
Blade Runner: The Final Cut [Transcript]

Scott's definitive Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007, 117 minutes) was released by Warner Bros. on October 5, 2007. This is the only version over which Scott had complete artistic and editorial control.
Blade Runner Poster

Scott’s definitive Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007, 117 minutes) was released by Warner Bros. on October 5, 2007. This is the only version over which Scott had complete artistic and editorial control.


Next subject: Kowalski,

Engineer, waste disposal.

File section: New employee, six days.

Calling Mr. Webber.

Come in.

Please report to Zone A Sector 9.

Replication Center Level 9, we have a B1 security alert.

Stand by for ID check, please.

Sit down.

Replication Center Level 9, we have a B1 security alert.

Stand by for…

Care if I talk?

I’m kind of nervous when I take tests.

Just please don’t move.

Oh, sorry.

I already had an IQ test this year.

I don’t think I’ve had…

Reaction time, is a factor in this, so please pay attention.

Now answer as quickly as you can.


1187 at Hunterwasser.

That’s the hotel.


Where I live.

Nice place?

Yeah, sure I guess.

Is that part of the test?

No. Just warming you up.

That’s all.

It’s not fancy or anything.

You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of…

Is this the test, now?

Yes. You’re in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down…

What one?


What desert?

Doesn’t make any difference what desert. It’s completely hypothetical.

But how come I’d be there?

Maybe you’re fed up. Maybe you wanna be by yourself. Who knows? You look down and see a tortoise, Leon. It’s crawling towards you…

Tortoise? What’s that?

You know what a turtle is?

Of course.

Same thing.

I’ve never seen a turtle.

But I understand what you mean.

You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon.

Do you make up these questions, Mr. Holden? Or do they write them down for you?

The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can’t… not without your help.

You’re not helping.

What do you mean I’m not helping?

I mean you’re not helping.

Why is that Leon?

They’re just questions Leon,

In answer to your query, they’re written down for me.

It’s a test designed to provoke an emotional response.

Shall we continue?

Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind, about your mother.

My mother?


Let me tell you about my mother.

* * *

A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies.

The chance to begin again, in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.

A new life awaits you in the Off-world colonies.

The chance to begin again, in a golden land of opportunity and adventure.

The custom-tailored genetically engineered humanoid Replicant, designed especially for your needs.

So come on America.

Give me four.

No, four. Two, two. Four.

And noodles.


He say you under arrest, Mr. Deckard.

Got the wrong guy, pal.

He say you Blade Runner.

Tell him I’m eating.

Captain Bryant…


Yellow 3.

Climb and maintain 4000.

Final descent.

Now on glide path.

Mark course.

Over the landing threshold.

Hi, Deck.


You wouldn’t have come if I just asked you to.

Sit down, pal.

Come on, don’t be an asshole, Deckard.

I’ve got four skin-jobs walking the streets.

They jumped a shuttle Off-world, killed the crew and passengers.

They found the shuttle drifting off the coast two weeks ago so we know they’re around.


No sir not embarrassing.

Because no one’s ever gonna find out they’re down here.

Because you’re gonna spot them and you gonna air them out.

I don’t work here anymore.

Give it to Holden.

He’s good.

I did.

He can breathe okay as long as nobody unplugs him.

He’s not good enough.

Not good as you.

I need you Deck.

Now this is a bad one, the worst yet.

I need the old Blade Runner.

I need your magic.

I was quit when I come in here Bryant.

I’m twice as quit now.

Stop right where you are.

You know the score pal?

If you’re not cop, you’re little people.

No choice?

No choice pal.

I already had an IQ test this year.

I don’t think I’ve ever had one of these.

Reaction time is a factor, so please pay attention.

Answer as quickly as you can.

Yeah, sure.

1187 at Hunterwasser.

Yeah. That’s the hotel.


Where I live.

Nice place?

Yeah sure, I guess.

There was an escape from the Off-world colonies two weeks ago.

Six Replicants.

Three male, three female.

They slaughtered 23 people and jumped a shuttle.

An aerial patrol spotted the ship off the coast.

No crew, no sight of them.

Three nights ago they tried to break into Tyrell Corporation.

Two of them got fried running through an electrical field.

We lost the others.

On the possibility they might try to infiltrate as employees.

I had Holden go over and run Voight-Kampff tests on the new workers.

Looks like he got himself one.

So you look down and you see a tortoise.

It’s crawling towards you.

Tortoise? What’s that?

That’s Leon.

Ammunition loader on intergalactic runs.

He can lift 400-pound atomic loads all day and night.

The only way you can hurt him is to kill him.

I don’t get it. What do they risk coming back to Earth for?

That’s unusual. Why…

What do they want out of the Tyrell Corporation?

Well, you tell me, pal.

That’s what you’re here for.

What’s this?

Nexus 6. Roy Batty.

Incept date: 2016.

Combat model.

Optimum self-sufficiency.

Probably the leader.

This is Zhora.

She’s trained for an Off-world kick murder squad.

Talk about Beauty and the Beast.

She’s both.

The fourth skin-job is Pris, a basic pleasure model.

The standard item for military clubs in the outer colonies.

They were designed to copy human beings in every way except their emotions.

The designers reckoned after a few years they might develop their own emotional responses.

Oh, hate, love, fear, anger, envy.

So they built in a fail-safe device.

Which is what?

Four-year lifespan.

Now, there’s a Nexus 6 over at the Tyrell Corporation.

I want you to go put the machine on it.

And if the machine doesn’t work?

Do you like our owl?

It’s artificial?

Of course it is.

Must be expensive.


I’m Rachael.


It seems you feel our work is not a benefit to the public.

Replicants are like any other machine.

They’re either a benefit or a hazard.

If they’re a benefit, it’s not my problem.

May I ask you a personal question?


Have you ever retired a human by mistake?


But in your position, that is a risk.

Is this to be an empathy test?

Capillary dilation of the so-called blush response?

Fluctuation of the pupil.

Involuntary dilation of the iris.

We call it Voight-Kampff for short.

Mr. Deckard, Dr. Eldon Tyrell.

Demonstrate it.

I wanna see it work.

Where’s the subject?

I wanna see it work on a person.

I wanna see a negative before I provide you with a positive.

What’s that gonna prove?

Indulge me.

On you?

Try her.

It’s too bright in here.

Do you mind if I smoke?

It won’t affect the test.

All right, I’m gonna ask you
a series of questions.

Just relax and answer them as simply as you can.

It’s your birthday.

Someone gives you a calfskin wallet.

I wouldn’t accept it.

Also, I’d report the person who gave it to me to the police.

You’ve got a little boy.

He shows you his butterfly collection, plus the killing jar.

I’d take him to the doctor.

You’re watching television.

Suddenly you realize there’s a wasp crawling on your arm.

I’d kill it.

You’re reading a magazine.

You come across a full-page nude photo of a girl.

Is this testing whether I’m a Replicant or a lesbian, Mr. Deckard?

Just answer the questions, please.

You show it to your husband.

He likes it so much he hangs it on your bedroom wall.

Bush outside your window?

I wouldn’t let him.

Orange body, green legs?

Why not?

I should be enough for him.

One more question.

You’re watching a stage play, a banquet is in progress.

The guests are enjoying an appetizer of raw oysters.

The entrée consists of boiled dog.

Would you step out for a few moments, Rachael?

Thank you.

She’s a Replicant, isn’t she?

I’m impressed.

How many questions does it usually take to spot one?

I don’t get it, Tyrell.

How many questions?

Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.

It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn’t it?

She doesn’t know.

She’s beginning to suspect, I think.

How can it not know what it is?

Commerce, is our goal here at Tyrell.

More human than human is our motto.

Rachael is an experiment, nothing more.

We began to recognize in them… a strange obsession, after all they are emotionally inexperienced with only a few years in which to store up the experiences which you and I take for granted.

If we gift them with a past, we create a cushion or a pillow for their emotions then consequently we can control them better.


You’re talking about memories.

Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention.

Now, answer as quickly as you can.


1187 at Huntervvasser.

Yeah. That’s the hotel.


Where I live.

Nice place?

Yeah, sure, I guess.

Is that part of the test?



Time… enough.

Did you get your precious photos?

Someone was there.



Fiery the angels fell.

Deep thunder rolled around their shores.

Burning with the fires of Orc.

You not come here!


Hey! Hey!

Cold! Those are my eyes! Freezing!



Hey! Hey!

Morphology. Longevity. lncept dates.

Don’t know.

I don’t know such stuff.

I just do eyes.

Just eyes, just genetic design.

Just eyes.

You Nexus?

I design your eyes.

Chew… if only you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes.



I don’t know answers.

Who does?


He. He knows everything.

Tyrell Corporation?

He big boss. Big genius.

He. He design your mind.

Your brain.


Very cold.

Not an easy man to see…

Give me coat.

I guess.


He. He take. He take you there.

He take you there.

Sebastian who?

J. JF.


Now… where… would we find this… J.F. Sebastian?

Let’s continue, shall we?

Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind, about your mother.

My mother?


I’ll tell you about my mother.

Voice-print identification.

Your floor number, please.

Deckard, 97.

97. Thank you. Danke.

I wanted to see you.

So I waited.

Let me help you.

What do I need help for?

I don’t know why he told you what he did.

Talk to him.

He wouldn’t see me.

You want a drink?


You think I’m a Replicant, don’t you?


It’s me with my mother.


Remember when you were six?

You and your brother snuck into an empty building through a basement window.

You were gonna play doctor?

He showed you his, and when it got to be your turn, you chickened and ran.

Remember that?

Did you ever tell anybody that?

Your mother, Tyrell, anybody?

You remember the spider that lived in the bush outside your window?

Orange body, green legs?

Watched her build a web all summer?

Then one day, there’s a big egg in it.

The egg hatched…

The egg hatched…


And a hundred baby spiders came out.

And they ate her.


Those aren’t your memories, they’re somebody else’s.

They’re Tyrell’s niece’s.


Bad joke.

I made a bad joke.

You’re not a Replicant.

Go home.


No really.

I’m sorry.

Go home.

Want a drink?

I’ll get you a drink.

I’ll get a glass.


You forgot your bag.

I’m lost.

Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.

What’s your name?


Mine’s J.F. Sebastian.



Oh, where were you going?


I don’t have one.

We scared each other pretty good, didn’t we?

We sure did.

I’m hungry, J.F.

I got stuff inside.

You wanna come in?

I was hoping you’d say that.

Do you live in this building all by yourself?

Yeah, I live here pretty much alone right now.

No housing shortage around here.

Plenty of room for everybody.

Watch out for the water.

Must get lonely here, J.F.

Not really. I make friends.

They’re toys. My friends are toys.

I make them.

It’s a hobby.

I’m a genetic designer.

Do you know what that is?



Home again.

Home again jiggidy-jig.

Good evening, J.F.

Evening fellas.

They’re my friends.

I made them.

Where are your folks?

I’m sort of an orphan.

What about your friends?

I have some, but I have to find them.

I’ll let them know where I am tomorrow.

Can I take those things for you?

They’re soaked, aren’t they?

Enhance 224 to 176.



Move in.


Pull out, track right.


Center and pull back.


Track 45 right.


Center and stop.

Enhance 34 to 36.

Pan right and pull back.


Enhance 34 to 46.

Pull back.

Wait a minute.

Go right.


Enhance 57-19.

Track 45 left.


Enhance 15 to 23.

Give me a hard copy right there.


I think it was manufactured locally.

Finest quality.

Superior workmanship.

There is the maker’s serial number.





Not fish.

Snake scale.


Try Abdul Ben Hassan.

He make this snake!

Abdul Hassan.

I’m a police officer.

I’d like to ask you a few questions.

Artificial-snake license XB71, that’s you?

This is your work?

Who did you sell it to?

My work?

Not too many could afford such quality.

How many?

Very few.
How few?

Look, my friend…

Taffey Lewis.

Down in Fourth Sector, Chinatown.


Taffey Lewis?

Thank you.



I’d like to ask you a few questions.


You ever buy snakes from the Egyptian, Taffey?

All the time, pal.

You ever see this girl?

Never seen her. Buzz off.

Your licenses in order, pal?

Hey, Louie.

The man is dry.

Give him one on the house, ok.



I’ve had people walk out on me before, but not when…

I was being so charming.

I’m in a bar here now, down in the Fourth Sector.

Taffey Lewis is on the line.

Why don’t you come on down here and have a drink?

I don’t think so, Mr. Deckard.

That’s not my kind of place.

Go someplace else?

Ladies and gentlemen…

Taffey Lewis presents,

Miss Salome and the snake.

Watch her take the pleasure from the serpent, that once corrupted man.

Excuse me, Miss Salome, can I talk to you for a minute?

I’m from the American Federation of Variety Artists.

Oh, yeah?

I’m not here to make you join.

No, ma’am.

That’s not my department.


I’m from the Confidential Committee on Moral Abuses.

Committee of Moral Abuses?

Yes ma’am, there’s been reports that the management, has been taking liberties with the artists in this place.

I don’t know nothing about it.

Have you felt yourself to be exploited in any way?

How do you mean exploited?

Well, like to get this job.

I mean, did you do or… were you asked to do anything that’s… lewd or unsavory or… otherwise repulsive to your person?

Are you for real?

Oh, yeah.

I’d like TO, to check your dressing room if I may.

For what?

For… For holes.


Well, you’d be surprised what a guy would go through… to get a glimpse of a beautiful body.

No, I wouldn’t.

Little… dirty holes they… drill in the wall so they can watch a lady undress.

Is this a real snake?

Of course it’s not real.

Think I’d be working in a place like this if I could afford a real snake?

So if somebody does try to exploit me, who do I go to about it?


You’re a dedicated man.

Dry me.

The only thing they care about.


Move! Get out of the way!



A minute.

Yeah, what do you want?


This enough?



Christ, Deckard, you look almost as bad as that skin-job you left on the sidewalk.

I’m going home.

Could learn from this guy, Gaff.

He’s a goddamn one-man slaughterhouse, that’s what he is.

Four more to go.

Come on, Gaff, let’s go.

There’s three to go.

There’s four.

That skin-job you VK’d at the Tyrell Corporation

Rachael, disappeared, vanished.

Didn’t even know she was a Replicant.

Something to do with a brain implant, says Tyrell.

Come on, Gaff.

Drink some for me pal?


How old am I?

I don’t know.

My birthday’s April 10, 2017.

How long do I live?

Four years.

More than you.

Painful to live in fear, isn’t it?

Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch.

I agree.

Wake up.

Time to die.


Me too.


I get them bad.

It’s part of the business.

I’m not in the business.

I am the business.

What if I go north?


Would you come after me?

Hunt me?


No, I wouldn’t.

I owe you one.

But somebody would.


You know those files on me?

The incept date.

The longevity.

Those things.

You saw them?

They’ re…


But you’re a policeman.


Didn’t look at them.

You know, that Voight-Kampff test of yours… did you ever take that test yourself?


I dreamt music.

I didn’t know if I could play.

I remember lessons.

I don’t know if it’s me or Tyrell’s niece.

You play beautifully.

Now you kiss me.

I can’t rely on my…

Say, Kiss me.

Kiss me.

I want you.

I want you.


I want you.

Put your hands on me.

What you doing?

I’m sorry.

Just peeking.


How do I look?

You look better.

Just better?

Well… you look beautiful.


How old are you?


What’s your problem?

Methuselah syndrome.

What’s that?

My glands, they grow old too fast.

Is that why you’re still on Earth?

Yeah. I couldn’t pass the medical.


I kind of like it here.

I like you… just the way you are.

Hi, Roy.


Gosh, you… really got some nice toys here.

This is the friend I was telling you about.

This is my savior, J.F. Sebastian.


I like a man that stays put.

You live here all by yourself, do you?


How about some breakfast?

I was just gonna make some.

Excuse me.



What’s going on?

There’s only two of us now.

Then we’re stupid and we’ll die.

No, we won’t.


Knight takes queen, see?

Won’t do.

Why are you staring at us, Sebastian?


You’re so different.

You’re so perfect.


What generation are you?

Nexus 6.

I knew it.

Because I do genetic design work for the Tyrell Corporation.

There’s some of me in you.

Show me something.

Like what?

Like anything.

We’re no computers, Sebastian.

We’re physical.

I think, Sebastian…

therefore I am.

Very good, Pris.

Now show him why.

We’ve got a lot in common.

What do you mean?

Similar problems.

Accelerated decrepitude.

I don’t know much about biomechanics, Roy. I wish I did.

If we don’t find help soon, Pris hasn’t got long to live.

We can’t allow that.

Is he good?


Our opponent.

Oh, Dr. Tyrell?

I’ve only beaten him once in chess.

He’s a genius.

He designed you.

Maybe he could help.

I’d be happy to mention it to him.

Better if I talk to him in person.

But I understand he’s… a sort of hard man to get to.



Will you help us?

I can’t.

We need you Sebastian.

You’re our best and only friend.

We’re so happy you found us.

I don’t think there’s another human being in the whole world who would’ve helped us.

66,000 Prosser & Ankovich.


Trade at two…

Blue entry.

A Mr. J.F. Sebastian.


At this hour?

What can I do for you, Sebastian?

Queen to Bishop 6. Check.


Just a moment.

Queen to Bishop 6, ridiculous.


Bishop 6.

Knight… takes Queen.

What’s on your mind, Sebastian?

What are you thinking about?

Bishop to King 7.


Bishop to King 7.

Checkmate, I think.

Got a brainstorm, Sebastian?

Milk and cookies kept you awake?

Let’s discuss this.

You better come up, Sebastian.

Mr. Tyrell?

I-I brought a friend.

I’m surprised you didn’t come here sooner.

It’s not an easy thing to meet your maker.

And what can he do for you?

Can the maker repair what he makes?

Would you like to be modified?

Stay here.

Had in mind something a little more radical.


What seems to be the problem?



Well, I’m afraid that’s a little out of my jurisdiction. You…

I want more life… father.

The facts of life.

To make an alteration in the… evolvement of an organic life system is fatal.

A coding sequence cannot be revised once it’s been established.

Why not?

Because by the second day of incubation any cells that have… undergone reversion mutations… give rise to revertant colonies like… rats leaving a sinking ship.

Then the ship sinks.

What about EMS recombination?

We’ve already tried it.

Ethyl methane sulfonate is an alkylating agent and a… potent mutagen. It created a… virus so lethal the… subject was dead before he left the table.

Then a repressor protein that blocks the operating cells.

Wouldn’t obstruct replication, but it does give rise to an error in replication.

So that the… newly formed DNA strand carries a mutation and you’ve got a virus again.

But, this all of this is… academic.

You were made as well as we could make you.

But not to last.

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

And you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy.

Look at you.

You’re the prodigal son.

You’re quite a prize.

I’ve done… questionable things.

Also extraordinary things.

Revel in your time.

Nothing the god of biomechanios wouldn’t let you in heaven for.

Sorry, Sebastian.

Come. Come.

Body identified with Tyrell,

is a 25-year-old male Caucasian.

Name: Sebastian, J.F. Sebastian.

Address: Bradbury Apartments, Ninth Sector, NF46751.

I want you to go down there and…

This sector’s closed to ground traffic.

What are you doing here?

I’m working.

What are you doing?

Arresting you, that’s what I’m doing.

I’m Deckard, Blade Runner.

26354. I’m filed and monitored.

Hold on. Checking.

Ok. Checked and cleared.

Have a better one.


Hi. ls J.F. there?

Who is it?

This is Eddie, old friend of J.F.’s.

That’s no way to treat a friend.

Home again, home again, jiggidy-jig.

Good evening, J.F.

Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent.

I thought you were supposed to be good.

Aren’t you the good man?

Come on, Deckard.

Show me… what you’re made of.

Proud of yourself little man?

This is for Zhora.

This is for Pris.

Come on, Deckard.

I’m right here, but you’ve gotta shoot straight.

Straight doesn’t seem to be good enough!

Now it’s my turn.

I’m gonna give you a few seconds before I come.






I’m coming.




How to stay alive?

I can see you!

Not yet!





You better get it up.

Or I’m gonna have to kill you.

Unless you’re alive, you can’t play.

And if you don’t play…

Six, seven

Go to hell or go to heaven.

Good, that’s the spirit!

That hurt.

That was irrational of you.

Not to mention, unsportsmanlike.

Where are you going?

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it?

That’s what it is to be a slave.

I’ve… seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched C-beams… glitter in the dark near the Tannhéuser Gate.

All those… moments will be lost… in time… like… tears… in rain.

Time to die.

You’ve done a man’s job, sir.

I guess you’re through?


It’s too bad she won’t live.

But then again, who does?




Do you love me?

I love you.

Do you trust me?

I trust you.


It’s too bad she won’t live.

But then again, who does?


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