
Infinite (2021) – Transcript

A man discovers that his hallucinations are actually visions from past lives.
Infinite (2021) - Mark Wahlberg

For Evan McCauley (Mark Wahlberg), skills he has never learned and memories of places he has never visited haunt his daily life. Self-medicated and on the brink of a mental breakdown, Evan is sought by a secret group that call themselves “Infinites,” revealing to him that his memories may be real–but they are from multiple past lives. The Infinites bring Evan into their extraordinary world, where a gifted few are given the ability to be reborn with their memories and knowledge accumulated over centuries. With critical secrets buried in his past, Evan must work with the Infinites to unlock the answers in his memories in a race against time to save humanity from one of their own (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who seeks to end all life to stop what he views as the cursed, endless cycle of reincarnation.

* * *

[man] There are among us a people, gifted with a perfect memory of all their past lives.

They call themselves Infinites.

Among the Infinites, two groups have vied for power.

On one side the Believers, dedicated to using their knowledge for the protection and growth of all humanity.

Against them stand the Nihilists, who see this power as a curse.

New technologies have given the Nihilists an opportunity to end all life on earth.

And the race is on for its control.

[sirens wailing]



[tires squealing]

[man] Treadway, tell me you got it.

Yeah. Yeah, I got it. I got it.

[tires squealing]

[horns honking]

[Treadway] Might be delayed a little. I’m headed to meet you now.

Copy that.

[tires squealing]

[sirens wailing]

[policeman speaking Spanish]

[man] Treadway, you okay?

[Treadway] We can’t let them get the Egg back.

I can’t believe Bathurst would go this far.

He’s not the man we remember.

[Treadway] Shit.

[hip-hop music playing]

♪ Real legends never die Real-Real legends never die ♪

♪ Real legends never die ♪

[man rapping] ♪ How come the nonbelievers are screamin’? ♪

♪ Reset to fast To outrun the demons ♪

♪ Nothin’ come between The boy and his freedom ♪


[man continues rapping]

[policeman speaking Spanish]

Abel. I’m gonna take a shortcut. Meet me at the freeway.

[sirens wailing]

[man rapping] ♪ The legend never die It get reborn ♪

♪ Real legends never die ♪

♪ Real legends Real-Real legends ♪

♪ Real legends never die ♪

♪ Real legends Real-Real legends ♪

♪ The legend never die It get reborn ♪

[tires squeal]

♪ There ain’t no Holdin’ me back ♪

[man continues rapping]

[horns honking]

[tires squealing]

They got it blocked off.

Get to the base of the crane.

[Abel] Treadway, listen.

Do not go up that bridge.

Treadway? Treadway?

[Treadway] Abel, listen to me.

If I fail, look inside.

I don’t know what miracle you think you’re gonna pull off, but there’s a 150-foot gap in front of you.

What is his plan?


[Abel] Leona. Please.

Leona, wake up. Wake up.


I’ll find you in the Beginning.

[Abel] I love you.


[man] Did you ever have a dream so real it felt like a memory?

You ever catch yourself in the mirror and it’s a surprise?

Like you expected to see someone else’s face staring back at you.

All these people all going somewhere, all doing something.

But what does it all add up to?

Maybe if I knew the answer, all the little things might click together.

They might make sense.

[man] Hey. Hi.

[woman] Evan. Right on time.

Nice to see you. How are ya?

Any trouble getting here?

No. No, not at all.


[Evan] Third interview this week.

[man] Here he is.

[Evan] Hey, gentlemen.

[man 2] Hey. How are you?

Pleasure to meet you.

Evan, great to meet you.

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.

Wow. Beautiful place you have here.

Thank you.

Absolutely gorgeous.

I just got a couple questions if you don’t mind.

Yeah, of course.

There are a couple of question marks in your past.

I recognize that.

You’re the first face people see when they walk into my restaurant.

And they’d be greeted with a smile.

I have had some issues in the past.

I did a full background check on you, Mr. McCauley.

I spoke to some of your past employers.

And you know what? They all said the same thing.

I’m interested to hear what they had to say.

They say you’re great!

They say you’re smart. He’s a smart guy.

Smart guy right here, huh?

That’s all good. I guess I’ve got the job then. When do I start?

Tell me about the customer you attacked.

He assaulted a waitress.

So you broke his arm.

I did. It was unintentional.

Excuse me, but he grabbed her ass.

I asked him to leave politely.

He put his hands on me. No charges were ever filed. Everything was dismissed.

So you just walked out of a shift at Locanda and you… you never came back?

I had a personal issue. That was six years ago.

Yeah, your manager told me that you were institutionalized.

For two weeks.

Two weeks. Melanie, it’s just two weeks. Just two weeks.

Look. My struggles with mental illness are a part of my past.

I haven’t had so much as an eye twitch since.

I think, if anything, getting through what I’ve been through only makes me stronger.

And I am 100% confident in my ability to manage here.

Thanks for coming in today, Evan.

Please. Look, I know what it looks like.

But my illness isn’t an issue you have to worry about.

I promise you…

Hey, we’ll be in touch, okay?

[sighs] No, you won’t.

Excuse me?

I know the brush-off when I hear it.

Mr. McCauley, you are clearly awesome at dealing with conflict.

You have no idea.

Thanks for coming in.

But you’re right. I don’t think I will need to be calling you.

You think you know my story because you ran a background check and made a couple of phone calls?

I knew yours when I shook your well-moisturized hand.

Thank you for your time.

[Evan] I get it. I do.

Who’s going to hire a diagnosed schizophrenic with a history of violence, when there’s a dozen candidates out there with sparkling clean records?

But what’s really on my mind is if I can’t get a job, I can’t pay rent this month.


I mean, dry-cleaning this suit wasn’t exactly free.

And more than that, I’ve gotta get something together real quick, because these meds, they’re running out.

And once they do, shit gets real.


Are there things you just know how to do?

Like, no one’s ever showed you.

Somehow each step in the process makes sense.

Like you’re remembering it.

Not learning it.

[man] For reals, you really made that shit yourself, man?



Hey, yo, Ronny. Yo, Ronny.

Evan, man.


As requested.

Kimotsuki-styled iron. Handcrafted.

One of a kind.

Oh, hell, yeah.

Hattori Hanzo, yo? Ooh!





Get off me.

Now, let’s get this man paid.

You get high off this shit?

No. Clozapine. It’s an antipsychotic.

[chuckles] You get paid in pills?

Evan here’s on “Ronny-care.”

[all laughing]

Yeah. Dr. Ronny.

Why don’t you, like, get them at Duane Reade?

Because Evan don’t wanna talk to shrinks every two weeks. Right?

Yeah. Evan can’t afford 400 bucks a month on a scrip.

Yo. Wikipedia.

What’s the capital of “Brakina Fatso”?

[Ronny] Yeah.

It’s pronounced “Burkina Faso.” Ouagadougou. Could I have my pills, please?

[all laughing]

Shit, man. Forgot my count, man.

You made that up.

Damn, man!



Homeboy knows everything. He a freak.

How do you know so much?

Honestly, I wish I knew. Makes me nuts.

Could I have my pills, please.

Dang, girl. You eyeballin’ my boy like he a steak dinner.

[man] Yo, yo. What’s gunpowder made of?

74% potassium nitrate, 13% charcoal.


Damn. Impressive, man.


I said eyes on me.

Come on, Ronny.

There you go, man. Sixty packages.

That’s only 55.

For real?

Close enough.

The hell it is. I live on those.

Sixty. Hey.



You want the real thing, right? That is it.

That’s folded over 70 times. Carbon-treated steel.

Take your damn hands off me.

[cocks gun]

You better tell your boy to learn how to count.

The deal is for 60 bags.

Yeah? Well, that’s all we got.

You don’t like it, you can go back to Bellevue.

Get the gat on homeboy.

[cocks gun]

I wanna test this shit out.

Yo, what’s gunpowder made of?

[Ronny] Hold out your arm.


Hold out your arm.

Get up.

Put your arm there, huh? It’s the neck or arm, baby.

You choose.

Hey, Ronny. That’s not a toy, bro.

Mind your business, Evan.

Come on, Ronny. This ain’t funny.

[grunts] Oh, God! My fingers!

[Shawna whimpers]


I think it works, huh, Ronny?

Cut my goddamn fingers off, man!

You’ll be all right. Hey, sweetheart, why don’t you head on home now.

[Ronny] You’re trippin’, bro.

You are done, homey. You’re a dead fool.

I don’t know, Ronny. You’re talking to a guy who buys antipsychotic medication from you.

I’m feeling a little unbalanced right now.

Maybe the best way to get the voices in my head to stop talking is to cut yours off.

Do you think it would help?

No. Don’t fight. Don’t shoot. It’s cool.

We’re cool, man. We’re cool. All right?

Hey, dickhead. Grab my pills. Now.

There you go.

[Ronny] You’re crazy, man.

If I was crazy, I’d have chopped you up in little pieces a long time ago.

Give me my pills.

Now, you listen to me, Ronny. I’m not crazy, okay?


I’m just misunderstood. All right?


[car alarm blaring]

[police sirens wailing]






[sirens wailing]

NYPD picked up an Evan McCauley. Drug deal gone south.

Cops found a sword on him.

Blade was made with a process hasn’t been used since, uh, Edo Japan.

[woman] So?

He claims he forged it himself.

Another broker-turned-hipster blacksmith.

Oh, ye of little faith. Are you seeing this, Nora?



If we know, Bathurst knows.

Be careful.

Thanks, Mom.

[door opens]

Tell us when you’re done, sir.

[Evan] Can I get my phone call?

Supposed to get a phone call.


You’re dressed way too nice to be an NYPD detective, so… must be a doctor.

Not a thing?

No recognition at all?

I think I should feel hurt. [chuckles]

Do you remember… Syracuse?


The siege.

Second Punic War.

Where we first met.

Well, not quite the thrill ride of the First Punic War, but, hey, sequels are tough, huh?

You disappoint me.

Well, join the club.

I notice… you didn’t sign it.

[laughs] Then again… craftsmanship like this… you didn’t need to, did you?

I made a sword. Is that a crime?

[sword hits table]

Evan McCauley.

Diagnosed with schizophrenia at 14… after carving the words “Look inside” into your chest with a box cutter.

Electroshock proved unhelpful.

But these…

are not bad, eh?

Doctor, can I…

Please. Go ahead.

At 16, attempted suicide via car crash, necessitating the steel plate in your skull.

Spent the rest of your early life bouncing around between psych hospitals and foster homes.

Well, I only cut a couple of his fingers off.

I don’t think I’m gonna need to plead insanity on this one, am I, Doctor?

I’m curious.

“Look inside.”

Why those words?

Why not?

Which one of these… is yours?

You can skip the… whatever the hell this is because none of that is mine.

You’re not supposed to have that in here.

What’s going on here?

Hey, Officer.

Hey, what the hell is going on here?

Pick it up.


Pick it up.



The last meal of the Comte d’Anjou.

A Bordeaux.

Not a bad choice for a last meal.

Was it yours?

I wish I knew what you were talking about, but I don’t know what to tell…


Every time you say, “I don’t know,” this trigger gets pulled.

Is it yours?

I don’t know…

Are you out of your mind?

We’re in a police station! Hello! Officer!

The room is soundproof!

They won’t even hear it when I put 250 grams of lead through the back of your skull.

Is it yours?

Yes. Okay, yes, it’s mine.

Are you happy?

[trigger clicks]


Lying… won’t help.

Look. I’m just a guy who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. That’s all.

Last chance, Evan.

Is… it… yours?




There’s the Treadway I know!


Little trick I learned from you.

Hello, old friend.

[engine revving]


Get in!

Hold on.




Go! Turn! Turn!

Oh, shit!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Go! Go!

Inside! [shouting]

Hold tight.

Oh, sh…


[officer] Cover!

What are you waiting for? Come on, let’s go!

Go the other way!

Take the wheel.


[policeman] Get out of the car!

Yeah, sure. Retractable steering wheel. No problem. That’s normal.


Shoot that son of a bitch.


Move! Clear the street!

Shoot the driver!

Jesus Christ!

[policeman] Who are they?

Relax, it’s bulletproof.

180 now!

Don’t stop.

[man yelling]

[men screaming]

[policemen yelling]


Can I ask you a question?

Yeah, sure.

Who the hell are you?

I’m Nora Brightman.

Okay. But who was that dude back there?

Bathurst. You didn’t recognize him?

No, I didn’t. But clearly you did.

Well, you’ve known him a long time.

I’ve never seen that man before in my life. Him, I think I’d remember.

Well, not in this life, maybe.

Oh, no. Maybe I bumped into him during the Second Punic War?

Or maybe it was the French Revolution. I’m bad with dates.

You remember that?

No. I don’t remember the French Revolution.

I figured it out. I see now. I get it.

You do?

None of this is real.

It’s a psychotic break.

I’m gonna wake up in a hospital somewhere, drooling all over myself, strung out on lithium.

Is that easier to believe than the idea that maybe destiny has something more in store for you?

Destiny? Where I come from, we got bills to pay, rent to make.

Nobody’s got time for destiny.

That’s a shame.

I know you’ve been looking for answers, Evan.

But you’re not crazy. You never have been.

No, I’m not crazy. I’m just delusional.

Do you ever find yourself drawn to places you’ve never been?

Do you ever see a picture of a place and just know you’ve been there?

Do you know things you shouldn’t?

Do you pick up things fast, almost as if you’re remembering skills, not learning them?

I’ve told a dozen therapists this.

I’ve been analyzed every way possible, a hundred times over.

It doesn’t mean anything.

Do you dream in other languages?

[speaks Russian, Japanese]

That’s what schizophrenia is. Different people, same head.

What if it were the same person, different lives?

You’re talking about reincarnation.


You can forge a sword because you were a blacksmith.

You speak Russian because you were Russian.

Look, I hate to break it to you.

It’s a comforting idea, souls moving from one body to the next.

But it’s basically just a spiritual equivalent of “better luck next time.” Okay?

Nothing more and nothing less.

Feel safe warm and inside all that cynicism?

I do, actually.

And how’s that working out for you?

In the grand scheme of things?

Like big-picture shit? Not so great.

But I’m good. I’m surviving.

The visions you’ve had your entire life, Evan, aren’t hallucinations.

They’re memories.

So, you’re saying that a hundred doctors were wrong?

Fifty medications didn’t work because I’m really a reincarnated Russian blacksmith?

This is real.

I’m real.

Oh, yeah? This is no version of reincarnation I’ve ever heard of.

Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh.

They believe each life begins with a clean slate.

The answers you’ve been looking for all your life… all you gotta do is get on that plane.

You know what I’m really asking myself right now is?

What if the craziest thing I’ve ever heard… and this is some crazy shit… is actually the first thing that’s ever made any goddamn sense?

I don’t gotta go feed the cat, so… let’s go.

[speaking Italian]

Go on.

[speaking, gurgling, choking]

[speaking, gurgling, choking continue]


[woman] They left from a private airport.

It was an unlisted flight.

She was there fast.

Too fast.

The sword hadn’t been in the system for more than a few hours.

Then they have a base here in New York.

I want it found.

It will lead us to Evan McCauley.

He will lead us to the Egg.


[speaking Latin]

[continues speaking in Latin]

[shouting, choking]

[Nora] We call ourselves the Infinite.

Less than 500 souls from across the globe,all born with the ability to remember all our past lives and the skills we’ve learned in each of them.

There are two groups within the Infinites: Bathurst and the Nihilists, who just want the world to end, and us… the Believers.

And what is it that we believe?

We believe that our gift is a responsibility.

That it’s up to us to leave humanity better off than we found it.


I think I’m gonna need these.




Wow. It’s a long way from Arthur Avenue.


It always blows my mind.

We call it the Hub.

This is the place where you’re gonna get your memories back, Evan.

We’ll be landing soon.

Recognize anything?

I’m pretty sure I’d remember this.

It used to be dedicated to scientific research.

Anthropology and linguistics.

All of us using what we’ve learned.

Life after life for the advancement of mankind.

And what is it now?

Headquarters for the losing side in the war.

[shouting, grunting]

Bathurst is the master of combat.

Hundreds of lifetimes.

You must be prepared for everything.

He’s the apex predator in our world.


[speaking Japanese]

Why are they bowing?

They’re hoping you’re Heinrich Treadway.

[instructor] Again!



It was a popular name in the ’50s.

In the ’50s.

Great for rock ‘n’ roll, but lousy for names, I guess.

The 1750s.

[instructor grunts]

What do I know that you need so bad?

That’s why you’re here… to find out.

[grunting continues]

This is Treadway’s room.

Are you asking me or telling me?

I must’ve really screwed up on my last incarnation.

Why would you say that?

Have you seen where I live in this life?

That’s Treadway’s Himalaya diary.

That was me.

When I was Leona Warrick.

And that was Treadway.

[Leona screams]




Two days after that picture was taken, Treadway saved my life.

There’s a reason you picked that book.

All this tells me is what he did.

None of it tells me who he was.

Here we can study anything and everything.

Space, time, scale. It’s all relevant.

That doesn’t seem like much.

[woman] Welcome to my virtual sandbox.

Name’s Garrick.


Garrick is our head of technology and research.

He doesn’t look like much.

Goddamn, it’s good to see you again.

It’s nice to meet you too.

Don’t worry. All this shit, it just gets weirder.


Now let’s get started.

Follow me.

Stand there for me, please.


[hologram powers up]

That’s the guy from the police station.

[Garrick] Bathurst. He and Treadway were once friends.

A dozen lifetimes. Wars, peace.

They stood together at some of the greatest moments in human history.

Then Bathurst lost faith.

For the last 300 years, he’s been looking for a way out.

He needed a way to stop reincarnating.

He wants it all to end.

[Garrick] That’s why he made this.

[Garrick] The Egg, designed to kill every living thing on earth.

[Evan] That seems a little drastic.

[Nora] If there’s nothing left alive, there’s nothing left to reincarnate into.

[Garrick] It attacks life at the source… DNA… unwinding the very fabric of existence.

Every plant, every animal every person.


[woman] Jordan!

[people yelling, screaming]

I’m coming!


[Nora] Like unplugging a computer when a program freezes.

[Garrick] Only when he pulls this plug, seven billion people will go with him.

Everything it kills accelerates the process.

God! Holy shit, that felt freakin’ real!

Without you, none of us would be here right now.

What are you talking about?

Last cycle, you raided Bathurst’s lab, stole the Egg, killed his Einstein and everyone who helped build it, leaving him with no way to recreate it.

You took the secret of the Egg’s whereabouts to your grave.

Bathurst spent this entire lifetime looking for it.

And he’s getting closer and closer to finding it every day.

That’s why he tracked you down in New York.

So I get on the plane, you get all my memories back, and I save the whole entire world, right? That’s it?

That’s pretty much basically it, right?

Told you it was gonna get weird.

So, what now?

[phone rings]

Tell me good news, Nora.

[Bathurst] Bryan Porter. Treadway had a gift with steel, didn’t he?

Impeccable. Your friends in the NYPD were certainly impressed with it.

Unfortunately, their encryption skills are less than impeccable.

Led us right to you.



You do know we have easier ways of doing things now, right?

Newer… almost never means better.

We’re going to uncover Evan McCauley’s location.

We’ll brute-force your encryption.

But I’d consider it… a courtesy… if you just… sped the process up.

[chuckles] Tell us where he is.


[coughing] Okay.

I know where he is.

[coughing continues]

Of course I do.

I know exactly where he is. I just… I, um… I sometimes have difficulties…

[whispering] with my memory.

[whispers] Memory.

[groans] I remember when you used to gather honey on the fields of Marathon.


Just another reminder of how nothing stays the same.



Would you care for some?

You know what real torture is?

Listening to you?

[laughs] Real torture… isn’t physical pain, but human stupidity.

Being surrounded by it, engulfed in it.


Lifetime after lifetime.


People with their idiot grins!

Their infuriating pleasantries!

Their need for approval!

Their unctuous attempts to be loved and validated!

They are walking, talking obituaries…


…on the back page of a dying newspaper, at the bottom of a birdcage, in the corner of a filthy living room of a hoarder cat lady!

And we are forced…

You’ll never understand…

…to live amongst them over…

…friendship, love.

…and over endlessly.

That is the true…

You still don’t understand about faith!

…definition of torture.

Faith! Blah, blah, blah!


[whispers] Faith.

I’m tired of faith.

God must show me his face.

But thank you… for enlightening me.

[Porter screams, faint]

You kept his fucking body?

Sexy son of a bitch, isn’t he?

No. He’s a dead guy floating in water.

That’s pretty much my worst nightmare.

Actually, it’s a crotonic acid matrix. Keeps the cells alive.

Oh. That makes it that much better. Thank you.

We’re trying to understand the science behind what we are.


[Nora] Treadway believed that humans are capable of so much more than we realized.

[Evan] Is this what you’re telling me? I’m not living up to my potential?

I’ve heard that speech before.

[Garrick] Treadway pushed past boundaries others might call paranormal, superhuman.

He can manipulate the energy of the world around him.

[Evan] I don’t even know what that means.

[Garrick] What it means is you’ll have skills beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

Those abilities are very deep.

Below the conscious level.

[Evan] I’m down. How do we get them back?


[Nora] Here, we retrain your memory.

We combine the physical and the mental to develop new neural pathways.

Memories are held in every organ… every cell in your body.

Regression takes the kind of concentration it takes years to develop.

This is a shortcut.

We shock your mind into synching with the system.



[Garrick] It’s working. I’m seeing increased activity in all his memory centers.





Come on.

That’s not Treadway.


He just beat you.

Treadway would’ve killed me.


Wow. She wasn’t kidding about being at war, huh?

Improving the human condition.

Sometimes you do it by painting a chapel ceiling.

Yeah. And sometimes you drop them from a mile out.

Don’t touch that.

Okay, okay.

That’s no gun I’ve ever seen before.

We’re reverse-engineering Bathurst’s Dethroner.

A Dethroner? I mean, dude, who’s coming up with these names?

Look… you can’t kill an Infinite. You kill the body, but…

And they get reincarnated?


This implants in your head and pulls out your consciousness… your soul, and onto a digital chip.

Your soul gets stuck on a disk and breaks the cycle.

Over 200 of our brothers and sisters are lost in that digital purgatory.

[exhales] You come face to face with this, my advice… find a way to die the old-fashioned way.


Come in.

Okay if I look around?

Be my guest.

These are all you, aren’t they?

They’re people I once was.

All of them.


That’s cool. You look happy.

I was.

Who’s that guy?

In that picture, he was Abel.

Before then, other names, other faces.

But the soul… the soul was always him.

So, what? You loved each other through multiple lives?

These are all the same place.

Angkor Wat. What we call the Beginning.

I’ll find you in the Beginning.

[Abel] I love you.

When each of us would find ourselves in a new life, this is where Abel and I would go.

You’re reincarnated. How would you know where to go?

Most of us have a reawakening that begins young.

Starts with small things, memories, feelings about a place, dreams.

By puberty, most Infinites have full recall.

[scoffs] Right around the time they diagnosed me schizophrenic.

So what happened if you died young and got separated?

For an Infinite… death isn’t the end, it’s like… turning the page in a book.

Next chapter, same story.

That’s crazy.

New lives, new bodies, always meeting back at the same place.

He was Dethroned.

He’s trapped on a computer somewhere.

My last life, I got my memories back… and realized he was gone.

It’s not my memories that matter, Evan.

It’s yours.

Your last life, in Mexico… where did you hide the Egg?

[Bathurst] Where’s the Egg?

Where is it?

He’s spiking.

Shut it down.

[groaning, panting]

Hey, you’re okay.


You’re okay. Hey. Hey, just breathe.

I need to get up.


[Garrick] Kovic, check his vitals.

What happened in there, Evan? What did you see?

Your neural network fired off like the Fourth of July.

I’ve been seeing this stuff all my life. It still doesn’t make any sense.

Why can’t he remember anything?

Between the car accident, the electroshock and the steel plate in his head, his mind is fractured.

Something in there won’t let the memories flow.

I can’t get them out. I’m afraid the Artisan is our last hope.

He’ll achieve recall soon. [blows]

If he hasn’t already.

Hundreds of lifetimes, and it all comes down to these few hours.

If we don’t find him… before he gets his memories back… we lose the Egg… forever.

The wheels keep turning and we can never… escape.

We go at dawn.


[alarm blaring]

[machine powers down]

It’s been a while, Otto.

No one’s called me by that name in… so many lifetimes.

Hello, my love.

What happened to you?

You were so beautiful.

As were you.

You don’t miss it… the agility… the vibrancy… being confined to this?

You see me as something broken. I don’t.

You’re the cripple, Otto.

Crippled by your cowardice.


No. I’m crippled by my memory.

You get your memories back over years. Not me.

I get it all back as my brain forms. In the womb.

Endless hours, days, weeks, months.

No room to move!

Nothing for my brain to do but eat itself.

All these lifetimes, the magnitude of this gift, and you haven’t learned a thing.

I have to get out.

I have to make it stop.

Don’t do it. Don’t give him anything.

Where is Treadway?

We storming the beach at Normandy?

You never know with the Artisan.

Let’s get ready.

[man] Color out, please.

[chattering, laughing]

So, the Artisan’s a gambler?

No, he’s a hedonist.

Infinite lies, infinite opportunity for debauchery.

Sounds like my kinda guy.

[speaking Tibetan]

[speakers: opera music playing]

[opera continues playing]


Alexa, music off.

[music stops]

Get him cleaned up and outta here.

You’re operating on dead guys now?

Da Vinci used to cut into human cadavers so that he could better understand the human form.

For me, I’m all about that brain, baby.

[laughing] But you know that all too well.

Oh, what a beautiful cranial arch you got this time around.

I could better examine it if I severed your head from your neck.

Like Treadway did to me when last we met.

Try it.


Bathurst took the Hub.

Does he have the Egg?


Think we’d be here if he did?

Wherever it is, it’s still in his head.


So they say.

Wait. Is he blocked?


Well, well, well, look at this.


So, your hard drive got fragged, which means we’re gonna have to reset your memory.

And, Heinrich, I gotta tell ya, I’m really gonna enjoy this.

Ooh! [laughing]

Check this out.

[machine powers up]

You’re all familiar with the idea that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes, right?

This machine enhances that experience, prolonging your sense of time, allowing you to restore or reorder everything inside.

This… This right here is the closest you’re gonna get to a total mental reboot.


Are you planning on trying to drown me?

‘Cause I got a thing about drowning.

Which is?

I don’t like it!

What kind of success rate is this guy working with, anyway?

Confidence is… high.

Yeah, and so are you, obviously.

[laughing] Okay. Hey.

I like you this time around. You’re actually funny.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re usually kind of a jerk.

It’s true.

Yeah, she gets it.

So, I’m supposed to trust this guy?

I wouldn’t.


I resent the gender labeling.

Second, you can trust that we share the same goal.

Really? Which is?

Bathurst wants to what, destroy every living thing on Earth?

Well, that’s gonna ruin a pretty great party I’ve got goin’ on here.

This guy’s out of his mind. Hey…

There’s a reason you didn’t bring me here before.


I could die in there.


[Evan] Could it work?

It could.

But you have a choice, Evan.

No, I don’t have a choice.

I… I can’t let anybody else get hurt because of what’s in my head.

All right. Leap-of-faith time.

Let’s just do it now before I change my mind. All right?

Let’s go. Turn your machine on.

Ooh. Ready to go for a swim?

Yes. This is gonna be so fun!

Just shut up and turn it on.

[chattering, laughing]

[earphone: Artisan] …prolongs your sense of time.

Whatever happens, don’t let them stop until it’s done.


[machine beeping]

[Artisan] He’ll hold his breath as long as he can, and then… base instinct takes over.

Twenty-two. Too many.

[croupier] Twenty. No more. And 18.

[alarm blaring]

Oh, my God. He’s drowning.

That’s the whole idea.

Maybe we should pull him out.

He’s not there yet. Two more minutes.

Abel, listen to me. If I fail…

Come on.


He’s dying.

We’re close. We are close.


[sustained tone]

Doesn’t have a pulse!

[tone continues]

Get him out!

Come on! Come on.


Okay. Okay. [grunts]


Get out of the way.


He’s gone.


We killed him.

[Nora continues sobbing]


[yells, groaning]

[Treadway] If I fail, look inside.



Evan, you’re okay. Just breathe.

[coughing, panting]

I am Treadway. I am Treadway.


Hey. Whoa, whoa.

I’m Treadway.

[Kovic] If you are Treadway, answer this:

Do you know where the Egg is?




Look inside. Look inside.

We were trained to think of bodies as unimportant, right?


Just shells meant to be discarded.

Well, Treadway knew the one place that nobody would look.


Abel? Abel, listen to me.

If I fail, look inside.

It’s in his body.

Back at the Hub.

It’s been there the whole time. Come on.

I am shocked that that worked.

I knew it was you the whole time. That’s why I let you win.

Oh, you let me, huh?

Whoo! I don’t know about you guys, but I could use a drink.

Come on, we don’t have time for…



[Artisan] Security lockdown!

[rifle cocks]

I’m hit.

You all right?

[Artisan] Hey!

Follow me.

Come on. We gotta go.


Open emergency lift.

We gotta go. We gotta go.


Are you crazy? They’re about to breach!

We’re not running, all right? I’m tired of running.

I’m gonna fight ’em right now.

[Nora] Hang in there, Trace.

She’s dead.

Oh, sh…

[Artisan] Guys, we need to leave now.

I’m staying.


We stay here, we fight ’em now.

You’re leaking like the Titanic.

I’m fine.

If you die here, who stops Bathurst?

He’s right.


You make this worth it, dziecko.

Then buy me some time.

[Artisan] Open weapons room door.

Good luck.


[groaning, shouting]

Careful, sir.

Oh, I will be.




We’re taking Treadway’s body to Scotland.

Very well.

[Nora] Keep him alive.

[Artisan] I’ll do the best I can, but he’s lost a lot of blood.

The keys are in the car.

[engine starts]

[zipper unzipping]


Good of you to join us.

I only wish you were here to see this… to understand your… your role in this.

The end of all our debates.


The end of all things.

Have it cleaned and tested.

Make sure it’s the real thing.

Is it really over?

Not quite yet.

Never underestimate Treadway.

[electric guitar playing]

[guitar continues playing]

[grunts, panting]

[playing stops]

Ah. You’re awake.

Where am I?

I told Nora I’d wait with you until you woke up.


You’re in my safe house.

What are you doing?

I’m doing your morphine!

Where is she?

Huh? Oh, she went after Bathurst.

Oh, shit.

She’s not doing this alone. No way.


Whoa, whoa! Come on, man.

You try running out now, you’ll bleed out before you reach the compound.

If we’re going down, we’re going down together. [panting]

Hey, hey. Hey, hey.

I just patched you up, man.

Let me catch you up on the current situation.

If Bathurst gets his way, we’re all done.

There’s no more second chances.

I’m gonna get the Egg and kill him.

She told me you were one of us.

Obviously, you’re just full of shit.

Diagnostics are done. The bomb is ready for the Egg.

Have them load it on the plane.

Come here, you bastard.

Do you think He’ll… let us do this?


The end of all things.


[window shatters]


[window shatters]

Move, move, move!

On the rig! Let’s go!

Move, move!


Dropping in three, two, one.

Do you need a ride?

Love one.

You okay?

No. Don’t ask.

[laughs] Did you see that?

Nora, you okay?

Okay, come on.

I got you.

[Nora grunting]

I’ll get you out of here. Come on.


You all right?

Oh, shit.

Hey. We gotta get you out of here.

You gonna be okay to move?

Yeah, I’ll be fine.

Okay. Come on.

[trigger clicking]

[plane engine accelerating]

You gotta go.

Bathurst is getting away.

His hard drives are here. I have to destroy them and free them all.

I’ll see you again.

[engine starts]





[gasps, coughs]


[gasping, groaning]

We’ll be landing in Glasgow in 16 minutes, sir.

Stay low.

Use TFR.


Oh, my God.

Come on. Come on.

They’re all here.

All the souls.

We have to free them all.

Whoa! [grunts]

Nora. Nora, hey. Hey.

Stay with me, okay? We are so close.

Let’s blow some shit up, huh?


[alarms blaring]

We’ve lost engine three, sir.

We’re gonna have to land the aircraft.

What the hell are you doing? Sir!


Please! You’re gonna crash the aircraft. Sir!


It’s impossible.



He’s opened the bloody top hatch, sir.


You disappoint me.

No recognition whatsoever, huh?

I think I should feel hurt.

Car crash? Steel plate, remember?




[alarms blaring]



Treadway, you can’t deactivate it!

It’s happening!


[Dethroner fires]




[Evan] Death isn’t the end. Not for us.

Maybe not for any of us.

New chapter, same story.

I can carry you out.

No way.

I’ll free them.



I’ll see you around.


[Leona] I’ll find you in the Beginning.

[Abel] I love you.

[Evan] I ask myself…

what did being Evan McCauley teach me?


[Evan] If each new life is a chance to build on what was, a chance to press forward to the best of what could be…

Go, go, go!

…why will some of us have to pick up the sword and fight again…


[man speaking Arabic]


…while others discover a new beginning?


[Evan] It’s hope. That’s what I learned.

Yes, we fall. Yes, we fail.

Yes, sometimes we screw up everything we touch.

But each moment we live is connected by a belief that the actions we take will next day, next week, next life add up to something more, something bigger than yourself.

And next… well, the possibilities are… infinite.

[students shouting]

[shouting continues]


So… when your son starts asking questions about his past, give me a call.

[speaking Indonesian]

He says he’s just a child.

[Artisan] Ehh…

What about your sword?

[Artisan laughs]

Oh that’s not my sword. It’s his.

Artisan, what took you so long?

See you soon, Treadway.

[hip-hop ballad playing, woman singing]

[woman continues singing, man rapping]

[rapping continues]

[woman resumes singing]

[man resumes rapping]

[woman resumes singing]

[song ends]


1 thought on “Infinite (2021) – Transcript”

  1. I just watched the movie, and word for word and scene for scene, was spot on, besides, I couldn’t find the scene, where Bathurst was being water boarded, so he can he could see God’s face, if it’s here and I missed it. Could you please tell me, what Bathurst was saying, and what language he was saying it in, I would love too learn more. Ionos domain,?, anyways great work, very much appreciated, not all heroes wear capes, but you definitely should start, much love. God bless, and if no one’s told you today,you’re amazing and perfect, and a gift from God, there’s 7 billion people on this planet, but only one of YOU!

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