


I made a promise I’d get you out.

I love you, Zach. Go on.

Love you too.

I’m gonna fix this.

Good boy.



I’m okay.

Oh, sweetie.

Can it be deactivated?

We’re still working on it.

Can I talk to my wife?

You will. When we get you out.

I need to talk to her. Please.

[soft music playing]




Oh. Oh.

Thank you.




Are you okay?

Uh, I’ve had better days.


I didn’t do this. I want you to know that.

Matt, just do whatever the police say.

Just listen to them and they’ll get you out, okay?

You have to do as they say.

[Heather sobbing]


I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.

I-I should’ve been there for you.

[breathing shakily]

For all of you.

[Heather crying]

Don’t say that.

I love you, baby.

I always have.

Just come home.

We’ll be okay.

I will.


Come on.

[ambulance engine starts]

[ambulance siren wailing]


You’re all here focused on me.

And he is still out there.

He’s the one that did this to me.

You don’t have to worry about that.

We’ll find him.

You don’t believe me.

What I believe right now is irrelevant.

I can find him.

Matt, you go into custody. We’ll work through this.

We’ll walk through every possibility.

You have my word on that.


[foreboding music plays]

He set me up and you all bought it.

Right now, we’re trying to get you out of this car.

That is my only objective.

[foreboding music continues]

You have your objective, and I have mine.

If you can’t find him, I will.


Tell them to stand down.

[foreboding music continues]

Tell them to stand down.

Matt, if you leave, I cannot protect you.

I want to be clear about that.

[engine starts, revvs]

Matt! Matt!

[tires screeching]

Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!


[sirens wailing]

[uptempo music playing]

[tires screeching]

[cell phone beeps]



You hearing this?

[tires screeching]

You want your money. I want my life back.

[sirens blaring]

[distorted voice] Transfer the money. Now!

[uptempo music continues]

Face to face. Or you get nothing.

I could end this right now.

[brakes screech]

So, what’s it gonna be?

End it!

End it! End it!

I choose the address. Not you.

[tires screeching]

[brakes screeching]


[beeps, chimes]

[indistinct shouting]

[uneasy music playing]

[car thuds]


[speaking German]

[indistinct shouting continues]

[indistinct shouting continues]

[distorted voice] Hello, Matt.

I just need to press send and we both go up, along with a lot of innocent people.

Now drive.

I said drive.


How about someplace a little more quiet?

[engine starts]

[engine shuts off]



Surprise. [chuckles]

[distorted] I told you, Matt.

You’re not as smart as you think.



Jesus Christ.

[in normal voice] Well, not quite water into wine, but I did just manage to turn a few bodies into 208 million euros.


I… I watched you die in that explosion.

Misdirection is at the heart of all great magic tricks.

I just needed a little distraction.

Thankfully, German trains run on time.

You know, that last blast had a little more kick than I expected.

But with all that money… I’ll just get myself a new face.

You did this all for money?


Prison’s no place for a man with my taste.


I gave you 18 years of my life, you son of a bitch!


This was all inevitable, Matt. Don’t take it personally.


If Cinderella’s slipper fit so perfectly, then why did it fall off?

[quietly] Huh?

Anders, what happened to you?

You know the business we’re in, Matt.

It’s kill or be killed. Your words.

Don’t go thinking you’re different than me.

You’re the murderer, not me.

You really think so?

Are you sure about that?

[Matt, on recording] Anders, authorize liquidation, or I will…

Authorize liquidation, or I will… kill you.

[Anders, on recording] Okay. Okay.

I’m doing what you want, all right?

I’m calling, Matt. Just… hold on.

[Matt] Do it.

[Matt, distorted] Anders, I will kill you.

[Anders laughing]

All sounds pretty convincing to me.

The bombs, the money. It all points to you.

[Matt sighs]

You know what was the easiest thing?

Setting up the bombs.

[menacing music plays]

You know there’s a bomb-making service on the dark web?

If you pay them a premium, they’ll even install it in the car.

I’m five steps ahead of everyone, Matt.

Make no mistake.

Now, if you’d be so kind and complete the transaction.

Transfer the money, Matt.

The minute you try to withdraw one cent of that money, they’ll know you’re alive.

It’s in a crypto account.

Untraceable. Impregnable.

You really think I haven’t thought of every single possible permutation?

When your kids got in the car this morning, do you think I panicked?

The one day that you decide to be a good daddy and drive your kids to school? No.

I adapted. I overcame.

Just like I did when Pils Kroger was going to pull the rug out from under us.

He was going to destroy us.

I wasn’t gonna let that happen.

He found out you were siphoning money from the offshore account.

The FCA doesn’t look kindly on embezzlement.

He… he did nothing to you.

And what did you do when you found out? Hmm?

You did nothing.

You looked the other way.

I didn’t know what you were doing.

Don’t be naive!

It’s always been about the bottom line for us.

Bullshit! Everything I did was above board.

You really do think you’re different, don’t you?

At least I accept who I am.

You just lie to yourself every day.

You just let it eat away at you until your own family doesn’t recognize you.

I’m not surprised Heather wants to leave you.

I’m just surprised it took this long to do it.

Now stop wasting time. Call the bank!

I said call the bank. This is your last chance.

[tense music playing]

I said call them.

[loudly] Call them!

There’s one thing you didn’t think of, Anders.

What a man will do when he’s got nothing to lose.

[engine starts]

[gear lever clicks]

[engine revving]

[tense music continues]


Pull over, Matt.



No, no.

I said stop!


Pull over or I’ll kill us both!

I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Heather.

Pull over!


[tires screeching]


[car rattles]

[car creaking]

[car thuds]


Come here. Come here.

[car creaking]



[tense music continues]



[rapid beeps]

[music stops]

[somber music playing]

[sirens wailing]

[intriguing music playing]


[music swells]

[music stops]

[reporter 1] The city woke up to an explosion in Tiergarten this morning.

[reporter 2] By the time it was over…

[reporter 3] …a total of four bombs rocked the city in as many hours.

Initially thought to be a terrorist…

[reporter 4] …the elaborate money heist involved Nanite Capital’s CEO Anders Muller.

[reporter 5] The money was to be transferred through crypto accounts to avoid detection.

[reporter 6] Now a new development regarding all the demonstrations…

[reporter 7] Nanite Capital executive Matt Turner…

[reporter 8] …working in conjunction with Europol, were quick to respond.

[reporters continue speaking indistinctly]

[intriguing music playing]

[suspenseful music playing]

[rousing music playing]


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