
Percy (2020) – Transcript

A Canadian farmer takes on a giant corporation after their GMOs interfere with his crops.
Percy (2020)

Based on events from a 1998 lawsuit, Percy follows small-town farmer Percy Schmeiser, who challenges a major conglomerate when the company’s genetically modified (GMO) canola is discovered in the 70-year-old farmer’s crops. As he speaks out against the company’s business practices, he realizes he is representing thousands of other disenfranchised farmers around the world fighting the same battle. Suddenly, he becomes an unsuspecting folk hero in a desperate war to protect farmers’ rights and the world’s food supply against what they see as corporate greed.

* * *

♪ Clouds gather ♪

♪ And the rain falls ♪

♪ And it fills the well ♪

♪ That feeds us all ♪

♪ And I’m loathe ♪

♪ To complain ♪

♪ But it’s been years ♪

♪ Of hard rain ♪

♪ And the heart knows ♪

♪ Its own mind ♪

♪ And the heart sees ♪

♪ And the heart’s blind ♪

♪ And the heart breaks ♪

[train whistle blares]

♪ Like a window pane ♪

♪ Until it can’t stop ♪

♪ All the hard rain ♪

♪ Rain… ♪

[Percy] Some farmers buy their seeds from the big guys every year to plant.

Me? I save my own.

That’s what I do. I’m a seed saver.

[thunder crashing]

♪ All creatures Of our God and King ♪

♪ Lift up your voice And let us sing ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

♪ Bright burning sun With golden beam ♪

[thunder crashing]

♪ Alleluia ♪

I gotta get out there.

♪ Alleluia ♪


♪ Alleluia ♪


That’s what you get for planting early.

Sorry, Karl.

♪ O clouds That ride the winds along ♪

Gotta go. Don’t wait up.

♪ Singing praises ♪

♪ Alleluia ♪

[thunder crashing]

Don’t ever trust a weather report.

Gotta get ’em up now.

[Alton] Field two?

[Percy] Yeah, before the rains hit.

That’s all she’ll hold.

Auger’s stuck!

That’s it. Got ’em.

You take this load in. I’ll finish up.

Okay, see you tomorrow.

[train clattering]

♪ And every dread That you can name ♪

♪ It rattles round Inside my brain ♪

♪ I’m lucky I’ve got a brain at all ♪

♪ Beating my head Against this wall ♪

[thunder crashing]

♪ And here I am A walking mess ♪

♪ Although I walk Among the blessed ♪

♪ Can’t count that As a certain thing ♪

♪ Fleeting as a wedding ring ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

♪ Oh, my ♪

[door opens]

[thunder crashing]

[door closes]

That’s one way of skipping the sermon.

I reckon… [breathing heavily]

God will understand.

[man] First canola I seen come in this year.

Bet you’re making a killing.

That’s a lot of money.

Take a look at that.

Huh? Huh?

[laughing] What?

[music playing indistinctly from combine]




What do you think?

What did that set you back?

It’s an investment. Don’t talk to me about money.

Missy, wanna go for a ride? Hey!

[girl] Yeah!

No. You know what, sweetheart? We have to go in.

[girl] Aw! No fair.

Come on, let’s wash up for dinner.

I told you.

[chuckling] Come here.


We know you love carrots.

[doorbell rings]

There you go. Another carrot?


Okay, here they are. Carrots and peas. There you go.

Mary, can you go wash your hands, please?

But I’m not using them. I’m using…

Hey, Ron. What you got?

Package for Mr. Percy Schmeiser. You have to sign.

What is it?

I deliver the mail, Percy. I don’t write it.



[Peter] Dad?

Percy Schmeiser to speak with, uh, Rick Aarons.

Did you wash your hands?

[Percy] No.


Did you? Let me see them.

Right in between there and there, you gotta…

Those are my veins.

You’ve gotta go back.

[Percy] I’ve received this statement of claim.

Look, there’s gotta be a mistake.

I got my own seeds.

[Mary] Grandpa!

[woman] Your granddad’s hiding.

[Percy] What? You’re calling me a thief.

You want me to cease what?

Who’s that?

[Percy] Farming? No, no. That… Really?

No stranger’s gonna come in my field and take samples of my plants.

What do you mean?

Court order?

How’d you do that?


Fine, but I’ll be there when they come by.

Thank you.


[screams, laughs]

Daddy told me your great-grandma sewed seeds into her dresses.

That’s right.

My great-great-grandma sewed ’em into her dress to keep ’em hidden.

Coming over from the old country, seeds was the most valuable thing they had.

Who are those men, Grandpa?

Mr. and Mrs. Schmeiser, welcome.

I’m Jackson Weaver.


Yeah, a lot of partners for a small firm.

Most of those guys are down in Florida playing golf.

Come on in.

So, how can I help?

This can’t wait. We got a… This.

They got a court injunction to take samples from our fields.

Trying to fleece me outta 19 grand.

Oh, yeah.

These are not small claims court kind of guys.

I never bought their seed.

They’re not saying you did.

They’re saying you grew it without a license.

Okay. Um, well, first things first, I’ll call them and we’ll set up a time for them to come get samples.

They’ve come already.

Yeah, this is a PI firm. They’re… they’re mostly ex-cops.


Look, if there’s even a little contamination, I strongly suggest that you settle.

Maybe offer them five, see if you can get them down to ten.


That’s your 300-bucks-an-hour advice?

Offer ’em a small fortune ’cause they send me a nasty letter?

Must be nice to be a lawyer.


You’re entitled to contest your claim in court, but you do need to understand that if you lose, on top of all the damages, you’re gonna have to pay all of their legal bills, which, I can assure you, will be a hell of a lot more than $10,000.

[clicks tongue, sighs]

Feels like you’re angling for a fight, Percy.

Field number seven?


[car door slams]

What the heck does he want?

I told ya this wasn’t just gonna go away, Percy.


Mr. Jackson.

Mr. Weaver. Jackson Weaver. Page A-5.

I did a little research. Monsanto’s claiming the canola you grew in ’97 contained a technology in the seed’s gene that they created.

It’s a pesticide-resistant gene.

It seems that, even after your crop is already growing, you can spray the entire field with their herbicide.

It’s called Roundup.

It kills all the weeds, but leaves your crop.

They spray the crop and we eat it.

If I could just talk to Monsanto, clear this up.

I think it’s beyond talking, Mr. Schmeiser.

Monsanto’s tests showed substantial contamination of their gene in your crop.

That’s a load of bull!

Look! These are my seeds, okay?

These are Monsanto GM seeds I got from my neighbor Karl.

How hard would it be to swap these for these, huh?

Sir, accusing them of conspiracy is only gonna make us seem more guilty.

My advice, once again, you should settle.

Give ’em ten K just like that!

And all of these have to go to the company.

How’s that?

They have the gene in them, so Monsanto will say that all of this is their property.

Guess we’re going to court then.

Will Percy have to testify?

Oh, definitely. Is that gonna be a problem?

You ready for this, Percy?

Getting his driver’s license photo is too much limelight for him.

[exhales deeply]

I’ll do it if I need to.

Well, we’re gonna rehearse exactly what you’re gonna say.

And if you really want to go for this, we’re gonna need witnesses.

That’s out. I can’t trouble other people. It’s my problem.

But we need someone to back up your story.

How ’bout Alton? He works for Percy sometimes.

Good luck with that.

All right, well, then someone else.

It’s a key part of building your case. Talk to him.

[girl] Here, turkey. Here, here.


[Mary] Grandma, let’s go!


Read about you in the paper there, Perce.

Save room for the hot dog eating contest there, Karl.


[Percy] Hello.


[kids laughing]

Okay, Grandpa. We gotta go.

[announcer] All right, this is it, the moment we’ve all been waiting for.

The 63rd annual Bruno Zucchini race! Step up!


On your mark, get set, go!

[bell clangs]

Look at Canola Conquest go!

And the winner is Mary Schmeiser!


We did it, Grandpa! We won!

Damn, that’s good. You ladies made these?

Best pie maker in all of Saskatchewan.

“Bruno Women’s Institute.” Good cause.

Here’s your change.

Thank you.

You folks from around here?

No, ma’am.

We are on our way to the Rockies for our honeymoon.

Yeah, and who might you be, best pie maker?

I’m Louise.

This is Brenda, best pie maker’s partner.

Well, I’m Jane and this be my new husband John.


Mr. Schmeiser, careful with those pies. Worth a fortune.

Oh, Percy. Thank you.

Jane and her hubby John?

The Does? Nice.

You gonna talk to Karl or am I?

I’ll do it.

You’re gonna need some fries with that.

Hey, Karl.

You sure got people talking.

What they saying?

That you stole Monsanto’s seed because it’s better than yours.

You know I’m not a thief, right?

But I could do with a bit of help here at my hearing.

Percy Schmeiser asking for help?

I only need you to go on record, tell ’em you’ve been my neighbor all these years, that I always save my seed.

Percy… I can’t.

I do business with these guys.

I can’t afford to get on the wrong side of them.

That’s all right, Karl. You know, I’ll figure something out.


Mr. Schmeiser, have you ever purchased Monsanto canola?

How long have you been a seed saver?

Have you signed a contract with Monsanto?

In 1998, were you trying to grow an herbicide-resistant crop?

Finally, Mr. Schmeiser, most importantly, have you ever knowingly planted Monsanto’s GM canola?

Well, have you?

You’ve got a hostile witness there, Weaver.

My client was unable to make rehearsal.

Did you get his retainer?

I think he’s good for it.

I’d push for a settlement if I were you.

And you need to project more.

What do you think?


Rick Aarons.

Jackson Weaver. Nice to meet you.

Just wanted to say, I think it’s very brave what you’re doing.

Really, very courageous of you. Good luck.

[bailiff] Order. All rise.

This court is open. Please be seated.

Mr. Aarons.

My Lord, this is an action for patent infringement.

The Monsanto Company owns a patent to a gene which, when incorporated into canola, renders it tolerant to a powerful herbicide called Roundup.

A farmer can kill all the weeds in the field and yet have the crop survive.

Through tests conducted on the canola leaf and seed samples taken from Mr. Schmeiser’s field, it was determined by no less than three independent laboratories that the seed, indeed, is property of Monsanto.

[woman] Mr. Schmeiser?

Mr. Schmeiser? Hi. I’m Rebecca Salcau.

I’m from the People for…

I don’t have any…

Excuse me?


Oh, I’m not… [chuckles] I’m not bumming a smoke from you.

I’m here to help you with your case.

Help how?


Percy, you’re gonna catch a cold out here.

I have to get back in. Excuse me.

I’m… I’m actually coming in too.

Mrs. Schmeiser? Are you Mrs. Schmeiser?

[Louise] Yes.

Hi. I’m Rebecca.

Louise Schmeiser.

Rebecca Salcau from the PEP, the People for Environmental Protection.

I was trying to tell your…

He’s not usually like this.

[Rebecca] Mr. Schmeiser?

[Jackson] There you are. Been looking all over for you.

You’re up next. Are you ready?

It’s a lotta steps.

Catch your breath.

Mr. Weaver, hi. I’m Rebecca Salcau from the People for Environmental Protection.

I’ve left several messages at your office.

What… Whatever you’re talking about, it’s not for me.

You don’t understand. This is a precedent setting case.

You could change history.

He’s about to testify. Just give him room…

In order to do that, we need to show how this GM tech is bad for all independent farmers.

It does not matter whether Mr. Schmeiser

intentionally used Monsanto seeds or not.

The hell it doesn’t.


Ms. Salcau, I appreciate your passion.

I know what I’m talking about.

That’s very clear, but you’re standing in the men’s room.

It’s for men.

I’ll wait in the hall.

Where did you find her?

She found me.

Mr. Schmeiser, over the years, how have your plants been in terms of incidence of diseases?

Good. I haven’t lost a crop in 50 years.

And to what would you attribute your success?

I’m a seed saver.

And… And what does that mean?

Well, every summer I study my crops.

I get to know them. I study how they react to too much heat, drought, too much rain.

I try to find the plants that are the most virile and I save those seeds for next year’s planting.

It’s how my father taught me to farm and his father taught him.

Mr. Schmeiser, have you ever bought bootleg Roundup Ready canola from anyone?


Have you ever attended one of Monsanto’s informational meetings?


Have you ever signed a contract with Monsanto to grow their Roundup Ready canola?

I have not.

And when you grew your 1998 canola crop, did you intend to grow a Roundup herbicide-tolerant crop?

I did not.

Thank you. That is all.

Mr. Schmeiser, in 1998, you say you planted field number two with seed from your ’97 crop.

That’s correct.

And, in June of ’97, you hand-sprayed Roundup around power poles.

[Percy] And the ditches. I always do.

And ten days later, you noticed that about 60% or so of the crop didn’t die?

That’s correct.

[Aarons] Were you surprised?

[Percy] I was, yeah.

I hadn’t seen that before.

[Aarons] Did you tell anyone about this?

No. I figured I hadn’t had the chemical mixed right.

So, you experimented by spraying another four acres of the field?


And noticed that, again, about 60% of the canola survived?

About that, yeah.

At that point, were you concerned?

Not really.

It was thickest by the road, so I figured… it had blown off passing farm equipment.

Did you consider it to be contaminated?

I did. Yeah, I guess so.

In August, you and Mr. Alton Kelly swathed and combined the field, including the areas you sprayed.

That’s correct.

[Aarons] You’ve just told us that you considered it to be contaminated and yet, strangely, you decided that the yield from this field should be kept as seed for the following year.

I did. But, see, they were healthy plants and I figured they wouldn’t harm my seed stock.

That’s what I do, I save strong plants to get the best seeds over the years.

I didn’t know anything about any patent.

And they were on my land.

Hey, Schmeisers.

Hey, Dana.

Where’d they get hold of all that stuff?

They have, like, 100 lawyers on the clock 24/7, so…

Are you following me?

I’m the one that’s already here.

Look, I reckon my wife’s gonna invite you to join our table.

I’d appreciate it if you’d, you know, make an excuse.

Rebecca, why don’t you come and join us?

[chuckles] Thank you, Louise. I would love that.

Yeah, come and join us.

Uh, wax beans?

Um, that’s not gonna work. Has everyone else ordered?

Yeah? Uh, how do you cook your fries?

We fry them.

Right, but in what?

The fryer.

You know what? It is fine.

I will just have a green salad, please, with oil and vinegar.

Thank you.

I feel like I’m in Fargo.

I’ve been to Fargo.


So, Percy, you haven’t lost a crop in 50 years?

[Percy] Correct.

That’s incredible.

How long has your family been farming?



I became a teacher instead of following in my father’s footsteps.

Not just mine. Your grandfather’s, your great-great-grandfather’s…

All the way back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

You think it’s a joke.

No, sir.

Two hundred years ago, we were serfs back in Europe.

We risked everything to come to this country.

You know why?

To escape the same crap this damn corporation’s trying to pull on us right now!

Exactly! Would you just say that to a journalist or two?

No way!

Why not?

What you’re doing is heroic. You should be recognized.

It’s a private matter between me and Monsanto.

Try the veal. I’m here all week.

[door opens]

See ya around.

[door closes]

You try to fight them on your own, you will lose.

We can help pay your legal fees.


Percy tells his story. We collect donations.

I’m no charity case.

It’s not charity. There are thousands of people who want to support you.

I’m no poster boy, neither.

[Louise] Take care.

[Peter] Come on, Ma.

[Rebecca] Bye! Get home safe.

[Jackson] Now, let’s talk about that stormy day in field number seven.

We had heavy winds and there was a lot of canola blowing in from a neighbor’s fields.

And then what happened?

I picked it up with the combine, just like the rest.

So, plants from the other farmer’s fields may have accounted for some of the seeds that Mr. Schmeiser saved for his crop that year?

That’s correct.

Now, the whole point of Roundup Ready canola, as I understand it, is that when you grow it, you can spray all of your crops with Roundup.

Is that correct?


Has Mr. Schmeiser ever asked you to spray a field of growing canola plants with Roundup?

No. He did not.

[Jackson] Thank you.

Okay. [sighs]


Did you interview any farmers who were growing Roundup Ready canola as to whether they sold Mr. Schmeiser any GMO canola?

I believe I did, yes.

Now, do you recall an interview with a Mr. Karl Steiger?

It was in a room at the Frontier Hotel.

And did you turn the heat up on Mr. Steiger during this interview, intimidate him a little?

Did you imply to him that you had proof that he sold Roundup Ready canola to Mr. Schmeiser?

I believe the words I used were, “I know you sold Roundup Ready canola to Mr. Schmeiser.”

But you were bluffing at that point?

I didn’t have any factual evidence.

[Jackson] I see. Thank you.

So, in 1997, you grew a crop of Roundup Ready canola?

I had a crop, you betcha, yes.

And where did you buy the Roundup Ready canola that you seeded in ’97?

At the pool elevator in Bruno.

[Jackson] How was it packaged?

[Karl] In bags.

[Jackson] Did any of the bags ever break?

Yeah, when I was loading the bags into the truck, one of ’em spilled open.

Any seeds leak out?

Well, they sure could have.

They’re making the bags out of paper now.

What route do you take back to your farm, Mr. Steiger?

It was the Bruno grid.

The Bruno grid.

Now, is the Bruno grid in this area? Am I right?

Right… Right by Mr….

[Karl] Yeah, it goes right by Percy’s fields.

Runs right past Percy’s fields.

Thank you, sir.

[Karl] Perce.

You couldn’t bring her in?

Okay. I gotta run. Okay. Bye.

Good job, Jackson.

Thank you, sir. I think that went pretty well.

Yeah, don’t get too comfortable, boys.

That big-city lawyer won’t let this die in Humboldt.

While we wait, I’m gonna stir up some press.

More to come.

[man on radio] Other farmers say that they have come to rely on Monsanto seeds for higher yields.

Meanwhile, Schmeiser’s defense team is asserting that the genetically modified seeds were blown from his neighbor’s truck as he drove by his fields.

The trial will be resuming later this month.

The judge resides…

[radio clicks off]

[Jackson] So, here’s the verdict.

“A farmer whose field contains seed or plants originating from seed spilled into them or blown as seed in swaths from a neighbor’s land, or even growing from germination by pollen carried into his field from elsewhere, does not own the right to use the patented gene, or seed, or plant containing the gene.”

What does it mean?

It means it doesn’t matter how it got there, or what percentage is even contaminated.

Everything you grew belongs to Monsanto.

How much do I owe?


[Louise] Oh.

[Jackson] It’s all the revenue from your 1998 crop, plus Monsanto’s legal fees.

And, Percy, it says here that you’re instructed to hand over all seeds from last year’s crop.

Everything I got’s in those seeds.

Nothing else we can do?

You know, I wouldn’t advise it, but there may be grounds for an appeal.

It would draw this out longer.

And, of course, it would cost more…


[Louise] This is getting out of hand.

[Jackson] Also, I really… I hate to bring this up now, but, there is the matter of my fee as well.

I’ll see to it.

You saying my farm’s not good enough collateral?

Look, Percy, how long have we known each other?

Thanks for your time, Sam.

[radio DJ] Caller, you there?

[man] I don’t like the seed companies, but as far as I can tell, Schmeiser’s a thief and deserves what he got.

[woman] How could you be a farmer for years and not know what’s in your field?

[woman 2] I’ve known Percy Schmeiser all my life…

[phone ringing]

…and there’s no way he’s a thief.



This a joke?

Best I can do.

Resells aren’t what they used to be, Perce.

[Alton] You sure you wanna plant these oats?

I gotta put something in the ground.

Hey, we’re watching you, seed-stealer.

Good luck getting home.

It’s no more than an eighth of a teaspoon.

Mm-hmm. Doesn’t it smell good in here?

[women chattering]

Are we late?

[door opens and closes]


Did you pay the fencing bill?

It says we’re past due.

Brenda and I have been voted off the Planning Committee.

[Percy] If you’re making tea, I’ll have a cup.

Okay. There you are.

What’s wrong?


Apparently, given our current situation, we’re not appropriate to represent the community.

Brenda’s furious. She blames us.

What’s Brenda got to do with it?

Alton gave evidence for you.

So, it’s my fault?

If the cap fits…

It’s just pies.

It’s not just pies.

It’s our friendships, it’s our community.

I’ll sort it out.


[news anchor] You don’t know how strong the patent is until Schmeiser violates it and it’s upheld in court.

The decision has set a world standard in intellectual property protection.

Okay, stop.

[TV turns off]

It’s good press, but it’s not gonna do anything to stop wheat.

He’s the best lead we’ve got and you know it.

Is he even appealing?

Not yet. But I can convince him.

He won’t win.

We do not need him to win, Roger.

We just need him to keep fighting.

He hasn’t signed a non-disclosure agreement.

So, he can still go public.

He’s 150K in the hole and we can use that.

Imagine, this poor, naive, salt-of-the-earth farmer publicly brought to ruin at the hands of the evil corporation.

By the time we’re done, there won’t be a single representative in Washington who’ll support wheat.

Schmeiser… I can’t sell that name.

It sounds like a beer. Schmeiser Light.

I don’t see the return on this. We don’t have the budget.

Don’t give me a per diem.


Okay, okay, okay, okay. But, Rebecca, you have to make this real now.

I’ll take the bus.

Take the bus.

I’m sorry I don’t have more to offer.

No time for baking.


We’re doing fine.

Of course.

I come from a family of farmers, so I understand how resilient you have to be.

Your people are farmers?

Well, not my parents, but on my mother’s side a ways back.

I have cousins in Minnesota who grow wheat.

Now, Percy, last time I saw you, you said you were not interested in speaking.

Still ain’t.

Okay. Well, I’m assuming that you have seen this.

This is a printout from Monsanto’s website.

That says that you knowingly segregated and planted their seeds.

That’s their message, and they are spreading it every day.

Now, I just thought you might want a chance to tell your side of the story.

I’m figuring to appeal.

Nothing’s been decided yet.

Well, how much would an appeal cost?

We can help with that.

We would set up public speaking forums for you and collect donations from the audience.

And how much money are we going to bring in?

Well, that would depend on Percy, on how hard he’s willing to work.

But maybe a few thousand.

Maybe ten. Maybe hundreds of thousands.

What’s your cut?

No cut.

100% of what is donated to you goes to you.

And we’d cover any travel expenses.

Uh-huh. What’s in it for you?

The PEP is trying its hardest to stop GMO wheat before they sneak it in.

You’re helping us raise awareness.

Please think about it.

[door opens]

I’ll make up the spare room for you, dear.

[train whistle blowing]

[man on mic] Hi, everybody. Hey, thanks for coming.

Look, uh, I know times are tough.

We’re here to offer solutions.

If you plant Monsanto’s genetically engineered seed, our trials are showing that you actually farm twice the amount of land in half the amount of time.

What if I ain’t got twice the land?


Well, then I suggest that you start looking for more, because if you want to get rid of your weed problems, all you gotta do is spray Roundup on your crop two times, once two weeks after you plant, and then mid-season when the canola’s about knee-height, and then, you’re doing well until harvest.

You might even get a week’s worth of vacation.

[farmer] Smells like a stinkin’ pile of manure to me.


Okay, well, look, guys, I can sell you different seed varieties, but nothing is gonna be as good as these.

What are you doing here?

[man on mic] I’ll even bet you $500…

Nothing. Just checking it out.

…you won’t even find anything else out there like it.

Now, look, there are some growers out there that are trying to get the same advantages you are all willing to pay good money for, by growing our seed without a license.

As far as I’m concerned, that’s freeloading and it’s stealing, and not just from Monsanto, but from you too.

So, if you hear anything or see anything suspicious, we have a 1-800 number, it’s totally anonymous…

It’s a damn snitch line!

[farmers murmuring agreement]

They want us to rat each other out!

[farmer] You’re nothing but a two-bit thief!

Who said that?

The newspapers!

[all laughing]

[man on mic] Okay, calm down, guys. Calm down.

Look, it’s not a snitch line.

[farmer 2] There he goes.


[man on mic] Look, guys, come up and get some cards, sign up before it’s too late and go ahead and grab some ribs.

[brakes squeal]

We’re appealing this case.

What do I have to do?

You’ve gone over what you’re gonna say?

Only about a hundred times.

Well, simple and straightforward is best.

I’m gonna talk about…

[moderator] Thank you for joining us for what’s to be an informative discussion about the dangers of GMOs or “Genetically Modified Organisms.”

[audience applauding]

But we at the PEP can’t do this ourselves.

To stop what’s coming, it’s going to take a lot of us standing up and having our voices heard, which brings me to our next speaker, a farmer who has been fighting a legal battle against Monsanto.

His name is Percy Schmeiser.


[audience applauding]

Yeah, uh…

I am a… I am… a farmer. I grow canola. I did. My granddad used to say that each farming season carried a promise that the seeds would get a little bit stronger.

He said that if you follow seeds back through generations, you’d get an unbroken history to the beginning of recorded time.

Civilization started when we figured out how to farm.

Farming is the foundation for everything we care about.

They said I’ve grown Monsanto’s canola without a license.

It don’t matter how it got there.

Wherever a plant grows that contains Monsanto’s gene, it belongs to the company.

Everything I worked all my life for is theirs.

So, my wife and I figure… we gotta keep fighting. All right?

That’s it. Thank you.

St. John’s, Newfoundland, Oakland, California…

[Rebecca] 28 cities.

People don’t even farm most of those places.

That’s right. We’re spreading your message.

All right?

That’s it.

…a farmer.

I grow canola. I did.

My granddad used to say that each farming season carried a promise that the seeds would grow a little bit stronger.

He said that if you follow seeds back through generations…

Wheat is Monsanto’s next target, a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry.

If that happens, we have lost.

Now, as the government, the courts, they tell us farmers’ rights don’t matter.

Only the corporations matter.

So, what’s going to happen when we spray these toxic substances onto our wheat?

Wheat that is ground down into the flour that is baked into bread.

[reporter] Can we get a comment?

Him. Him. That guy.

[reporters clamoring]

Monsanto owns it. So, somehow, it’s my obligation to check my land for their seeds.

Where’s their obligation to make sure their seeds don’t get on my land?

…by the time it gets to our dinner plates, contains glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup.

[Percy] We’re not backing down.

What they’re doing is not right and somebody’s got to say something.

That was great. Good job.

[Percy] Hey, girl.

[dog barking]

How’s the… [indistinct]

[camera clicking]

[Rebecca] This is great. This is exactly what we need, Percy.

This is big. Millions of people see his column every week.

Guess I better not mess it up then.

Why would you segregate the GMO seeds unless you wanted to grow more?

Back then, I didn’t know anything about patented seeds.

So, you did do it on purpose?


Tom, I think you’re missing the point.

Am I?

‘Cause it sounds to me like he used Monsanto’s seeds on purpose.

I never bought them. You know how many genes Monsanto puts into GMO canola?

One in 5,000.

They swap out one gene in 5,000.

Suddenly, I get sued for doing the same thing my family’s been doing for hundreds of years.

Which, lest we forget, is toiling day in and day out, for very little pay, to put food on our tables.

That’s right.

Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Karl sprayed this field last week with glyphosate.

Thank you, Tom. If you need anything else, please give my office a call.

Sounds good. Take care. Thank you.

Nobody’d be spraying this time of year.

He doesn’t know that.

“Seeds of discord. For doing what he’s always done, Percy Schmeiser, a Saskatchewan canola farmer, is being sued by agribusiness giant Monsanto in landmark seed piracy case.”

Front page of the Washington Post. It’s huge!

This one says he was fined for growing GMO soy.

He couldn’t afford to fight it, but he wants you to keep going.

He has included a check for $10.

So many people. Who’d have thought it?

[chuckles] See, Percy, press pays.

[Louise] People are so generous.

Hello, Mr. Schmeiser.



[phone ringing]

[Percy] Hello.

[Alton] Percy, I think Monsanto’s security guys are on my land.

Say again?

They’re here.

Can you get over here?

Okay, I’m coming.


I’ve told you to get out of my field!

I’ve called the police.

Get off this man’s property.

[man] Whoa, come on, there’s no need for that.

You’re trespassing!

[man] Come on, let’s go.

You can’t intimidate these people!

We won’t stop. We won’t stop until you stop spraying your chemicals on our food!

[camera clicking]

I’m gonna sue your ass.

Go for it.


[camera clicking]

[engine starting]

[tires rumbling on gravel]

The reason they’re going after Alton is because he’s supporting us.

That’s how these big seed companies work.

They go after anyone who speaks out against them.

That’s why this appeal is so important.

Well, we can’t afford a lawyer.

They’re tearing our community apart.

We gotta stand together.

With what money?

You haven’t paid us in weeks and you’re never here.

Look, your crops are failing.

[Percy] Never thought I’d be asking help from strangers.

[Louise] Well, you did.

But it doesn’t do any good unless you take it.

We’re talking about people’s hard-earned money.

It just don’t feel right.

You should read the letters.

[woman] “Dear Percy and Louise, when I read your story and what Monsanto’s doing with their genetically modified seeds, it made me sick. What gives them the right to patent…”

[man] “When they came after me, I settled.

But now, I wish I didn’t. I’m behind you all the way.”

[man narrating letter in foreign language]

[woman 2] “Thank you for what you’re doing.

I own a bakery and I’m terrified Monsanto will give us genetically modified wheat.”

[man 2] “Dear Mr. Schmeiser, many farmers here in southern Pakistan are struggling under the introduction of genetically modified crops.”

[man narrating letter in foreign language]

[man 3] “Maybe we can be like you and your wife. Thank you.

We enclosed a check. It’s not much, but it comes with our best wishes.”

[woman 3] “We have very little money, but we’ll do what we can to support your cause.”

So, I have found a way for you to make some extra money.

You’ve been invited to speak at a major international conference on food security in India next month.

India? What about the harvest?

Uh, I had to pull some major strings to make this happen.

This is a big deal. There’ll be dignitaries, philanthropists, agents of change.

[crowd] The whole world is watching!

The whole world is watching!

Excuse me, Mr. Schmeiser.

Excuse me.

Mr. Schmeiser.

We just want to get inside.

What are your chances in this appeal?

I feel confident.

[crowd] No, no, GMO! No, no, GMO!

No, no, GMO!

[toilet flushing]

[door unlatches, opens]

You okay? It was quite a scene out there.

I’m fine.


About India, I could really use your support.

Well, that’s up to Percy.

He won’t go without your blessing.

[water running]

It could mean a lot more money in donations.

We need him at home.

I know, but if you…

[hand dryer whirring]

If you stop him from fighting this, he’ll resent you for it.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

What about Brenda and Alton?

Now they’ve been dragged into this.

The only way to help them is to continue working with us.

Rebecca… some things are more important than your campaign.

Your grandmother and your grandfather weren’t farmers, were they?

But you’ll say anything to get what you want.

This is not about what I want.

Rebecca, Percy will do the right thing.

[door opens]


Excuse me.

Took me, like, six hours to get here.

[bailiff] The Third District Court of Appeals is now in session.

It’s like they’re multiplying.

[judge] Mr. Weaver, shall we begin?

[clears throat]

Good morning, My Lord.

Mr. Schmeiser’s 17 grounds for appeal are as follows.

A, interpreting the Patent Act so as to deprive farmers the ownership of canola plants and seed containing the patented gene.

B, finding that it is not necessary that a farmer take advantage of the patented gene…

[reporter] The trial’s expected to last up to three weeks.

Monsanto will continue with its case tomorrow, focusing on the investigation that led to the discovery of the genetically modified canola.

[reporter 2] Percy Schmeiser sees himself as David up against Goliath.

A 73-year-old farmer trying to stop big agribusiness from controlling the seeds he plants.

So, about India…

[sighs] I can’t go to India.

I need to take care of my business.

I understand.

But what about all those farmers that wrote you?

This is a chance to give them a voice in front of a global audience.

Are you just gonna let them down?

I didn’t promise them anything.

You took their money and you cashed their checks.

[indistinct announcement on PA]

[horns honking]


What is that?

[woman on TV] Seed has always been a renewable resource in farmers’ hands.

Seed that is renewable by its very nature is now made non-renewable and we see the consequences of this in India

where, since the big companies came in and took over the seed supply, especially in cotton, we have had 270,000 farmer suicides, most of them driven by debt and the debt caused by high-cost non-renewable seeds.

Now, it’s going to get a little hectic, so stay focused, on message.


Stay focused, yeah.

[audience applauding]


Monsanto says you should know if you’ve got their genetic property on your land. But how?

Their GM crop looks exactly the same.

The only way you can know is by spraying your field with their chemicals.

Then, everything that dies and is worthless, that’s what belongs to you.

Everything that survives has their GM gene and belongs to the company.

[speaks foreign language]

I am from South Africa.


We have a drought. Scientists are saying GM crops are the only way to stop millions starving.

You’re saying you want my family to starve?

No, I’m not saying that.

[in Spanish]

No, this is important. GMOs can help us.

In the ’80s, the University of Hawaii created a GM papaya resistant to a virus that was wiping out the local crop.

It saved the whole industry.

I’m not aware of that.

[man] Oh, come on! As if big agro cares about food.

They only care about money!

[audience chattering angrily]



Don’t fight! Don’t do it.

It’s what they want… for us to fuss and argue ’cause, while we fight, they take over.

In this country, people die.

They get into debt to Monsanto, they lose land.

Sometimes, they end their life.

For me, I understand that I might lose my farm.

Now, if they take my farm, if they take my land, that’s it.

There’s nothing left.

So, I get it.

No one’s gonna help us but us.

We gotta stop fighting.

Do not give them what they want.

[audience applauding]

[traffic sounds, people chattering]

Pretty noisy in there. Boisterous.

Yeah, you could say that.

I saw your speech, Mr. Schmeiser.

It’s not an easy thing to do.

That’s for sure.

We’ve heard your story. You’re fighting back. You make us hope.

You… you are our hero, our champion.

I’m a farmer, just a farmer.

I, too, am just a farmer.

Would you like to see a little bit of my India?

[bells chiming]

We consider it holy to feed a cow.

[speaks Hindi]

In India, we small farmers feed more than one billion people.

And a lot of this produce comes from villages just like mine, these vegetables, onions, potatoes.

A few years ago, GMOs came promising miracles.

Their seed is not meant for our climate.

It’s meant for irrigated land and seems to need much, much higher amounts of water than we have from the rains.

This is my village.

Seventy-five percent have lost their land to pay off debts.

Five young men have taken their own lives.

What about your farm?

I have relatives in all these homes, many of these homes.

A lot of them have seen suffering.

[children chattering]


This is my village, sir.

This way, sir.

Why were you at the conference, Vasu?

I was there to support my son.

You have a son, sir?

I do.

Is he a farmer, too?


Perhaps in times such as these that is not such a bad thing.

Did your son…

He was a farmer.

Would you like a cup of tea? That’s my daughter-in-law.

[speaks Hindi]




These companies are going to swallow us up.

[reciting in Sanskrit]

Do you know of the Bhagavad Gita?

In it there’s a saying,

“Don’t measure the results of your actions.

Measure the effort.

Most important is to do the right thing.”


[man reciting in Sanskrit]

Percy… it’s Louise.



They told me she fell down the stairs.

Yeah. I found her on the living room floor.

She was there for five hours.

How could that happen?

Come on, Dad.

With the stress that she’s been under, I mean, up there all alone…

You should go home now, Pete. Get some rest.

And thanks… for looking after your mom.

I’ll see you later.



[judge] In this appeal, the parties made submissions on a large number of relevant factors.

It is the unanimous decision of this court that there is no basis for interfering

with the exercise of the trial judge’s decision.

The appeal will therefore be dismissed.

Just a bit under $1.2 million.

That’s how much you owe.

Consultation fees, 44,000.

Travel expenses, 57,000.

Meals and entertainment, 1,400.

That’s it? They had a party.

We’re gonna lose the farm, Percy.

This is what happens when you get lawyers involved.

I can’t believe you let this happen.

I advised them against this from the start.

I told them this was dangerous.

You get off taking on the big boys, that’s your thing.

Are you questioning my professional integrity?

[Peter] Yes!

Are you kidding me? I’ve been doing everything I can for the last two years, up against a behemoth with… with infinite financial and legal resources.

And I’m completely on my own.

I’ve been putting my… my professional reputation, my career, on the line.

And I never once…


I’m sorry.

There’s nothing to be sorry about.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s my obligation to tell you that you can appeal again…

[Peter] No!

…to the Supreme Court.

No! It’s long past time that we put an end to this.

I am not advising it, I’m not advocating for it, Peter.

In fact, I’d probably advise against it.

Monsanto has put a lien on everything you own… your house, your farm, even your equipment.

If you lose an appeal to the Supreme Court, it could bankrupt you.

I’m very sorry.

[phone ringing]


[Rebecca] Hi, Percy.

How’s Louise?

Getting better.

Good, good.

So, have you, um… have you given any thought to your next move?

You’re talking about appealing?

No. No. Actually, we, uh… we don’t think you should.

You think I’ll lose.

[chuckles] Can you imagine Jackson trying to keep up with those million-dollar lawyers?

It’s a court case, not a foot race.

No, no, Percy. It’s a…

It’s a precedent-setting Supreme Court case.

If Monsanto wins, it will solidify their legal right to the patent.

What about all the other farmers?

[sighs] Percy, well, we said this was for your family and, you know, your family isn’t doing so good right now.

Now you care about my family.

Well, it’s your decision.

But, uh, if you decide to appeal, I cannot offer you our support.

That’s fine.

I’m sorry, Percy.

Me too.

Percy, I’m…

[hangs up]

[vehicle engine starts]

[glass shattering]

[engine straining]

Good luck getting home!

[wheels spinning]

There you are.

I thought you were sleeping.

I’ve prayed more than I’ve slept.

I can’t do it anymore.

Not gonna put you through this.

I’m done with all of it.

No Supreme Court?

No more appealing, no nothing.

I’ll sign what I gotta sign and I’ll sell what I gotta sell.

Well, I’m sorry, that doesn’t sit well with me.

What that company has put you through, it isn’t right.

What that company is doing to the other farmers, it’s wrong.

[sighs] We’ll lose everything.

Not everything.

So, Percy, it sounds like you’ve been pissing people off on both sides of the fence here.

Um, I hope not.

Are we ready?

[director] We’re in.

All right, here we go. Percy, welcome.

You’ve been accused of stealing Monsanto’s copyrighted material.

How do you respond to that?

What I did is the same thing farmers have done since forever.

No, it’s the government, the courts, they tell us farmers’ rights don’t matter, only the corporations matter.

Yes, but with all due respect, why should people believe you over Monsanto?

You know, to this day, I do not know who it is I’m fighting.

There’s no Joe Monsanto, just a bunch of lawyers.

I mean, farmers know the land, they know their plants.

Monsanto knows winning and losing and profits, and that’s not good.

[Peter] She was from British Columbia.

Eat up, Mary. We’re gonna be late.

He called up his dad, he said, “Dad, come out here.

I want to show you my new life.”

So, his father flies out from Saskatchewan and they look out over the mountains, the beautiful mountains.

He says, “Dad, what do you think of that view?”

His father looks out and he says, “You know, it wouldn’t be bad if it weren’t for all those mountains in the way.”

I heard that one.

[announcer on TV] Percy!


That’s Grandpa!

[Percy] …the government, the courts, they tell us farmers’ rights don’t matter, only the corporations matter.

Monsanto knows winning and losing and profits, and that’s not good.

Right. Yet, despite intense public interest, the courts have not ruled in your favor.

Are you worried you’ll lose your farm?

I’m sure they’d love that… see me gone and set an example in case some other farmer wants to stand up.

That’s why my wife and I have decided… we’re going to the Supreme Court.

Is… Wow. Is that something your lawyers have advised?

I don’t know.

I haven’t told him yet.


[door opens]

Oh, my God.

It’s my letter of resignation.

I have never been to the Supreme Court before.

I mean, this is your family’s future we’re talking about.

In fact, it’s the future of agriculture.

I mean, if you win, no farmer could ever be sued for saving his seeds again.

It is a very big deal. We’ve lost the last two times, and you need to find a better lawyer.

Could I see that?


That’s what I think.


[newscaster] We begin tonight with a seismic legal shift on a case that could one day affect us all.

Percy Schmeiser and Monsanto are taking their fight to the Supreme Court of Canada.

A David and Goliath legal battle over the ownership of genetically modified seeds…

[woman] Monsanto, the corporation behind dozens of lawsuits…

[man] …information and analysis that we did of his crop, he must have known.


[woman 2] The canola farmer is being sued by a big multinational corporation, Monsanto, in a case where farmers around the world are watching very closely.

I’ll be right back.

The case is growing into the biotech battlefield…

[man 2] The federal court judge who tried the case said in his ruling, none of the suggested…

[woman 3] Schmeiser claims he does not know how the plants got onto his land.

[woman 4] …a multibillion-dollar, globally operating biotech agricultural giant takes on a 76-year-old…

[man 3] Two million people in 436 cities and 53 countries…

[woman 5] To protect the farmers who signed a contract with Monsanto…

[man 4] …protest focused on genetically modified organisms.

[man 5] …the arguments from the Monsanto legal team…

Scientists predict the impact could be in the billions of dollars.

We’ll be right down. Bye.

There you are.


I know.

I love you, too.

Let’s do this.


[reporters clamoring]

[Jackson] Sir, give us room, please.

[woman] Percy? Percy?

Mr. Schmeiser, can you…

Percy, why have you taken the case this far?

There’s a lot of farmers around the world who can’t stand up.

I figure I should. Excuse me.

Let them through, please. Thank you.

[reporters clamoring]

[woman] Any comments?

[Jackson] We have no more comment at this time.

We have no more comment at this time.

[man] Hey, Monsanto’s here!

Mr. Aarons?

Just a comment?

One comment. Sir? Ma’am?

[reporters clamoring]

Wish you all the best. You’re in the big show now.

This is a rather simple case of patent infringement.

The trial judge imposed and the Federal Court of Appeal confirmed that there was a knowing reproduction of a patented gene and cell by the commercial planting, growing and selling of a canola product that contained that patented gene and cell.

If Percy Schmeiser has any seeds that contain the Monsanto gene, they did not come into his possession through any patented process.

They came into his possession in the way that seeds have been cultivated by farmers for millennia… through natural breeding.

Now, I believe there is some sense that unless Mr. Schmeiser loses today, unless there is a victory for Monsanto, then companies like Monsanto will just pull up their stakes and go elsewhere.

Well, that is not an argument that can hold any sway in this case.

If there is no basis to hold Mr. Schmeiser as an infringer, if, in fact, their patent doesn’t cover this type of invention, which is a living, reproducing plant, then I implore you… let justice be done.

[Louise] Percy?


[Louise] Jackson called.

The Supreme Court is reading their decision tomorrow.

Mr. Schmeiser…

Excuse me.

Mr. Schmeiser, what decision are you expecting?

Excuse me.

[reporters clamoring]

Mr. Schmeiser…

Mr. Schmeiser, was it worth it?

Percy, come on, two minutes for the people at home!

Two minutes, Percy!

[reporters clamoring]

[phone ringing]

[Jackson] Jackson Weaver.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead.


Okay. Is that it?

Got it.

[Louise] Well, come on, tell us.

Spit it out.

It’s a split. Five to four.

But Percy, Louise, the judges ruled that you don’t owe Monsanto anything.

[Louise] Praise the Lord.

You get to keep all property, the farm, everything.

It’s a blessing.

There is one… bit of bad news, though.

They… They did decide that by growing seeds with their gene, you did infringe upon their patent.

So, you do have to give Monsanto all of your seeds.

[Louise] Oh, Percy.

Let’s go home. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Weaver. Thank you very, very much.

You’re very welcome. Thank you.


[woman on TV] The case has set an international precedent in the fight against GMOs.

Schmeiser has successfully defended himself, opening more doors for farmers to challenge the company in court.

Mr. Schmeiser did not use Monsanto’s technology by spraying his 1998 crop with Monsanto’s Roundup.

He’s not required to pay the company any damages.

Hey, Perce, can I get your autograph?



Schmeiser has successfully defended himself, opening more doors for farmers… the same thing my family’s been doing for hundreds of years.

Say, Al, it’s too bad we’re missing the game.

Percy and Louise Schmeiser are real people and they’ve been manipulated and pushed and pulled by all of us.

But hopefully that’s over now and they can get back to doing what really matters to them.

Your granddaughter wants to be a farmer just like her granddad.

How’s that sit with you?

Better her than me.

[chuckles] We can start her on the combine next year.

[sighs] Louise.

I’m so sorry about everything.

Here, I got this, Perce.

[Percy] It’s okay. I’ll do it. I’ll do it.

I’m sorry it came to this.

I know how much they mean to you.

That’s the thing about seed. You can always grow more.

Percy, look who the cat brought in.

You were right.

They were looking for a case to test their patent and I handed it to them on a plate.

No. No, Percy, you stopped wheat.

What kinda BS you talking about now?

[chuckles] I deserve that, I do. But it’s true.

Monsanto announced it this morning.

We always knew that Europe didn’t want GMO wheat.

But now the Canadian farmers, they heard your story and they want nothing to do with it, they won’t grow it.

So, the Americans know that if they grow it and you guys don’t, they can’t sell their crops internationally.

Isn’t it wonderful, Percy?

Think of all the farmers who won’t have to go through what you did.

Good for them, not me.

Percy… Percy, this is huge.

You turned the tide.

The farmers know they can fight back now.

You should be really proud.

Bye, Louise.


♪ As I went walking ♪

♪ That ribbon of highway ♪

♪ I saw above me ♪

♪ An endless skyway ♪

♪ This land was made For you and me ♪

When I take over the farm, this is all gonna be strawberries as far as the eye can see.

You think?


[horn honking]

♪ I went walking That ribbon of highway ♪

♪ I saw above me An endless skyway ♪

Maybe then we can retire.

♪ I saw below me A golden valley ♪

♪ This land was made For you and me ♪

♪ This land is your land This land is my land ♪

♪ From California To the New York islands ♪

♪ From the redwood forest To the Gulf Stream waters ♪

♪ This land was made For you and me ♪

♪ I’ve roamed and rambled I’ve followed my footsteps ♪

♪ To the sparkling sands Of her diamond deserts ♪

♪ And all around me A voice was sounding ♪

♪ “This land was made For you and me” ♪

[singer] Help me out.

♪ This land is your land ♪

♪ This land is my land ♪

♪ From California To the New York islands ♪

♪ From the redwood forest To the Gulf Stream waters ♪

♪ This land was made For you and me ♪

[banjo playing]

♪ Your parents They were different ♪

♪ They lived up That dirt road ♪

♪ Your mama She was pregnant ♪

♪ There was something That she knowed ♪

♪ If you were born A boy at all ♪

♪ She had a name for you So strong ♪

♪ Wasn’t long Till the world found out ♪

♪ Your mama, she was wrong ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ She called you Monsanto ♪

♪ Suits your jawline And your eyes ♪

♪ There weren’t Too many relations ♪

♪ To come and question why ♪

♪ When you started school Every farm kid knew ♪

♪ That you spit When you heard that word ♪

♪ And lawyers prowling Near about ♪

♪ Got hungry When they heard ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Now, somehow your name Floated on the breeze ♪

♪ To the corporate side Of the fence ♪

♪ The agribusiness giant Tried to find the scent ♪

♪ Now, were you a boy wonder All growed up from a seed ♪

♪ Or Roundup bloody modified To do an evil deed? ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Well, either way The Joneses paid ♪

♪ In court for copyrights ♪

♪ The poor boy’s entire life Became a legal fight ♪

♪ There’s an office In St. Louis ♪

♪ That patents living things ♪

♪ Where doctors Lawyers, scientists ♪

♪ Claim anything with genes ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Well, Monsanto Jones Posed for pictures ♪

♪ Of his contested head ♪

♪ He’d been sued Within an inch of life ♪

♪ And was wishing He was dead ♪

♪ The courts had ruled And they were fooled ♪

♪ He’d have to pay Just for being a child ♪

♪ There was no seed On all the earth ♪

♪ That could still be Counted wild ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ Monsanto Jones Monsanto Jones ♪

♪ All the blame Lies in your name Monsanto… ♪

♪ Jones ♪

♪ In the bitterroot The biggest sky ♪

♪ The valley wide The mountain high ♪

♪ The holy girl Whose smile was light ♪

♪ The crescent moon The bird in flight ♪

♪ The chorus rising Higher and higher ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ And so they sang The songs of praise ♪

♪ And the revelation And Judgment Day ♪

♪ Words of faith In their beliefs ♪

♪ In the height of joy And the depths of grief ♪

♪ Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ That was his life His every day ♪

♪ Took in Every word they’d say ♪

♪ Truth being turned In every way ♪

♪ And he saw the cracks In the feet of clay ♪

♪ And so he sang Along with them ♪

♪ His heart as empty As the wind ♪

♪ He never even Heard the call ♪

♪ Of mercy offered up to all ♪

♪ Just the chorus In the telephone wires ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪

♪ Bread and water Blood and fire ♪


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