
Immaculate (2024) | Transcript

Cecilia, a woman of devout faith, is warmly welcomed to the picture-perfect Italian countryside where she is offered a new role at an illustrious convent. But it becomes clear to Cecilia that her new home harbors dark and horrifying...
Immaculate (2024)

Cecilia, an American nun of devout faith, embarks on a new journey in a remote convent in the picturesque Italian countryside. Cecilia’s warm welcome quickly devolves into a nightmare as it becomes clear her new home harbors a sinister secret and unspeakable horrors.

* * *

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus,

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,

Now and at the hour of our death.


[door creaking]

[metal clattering softly]

[metal grinds loudly]

[metal clanks]


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

No, no.


No, no, no!


[bone cracking]


[dirt crunching]









No, no, no!











♪ ♪

[in English]: I’m sorry, but how much longer will this take?

I’ve got to take my vows tonight, and I really can’t be late.

[door clicks] Do you speak English?

Sorry for the wait.

It’s extra work now when someone arrives without a return ticket.

Parli italiano?

I ask if you’re learning Italian.

Oh, I’m trying, but it’s a lot harder than I thought.


So this convent, they bought you the ticket?


You’re very young to be a nun, aren’t you?

[in Italian]: What a waste.

Look at her.

[in English]: It’s a different life, yeah?

It must have been a hard decision.

I don’t think of it like that, as a decision.

Very well.

I hope you find what you’re looking for, Sister Cecilia.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Sister Cecilia.


I’m Deacon Enzo. Come with me.

[in English]: Thank you.

[singing in Italian]

How much longer?

We’re almost there.

♪ ♪

Right this way, Sister Cecilia.

[in Italian]: Sister Cecilia!

[in English]: Reverend Mother.

[in Italian]: Your eyes radiate the light of the Holy Spirit.

Like the angels delivered you straight from the heavens.

We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival, my dear.

[in English]: I’m sorry.

She says you’re pretty.

Grazie. I’m Sister Cecilia.


[in Italian]: Isabelle, will you please show Cecilia to her room?

I have to help our sisters get ready for tonight’s celebration.

Mind your place and do as I ask!

[in English]: Let me show you to your room.

Our Lady of Sorrows was founded in 1632 as a refuge for elder sisters

before their transition to heaven.

It’s really beautiful.

Yes, it is.

Buongiorno, sorelle.

And we work hard to keep it that way.

Our sister’s final days should be

a pleasing environment to help distract from all

the sickness and suffering.

All of this, it was built on the catacomb of St. Stephen.


It’s off limits.

[in Italian]: Hello, Sisters.

This is our new novice, Sister Cecilia.


[in English]: The one in the wheelchair, her tumor has metastasized.

So we expect her to meet God by the end of the week.

You talk about it so casually.

Death is a part of everyday life here.

[in Italian]: Have you seen my daddy?

Yes, let’s go find him, shall we?

[in English]: It’s best to just play along with their delusions

unless they get violent.

Be careful of this one. She bites.

[choir singing in Italian]

[clears throat]

I’m sorry.

Living quarters for the caretakers

are down there and upstairs.

Morning prayer begins at 5:00 a.m., communal meal is after.

And if you have any dietary restrictions,

we cannot accommodate them.

And this room is yours.

Thank you, sister.

I feel honored to serve alongside you.

You’re very sweet.

Thank you.

I don’t mean that as a compliment.

I’m sure this must feel very romantic,

but this is our life.

And I promise you, work is hard,

physically and emotionally.

So if you’re here to find yourself, there are easier ways.

I’m not.

Tonight, you do not have to take your vows.

You can still go back, and God will forgive you.

I think he has sufficiently prepared me.

The ceremony will start at 1700 in the chapel.

Don’t be late.

[door creaking]

Oh, ciao.


I’m sorry.

No, it’s fine.

I’m Cecilia.

Oh, I’m Guendalina. You can call me Gwen.

My room is there.

Where in the States are you from?

Just outside of Detroit, Michigan.


Are you from around here or…

Closer to Milan.

You’re far from home.

Yeah, my parish closed.

Did the priest get in trouble?


No, no, no, no, no, no, nothing, nothing like that.

Just low attendance.

And that church was my family, my home.

Leaving, I felt pretty lost.

But then Father Tedeschi, he reached out to me.


He has a talent.

Sniffing out broken birds.

Oh, I didn’t want to offend you.

I think that maybe we are all head cases or runaways.

Which one are you?


Next time if you want, you can lock the door.


[soft music]

♪ ♪

[door clanking]

[singing in Italian]

Sister Cecilia.

Father Tedeschi, it’s nice to meet you in person.

We all feel so blessed to have you here.

How’s the Italian coming along?

Comme ci, comme ci.

[chuckles] It’s fine.

I will translate for you.

[in Italian]: In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

[in English]: Let us rejoice, for the marriage of the Lamb has come,

and his brides have made themselves ready.

Sorella Cecilia.

Sister Cecilia.

[speaking Italian]

Do you promise to follow Christ

more closely by living a life devoid

of material possessions?

Do you promise to free yourself from the demands

of a human relationship and follow with joy

when he shall come again…

a vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience?

I do.

May God give you the strength to fulfill your vows

faithfully and joyfully.

May you shine his light for the world to see.


[soft music]

How are you feeling?



Yeah, we don’t… we don’t really have anything

like this back home.

Cecilia, this is your home.

I know, I know.

I felt the same way when I started here.

I didn’t grow up wanting to be a priest.

My first career was in sciences, biology.

I was almost two decades in, and I couldn’t

understand the world any better than back

when I was in Sunday school.

And then God showed me a path.

He brought me here.

This is where I was meant to be.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

Two glasses in and I can’t stop talking about myself.

I’m so sorry.

No, it’s OK.

It’s OK.

What about you?

I imagine it was a difficult decision.

I mean, yes, it seemed so far away.

But the opportunities back in the States,

I didn’t feel like that’s what God saved me for.

If it’s too personal…


When I was 12 years old, there was this part

of the Saginaw River that would always freeze over.

And no matter how cold it was, I would

always walk out onto the ice.

And I would do this thing where I took my gloves off,

and I would place my hands right on the ice.

And I would hold them there until I couldn’t feel anything.

I don’t remember the ice breaking.

I just, I remember this sharp pain of cold.

[muffled screaming]

The paramedics, they tried to revive me,

but my heart stopped for almost seven minutes.

That sounds terrifying.

I know God saved me for a reason,

but I guess I’m still searching for what that reason is.

Now will you… will you excuse me, please?

[water running]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[door clanks]

[speaking Italian]

♪ ♪


[indistinct whispering]

[metal screeching]

Are you OK?

I’ll go get some help.



Reverend Mother, I’m so sorry.

I heard her crying and…

It’s OK.

[in Italian]: Sometimes we get caught up in emotion.

[in English]: You have a question.

All right.

What is this place?

[in Italian]: Saint Helena, Mother of Constantine…

…brought this back from Jerusalem.


He suffered on the cross.

[in English]: Suffered? This is the…


[in Italian]: For you. For us. For our sins. For our salvation.

[in English]: We suffer.

[in Italian]: In the name of His love.

It is a gift.

[in English]: Suffering is love.

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Are you alright, Sister?

[metal clangs]

[in English]: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

It’s been three days since my last confession.

I was…

I was careless last night.

I must have drank too much wine and embarrassed myself

in front of Mother Superior.

I promise to carry myself with grace because I want nothing

more than to belong here.

I’m afraid I’ve already messed things up.

I’m sorry for these…




[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[breathing heavily]

[bell tolling]

[in Italian]: Good morning, Sisters. Today a new life begins.

But this new year will not be easy.

You will question your purpose.

You will question me and why you have come here.

And some of you will not have the spiritual fortitude for this life.

[in Italian]: What did she say?

God is good. God is great.

God, my head hurts.

Too much blood of Christ?


[in Italian]: Do you find this amusing, Sister Guendalina?

No, forgive me.

This side of the room is with me.

The other, will serve with Sister Isabelle.


[in English]: What a blessing to mentor you both.

Finish eating. We have work to do.

[in Italian]: Looks like her vibrator ran out of battery.

[in English]: What does that mean?

Oh, nothing. I really like her.

I’m super excited.

Clean their back thoroughly.

And if the consistency of their feces seems off,

you let Dr. Gallo know.


all: Ciao.

We want to hang the larger items towards the front

and the shorter items towards the back.

That way, the wind can blow underneath it.

[in Italian]: First you have to make sure your knife is nice and sharp.

Otherwise you run the risk of making a big mess.


[bright music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[in English]: I’m sorry. I can’t.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.



[in Italian]: Blessed.


All of us adore you.

[in English]: Sister, let’s… let’s get you to bed.

[door creaks]

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Blessed Saint Cecilia.

[in English]: Buonanotte, sister.

♪ ♪

It could have been worse.

She could have given you bangs.

Gwen, I’m not joking.

She had scars on the bottom of her feet.

It’s not what you thought it would be, huh, this place?

No, it’s definitely different.

It’s better than where I came from, though.

What do you mean?

There is a boy.

There was a boy, I mean.

What happened with this boy?

He hit me.

I hit him back.

Once I left him,

I went to those support groups, you know?

There were these nuns there.

And I thought, these women have a very good life.

They have a place to live, a job

where they can keep their clothes on,

nothing to worry about.

So I signed up.

Wait, so you don’t even believe in God?

Of course I do.

Life is so cruel.

Only a man can be responsible.



Oh, my God, I was joking.

Are you OK?

I don’t feel good.

I’m going to call a doctor.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

[distant singing]

[crow cawing]


[in Italian]: Sister Cecilia. Come with me.

♪ ♪

Your Eminence.


[lighter clicking]

[speaking Italian]

[in English]: Could you please tell Cardinal Merola your vows?

My vows?

Your vows.

I swore to three vows when I got here,

of obedience, poverty, and chastity.

[speaking Italian]

He’s asking if you have…

I understand.

I have.

I have been obedient, your Eminence.

[in Italian]: Have you kept your vow of poverty? [in English]: Yes, I, I own nothing.

I want for nothing.

[in Italian]: Have you remained chaste?

[in English]: I’m sorry, why are you asking me this?

It’s OK.

Just answer the question, if you would, Cecilia.

Of course, I’ve been chaste, your Eminence.

[speaking Italian]

Before you arrived, did you have congress with a man?

Congress with… no, no.

[speaking Italian]

Have you ever had congress with a man?

I’ve not broken my vows. I’ve never been with a man or a woman, nobody.

You’ll not be punished. We just want to know the truth.

I’m not lying, Father.

[soft music]

What is going on?

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[In Italian]: When she arrived, Dr. Gallo, did you examine her?

Her hymen was intact.

It’s never been touched.

[in English]: What are they saying?

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Mother Superior, have we had visitors during these last few weeks?


[in English]: What are you… what are you looking at?

[speaking Italian]

One last time.

[speaking Italian]

Have you ever had sexual intercourse?

Why are you asking me this?

[heart beating]

[singing in Italian]

♪ ♪

You are with child.

[in Italian]: This child was…

…conceived without sin.

As God as my witness…

…we have been blessed with a miracle.

[in English]: He believes you.

It’s a miracle.

Out of all the women in the world, why did he choose me?

You told me who saved your life,

who sent you on the path that led you here.

Cecilia, you’ve been searching for a reason.

God saved you.

This is it.

Blessed are the meek,

for they shall inherit the Earth.

[all singing in Latin]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[bell tolling]


[tense music]

♪ ♪

No working.

Remember, your only job is baby.

How long before they start calling you Mary?

[door creaks]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[in Italian]: It was supposed to be me! Bitch!

Isabelle! Isabelle!


Stop it!

Leave her alone!


No! No, no!

We have to try again!

They have to try again with me!

They have to try again with me!


[in English]: Heartbeat is stable.

There’s no bleeding.

Praise be.

We’ll run some blood tests to check for distress.

But he appears to be OK.

But I’m not OK.

Father, Isabelle said it was supposed to be her.

Why would she say that?

Well, Isabelle has been losing

her battle with mental illness for a while now.

And seeing you and the miracle,

it clearly triggered something, whether it be jealousy…

She tried to drown me.

You’re right. You’re right.

And I’ll make sure this never happens again.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

I want to see another doctor.

Why? Dr. Gallo…

Takes care of old women.

I want to go to a real hospital, please.

He’s a licensed obstetrician.

Thursday through Saturdays I deliver babies at Cosentino.

A hospital is not what you need right now. You’re perfectly healthy.

I just puked up one of my teeth.

Hospitals aren’t the safest of places.

We wouldn’t want you to get sick.

Or for the word to get out, you know.

The safest thing is for you to stay

here until the Savior is born.

[bell tolling]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Bless you, young mother.

♪ ♪

[nuns exclaiming]

♪ ♪

Oh, Isabelle.

All of you, go.

Go away, I said!

♪ ♪

[in English]: Cecilia, you need to stand up for yourself.

Gwen, shh.

Open your eyes.

I don’t trust this place.

I don’t think we can just leave.

Cecilia, you’re five months pregnant,

and you haven’t even been to a hospital.

We can take care of this.

How can we trust what’s inside you?

Maybe God is…

God has nothing to do with this.

Sisters, is something the matter? I can see you…

[in Italian]: Don’t touch me.

[in English]: Fuck this.

[in Italian]: How the fuck can you just stand there as if nothing happened?

Cecilia’s pregnant and we don’t know how.

Isabelle killed herself. What the fuck is going on?


Let go of me! I know when a man is lying to me.

And all of you, every single one of you, is so full of bullshit!

Let go of me! Let go of me!

Let go of me!


Let go of me! I said let me go!

♪ ♪

{\an8}[in English]: “For Satan himself often masquerades

{\an8}as an angel of light.”

[door creaking]



[door creaking]

[door creaking]

[loud crack]


[footsteps thudding]

[breathing shakily]

♪ ♪

[door creaks]

[distant chatter]

[crickets chirping]

[metallic scraping]

[shouting in Italian]

♪ ♪


No, no!



Let me go! Let me go!


No, I’m begging you, please.







[in English]: Please help me.

We have to leave.

♪ ♪

You will never leave here.

♪ ♪

[birds chirping]


[snoring softly]


[thunder rumbles]


[door bangs]


[in Italian]: What’s happening?

I don’t know.

Mother! What’s going on?

I don’t know, father.


God in Heaven.

Call Doctor Gallo.

It’s not possible, it’s Saturday.

Call him! [in English]: Something’s wrong.

[in Italian]: I won’t get a hold of him, it’s Saturday. We need to get her to the hospital.


You must go. Now.


That’s it, I’m calling an ambulance.


[in English]: Something’s wrong.

I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die.

I don’t.

I don’t want to die.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[speaking Italian]

♪ ♪

What do we do if she dies on the way there?

We must maintain hope.

It ain’t looking good.

Then we shall pray.


[speaking Italian]



[cell phone ringing]




I understand.

Stop the car.


Stop the car.

[in English]: What are you… what are you doing?


Go, go!

♪ ♪


[singing in Italian]

♪ ♪

Clean yourself.

Clean yourself.

[breathing heavily]

[in Italian]: Now you’re ashamed?


Where was your shame when you stuffed a dead animal inside yourself?

Shame on you.

Making us believe the miracle died inside you.

What do you have to say for yourself?

[in English]: God will never forgive you.


I want to apologize if any of my actions

made you feel scared.

And I want to reassure you that you’re safe.

What did you do to me?

When you look at this, what do you see?

Some people might see just an old piece

of iron, a rusty nail.

For those of us who know,

we see proof of Jesus’ sacrifice,

a symbol of his suffering.

And for 2,000 years, that’s all it was.

But we looked closer,

and we found blood,

tissue, little fragments of bone,

a genetic code.

All we had to do was crack it…

the key to resurrection.

You’re insane.

Let me show you.

[metal clangs]

♪ ♪

It’s taken us 20 years of trial and error,

20 years for God to deliver unto us the knowledge

and the perfect fertile vessel.

Is this what’s inside me?


These are all our failures.

What’s inside you is our success.

♪ ♪

I left the field of genetics because some people

disagreed with the ethics of my experiment.

So many people have such a narrow view of its potential.

But here in the church, here they

understood that a simple procedure

could bring us salvation.

You’re playing God.

I am not playing God.

Do you know what it’s like to watch the miracle die

in the womb, to fail God again and again and again,

but find the strength to keep going?

This is my calling.

And this, this is yours.


♪ ♪

What are you doing?

What’s… what’s going on?

What is that?

What are you… what are you doing?

Please stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Please, please, stop. Stop!

May you never stray again.

No. No, no!


Blessed are the meek…

No, no, no. Please no.

For they shall inherit…

No, no, no, no, please, no.

The Earth.

No, no!



♪ ♪

[door creaking]





Wait. [crying]






[screaming and pounding]

[bell tolling]

[in Italian]: Sister Cecilia.

[in English]: How long have you been targeting me?

Please, si confessi.

Was it since the accident?

What’s going to happen when it’s done?

You think it’s gonna, what, save the world?

End it?

That’s what revelation says, right?

This is not God’s work.

Very well.

If this is not the will of God,

why does God not stop us?

[choir singing “Ave Maria”]

[in Italian]: Any day now.

[heart beating]

[in English]: Hm.

He’s moving.


[in Italian]: Ah.

I’ll be right back with her medication.

Would you care to?


[in English]: I’ll be right back.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[in Italian]: Such a beautiful mother. And those eyes. Like sunflowers.

Blessed child…

…it’s all part of His plan.

[in English]: You will save us.

[in Italian]: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

[choir singing “Shchedryk” ]

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


God damn it.

[choir singing in Latin]

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


[in English]: Oh my God.

Cecilia, what have you done?

[dramatic music]


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Cecilia, this won’t solve anything.

If you die, we’ll find another.

You can end this.

All you need to do is deliver our savior.


[glass shatters]




♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[smoke hisses]

♪ ♪




[indistinct mutter]

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[hoarsely] Cecilia.


[flashlight clicks]


♪ ♪


[breathing shakily]



Let go of me!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.


Blessed art thou among women, and blessed

is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary…

No, no!


Mother of God, pray for us sinners…

Now and at the hour…






[breathing heavily]

Fuck you.

[singing in Latin]

[soft music]

♪ ♪


[fluid sloshes]



[breath rasping softly]




[soft music]

♪ ♪

♪ Ave, Maria ♪

♪ Grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Ave, ave Dóminus ♪

♪ Dóminus tecum ♪

♪ Ave, Maria ♪

♪ Grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Ave, ave Dóminus ♪

♪ Dóminus tecum ♪

♪ Ave, Maria ♪

♪ Grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Maria grátia plena ♪

♪ Ave, ave Dóminus ♪

♪ Dóminus tecum ♪

♪ Ave, Maria ♪

[ominous music]

♪ ♪


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