
The Walking Dead – S10E21 – Diverged [Transcript]

Daryl and Carol come to a fork in the road and head their separate ways. Each going into their own type of survival mode, the easiest of challenges become much harder.
The Walking Dead - S10E21 - Diverged

Original air date: March 25, 2021

* * *

But my family pulled me back.

They always pull me back.

The Whisperers destroyed Hilltop, and I had to tell Maggie I sent Negan to be a part of it.

You let him out?

Back in Alexandria, everyone works tirelessly to rebuild, but the Whisperers ruined our crops.

Food is scarce, and with the return of Maggie and her people, we have more mouths to feed.

Daryl and I looked, but the Horde killed everything worth hunting.

Every tough decision I’ve made was always to protect us.

I’ll do whatever it takes.

And now I need to make things right.

[Crow caws in distance]


Here. Let me help.


Here you go.




Come on.

[Dog pants]


Carol: I wish we had more to show for our trip.

With all the new mouths to feed, too.

You’ll make it work.

You always do.

You’re not coming back with me.

Gonna stay out a little while longer.

Keep looking.

[Dog pants]

You want a ride?

My bike’s just up further.

No, I’m good.


Hey, um —

You don’t have to apologize. I’m good, really.


I was just gonna say good luck.


[Clicks tongue]


Good luck to you, too.



[Crow caws in distance]

[Dog pants, whimpers]

[Clicks tongue]




[Insects chirping, crows cawing]


[Engine sputters, starts]

[Gate creaks, rumbles]

[Gate shuts]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Dog whines]


Come on, boy.

Let’s get you home.


Alright. In you go.

Oh. Smells like Daryl.


Can you lay down?


[Dog lapping water]


For the record…

…I didn’t need an apology from him.

I know he meant what he said.

An apology’s just a truce.


doesn’t fix anything.



[Dog whines]

But belly rubs do.

Yes, belly rubs do.

[Indistinct conversations]

I was thinking I’d work on the North gate post today,

and if things work out, I would maybe get into, uh,

cleaning the dead fish out of the fishery.

Hey, dude.

Hi, Jerry.

Rosita’s already got a crew working on the guard post,

and the fishery got cleaned up while you were out.

Doesn’t smell like it.

[Sighs] Stinky fish make killer fertilizer.

How was your trip with Daryl?

Fine. What about you?

You — You need help?

Nah, I got it.

I’m sure there are better uses of your time.


Yeah. I’ll figure something out.

What’s that you got there?

Oh, this? Uh…

I found it in the street.

Somebody must have dropped it during the evacuation.

Oh, okay. I don’t know.

I thought I’d, uh, try to get the stains out of it,

maybe mend this little…


[Scoffs] I don’t know.

I don’t know. Somebody loved it.

And I just want to fix something.

Why not?




tell me how I can help out, please.


Anything at all.



I’m thinking.

[Stomach growls]

I think food is important to thinking.




I’m sure I can whip up something from what I found.

Yeah? Yeah!

Thanks, Jerry.

Uh, one thing.

A bunch of Maggie’s people

are crashed in Michonne’s kitchen, so…

Not a problem.

There’s a hotpot in the pantry.

Uh, yeah, I forgot.

The solar panels are all messed up, so…

The Whisperers, probably, so no juice.

And we had to throw out a bunch of grain.

Why is that?


Anything else?

What are you gonna make?

I don’t know.

Maybe some soup.



Got a couple fish.

Some nuts and mushrooms.

I’ll make it work.

You always do.

Did you ever hear the story of Stone Soup?

Yeah, they used to teach it to us in school.

There was this hungry stranger that came to a village,

but he didn’t have anything to trade for food

except for a big rock.

So he convinced all the villagers

to try his world-famous Stone Soup.

But before that, he tells one person,

“Hey, I’m gonna have to borrow some salt.”

Then he tells another person,

“Just gonna need a little bit of onion.”

And little by little, a little bit of this, little bit of that from everyone in the village…

until he has a real soup.

And everyone’s happy.

Didn’t sound very tasty.

Maybe Ezekiel and the others will bring help soon and…

you won’t have to make a soup out of rocks.

I hope so, too.

This can be saved.

[Footsteps depart]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Engine sputters]

[Engine stops]

[Engine sputters]

[Sighs heavily]


[Clattering in distance]

[Dog barking]

[Thuds, clattering continues]

[Barking continues]

[Dog growling]


Hey! Hey!


Unh unh unh unh! [Fabric rips]

Stop that!

[Sighing] Ugh.

[Growling continues]



[Growling continues]

Look at this mess.


Back off!

Back off! [Dog whimpers]

You take it easy.

[Sighing] Oh, man.


[Dog whines]

I know. I know. It’s okay, buddy.

It’s just a rat.

[Scratching] [Barks]

I know. I hear it, too.

I hear it, too.

[Scratching continues] Hey, hey. No.

No! No!

No! Dog!

Dog, get back here!

No! No! Bad dog!

Bad dog! Go!

[Dog panting]

Don’t look at me like that.

No, this is serious. We need that food!





[Sighs heavily]




See you later, asshole.

How’s that soup coming?

Great. Great.

Just need a couple more ingredients.

Gonna go see what I can rustle up out there.

You gonna rustle up some stones, too?


Jerry: Can’t wait!

[Insects chirping]

[Walker growls]


[Walkers growling]


[Growling continues]



Think I can’t take you myself?

[Bow thuds, blade unsheathes]

First you.


Then you and you

and you and you.

[Insects chirping]

[Carol grunts, blade thuds]

[Walker growls]

[Blade thuds, growling stops]

[Walker growls]

[Blade thuds, growling stops]

Carol: Where do you think you’re going?

[Walker growls]

[Blade thuds, growling stops]

[Body thuds]





[Sighs, groans]


[Birds chirping]


[Hood thumps]

[Growling continues]

[Growling continues]


[Metal creaks]


Stop movin’!

[Creaking continues]


[Growling continues]

[Metal thudding]


[Metal creaks]


[Growling continues]


Thanks, buddy.


The hell happened?


I got some nettles and dandelion greens.

Tasty and nutritious.

You sure you’re okay?

Oh, yeah. Back to it!




Ah, f…



You got it?

I’m good.



Let me know if you need anything.

Sure will.





[Electricity buzzes]



[Exhales sharply]

[Walkers growling]


[Kickstand clicks]


[Growling continues]


[Walkers growling]


[Branch snaps loudly]


[Growling continues]




[Daryl shouts]


[Growling stops]



Come on.

[Sighs] Come on.


Ah, there we go.

[Walkers growling]





See you later, asshole.






[Walker growls]





You gotta be kiddin’ me.




[Flesh squelches]

[Arrow thuds]


[Sighing] Oh.








Well, come on.

Hey, don’t make me beg.


Good boy!

Here you go.

Good boy.


You know, if you’re a good boy,

I’ll save you some scraps.


[Soft thud, scratching]



[Scratching continues]

[Dog whines]

Got you, you little bastard.

Aah! Aah!

No! No!

[Pans banging] No! No!


[Thuds, clattering]

[Rat squeaking]

Oh, no.

Where are you?



[Rat squeaking]

[Pots clanging] Aw!

No! No! No!


There you —




No! No.




No! No, no, no!


Shit! Shit!



You two friends now?

Is it ’cause I yelled at you earlier?


[Sighs] [Electricity whirrs]

[Sighs heavily]

[Dog whimpers]

Screw it.

[Plug thuds]


There’ll be more sun tomorrow.

Right, buddy?


[Carol sighs]

Come on.

[Door creaks]


Come on.

That’s bold.


You’re lucky all the fight’s gone out of me.


You miss him, don’t you?


Don’t worry.

He’ll come back.

He always comes back.


I don’t, though. Do I?

Yeah, I know.


What do you think?

You think I should scram?

Just get out of everybody’s hair?


I could.

I could.


[Softly] Yeah.

I miss him, too.


[Insects chirping]

[Wolf howls in distance]

[Dog growling softly]



Cut it out.

[Groans] Okay.

[Scratching continues]




[Scratching continues]


[Sighs] Come on.

[Engine starts]

[Engine revs]


[Dog sniffing]


[Panting] Carol: Shh.


[Dog growls softly]



[Dog whines]


[Whining continues]




[Scratching continues]

[Rat squeaks]


[Scratching continues]


[Knife thuds]


[Sighs heavily]


[Flashlight clatters]

[Sighing] Damnit.

[Sighs heavily]



[Broom sweeping]

[Soft clattering]

[Knocks on door]

Oh, hey.

It’s fine. I’m fixing it.

What’s up?

The cover story was gonna be that I was coming by for soup.

But I’m not the best poker player.


As in, I have… no poker face.

So, I’m just gonna fess up.

I’m just checkin’ on you.

You think I need checking on?

I do.

If Ezekiel were here, he’d agree with me.

Can’t argue with that, then.

I wish I could check in on him, too.

Yeah, I’m sure he’s on his way back here

as fast as he can with the others.

You know, probably just so he can check in on people

almost as much as you do.

You know, it’s pathological.

Can’t you just let people like me suffer in peace?

Yeah, caring…

it’s a real problem.


it wasn’t my best day.

It was a bad day.


Is that why the wall in there is all busted up?

[Chuckles] Guess so.

You know, Ezekiel would have a saying

for this kind of thing.

He has some good ones filed away.

I don’t know.

Maybe I don’t need a saying.

Maybe I just need to fix what I broke.

Here’s one —

“A friend is someone who thinks you’re perfect

even if everyone else thinks you’re broken.”


I didn’t even tell you why I had a bad day yesterday.

I just noticed that Daryl didn’t come back with you.

Two plus two equals eureka, you know?


What if you really are broken?

What if your best friend just realized it

a whole lot later than everyone else did?

Ezekiel probably has a saying for that, too.

I just don’t know what it is.

[Voice breaking] What would you say?

[Amateur Blonde’s “No Worries” plays]



♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪


♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

Was that…?



♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

Why don’t you come on in?

Soup’s almost ready.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ You made your bed ♪

♪ Now just sleep in it ♪

♪ Dreams will cut the words out ♪

♪ I grind my teeth ♪

♪ Grind my teeth to chalk ♪

♪ Finding words to say to you ♪


♪ Any fool ♪

♪ Fool can carry on with grand delusions ♪

♪ Any dog ♪

♪ Dog like me could find ♪

I’m sorry.

♪ The best way through the fence ♪

♪ You just don’t think about the time ♪

[Dog barks]

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

[Chuckling] Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo!

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

What the hell happened to you?

Was gonna ask you the same thing.

You know, the usual.



Did you find anything?

Yeah, yeah.

How was he? Was he good?


He was.


You hungry? I made some soup for everyone.

Nah, I’m all right.

Thank you, though.

Yeah. Sure.


Oh, um…

Forgot to give this back to you.


You can keep it.



Well… I’m kinda beat.

I’m gonna hit the sack, alright?

Yeah, me too.

Come on.

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ [Smooches]

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh ♪



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