

The war you don’t see

John Pilger: The War You Don’t See (2010) | Transcript

John Pilger investigates the media’s role in war, tracing the history of ’embedded’ and independent reporting from the carnage of the First World War through to the destruction of Hiroshima, the invasion of Vietnam and the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Real Time with Bill Maher (September 14, 2018) – Transcript

Bill Maher recaps the top stories of the week, including Trump’s feud with hurricanes and Paul Manafort’s plea deal. Former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry discusses President Trump’s war on truth and his new memoir, “Every Day Is Extra”.USA Facts founder and LA Clippers Chairman Steve Ballmer discusses his initiative to paint a data-driven portrait of America.

Real Time with Bill Maher (September 7, 2018) – Transcript

Bill’s guests tonight: Comedy icon & “Kidding” star Jim Carrey; CNN Sr. Political commentator David Axelrod; New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg; Ex-U.S. Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA); “Active Measures” documentary director Jack Bryan.

Real Time with Bill Maher (August 17, 2018) – Transcript

Bill Maher recaps the top stories of the week, including a new wave of reality show drama in the White House. Bill’s guests tonight: “Stay Tuned with Preet” Podcast host Preet Bharara; Ex-Governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm; “Adam Ruins Everything” star  Adam Conover; Weekly Standard Contributing Editor Charlie Sykes; Axios Politics Reporter Jonathan Swan

Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens on Abortion

Three decades after Roe v. Wade, abortion is still the hottest button in American society; scientific advances, from pre-natal testing to stem-cell research, have only raised the temperature.


Instead of marveling at the number of books, articles, and documentaries he produced, some of Christopher Hitchens’ friends muttered about the quantity of booze he drank. Now medical science backs his long-held belief that booze is a subtle weapon. Plus: Hitch’s tips on drinking right.

Truman Capote – Playboy Interview (1968)

“Wealthy Farmer, Three of Family Slain: H.W. Clutter, Wife and Two Children Are Found Shot in Kansas Home.” The UPI dispatch below this headline, buried in the back pages of the November 15, 1959, New York Times,had an electrifying effect on novelist Truman Capote.

Federico Fellini e Indro Montanelli


Indro Montanelli, invitato da Federico Fellini ad una proiezione privata del suo nuovo film, La dolce vita, racconta le sue impressioni sulla pellicola

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