
The Gray Man (2022) | Transcript

When the CIA's most skilled operative-whose true identity is known to none-accidentally uncovers dark agency secrets, a psychopathic former colleague puts a bounty on his head, setting off a global manhunt by international assassins.

[mellow harmonica plays]

[heavy door opens]

[chains jangle loosely]

[man 1 clicks tongue]


If this is about Winky’s Cantina, I didn’t have anything to do with it.

[man 2] It’s not about Winky’s Cantina.

[man 1] I like honey buns as much as the next guy.

I’m not gonna gouge your eye out for one.

[door shuts]

You gonna write that down?

[man 2] I’m not gonna write anything down.

You want some gum?

What kind you got?

“Bubblicious Watermelon Wave.” What do you say?

There is no other kind.

If you think I’m gonna rat somebody out for Bubblicious,

you got another thing coming to you.

Watermelon or not.

“Court land Gentry. Born 1980.”

“Incarcerated 1995.”

“Eligible for parole in 2031.”

You got a long way to go, son.

There’s an upside to sleeping so close to your toilet.

I get it. You’re glib.

Well, I’m just gonna cut to the chase.

My name is Donald Fitzroy, and I’m here to commute your sentence.

You’re gonna commute my sentence?

[Fitzroy] Yes.

Just like that?

When I get out of this chair and walk out of this prison,

you’ll walk with me.

Who are you, my fairy godmother? [laughing]

No offense, I thought you’d look different.

I may be. We’ll see.

What’s the catch?

You work for us.

[Gentry] Who’s “us”?

The CIA.

We’re gonna train you to kill bad guys.

And since you’ve already killed one, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

What makes you think I wanna do it again?

You seem like the type.

You’d be part of an elite unit, the Sierra program.

You would exist in the gray.


I’ve studied your case. I know why you pulled that trigger.

I would’ve done the same thing myself.

Now, I’m here to help you become a value-add instead of a value lost.

So why don’t you take all the pain or whatever the hell got you here, turn it around, and make it useful?

How long do I gotta work for you?

[Fitzroy] Let’s just say you’d be indefinitely useful.

[rhythmic suspenseful music plays]

[loud popping]

[suspenseful music continues]

[muted conversations]

[muffled fireworks popping]

Do you need anything?

No, I’m good.

Nice suit.

I just wear what they tell me to.


You’re no fly on the wall yourself.

I don’t have a permit.

It’s not that kind of party.

[tense mysterious music pulsates]

[sparkler sizzling]

[tense music continues to pulsate]

[partygoer whooping]


[lock clicks]

[door shuts]

[partygoers chatter indistinctly]

[tense music pulsates]

[dispatcher over radio] Six, you copy?


Six, copy.

Sir, I have him.

Six, this is Denny Carmichael, your center chief.

Our target, code name “Dining Car,” is selling information that could severely compromise national security.

We need him eliminated before that transaction is complete. Understood?

[Six] Understood.

Please explain to me why I’m talking to a Sierra agent instead of somebody in our circle of trust.

There was no time to get one of ours over there.

Six was in the region, and he happens to be historically good at the job.

[horns honking]

[crowd shouting]

[Thai mor I am music playing faintly]

Subject on approach.

[agent on radio] I have eyes on Dining Car.

[Denny] Target imminent.

[overlapping chatter]

[muffled dance music playing]

Be advised, he’s not alone.

[Denny] Dining Car has security.

Stay the plan.


[soft electronic whine]

[Denny] He’s coming up on you now, Six.

[distorted audio signal]

[garbled conversations in Thai]

[signal distortion continues]

[Denny] He’s almost to you.

[signal static crackling]

My friend. You made it.

Who are all these people?

[buyer] Future friends, future ex-wives.

[Dining Car] Get rid of them.

[buyer] Relax. Safer this way…

[Dining Car] Don’t tell me to relax. I want my money.

So just transfer it and get it done.

Do you understand the risk I’ve taken by coming here?

You have no idea of the kind of people you’re gonna have to deal with,

and they are gonna come for this.

Target acquired.

[Denny] Execute.

[Dining Car] Nothing stops them. They can get to anyone, anywhere.


[buyer] Yep.

[conversing in Thai]

[Denny] Six, why am I not hearing anything?

I’m picking up collateral.

There’s a kid near the mark.

[Denny] You’re cleared for collateral.

[Denny] Go loud.

[buyer] Did you bring it?

[buyer] Let’s talk price.

We have a very small window to take out a very bad dude.

Go loud, Six.

[crowd] Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

[fireworks popping]

[crowd cheering]

Stand by.

[Denny] Do not stand by.

[crowd cheering]

[festive Thai music plays]

[fireworks popping]

Gun jammed.

[music continues muffled on speakers]

[music continues playing]


[alarm blaring]

[loud popping]

[blaring continues]

Aww, shit.

Let’s move out.

Six, was that you?

[buyer] Where are you going?

[Dining Car] Deal’s off.


[tense rhythmic music plays]

[grunts in pain]

[crowd screaming]


[speaks Thai]

[man cries out]

[crowd continues to scream]


[grunting with effort]

[blows landing heavily]


[forceful grunting]


[fireworks continue popping]

You know I know who you are.

You’re Sierra Six.

They didn’t tell you who I am, did they?

They never do.

I’m Sierra Four.

They sent you out to kill one of your own.

But that’s probably not gonna make you walk away, is it?

Probably not.

[thrilling music begins]

[loud popping and whistling]

[both grunting fiercely]

[fireworks whistling loudly]

[Dining Car shouts in pain]

[panting tiredly]

[growls in frustration]

[grunting fiercely]

[Dining Car shouts, groans]


If you’re Sierra, who recruited you?


Same as you.

[Six] Where’d you train?

[Dining Car] Dark site.

Tel Aviv. Same as you.

I got all the answers ’cause I’m telling the truth.

They’re not.

Denny Carmichael is a piece of shit.

That’s why I’m sitting here in my own blood.

You’re probably next.



[sighs raggedly]

Take this

and bring the bastard down. [panting]

I don’t want it.

You trust Carmichael?

Just… take it.


Okay, you know what?

There you go. I took it, okay?

You give ’em hell, Six.

[panting slowly]

[panting stops]

Very discreet.

[Six] I thought this’d be cleaner.

[agent] It wasn’t.

We’re Romeo.

He said he was Sierra.

That wasn’t in the mission folder.

He knew who I was.

[agent] Maybe he had access to stolen intel.

I’m Sierra. There is no intel.

[man] It’s ours now, agent.


I heard you.

I just chose to ignore you.

[enigmatic music plays]

[muted commotion]

[man 1] One wristwatch.

[man 2] Wristwatch.

[man 1] R1, smart phone.

[man 2] R1, smart phone.

[man 1] Money clip, lighter, pen.

[man 2] L1, money clip, pen, lighter.

[man 1] SSE complete.


[line ringing]

It’s Dawson. I need Carmichael.

[Dawson] No joy. I repeat, no joy.

[Denny] This is why I wanted the Sierra program made extinct.

I want nothing left from that old regime.

These things take time, Denny. There are politics to unravel.

[Denny] Get out.


Get out.

[fireworks continue to pop]

[cell phone calling]


[Denny] Wanna explain whatever that was?

[Six] Gun jammed.

That doesn’t qualify as an explanation.

[Six] Maybe on a secure line.

I need a status report.

Insecure line.

Did the target say anything to you?

Well, he was dead,

so, you know, no.

What about pocket litter? Did you get anything off his body?

Six, did he have anything on his person

that you now have that you’d like to give to me?

Who was he?

A bad guy.


Bad shit.

Last chance, Six.



You a 42 regular?

[keyboards clacking, indistinct chatter]

[speaking Thai]

[in English] Hey, take the shot. Take the shot! [chuckles]

[gamer continues speaking Thai]

[cell phone vibrating]


Wheels up in five. Carmichael’s been calling.

[Six] We spoke.

You should go without me.

You sure you wanna do that?

What happened with the target, Six?

Tell me what I don’t know.

Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it?

[helicopter blades whir]

[solemn orchestral music plays]

[Six] Hey, pal.

Wanna trade?

[gamer speaks Thai]

[cell phone vibrates]

[Fitzroy] Max’s Fireplace and Barbecue.

You Max?

There is no Max.

So it’s like “to the max”?


Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?

Because if something went wrong, I couldn’t blame Max.

How you doing, Fitz?

It’s good to hear from you, kid.

How’s life in retirement?

I’m headed to a funeral. Putting a friend in the ground.

I’m getting to that age, you know?

You working?

[Six] I was.

Got loud?

[Six] It got loud.

Got real weird too.

You know that guy that handed you your walking papers?

Yeah, Carmichael.

Well, brace yourself, but, uh, he might be sideways.

I’m shocked.

What’s your gut?

My gut? It’s gonna be my funeral you’re going to next.

Give me an hour to find a local extraction team.

Get mobile. You may have to hustle.

Let me ask you a question. Four have a scar on his right chin?


They just had me stick a fork in him.


Some foreign op bullshit. You know they don’t tell me much.

He gave me something they really want.

On person?

No. Somewhere safe.

Good boy.

Well, I’ll do some checking. I still have friends up the food chain.

Where are ya?


There’s an airfield near Chiang Mai. Get to it. Watch your back.

You too.

Hey, Fitz,

I know there wasn’t some palm trees 401k plan for me, but, uh,

I mean, at least tell me you guys had some kind of exit strategy.

We never got that far, kid.

And now, probably not.

Got it.

I’m sorry.

I’ll be in touch.

Beats being on the wrong side of the bars.

[engine cranking]

[motor starts]

[menacing stinger]

Why is it always the last stall?

[Denny] Al Capone booth. I can see everything from here.

He blew off his exfil.

[Denny] Son of a…

[toilet flushes]

He’s got it.

Not necessarily.

[Denny] Yes, necessarily.

That knuckle-dragger sweated me on the phone. He knows.


Never should have touched Fitzroy’s guys. They’re all criminals.

[agent] You through?

What do you wanna do?

What we should have done from the start.

No, no, absolutely not.

You had your shot. [exhales]

Lloyd Hansen is a sociopath.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

It’s a dangerous thing.

He has methods.

Sociopathic methods.

So sit on him. The guy has a higher kill count than the entire Mossad.

I don’t need Lloyd stable. I need him effective.

[electricity crackles]

[prisoner shouting]

[Lloyd] Should we try again?

[prisoner] No.



[electricity crackles]


[muffled gasp]


“Mostly, it’s loss

which teaches us about the worth of things.”

That’s Arthur Schopenhauer. He was a German philosopher, a pessimist.

He saw the value in suffering.



Damn it. Phones on silent when I’m working, please.

[guard] It’s yours.

Who is it?

[guard] The chief.


Be right back.


He talk yet?

[Lloyd] Still just flirting.


He’s getting there.

You watch the game on Saturday?

I turned it off at halftime. They ran us off the field.

Well, no one goes to Harvard to play football.

You did.

I like to be the exception. What’s up?

Hand the jumper cables to somebody else. I got an urgent locate and destroy.

Gimme a name.

[Denny] Sierra Six.

Could be fun. The man’s got some street cred.

He got his hands on some compromising information,

the kind that could put us all in a cold, dark place.

So, get it back. Make him gone.

Does the old man know about this?

Not yet. Heads would roll.

Well, I’m gonna need a full green light on this one. Open checkbook.

[Denny] Any means necessary.

And, Lloyd, I’m sending Suzanne to assist.

I’d rather you punch me in the dick.

I will gladly punch you in the dick, Lloyd.

All right, ladies, focus. Six is trained to be a ghost.

How do we find him?

How close were he and Fitzroy?

Father-son kind of close.

Get me Fitzroy’s file.

We’ll find somebody he loves and squeeze.

[girl screaming]

[Denny] Do me right, Lloyd.

[Lloyd] Have I ever done you wrong, Denny?


Denny, that man is nothing but wrong.

Don’t be a brat. He’s gonna help you clean up your mess.

So now I’m the scapegoat?

I’m the boss.

You were the one who lost the asset in the first place.

And you couldn’t get it back.

You know, the last person that pissed off the old man

ended up floating in the Potomac.

If you like breathing,

you might wanna fix this.

[melodic tones play]

[birds squawking]

[mercenary 1] Who’s the extract?

[mercenary 2] You know better than to ask.

Fitzroy really likes this guy

or really wants him the hell out of Asia.

[vehicle approaching]

[mercenary 1] Heads up.

[mercenary 2] Military-aged male, eleven o’clock.

[tires screech]

[engine flutters off]

[Six] You my ride?

Identity challenge. Heathen.

Response, hermit.

[laughs tauntingly]

Need anything?

Just a nap.

[mercenary 2] Load ’em up.

[Dawson] Wheels up in two. Okay, hold on.

It’s the chief. For you.

[Denny] Agent Miranda?


Denny Carmichael. See that plane across the way?

[Miranda] Yeah. Hard to miss.

Get on it. You’re meeting me in Berlin.

I’m supposed to be in Singapore.

Not anymore.

See you in Berlin.

[line clicks]

[slow-tempo funereal march playing]

Hey, Fitz.

I know you?

Professionally maybe.

Lloyd Hansen, Hansen Government Services.

Rings a bell.

Aw, does it?

Good. You know my work. That’ll make this next part a lot easier.

Where is he?

Where’s who?

You really wanna do this?

Do what?

You know what makes me sad, Don?

Your small hands?

You spent your whole life basically building Sierra from the ground up,

and here you are, out to pasture, burying all your old buddies.

Remind me, Hansen, how long did you last at the agency?

Six months?

Five and a half.

Bad ethics, zero impulse control, unsanctioned torture.

Something like that.

So how’s the private sector treating ya? Does it pay as well as they say?

Or do you spend most of your time strangling cats?

Who likes cats?

I like cats.

[Lloyd sighs]

Let’s talk about the mess your boy made.

He doesn’t make messes.

Oh, he made a big one.

And judging by your shallow breathing and puckered asshole,

I can only assume you know why I’m here.

He has his reasons.

I’m sure he does.

But see, that’s the beauty of the private sector.

[whispers] I don’t care about reasons.

My guess is you’re helping him already.

So this shouldn’t put too much of a dent in your day.

You know I can’t find him, ’cause his file doesn’t exist.

But your file,

well, that’s chock-full of nuggets,

some of which might make you rethink your fussy attitude.

Now, I tried to get her to smile, but, uh…

You know kids.

[door locks]

[sobs softly, sniffles]

[“The Oogum Boo gum Song” by Brenton Wood plays]

[song continues over speakers]

[cell phone ringing]

♪ …now baby you’re castin’ your spell on me ♪


[Fitzroy] You know the individual you’re escorting?


I want him terminated.

Come again?

Keep the body and everything he has on his person.

Just make it painless, you understand?

Roger that.

Good boy, Fitz.

♪ It’s all right, you’re outta sight ♪

[uneasy music overlays as song continues faintly]

[song increases in volume]

♪ Boo gum now, baby You’re castin’ your spell on me ♪

♪ You got me doin’ funny things Like a clown ♪

♪ Just look at me ♪

[suspenseful music plays]

[pained grunting]

[flare crackles and hisses]







[air rushing]

[warning signal beeps repeatedly]

[pilot] We’ve had a loss of pressure in the cabin.

Put on emergency oxygen masks.

Repeat. Put on emergency oxygen masks.

[air hissing]



[shouts painfully]


[plane whirrs in descent]

[metal rattling and groaning]

[shouts ferociously]




[metal rattling, creaking]

[aircraft straining]

[struggling groans and grunts]

[metal and debris clanging]

[wind howling]

[muffled plane explosion]

[thrilling instrumental music playing]


[cell phone vibrating]

[Lloyd] You gonna answer it?

Well, let’s hope it’s good news.


[Fitzroy] Hello.

[panting] It’s me.

Where are you?


I’ve been better.

The extraction team?

They’ve been better too.

Are you okay? You hurt?

You know what, Fitz?

I’m trying to figure out what answer it is that you want.

They leveraged me, kid.

They have my niece.

You hear me?

Hold on. You’re breaking up.

[softly] Shit.

[Fitzroy] Hello?


Okay, there you are.

Sounds like you’re in a real pickle, Fitz.

Hey, sunshine. Lloyd Hansen here.

I’m the one running this op.

What op?

The one where I get exactly what I want.

I’m a little unclear as to what that is.

Okay, that’s fair. Well, why don’t you come on in, and we can chat?

My assistant will get lunch. You like sushi?

No, I’m good. I…

Just had some Skittles.

Tell you what. Why don’t we skip lunch,

you can give me the asset you stole,

and I won’t have to chop your head off?

When you say things like “chop your head off,”

it makes you sound untrustworthy.

So, even if I had this thing, I’m not sure I would give it to you.

Oh, I think you would.

See, your old COS here has drawn way outside the lines.

Headquarters needs a scapegoat, and his neck is just about the right size.

Fitz is a big boy. He knows what business he’s in.

Hey, Lloyd.


I immediately don’t like you.

Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page.

Looks like you overplayed your hand.

Looks like you need a new phone.

Let me give you a word of advice, Lloyd.


[Fitzroy] They say that life in its most unadorned expression

is a battle of wills.

Six’s will is preternatural compared to yours.


Don’t say “preternatural” to me.

It’s an asshole word.

You’re a child.

A child that’s about to put a hit so big on your boy’s head

that even his most loyal allies won’t hesitate to drop a dime.

Every grade-A wet team from here to Reykjavík

will be vying for the prestige of killing the infamous Sierra Six.

I’ll dig up every safe house he’s ever stayed in.

I’ll unearth every man or woman he’s ever slept with.

Your boy won’t be able to walk ten feet without getting his head blown off.

And that, Don, is exactly what bad ethics and zero impulse control will get you.

I can kill anybody.

Maybe not anybody.

Well, we’ll see.

[menacing instrumental music playing]

You got a full bar on this thing?

Yes, sir.

[horn blows]

[woman] Six.


Fitz, tell him why he’s here.

[sighs] Okay.

I have a niece that I’m raising.

I know what line of work I’m in.

I want the kid to have a normal life, and Margaret’s helped me give her one.

Any number of nefarious assholes

would like to see him and his family dead.

Is there a point to this story?

Someone in the DC office

has accidentally leaked Fitz’s address in Hong Kong.

Bunch of idiots.

[Margaret] Indeed.

We’ve asked for agency security,

but for some curious reason,

Denny Carmichael won’t supply it.

Fitz is starting a mission in Brazil tomorrow,

which means you are going to babysit.

[“Spinning Wheel” by Shirley Bassey playing]

[Fitzroy] My brother and his wife died about three years ago,

and to top it off, Claire was born with a heart condition.

♪ What goes up must come down… ♪

Last month we put in a pacemaker,

and since then, she’s been in and out of Mount St. Mary’s.

Poor thing got dealt a brutal hand.

You guys taught me how to kill people, not care for them.

You don’t have to care. Just keep her alive.

[camera shutter clicks]

Claire, dear. This is Six.

He’ll be looking after the house while Donald is away.

[Six] Just the two exits?

Yes. That’s right.

Six is an odd name.

Yeah. Yeah.

Just, uh, 007 was taken, so…

Are you chewing gum?


We don’t chew gum in this house.

I wasn’t… briefed.

Won’t happen again.

[camera shutter clicks]

Hmm. Okay.

Well, I’ll try and stay out of your way.

Do you mind?


May I?



Nice to meet you.

♪ Spinning wheel spinning true ♪ [song fades]

[chewing] Excuse me.

[Claire] Looking for your jacket?

Looks like I sat on it.

Is that a secure phone?

Just got the high score.

I had a lot of time to practice after the operation.

They made me stay in bed.

“How long they make you stay in bed for?”

Quite a long time. Several weeks, actually.

“Oh, hope you’re okay.”

Better now, Six. Thanks for asking.

How’s your time been here? Enjoying the grounds?

“Oh, they’re lovely.”

“I like to walk in circles and stare at my shoes.”

Can I get that jacket?

[Claire] Like your tattoo.

Where’d you get it? Prison?

Yeah, actually.

[Claire, sarcastically] I’m shocked.

What’s it mean, the writing?

Oh, it’s, you know…

It’s a guy’s name in Greek.

What guy?

[Six] Just a guy.

You know, trying to get a rock up a hill.


They made him.

[Claire] Who made him?

The gods.

Did they need a rock?

They were just trying to punish him, I think.

Did he deserve it?


[Claire] Did he like it?

Probably not.

So why’d he do it?

You ask a lot of questions.

You’re quite the conversationalist.

I’m gonna get back to work.


Does he ever get to the top of the hill?


I’ll let you know.

[uneasy music plays]

Claire’s asleep. I’m going out for a bite.

[door shuts]


[engine starts]


[Claire, strained] Mr. Six.

[gasps] Something’s wrong.


[urgent music playing]

[tires screech]

[nurse] Start a bag…

[doctor] She’s stabilized.

Tell Donald there was a programming glitch.

We were able to repair it, non-invasive.

The remote system flagged it ten minutes before he pulled up.

We can keep track of her pacemaker from just about anywhere.

[guardian] Thank you. I’ll let him know.

[monitor beeping]



[Claire sighs]

You feeling better?

Just another Thursday.

[sighs] Donald says this is the best medicine,

ice cream.

Tend to agree.

He’s a very smart man.

Only family I got.

Closest thing to family I got too.

Maybe that kind of makes us family.


[Six] You should go to bed.

[guardian] All right, little one.

You heard the number. Let’s go.

[Claire] Night, robot.


[Six] Good night, Claire.

[Claire] Can I play a record?

Just one. And don’t forget to brush your teeth.

[guardian, faintly] I’m going to start the tub.

[“Silver Bird” by Mark Lindsay playing]

[gate hinge squeaks]

[dog barks]

[guardian, muffled] I’ll take care of the cleanup,

because you’ve had a very long day.

[song plays loudly]

[guardian continues talking indistinctly]

♪ Get aboard the silver bird ♪

♪ Departing Gate 19… ♪

[guardian] All right.

[continues indistinctly]

♪ Trying out a dream ♪

♪ Your sign is Capricorn ♪

♪ And every corner of your mind ♪

[gun cocks softly]

♪ Says you’ll remain my friend ♪

♪ My friend until you’re mine ♪

♪ Silver bird… ♪


♪ Fly my lady away ♪

♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Take her over the bay ♪

[song plays distantly] ♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ And let her go see What’s on the other side ♪

♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Fly my lady away ♪

[both grunting]


[body thuds]

♪ Today is the day ♪

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Broke a bowl.

You sure you’re all right?

[sighs] Yeah, just another Thursday.

You should go to bed.

Good night.


♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Fly my lady away ♪

♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Take her over the bay ♪

[song fades] ♪ Silver bird Give my lady a ride ♪

[Johan Strauss’ “Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka” playing]

[song ends]

[man speaks German]

[in English] I got dry cleaning.

[man responds in German]

[Six] I want the works.

Starched, cleaned, pressed, and I want it same-day service.

Can you do it or what?

[man in English] That’s a very expensive laundry list.

You seem like a man who wants his shirts done right.

[locks unlatching]

[Six] I’m in a bit of a hurry.

I’m also gonna need to get into a secure system.

[chuckles] Sure.

You really are the, uh, full buffet,

aren’t you?

I do passports over there.

And, uh, well, let’s do your… Let’s do this thing first.

You can sit. You can sit here.

Where are you going?

It’s… [sighs]

What’s… What’s the secure system?

Cormeum Electronics.


Electronics, uh…

It’s medical supplies.

Don’t… Don’t touch that door.

Yeah, I’m looking for a pacemaker.

I can get you a serial number.

That’s all I need.


[Six] Fitzroy.

Claire Fitzroy.

This will be a minute.

I’m getting that.

I think you should go get yourself cleaned up before we take your pictures.

Unless bloody and beaten is the kind of look you’re going for.

[tense enigmatic music plays]

[man] Know what happens when you get burned like that?

Your brain goes into shock.

I’m teaching you to fight through it.


Fight through the fear. Fight through the pain.

You master that, and you’ll never lose again, son.

Cover that up, by the way.

We don’t need your mom seeing that.



[man] Oh, yeah.

With this setup, I could read the Pope’s diary

if I wanted to.

[Six] Uh-huh.

Which I don’t.

Uh, what, um, great nation would you like to hail from?

Denmark, New Zealand, Japan?

Non-extradition and palm trees would be nice.

You want Ecuador. Have you been there? [chuckles]

They have this, uh, this drink there.

It’s called the, uh, the pinonilo.


And it’s… They serve it with, uh, with honey.

Let me see the passport.

Yeah. With a very unselfish… There you are…

Splash of honey.

And it’s, uh… It’s a must.

You cleaned up very well.

Like I said, I’m in a hurry.

Uh, you can stand over there.

Uh, you need an alias.

And it has to be something very, very easy to forget.

You can step on the rug.

Something like, you know, John, Joe.

Juan Pablo is also a very common name in Ecuador.

It has to…

It has to disappear into the wash of the hippocampus.

Right between lunch and dinner.

Let’s go.

[man] Yeah.

I’m all talked out, all right?

Take the picture.

[man] Sure.

Unless the desired response is emotion.

[camera shutter clicking]

Like, you know, hope, anger, fear.

Can you give a step towards me, please?

One step.

Yes, that’s good.

The only problem with that sort of alias

is that emotional memory has staying power.

You know all about notoriety, don’t you?


[exhales with relief]

[Six coughing]

[coughing heavily]

[spits, exhales] All right.

Trapdoor. Unexpected.

[Six clears throat]

Someone is very upset with you, man.

[continues coughing]


Well, now I’m upset with them.

A five and seven zeros’ worth.


[Six clicks teeth]




[camera shutter clicks]

[tense instrumental music plays]

They don’t usually come this attractive.

That’s called harassment.

If you think that’s harassment, buckle up.


Tell me, what was your first clue Sierra Six was gonna break procedure?

When he didn’t show at the exfil.

Not when he chased the target across a flotilla?

Six did his job until he didn’t.

He intentionally blew an op

that was prepped to be executed at distance.

I know. I prepped it.

And that whole time, you had no reason to believe

he had another agenda beside the op?


Let’s talk life goals, officer.

I went from Harvard, to analysis, to the DO’s desk in eight years.

It’s never been done before. I did it.

I did it by not allowing the weakness of others to drag me down.

Sierra Six stole an asset of considerable value to the agency.

If you had any idea this was coming and you withheld it,

your life goals, should you have any, would suffer incalculable damage.

I never even met Six until I landed in Bangkok.

And no one said anything about a retrieval. What’s the asset?

Do you know where Six is?


[suspenseful instrumental music plays]

Open that file.

In a career spanning two decades,

that’s everything we have on your partner Six.

[rhythmic theme echoes]

[mercenary] They found him.

Who’s the closest to him?

[mercenary] We are.

What do you know about the Sierra program?

Reckless mystery men you guys send in

when you can’t officially send anyone else.

The gray men.

Your predecessor’s idea.

He founded a program to recruit hardened criminals,

commuting their sentences in exchange for a lifelong commitment to the agency.

Assets were chosen for their skill set, lack of family, and plausible deniability.

Identities permanently destroyed. Nameless assassins with limited morality.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong, right?

Every single Sierra flamed out.

All dead or back in prison.

Six is the last of the dirty half dozen, and he is 100% conforming to pattern.

[softly] He hurts people

because that’s who he is.

That’s who you’re protecting.

Remove yourself from my personal space.


[Denny sighs]

Officer, I have reason to believe you’re not being truthful in this debrief.

And as such, I must recommend you be suspended from field duty.

I wanna talk to my COS.

I already did. She’s lost confidence in you.


Am I jarring your memory yet?

[cell phone vibrates]

[urgent menacing music playing]

We need to ground in Vienna.

We haven’t filed a flight plan. They’ll never clear us.

So declare an emergency.

There are weapons on board. I’ll lose my license.

We have a filed alternate near Budapest. Best I can do is call them.

[pilot shouts painfully]

How do you feel about your license?

Mayday. Mayday. Mayday, This is November Three…

Who’s up for some Tafelspitz?


[Denny] Stick around the building.

The boys aren’t done searching your apartment yet.

[door closes]


[urgent music continues]

[tires screech]

I would have opened it.

[whispers] Where’s the target?

Where’s my money?

[menacing music playing]

[mercenary] He got caught in the well.


[wet rapid footsteps]


[both grunting]

[cries out in pain]

[blow thuds heavily]

[spray hisses]

Come on, man.

Hey, sunshine.

[grunts] You must be Lloyd.

What gave it away?

The white pants, the trash ‘stache. It just…

It leans Lloyd.

[sighs, chuckles]

Where’s the drive?

I got it here somewhere. It’s just hard to see.

[clears throat] Is that it?




[suspenseful music builds]

[growls, groans]

[silenced gunfire]

Nice try, pumpkin.

What size shoe are you?

Why? You want my foot in your ass?

[projectile whistles]

Ah, shit!


Looks like an 11.

[Miranda] Who’s this lunatic?

I don’t know. Lloyd.

Let’s go.

[Six] I’m good.

Let’s go.

It sounded like a question.


How’d you find me?

You make a lot of noise.


Open it.

[sirens approach in distance]

Not the trunk.

Get in.

I could really use a comfortable chair right now.

[groaning, chuckles]

[dramatic instrumental music playing]

[helicopter blades whir]

[whispers] Is that Donald Fitzroy?

What the hell are you doing?

[Lloyd] Suzanne! Long time. If I’m honest, I liked your old haircut.

Where you didn’t look like a bitch.

We did not give you permission

to kidnap former CIA personnel and their family members.

You’ve been hired by the agency to recover–

To do your job because you couldn’t.

Can someone get me a Vicodin, please?

So where is Six?

Where I want him.

In the wind?

On the run, scared shit less.

This is ten years of my work on the line here, Lloyd…

I am your only prayer of getting that drive back

because I can do everything the agency can’t.

You know all those rules you guys are always trying to work your way around?

They don’t mean dick to me.

So unless you want our names spilled across every news alert

on every phone in every pocket on Earth,

shut up and go sit in the corner.


[pills rattle]

How about that?

Forget about the Vicodin.

Why are you walking like that?

[Lloyd] ‘Cause I got shot in the ass, Suzanne!

[Fitzroy] Hey, sweetheart.

[Claire gasps, sobs]

[Fitzroy] I’m so sorry.


I know, honey.

I’m sorry.

[police siren wailing]


[Six grunting]


[inhales, exhales]


You look like shit.

That’s the most sleep I’ve had in 36 hours.

They pulled me from field duty.

They think I’m into whatever you’re into. You’re gonna tell them I’m not.

What gives the impression they care what I think?

This is my career, you understand?

You’re just an asset, but it’s my career, my reputation.

What did you steal?

Technically, I didn’t steal anything. Four gave it to me.

Then why didn’t you give it to HQ?

Well, he gave it to me.

[Miranda] What did he give you?

An encrypted drive.

What’s on it?

It’s encrypted.

I wanna see it.

I don’t have it.

Where is it?

How do I know I can trust you?

[Miranda] Because I just saved your life.

That’s a fair point.

I sent it to Margaret Cahill, the U.K. Agency Chief, okay?

She retired and lives in Prague.

What are you thinking?

[Miranda] I’m thinking about what to do.

Maybe think about it this way.

They already had me kill an agent.

Now it’s my turn. How do you know you’re not next?

Get comfortable.

[tense music playing]

“Get comfortable” like we’re going to Prague,

or… or, like, jail comfortable?

[tires screech]

[Lloyd] Where are we? What do we got?

[tech] Wet teams en route.

Everybody be advised, he has help.

We sure?

Well, I didn’t tranq myself in the ass, so yes.

[tech 2] Got something. CCTV in Bangkok. Night of the op.

[Suzanne] He ditched the asset.

Where’s that package now?

[tech 2] It’s already in the system.

Resolution’s too shitty to read the address.

Clerk said it was to a PO box in Prague.

He doesn’t keep any records, so that’s the best we got.

That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.

Goldilocks, would you be a lamb and excuse us?

Go to hell.

Hey! Whoa! Stop!

She has a pacemaker, jackass!

[Claire] Hey, whoa!

Get off me! No! Stop!

Then she definitely shouldn’t stick around for this next part.

If you hurt her, I will annihilate you.

Do you understand me?




Who’s in Prague?

There’s three million people in Prague. I don’t know all their names.

Right. Well, you see, your boy mailed a package,

which means, with countless contacts at his disposal,

and this being a particularly challenging situation,

there’s someone in Prague that he trusts the most.

Who is that?

It’s your mother.

[Lloyd] Boring.

[Donald grunting]

[both grunt]

[Lloyd sighs]


Now, whatever I just did to your ears, it’s not even torture.

I just made it up on the spot. Just came to me.


[Lloyd] And that’s how this is gonna go.

[chair scraping on floor]

Who’s in Prague?



[Donald groaning]

[groaning continues]

[nail detaches]

[groans, laughs]

Should we try again?

Okay, fine.

Who’s in Prague?

I already told you, I don’t know.


[loud pained groaning]

[nail detaches]


Maybe we should get the girl back in here.

[“Aline” by Chris top he playing]

[air flowing, hissing softly nearby]

♪ J’avais dessiné ♪

♪ Sur le sable ♪

[doorbell buzzing]

♪ Son doux visage ♪

♪ Qui me souriait ♪

[buzzing continues]

♪ Puis il a plu ♪

♪ Sur cette plage ♪

[buzzing continues]

♪ Dans cet or age ♪

♪ Elle a disparu ♪

♪ Et j’ai crié… ♪

[buzzing continues]

[music continues in the background]


Have you tried aluminum siding?

I prefer fiberglass.

At least you don’t have to paint.

You’re Berlin Station.

Until this morning.

I’m here with Six.

Where is he?

The trunk.

[approvingly] Well played.



[pills rattle softly]

You did say you were gonna quit.

It was a life of few pleasures.

I clung to the ones I had.


[Margaret] Three months.


If you utter anything remotely sympathetic,

I will shoot you.

[table clatters]


Have you been well enough to check your mail lately?

I have.

You get in?

I always get in.

Looks like Sierra Four got his hands on Denny Carmichael’s dirty laundry.

Assassination, torture, bombings.


All unsanctioned

with no regard for collateral damage.

This is why Carmichael pushed me and Fitz out.

This is why you are on a ledge, Six.

He’s using the agency as his own personal hit squad.

What’s he getting out of all this?

[Margaret] This is shadow government stuff,

which, bluntly, it is above Carmichael’s pay grade.

[Miranda] Guardian angel?

At least one.

Pushing him up the ladder, covering his tracks.

Somebody very powerful is pulling the strings.

How was Sierra Four involved?

[Margaret] Blackmail.

Four was always a hustler.

Looks like he found out about Carmichael, got a hold of some evidence,

tried selling it to the highest bidder.

Carmichael got wind of it and used Six to take him out.

Big mistake.

[Lloyd] Do not underestimate this target.

Hit this meatball like a freight train.

And turn on cams.

I want this pay-per-view.

[Miranda] There’s no way we can copy the file?

[Margaret] It’s a dead disk. You copy it, you encrypt the encryption.

Then we have to leak it to the press.

[Six] Wait until I find Fitz and the kid, would you?

There’s a kid?

[Six] Fitzroy’s niece.

But look, you’ve done more than enough. Just find cover. This is on me.

I wouldn’t recommend it, but if you insist on a rescue mission…

My bug-out car.

It’s bulletproof, loaded trunk.

Stashed in a garage in the city center. Address is on the tag.

Hey, inmate.

Thanks for proving us right.

I thought we weren’t getting sentimental.

[Margaret] We’re not.

[sighs raggedly]

[whispers] Go.

[muffled booming]

[Margaret coughs]

Okay, get in.

Lead. Lead. Light’s on the left. I can’t see.

[clears throat]


[Six] Don’t do this, Maggie. Open the door!

Open the door.

[Margaret] Quiet.

[suspenseful music builds]

[Margaret] In here.

In here.

In here!

[mercenary] Hands up.

Where is he?

Where is who?

[mercenary] Do not play with me.

What the hell is she doing?

[Margaret] Oh, doll,

whatever they are paying you,

it is not enough.

[mercenary] Oh, shi…


[sirens wailing]



[feed sizzles]

[Suzanne] Jesus.

Well, that was unexpected.

Did we just kill Margaret Cahill?

[officers shouting in Czech]

[officer shouting in Czech]



[rhythmic stinger]

We have Alpha and Bravo teams circling.

Delta’s en route. Cameras aren’t live yet.

Send everyone. Get ’em in there, every team. Light it up.

[siren wailing]

[horns honking]

[tires screeching]


[Six growls]

[shouting in Czech]

[officer mutters in Czech]

[Six groans]

[officer continues speaking in Czech]

[street percussion playing]

Cops have him near the square at the opera house.

They’ve called in a SWAT team.

[chattering in Czech]

[in English] Hey, stop it! Don’t move, okay? Stay still.

[sirens continue]

[tires screech]

[shouting in Czech]

[tech 2] Alpha team arriving now.

This clown’s a sitting duck.

You have my permission to shoot anyone standing in his way.

[officers shouting in Czech]

[truck tires screech]

[mercenary] Confirmation on target.

Make him dead.

You should clear the square.

[in English] Shut up.

[officers speaking Czech]

You should clear the square.

I told you to shut up.

[crowd screaming]

[suspenseful music pulsates]

[menacing music surfaces]

[siren wailing]

[siren failing]

We’re going to prison for this.

Keep any more cops out of that square.

We’re killing cops now? Margaret Cahill wasn’t enough?

[sirens wailing]

[tech 2] SWAT team approaching from the bridge. Multiple vehicles.

Six is in the southwest corner.

[stray bullets whiz by]

Get Bravo team in there. We need more guns.

[soldiers shouting]

Bravo engaging now.

[tires screech]



[tech 2] Bravo, SWAT on your flank. Watch the fire from that heavy gun.


[Six grunts]

[grunts frustratedly]

Would someone mind shooting the man handcuffed to the bench?

[mercenary] We can’t get to him.

[mercenary] There’s too many cops.



My God, how hard is it to shoot somebody?

Take out that assault vehicle.

[projectile whistling]

This is insane.

Lloyd, please, pull everyone out now.


Extra ten million to the first guy to put a bullet in this Ken Doll’s brain.


[tires screeching]

What happened?

The relay antenna must have snapped off.

Well, get it back on

before I beat you to death with that keyboard.

[suspenseful rhythm continues]

Anybody got eyes on him?

[mercenary] Negative, negative. We lost him.

[tram bell ringing]

He’s on the tram!

[suspenseful rhythm builds]

[tech 2] Delta team’s in pursuit.

[mercenary shouts]



[tires screeching]



[mercenaries shouting indistinctly]

[siren wailing]

[tires screech]

[suspenseful music continues]

[engine revving]

[crowd screaming]

[metal grinding]

[tires screech]

[Six groans softly]

[metal clattering]

[sirens wailing in the distance]



[Lloyd] All teams, report status.


All teams, report status.

This is quite possibly the most spectacular failure

in the history of covert ops.

This will be taught in schools as the primary example

of exactly what not to do in asset retrieval.

[radio static hisses]

[man] This is Lone Wolf. Over.

Hello, my sexy Tamil friend.

Sit rep?

Tracking the target.

No change, Lone Wolf.

Get me that asset.

[breathes heavily]

What I do can’t be taught.

[sirens wailing]

[sirens fade in the distance]

You hurt?

I mean, my ego’s a little bruised.

I would like the opportunity to save you at some point.

Not that I want you to be in danger so I can save you.

You said they have a girl.


How do we find her?

[Six] She’s got a pacemaker.

You don’t have a handcuff key, do you?


[sirens wailing]

[urgent rhythmic beat pulses]

Excuse me.

[woman] Yes.

Can you please get us a doctor? My husband’s injured.

You have to wait in the lobby.

No, we have been waiting.

I’m sorry.

[Miranda] I need someone to see him now.

[woman] I understand.

[Miranda] How much longer do we need to wait?


[menacing theme overlays]

[tapping keyboard slowly]

You know, you have ten fingers.

Yeah, and a few cans of pepper spray in my eyes.

And you can’t all caps on this thing. You have to control shift. It’s a process.

[taps keys]



She’s in Croatia.

I mean, I can see that.

It’s not in Croatian.

We need a ride. I call not trunk.

[Six growls in pain]





And you are?

Give it to me.

[Miranda exhales]

You wanna go first?

You go.

[blows landing heavily]

[grunts, shouts]


[glass shattering]

[pendant clangs]


[Miranda grunts, shouts]



[electronic whining]


[electricity surges]



[Six groans]



[Miranda grunts, coughs]

[Six groans]

[officers shouting in Czech]

Help. Help me.

[Lone Wolf] That’s him, the man from the square.

He’s trying to kill me. He’s got a gun.

[officers shouting in Czech]

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

[officers continue shouting]

[Lone Wolf] Okay, okay.

[hard thud]


[crowd screaming]

Hey! Give me the gun.

[crowd clamoring]

[Miranda panting]

[tires screech]

[crowd screaming]

[tires screeching]



Get down!


[Six clears throat]

[Six] You were in my shot.

You gave me an empty gun?

[Six] The shells were coming, okay?


The shells were coming. You… You ran away too fast.

[Miranda] Then you need to say, “Hey, wait! That’s empty.”

No, it’s assumed.

I assumed it’s loaded, so I ran after the guy.

Who throws a loaded gun?

I asked for a loaded gun.

No one throws a loaded weapon, okay? Are you coming?

[growls, sighs]

I’m gonna bleed out while we have this conversation.

Can we just unpack this somewhere else?

[Denny, over phone] Jesus Christ, Suzanne!

I warned you.

When I said, “Sit on Lloyd,” I meant sit on him,

not “torch half of Europe.”

He is unsittable.

Do you have the drive?

Not in possession. No, it’s en route.

What about Six?

Bleeding and MIA.

Have you heard from the old man?

No, not yet.

Doesn’t mean he doesn’t know. “Prague on fire” is hard to keep a lid on.

What are you gonna tell him?

The truth, Suzanne.

That you hired Lloyd Hansen?

That truth or some other truth?

Call me the minute you get the drive.

[phone beeps]


[Six] What are you doing?

[electricity crackling]


I’m just gonna pack it and wrap it,

and we can go.

[panting] EpiPens.

Good news is he missed the liver and the kidney.


Why’d you go to prison?

Why do you ask?

‘Cause I wanna know.

[Six] Will it affect whether you help me or not?

[Miranda] Maybe.

That’s fair enough.

What is this, puppy mouthwash?





Well… [sniffs]

…my father fancied himself a real macho man.

And he was hell-bent on turning me and my brother into the same.

Unfortunately, his methods were a little unsound,

and, uh…

He started laying into my brother so hard

that at a certain point,

it was clear it was either gonna be my brother or him.

[muffled shouting and thuds]


[man, shouting] You think you can do it without me?

You can’t!

I decided it would be him.

[soft pensive music plays]

I thought, “How noble of me,”

and, uh, everyone else thought I should be in jail.

And that’s the way it was until Fitzroy found me.


[air hisses]



That’s better.

So what do you say?

We gonna do this or not?

[helicopter passing overhead]

He’s coming for us, isn’t he?

If he can walk, honey, it’ll be through those double doors over there.

[menacing instrumental theme plays]


[pilot] Vehicle on approach.

Let him in.

Alpha one, clear.

Bravo un, rien à signaler.

Charles trois, clear.

[Lloyd] You know what I love about you?

You look like you’ve been hit by a bus, but it only adds to your mystique.



[helicopter blades thumping]

Secteur cinq, RAS.


[mercenary] Tout est en place.

Eh, à cause de…

[Six] You guys looking for me?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Bouge pas! Bouge pas!

À genoux!

All right, all right, you got me.

[mercenary] Mets-toi à genoux!

Quick question.

You a 42 regular?

[silenced gunshots]


[Miranda] If you’re gonna take his gun, make sure it’s loaded.

I get the big one.

It’s loading.

Tell me, Suzanne, is there any other part of your job that I can do for you?

Failing upwards does not qualify as success.

No, success qualifies as success.

Do you consider putting a bullet in the girl upstairs a success?

‘Cause I’m struggling to see how you’re gonna get out of all this.

You wanna make an omelet, you gotta kill some people.

You’re killing a girl?

You know, in English, we call this a happy ending.

However, if you say one more word, you may not see it that way.

Suzanne, please pay my Tamil friend and send him on his way.

Who’s on the east perimeter?

[tech 2] Unit five.

Where are they?

They were there two minutes ago.

Get the genny up.

[helicopter blades thumping]


Lock everything down.

All units to the courtyard.

And do not pay this asshole.

[rapid gunfire outside]

Destruction du portail. Intrusion. Intrusion.

[Claire] What’s happening?

I told you to stay over there, please.

[Claire] What’s going on?


Under the bed, quick!

[gunfire continues]

[bodies thud in hallway]

[thrilling instrumental music playing]


[laughs with relief]

[sighs] Attaboy.


Get me eyes on the bridge.

[rocket fires, whistles]

[man] Ahh!

[laughs appreciatively]

He’s trying to draw us away. Shit!

You able?

Well, I can walk, but, uh, missing a wing.

Can you wiggle your finger?

With this wing.

[Six] That’ll do. You okay?

Took you long enough.

Sorry about that. My flight was delayed.

[Fitzroy] I knew you’d catch another one.

[floorboards creaking]

[whispers] Put these in your ears.

[creaking continues]



You ready?

[Miranda panting]

He’s in the house.


[tech] Alpha team, check in.

[personnel clamoring]

[tech] All elements check in.

Put a gun on that door.

[man 2] Roger that.

[tech 2] Check the network.

[tech] It’s unresponsive.

[tech 2] Get the cameras back on.

I had to reboot the system.

[tech] Mine is not rebooting.

[tech 2] Mine’s unresponsive.



[whispers] Okay.

[men yelling in the distance]

Do you have a plan, or are we improvising?

Yeah, I got a plan. You got your swim trunks?


[Fitzroy grunts]

[Fitzroy] Go, go, go.

Down. Down low.

[Claire gasps]

You’re making me destroy a historic building here!

All right. Let’s get ready to jump.

I’m gonna have to take the stairs.

What are you talking about?


[Claire sobbing]

[Fitzroy] Not good.

What the hell is that?

What do you think it is?

Go, Six. Get her out of here.


[Claire sobs]

[Six grunting]

[Fitzroy] Take the gun. Give me the grenade.

Let me see it. Put some pressure on it.

[Fitzroy mutters]

Get the damn gun out of my face. Shut up. I need to think.

You don’t have time to think.

Six, look at me. Look at me.

I’m out.

Get her gone.

Take this. Give me a hand grenade. You understand me? Go!

[Claire whimpers]

Come on.

You go with Six, baby.

[Six] We go in three, two, one.

[Claire] No, wait!

He’s bleeding. Oh, my God!

[Six] Come on.

I love you. Go with Six.


Not you too!

Go, go, go, go. Take her.

It’s okay.

[Claire] No. Six, stop!

Stop it! Stop!

[Claire sobbing] Six, please!

Oh, for Christ sakes.

[grunts, panting]

[Lloyd] Roll him.


You douche.


No! No! [sobbing]

Come on.



[water splashes]

[both grunting]

[cries out]






[Lone Wolf panting]

Take it.

I don’t care about the money anymore.

These are not honorable people. Take it.

[Miranda gasps]



[vehicle approaching]

Stay down.

[gunfire, men grunting]

[grunting fiercely]





[shouts] Shoot him!

[grunts, gasps] Wait. Please don’t shoot.

Look what you did to my hand. Give me that, you little shit.

[Claire shouts]


[Claire struggling] No!

[Lloyd mutters]

No! No!


[Lloyd and Claire struggling]

[Claire gasps]

[Lloyd] Hey, hey!


Now you pick those feet up, or you’re gonna get dead real quick.

[panting] Now, listen.

You shut up, and you don’t move.

[suspenseful instrumentals playing]

[Claire] Six!

[Lloyd] Now, I’m gonna stop you right there, cupcake.

What do you say we wrap this up?

I mean, I’m having a blast,

but it’s way past the kid’s bedtime, don’t you think?

Keep him talking. I have line of sight.

You’re gonna throw me that gun, or the little one gets a new face.

If your strategy relies on whether or not I’ll kill a child,

you need a new strategy.


[Claire sobbing]

Cute. I meant with the bullets.

Nobody throws a loaded gun, Lloyd.

You know, I think we would have been friends, you and I.

Aside from your childish sense of morality and eight-dollar haircut,

we have a lot in common.

It’s really a shame this isn’t gonna work out between us.

Now normally at this point in the night, I wouldn’t be sticking around.

With the house lights about to come on,

I’d find a desperate, ugly chick to lick my wounds and split,

but you have been a pebble in my shoe since the very beginning.

And now I just don’t think I can walk away.

Guess what I’m thinking right now.

That you’ve over shared.

I think I’m better than you.

What do you say, Six, you wanna dance?

[panting, gasping]


Push him right, and I’ll have the shot.

Forget the shot. Come get the kid.

[Claire sobbing]

Let me see your face.


My friend’s gonna meet you at the edge of the maze, okay?

No, no, wait.

[Six] Yeah.

Wait, I’m not just gonna leave you here with him. He’s crazy.

I got this.

No, no. I’m gonna take you with me.

Just come with me, please.


Don’t leave me alone.


Claire. Claire.

You’re all I have.

[Six] Claire. Claire.



This is just another Thursday.

[Six whispers] Go.


Kick his ass.






[groans, shouts]

Do you miss your fingers, Lloyd?

Still getting used to it.



Damn! That stings!


[blows landing heavily]


[Lloyd grunts, groans]


Let’s see if these moves fuck.




[Six groans]

[boy gasps, coughs]


Don’t ever talk back to me, you understand?





I will end you.

[muffled scream]



[dramatic instrumental music builds]


[Six growling]


[Lloyd gasps]



And you are?



[Six groans]

You’ll live.

I just need you compliant.

Can I comply over there?

[Suzanne] Knock yourself out.


[Suzanne sighs] I mean, look.

[Six groans]

Lloyd Hansen was a toxic piece of shit, right?

Yeah, that’s right.

We have history.

Me, Denny, Lloyd, we all went to Harvard together.


Those two had this absurd bromance.

Which made it impossible for me

to prove to Denny how much of a liability Lloyd was.

Then I see you two troglodytes bashing each other.

The whole thing just crystallized.

Lloyd Hansen is gonna posthumously take the fall

for everything that has happened.

Now, I know how to do that.

What I need are a few witnesses to corroborate my story.

So if you want that girl to live to a ripe old age,

you are gonna do exactly what I tell you to.

Bad news is you’ll probably get your old cell back,

but the good news is, if you behave, I’ll let you out to play sometimes.

‘Cause frankly, you are freakishly good at what you do.

What? Do you have a question? What is that?

Does this plan involve me living?

Yes. Yeah, you’re gonna live.

[Six] Then we should go.

Lot of blood.

Lot of blood.

[solemn instrumental music plays]

[steady beeping]

[man] This will forever be remembered

as one of the darker chapters in the history of this agency.

That a rogue independent contractor as morally dubious as Lloyd Hansen

could literally steal company resources

to commit crimes against our allied partners,

this is… this is a black eye on all of us.

I don’t know how to defend it.

However, after much deliberation,

and based on your corroborative depiction of events,

this committee and myself have decided

to exonerate the three of you in this affair.

I don’t wanna see you back in here for quite some time. Is that understood?

[Suzanne] Understood.

[Denny] Understood, sir.

You did the right thing. Good work.

Thank you, sir. Really.

[Miranda sighs]

Clever girl.

Stick to the script.

[tense instrumental music plays]

If anything ever happens to Claire Fitzroy, deal’s off.

I will come for you.


remove yourself from my personal space.

[Miranda exhales]

[birds chirping]

[knock on door, door opens]



Let’s go.

Where are they keeping Six?

Basement. Most secure floor.

Should’ve put a bullet in his head.

He tore through 30 of the best operatives in the world.

Why would I waste an asset like that?

He’s Fitz’s gray man. He’s not gonna do anything you say.

He will. As long as I have the girl, he will.

It is very dangerous for you to start thinking for yourself.

You threatened, Denny?

How pleasantly out of character.

You rather I be floating in the Potomac?

I got Lloyd’s autopsy report.

They pulled a nine millimeter from his chest.

I told you Six got my gun.

Killed Lloyd, left you alive?

That’s right.

Guess he didn’t perceive you as a threat.

That would be his mistake.

[Denny] What’s Six’s current condition?

He’s been unresponsive the last few days.

What do you mean “unresponsive”?

He just lays there. Can’t tell if it’s psyops or medical.

Won’t eat. Won’t speak. Won’t even look at us.

Brain damage?

Nothing shows up on a scan.

[suspenseful rhythm pulses]

Oh, shit.

[soldier] Clear right.

Room clear.

Lock down the perimeter. Six is a runner. Repeat, Six is a runner.

With me.

[soldier] Yes, ma’am.

When do I get to go home?

I asked you a question.

[lock clicks]

[bird twittering]

[“Silver Bird” playing]

♪ Get aboard the silver bird… ♪

[men shouting]

♪ Departing Gate 19 ♪

[volume increases]

♪ Satisfy your Walter Mitty mind ♪

♪ Trying out a dream… ♪


♪ Your sign is Capricorn and… ♪

[men shouting]

[rapid gunfire]



♪ My friend until you’re mine… ♪


[body thuds]

[gunshots continue]

♪ Fly my lady away ♪

♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Take her over the bay ♪

♪ Silver bird ♪

♪ Give my lady a ride ♪

♪ And let her go see What’s on the other… ♪

Am I allowed to chew gum in here?

♪ Silver bird, fly my lady away ♪

♪ Pretty bird, today is the day ♪

[song ends]

[“Wild Child” by The Black Keys playing]

♪ I’m just a stranger ♪

♪ With a twisted smile And a wandering eye ♪

♪ Your heart is in danger ♪

♪ Come close now, let me tell you a lie ♪

♪ Wild child ♪

♪ You got me running Through the turnstile ♪

♪ Baby, come with And I’ll make it worthwhile ♪

♪ You’re gonna get my love today ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪

♪ You are a sweet dream ♪

♪ With a tender heart And a beautiful smile ♪

♪ But things aren’t what they seem ♪

♪ So I’ll let you go And dream for a while ♪

♪ Wild child ♪

♪ You got me coming out of exile ♪

♪ Baby girl You know I’m liking your style ♪

♪ You’re gonna get my love today ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪

♪ I just wanna hold you At the end of every day ♪

♪ Girl, I wanna please you Oh I’m needing you to stay ♪

♪ The sun is gonna shine If you would just come out and play ♪

♪ Baby, won’t you show me Your wild child ways? ♪

♪ Wild child ♪

♪ You got me running Through the turnstile ♪

♪ Baby, come with And I’ll make it worthwhile ♪

♪ You’re gonna get my love today ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪

♪ Wild child ♪

[suspenseful rhythm plays]

[pensive music plays]

[thrilling music begins to play]

[menacing theme plays]

[music ends]


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