
The Blacklist – S08E22 – Konets [Transcript]

Reddington makes a disturbing request to Liz in exchange for the truth about his identity.
The Blacklist - S08E22 - Konets

Original air date: June 23, 2021

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It’s him. It’s Townsend.

We should go. There could be others.

I’ll call Edward, tell him to have a medical team standing by.

Can you walk?

Walk? Townsend’s dead. I could fly.


The bullet went clear through. No organs were damaged. She should be fine.

Thank you. Have yourself a drink. Make it a double. You deserve it.

You deserve it, too. You won.

I wish there was time for celebration, but Mother Nature and the criminal world quickly exploit a vacuum. We should set a time to see Harold. And call Dr. Clemons. Thank him for his services and tell him they’re no longer necessary.

Did you find another doctor?


You’re giving up. Why? You just said there’s another fight to be won.

There is. But it can’t really be won unless I’m gone. Perhaps I will have that drink after all. Toast to better days.

Will it end when I know? When Reddington’s told me the last of it, will I be able to live a normal life?

What is normal?


Not this.

We live the lives we are meant to live. I understand you blaming Raymond for how yours turned out. I blame him, too, sometimes. But fate takes the laboring oar, in our lives and his. Fate and destiny.

Ah! You’re up. Excellent. I have a bit of a surprise…


(LAUGHS) Hey! Oh! Pumpkin! What are you doing here?

AGNES: It was Pinky’s idea.


He says his name is Red, but I prefer pink.

I thought she’d be just the thing, and as it turns out, Mrs. French and I share a great love for Jacques Tati, so…


How are you, my dear?

I’m better now. Thanks to Pinky.


Oh. Mr. Reddington.

Aram. Nice.


(HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) I heard about Townsend. We’re so relieved.

What’s the celebration? Who’s getting well?

Oh, uh, these are for Agent Ressler. He’s off the ventilator. The doctors are saying he’s doing so much better.

That’s good news.


Care for a toke? I’d give almost anything to hear you talk like a member of the Lollipop Guild.



Come in.

What a relief, knowing the threat to Agent Keen is gone.

(HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) Yes, we’re all quite happy with the way things turned out, Harold.

And here I thought that Aram was the only man-child around here. Please tell me you’re above such things.

(HIGH-PITCHED VOICE) I think it’s childish and completely unprofessional.


Please indulge our weakness for life’s simple pleasures. We’ve come bearing dark tidings.

You want to tell me? Or maybe you’d like to do some finger painting first.

(NORMAL VOICE) I would. More than you can possibly imagine. But unfortunately, Townsend’s death is about to trigger a firestorm of criminal activity. In the absence of a clear successor, everyone will be vying for control of his empire.

I assume you’re here to give me a case, that the next name on the Blacklist will be in service to helping you take advantage of the situation.

I do have a bunch of likely contenders for the throne, and, yes, I am giving you them so that someone can take advantage of this situation. But not me.

How magnanimous.

I’ve heard that one’s true colors emerge at the end. I’d love to think that magnanimity is one of mine.

The end? I knew you were sick, but exactly how bad is it?

Harold, over the years, you’ve served as a wise counselor to Elizabeth. I’d like to know that in my absence that would continue.

Raymond. How sick are you?

Do I have your word?

Of course. I’ll always do everything I can for Elizabeth.

Thank you. You’re a good friend.


Is this really necessary?

It’s the best way I can think of to ensure her protection.


Your blood tests are better. The treatment is working. You’re getting better, not worse.

I’m dying. Whether it’s this year or the next doesn’t matter. What I’ve got doesn’t go away. It just takes a pause, regroups, and comes back stronger, deadlier.


Where’s Agnes?

Mrs. French took her to the park. Thank you for bringing her here. That was very thoughtful.

The conversation we’ve been having. Or trying to have. About who I am and why I came into your life.

How my mother got you to watch over me.

Your mother. Yes. She foresaw this moment.

The answers are here. In a letter she wrote to you.

Why do you have a letter my mother wrote to me?

For when the time was right, to let you know the truth.

I think we can both agree it’s long past time.

One condition remains.

No. No conditions.

One task. Then it’s done.

What could possibly be left for me to do?

To take my life.

What do you mean?

I mean literally and metaphorically. I’m dying. You’ve known for a while that I’m sick. Before I die… I need to make sure you’re protected. A-And how will killing you do that? By showing the world that you’re a force to be reckoned with, that you did what no one else could no law-enforcement agency, no criminal rival you found and executed Raymond Reddington.

Y-You know I don’t want to take over your empire.

I do. And under other circumstances, I wouldn’t want you to.

But Neville Townsend learned certain things about me, things that we should assume others now know, as well. I’m afraid that people will come for you just like Townsend did. It took all of our strength to fight him. You’ll need help to fight the others. This is a way to get it.


It’s quite a story. Full of ambition and hope.

Love and loss.

How does it end?

You’ll find out.


Oh, you’re so cute! Ohh! I could just squeeze you like this forever.

Where’s Pinky?

Well… I don’t know where Pinky is. I never quite know where Pinky’s gonna show up next.

He’s funny. He tells me stories.

Oh, yeah? What kind of stories?

About a Russian princess. She doesn’t want to be a princess, but other people keep telling her it’s her destiny.

What do you think she should do?

Mom, she’s a princess!


LIZ: I got train tickets for 4:00 p.m. I’ll meet you at the station. Got some people I want to say goodbye to. It won’t take long to close up the apartment in New York, and we’ll sleep on the jet and be in Europe by this time tomorrow.

This will be so good for you two. To get away from it all.


I hope so.

We’ve had some times.

We have.




Have you spoken to Reddington?

I knew he was sick, but I had no idea it was this severe.


He asked me to take over for him.

I’m not surprised.

I said no.

I’m… I’m leaving.

We’re gonna get away. (SNIFFLES) I wanted to tell you in person and thank you for everything that you’ve done.

So your mind’s made up?

About taking over for Reddington? Well, is there a decision to make?

There’s so much I want for you. Above all, I want you to be safe. Right now you’re a fugitive on the Most Wanted List. If you took over for Reddington, inherited the Blacklist, I could probably convince Panabaker to give you immunity. You’d be protected. You’d have a reason for taking over that you could feel good about. We could still work together. Taking over for Reddington has risks, physical and emotional. Both of those concern me. But you not doing it concerns me more.

How’s Ressler?

On the mend. Worried about you.

Yeah, I want to see him.

Probably safer to call.

Yeah. Where’s the fun in that?




I heard you’re feeling better.

Well, I am now.


I’ve got a decision to make.

Cooper’s wrong.

He called you?

You’re not like Reddington, okay? You’re better. Look. You’re good. Too good to do what he wants you to do.

I don’t feel “good.”

You’re not a criminal. Okay? Pretending to be one is not gonna keep you safe.

COOPER: Russian mob. Serbians. Italians. Chinese. And a few Americans and Brits thrown in for good measure. All of them did business with Townsend, and, according to Reddington, they all want a piece.

And Mr. Reddington doesn’t?

Lemme guess, he wants us to move on the United Nations of Crime so he can take over.

Yes, but not for himself. For Elizabeth, so she can take over.

That’s not funny.

It wasn’t meant to be.

But she can’t. I mean… Even if she could, she wouldn’t. Would she?

Eh, why would he let her? What would he do? Go play golf?

Reddington’s sick. He wouldn’t say with what, but it’s clearly terminal.

Wait. Mr. Reddington? But… He always… He always seems so invulnerable.

He isn’t. Neither is Elizabeth. If she decides to take over for Reddington, she’s going to need our help. Starting with a workup on the people in this folder.

I’m in the chairs next to the escalators.

WOMAN ON PA: All passengers traveling…

Okay. I’ll see you soon.



Excuse me? I’m sorry. I don’t mean to stare. Are you Agent Keen? Elizabeth Keen?

Do we know each other?

Uh, Beth Ryker. Daniel Ryker’s my dad. General Ryker.

He said not to take it off.

Oh, my God. That can’t be you.

I-I think about you all the time, what you did.


You saved my life.

You were a very brave little girl.

You probably don’t remember the story you told me, about the scar your dad gave you, how it was… your secret weapon.

Well, whenever I’m feeling sad or afraid, I just touch it like this, and it makes me brave. Do you want to see if it can make you brave? Yeah?




I left the Bureau.

What do you do now?

I’m trying to figure that out.

MAN ON PA: The Keystone Service 3:45 to Philadelphia now boarding on Track 9. Keystone Service 3:45 to Philadelphia…

That’s my train.

Now boarding on Track 9.

I can’t believe it was really you.

All aboard.

Thanks for saying hello.

My dad told me that if you hadn’t defused that bomb, thousands of people would have died. Most people just… I don’t know, live their lives. But you made the world a better place. So whatever you decide to do, I really hope you’ll keep doing that.



(SIGHS) Elizabeth.

Tell him I want to meet hear him out.

Okay. Hold on.


She wants to discuss your proposal.

Okay. Tell her we’re in New York.


Can you meet in New York?

I’ll text you.



Is it wrong, what… what I’m asking her to do?

DEMBE: It’s not that simple. Right and wrong have never been simple in your life. You love her, and you want to keep her safe. You’re desperately trying to do that.

I wonder if it makes any difference.

Ohh! Hi, baby. Who’s ready to go to New York?


DEMBE: Raymond.

REDDINGTON: Ah. Elizabeth. Thank you for coming. I understand you’ve given some thought to my proposal.

I have.


I need you to explain something to me.


If we go through with this, if I actually do this what makes you think it’s gonna work? Me, as your heir? Why do you think people are gonna accept that?

They’ll accept it when I’m dead in the street. They’ll accept it because you’re a criminal.

Is that what I am? Or is that what I am because of you?

I’ve considered that question, so many times.

How things might have been different if I had never re-entered your life. Would you be safer? Happier? Was it, uh, my presence alone that brought you to this crossroads?

Or maybe none of that ever mattered. Maybe you were born to this out of a lie, the daughter of a spy, genetically predisposed to deception and danger.

I don’t know. I’ve thought and thought about it. And I just don’t know.

What I do know is that whether it’s chance or karma… DNA or fate, or just bad luck this is where you are now. This is who you’ve become. A criminal. A fugitive. And taking my life…

…is a way forward.


Humor me. How would it work?

The restaurant’s been undergoing renovations for over a year now, and we’ll be opening soon. But first, Pascual’s having a little soiree for family and friends tomorrow night. I’ll be there, as will Dembe. We’ll have dinner, see some friends. By 1:00, I suspect things will be winding down. The families will be gone. I’ll say my goodbyes and exit. Dembe will stay back, thank Pascual. You’ll be waiting in your car parked down the street with a clear view of the entrance.


It should happen on the sidewalk, right in front of the restaurant… and happen fast. By the time the police respond, you’ll be long gone. I’m quite sure Pascual will have to show them to the CCTV footage. And, of course, it’ll be leaked. And within hours, the image of you standing over my body will be on the front page of every major newspaper in the world.

You’ve really thought this through.


Tomorrow night.

Yes. What?

(CHUCKLES) Of all the times I’ve wanted to kill you. I don’t think I can pull the trigger.

Let’s not worry about that. Not now. Let’s just be.

That sounds nice.

♪ I walked across an empty land ♪

♪ I knew the pathway like the back of my hand ♪

♪ I felt the earth ♪

♪ Beneath my feet ♪

♪ Sat by the river ♪

♪ And it made me complete ♪

♪ Oh, simple thing ♪

♪ Where have you gone? ♪

♪ I’m getting old ♪

♪ And I need something to rely on ♪

♪ So tell me when ♪

♪ You’re gonna let me in ♪

♪ I’m getting tired ♪

♪ And I need somewhere to begin ♪

♪ I came across ♪

♪ A fallen tree ♪

♪ I felt the branches of it ♪

♪ Looking at me ♪

♪ Is this the place ♪

♪ We used to love? ♪

♪ Is this the place that ♪

♪ I’ve been dreaming of? ♪

♪ Oh, simple thing ♪

♪ Where have you gone? ♪

♪ I’m getting old ♪

♪♪ And I need something to rely on ♪

♪♪ So tell me when ♪

You said you made a promise to my mother…

♪♪ You’re gonna let me in ♪♪

…that you’d dedicate your life to keeping me safe no matter what.

I did.

♪♪ And I need somewhere to begin ♪♪

Why? Who was she to you?

♪♪ And if you have a minute, why don’t we go ♪♪

♪♪ Talk about it somewhere only we know? ♪♪

♪♪ This could be the end of everything ♪♪

This photo. There was someone standing behind the lens, holding the camera. Was it you?


You were there, weren’t you?

♪♪ Somewhere only we know ♪♪

I was there.


You knew her well.


Better than anyone.

♪♪ Oh, simple thing ♪♪

♪♪ Where have you gone? ♪♪

♪♪ I’m getting old ♪♪

♪♪ And I need something to rely on ♪♪


♪♪ So tell me when ♪♪

I’ll do it.

♪♪ You’re gonna let me in ♪♪

♪♪ I’m getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin ♪♪


But in exchange, I have to ask you a question, and I need you to give me a straight answer.


♪♪ Talk about it somewhere only we know? ♪♪

You said I can’t see my mother’s letter, that I can’t know who you are until after you’re gone and my future is cast.


Why? Why can’t I know who you are until after you’re dead?

Because if you knew beforehand, you’d never agree to kill me.

♪♪ Somewhere only we know ♪♪


Let’s go through it again.

We’ve been through this.



The evening ends. You go. I hang back to thank Pascual.

Elizabeth will be waiting in her car, down the street.

St. Vincent is the responding hospital. Our man on the inside will handle transport via their ambulance. The city will never take possession of your body.

And the remains?

Spread over the Yenisey. Raymond, we’ve been through this.

And then you get what’s yours. All of it.


No less.

Yes, I know, Raymond.


Are you sure about this?

Elizabeth is a fugitive. The only way for her to survive this world is to become part of it, to become bigger than it, stay ahead of it.

And you’re prepared to die to make that possible.

I’m always prepared to die.








LIZ: Aram, it’s me.


Listen. I don’t have much time.

Uh, we may have a lead on some of the criminals moving in to pick over Townsend’s legacy.

Good. I hope you get them.

Mr. Cooper thinks you should replace Mr. Reddington. Ressler doesn’t. If you’re looking for a vote to break the tie, I’m with Ressler.

I know. That’s not why I’m calling.

I won’t help you. I know I have in the past… But I won’t.

I wouldn’t expect you to. That’s not what I want. What I want what I’m hoping for is that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for the things I’ve done, for what I’m going to do what I have to do.





I just spoke to Liz.



She asked for my forgiveness.

Given her choice, that’s perfectly understandable. Agent Park, have you reached Reddington?

No, and I called his restaurant. Somebody answered, said they’re opening in a few days, but tonight’s a private party.

When all this began, I was such a different person. Blinded by passion and inexperience. What we built it’s been fulfilling in ways that I can’t even begin to describe. It’s been a wonder. Thrilling and challenging. A blessing and a curse. Whatever it’s been it’s become who I am.


But at some point, it became clear to me that I wasn’t really in control of any of this.


I thought I was. At times, I-I feel like I am. But I’m not.


No matter how much I try or care or give of myself…


I have no control over how any of this ends. And that is crushing if I think about it too much. So I don’t think about it. I ignore it, deny it, and try to convince myself that I can keep Elizabeth safe, Agnes safe, which is why I-I feel I have to do this. I have to believe that I can help…


Because the alternative is j… It’s just…

I understand.

I know you do.


Only when I’m gone.

Give it to Elizabeth, but only when I’m gone.



You ready?


REDDINGTON: Me neither. Let’s go.

AGNES: What’s wrong, Mom?

Oh, nothing. I’m just… I’m just sad. But I’ll be okay. We had such fun in New York, didn’t we?

Why are you sad?

Well, uh… Someone that I care about is sick. He’s… very sick.

Did he see a doctor?

No. Unfortunately, the doctors can’t help him get any better.

Is he gonna die?

Yeah, honey. He is.

That is sad.

Yeah. But I think my friend is trying to be brave. I think he feels fortunate.

AGNES: What’s “fortunate”?

LIZ: Well, I think my friend knows he’s lived a good life that he’s seen a lot of neat and different places and he has a lot of friends that love him.

Dembe, will you stop the car, please?

What’s the matter?

I want to walk.

It’s not safe.

I’ll meet you at the restaurant.


LIZ: So even though he’s sad he’s gonna die he feels fortunate that he’s lived a good life.

Your friend’s blessed.

Yeah! Blessed! Where did you learn a word like that, smartie?

AGNES: You always say that even though Daddy had to go to Heaven, he was okay with that because he felt blessed to know me when I was a little baby.

LIZ: Yeah. I think my friend feels blessed, like Daddy.

I feel blessed because of you.

(VOICE BREAKING) Oh, honey. Me too. I’m blessed because of you. And don’t forget, no matter what happens, I love you to the moon and back.

I love you, too. More than hearts.

One more sleep, okay? I’ll see you in the morning.







RESSLER: No, I spoke with Keen myself… She turned Reddington down, said she was gonna leave the country. I think she already left.

Except she hasn’t. Elizabeth phoned Aram. She’s in DC. She also asked for his forgiveness.

Forgiveness? For what?

Your guess is as good as mine. But I fear it has something to do with Reddington positioning her to be the heir to his criminal empire.

So he convinced her. But now they’re gonna need to convince the world.

I don’t follow.

Look, you and I both know the people who work in Reddington’s world aren’t gonna accept Keen’s taking of the reins just because he announced it. If he wants her to be taken seriously, if she’s gonna be respected in his world, she’s gonna have to make a statement, demonstrate her value.

Which is why she’s gonna need Aram’s forgiveness.

Agent Ressler, I’m putting you on speaker with Park and Mojtabai.

Whoa! Hey! Hey! Good news!

Yeah, what’s that?

What do you mean? You’re alive. That is incredible news. I-I literally thought you were not gonna make it.

Well, thankfully, he did. Do we have any updates?

I still can’t reach Reddington, Dembe, or Agent Keen.

Oh, my God. That’s it. He’s not gonna make it. She’s gonna kill Reddington.

ARAM: Wait. Who is?

Keen. She’s gonna kill him. She’s gonna make a statement, demonstrate that she’s no longer an agent.

Kill Mr. Reddington.

RESSLER: That’s how she’s gonna prove to the world that she’s seizing control of his empire, and she’s gonna do it in public. She’s gonna… She’s gonna kill him.

COOPER: Reddington was here, talking about his death, talking about taking care of Elizabeth when he’s gone.

Wait. Back up. You think Reddington knows this is happening?

No, I think it’s his idea.

The party. At the restaurant. That son of a bitch is gonna sacrifice himself to save her life.

We have to get to him. Convince him to call it off.


♪♪ And fill your arms wide with all the sanity ♪♪

♪♪ You wish you could steal ♪♪

♪♪ Just think how it used to feel ♪♪


♪♪ Before the sadness and the fear ♪♪

(SIRENS WAILING) ♪♪ Had drilled a hole right through you ♪♪


(LAUGHTER) To Raymond! For his friendship and support to make this dream come true.



♪♪ Keep watch over me ♪♪

♪♪ We’re scared to believe ♪♪

♪♪ All the things that we read ♪♪

♪♪ Minds desperate to feed ♪♪

♪♪ Veins aching to bleed ♪♪

♪♪ Voices will secede ♪♪

♪♪ Minds sick with disease ♪♪

♪♪ Just three words I will need ♪♪



♪ Smog wash over me ♪



♪ And let all the voices repeat ♪

♪ On and on, endlessly ♪

♪ We can run until the work’s compete ♪

Salud. To Raymond. Salud.

♪ But what if our fate is to be choking on the lives we lead? ♪



I can’t do it.

That’s all right.

I don’t want to.

I understand.


Raymond. Raymond, we have to go.

Raymond, we must.

I’m sorry.



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