
Ripley – V Lucio | Transcript

Tom's new comfortable life in Rome comes under threat.

Episode title: 
V Lucio
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Neo-noir
Created by: Steven Zaillian
Based on: The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
Written by: Steven Zaillian
Directed by: Steven Zaillian
Starring: Andrew Scott, Dakota Fanning, Johnny Flynn, Eliot Sumner, Margherita Buy, Maurizio Lombardi
Original release date:
April 4, 2024

Plot: Tom takes an apartment in Rome and lives off Dickie’s money, sending letters to create the illusion Dickie is still alive. Freddie, tracking Dickie, arrives unexpectedly at the apartment and uncovers Tom’s scheme. He confronts Tom about being a petty criminal in New York. As Freddie tries to leave, Tom bludgeons him to death with an ashtray. He abandons Freddie’s body in his Fiat and throws away his identity documents.

* * *

[seagulls squawking]

[waves lapping]

[ominous music playing]

[seagulls squawking frantically]

[bell tolling]

[music intensifies]

[music fades]

[dogs barking distantly]

[shopkeeper] Buongiorno.


[indistinct chatter]

[operatic song playing softly]

[doorbell rings]

[intercom beeps]

[woman] Sì?

[in Italian] Good morning. I’ve come to see the apartment.

[door buzzing]

[lock clicks]

[door opens]

[door closes]

Ah. Good morning.

How do you do?

My name is Richard.

You’re English?


I hope that’s not a problem.

No, no. I like Americans.

English… Hmm.

[chuckles softly]

Is this a convenient time to see the apartment?


Sì, sì.

[dramatic music playing over speakers]

[keys jingle]

[woman] Quali sono? Ah.

[screaming over speakers] Ecco.


[distant hammering]

We have to take the stairs.

The elevator is broken.

Mi dispiace.

Ugh. Italy.

[Tom chuckles]

[landlady] Buongiorno.

[woman] Buongiorno.

[dog barking]

[indistinct chatter]

[hammering continues]

[door creaks open]

Prego, prego.


[bird wings fluttering]

Eh? [chuckles]

This is the living room.



[window opens]

[sighing] Ah. Ecco qui.

[bell tolling distantly]

This is the bedroom.

Sì, è bella.

[landlady] Hmm.

What do you do, Richard?

My family owns a ship-building business in New York.



Boats. Yachts.

Oh… [mutters]

Prego, si accomodi. Ecco.

This is the kitchen.

It’s nice and big.

But I’m in Rome studying painting.

Oh, an artist?



Prego, di qua. Venga.

[indistinct chatter downstairs]


There’s a telephone.

Hmm, sì.

[exclaims] It’s not easy to get a telephone.

It takes months to have one installed.


[dial tone]

Sì, sì, funziona.


[bell tolling distantly]

What do you think?

[Tom] I think it’s perfect.

[landlady] Richard Greenleaf.


It’s you and your family?

No. Just me.

Ah, um… You’re not married?


Oh, mm-hmm.

The lease is six months minimum.

Oh, that’s fine.

I may never leave such a beautiful apartment.

[landlady] Mmm.

Is it all right if I pay the first two months in advance?

Of course.

Thank you, ma’am.


[intriguing music playing]

[landlady chuckles]


[dog barking distantly]

[Tom] Grazie.

I’m sorry, Riccardo. The elevator is still not working.

That’s all right.


[intriguing music continues]

[footsteps ascending]

[door closes]



[pensive music playing]


This one.

An excellent choice.

10,000 lire. Grazie.

[music fades]

[“‘Na sera pe’ fatalità” by Gloria Christian playing]

♪ Ma chissà ♪

[typewriter clicking]

♪ Quale strada mò fai tu… ♪

[typewriter clacking]

[Tom in English] Dear Marge…

Yes, I loved the scarf.

All the more so because you made it.

I’m wearing it now.

[ticking] As for my plans, I don’t exactly know.

I’m studying with a painter named Di Massimo…


…who is a good and patient teacher.

Perfetto. Grazie.

[song continues]

[Tom] I’m giving up the idea of an apartment in Rome,

for the time being at least.

Di Massimo is going to Sicily for a couple of months,

and I may tag along in order to continue my lessons.

After that, I’m not sure, which is fine.

Having no real plan suits my present mood.

I hope the book is going well.

[seagulls squawking]

I’m sure it is.

Soon it will be on the shelves of The Strand.

[typewriter clacking]

I’ll write again when I know more.

Until then, missing Atrani…

and you.



[indistinct chatter]

[song ends]



[in Italian] There’s a suitcase here for me.

[indistinct chatter]

Of course, Mr. Greenleaf.

[Tom] Grazie.

Here you go.

Thank you.


[door opens]


It’s working.

[Tom] Oh, fantastico!


[suitcase thuds]

[elevator door creaks]

[button clicks]

[mechanism whirring]

[mechanism rumbling]

[indistinct chatter]

[“Il Cielo In Una Stanza” by Mina playing]

♪ Quando sei qui con me ♪

♪ Questa stanza non ha più pareti ♪

[doorbell buzzing]

♪ Ma alberi ♪

♪ Alberi infiniti ♪

♪ Quando tu sei vicino a me ♪

♪ Questo soffitto viola, no ♪

[telephone ringing]

♪ Non esiste più ♪

♪ Io vedo il cielo sopra noi ♪

♪ Che restiamo qui ♪

♪ Abbandonati, come se ♪

♪ Non ci fosse più… ♪

[song stops]

[elevator whirring]

[elevator thuds]

[elevator door opens]

[elevator door closes]

[footsteps approaching]

[knocking at door]

[man] Dickie!

[in English, singsong] Oh, Dickie!

[in normal voice] It’s Freddie.

[knocking at door]

Come on, open up. The landlady just told me you’re here.

Dickie’s not here right now. He went out.


I’m not sure. Maybe you could come back in a while?

Maybe I could wait for him here.

[indistinct chatter downstairs]

Can I come in?

Of course.

It’s Tom, right?


[Freddie] Hmm.

Tom Ripley.

We met in Naples.

I remember.

So, you’re staying with him?

No, I just came over to visit.


[Freddie] So, you come over…

He leaves…

[chuckles] He had an errand to run, he said.

[bell tolling distantly]


I see he’s been painting.


It’s not bad.

It’s getting better.

Can I have a drink?

[Tom] I’m not sure what’s here.

I can see what’s here.

[bottle clinks]

[drink pouring]

[bottle thuds on tray]

You have the same shoes that Dickie and I have.

Do I?

I don’t think I’ve seen Dickie’s.

[smacks lips] Oh, he wears his all the time.

I bought these in New York.

[chuckles softly] New York?

I’m not going to ask where in New York.

Where in New York?

I don’t remember.

[Freddie] Hmm.

[inhales sharply]

See, we bought ours… [sighs] in Florence.


[bell tolling distantly]

I just remembered.

He said he was meeting somebody at Otello’s.

You know where that is? Just off Piazza della Rotonda.

You could probably catch him there.

You said it was an errand.

And now it’s a meeting.

Well, it’s both, I guess.


[clicks tongue] So, what’s going on, Tom?

I’m not sure I know what you mean.

With Dickie.

Not telling anyone what he’s doing or where he’s staying.

He told me.

Yeah, he told you.

But not me or Marge or anyone we know, just… just you.

I think, from what he said to me, he just wants some time on his own.

Not that he’s on bad terms with Marge.

Yeah. He’ll be on bad terms with me if he stands me up again.

Well, he didn’t stand you up.

He’s just out.


You were there when I invited him.

He said he’d come, but never showed up.

Never wrote to say why. No word.

Nothing, just “poof.”

He never wrote you? He told me he had.


So, how’d you know he was here?

[chuckles softly]

The phone.

See, it’s not in any phone book yet, but I called the phone company.

They had the address.

I see.

You’re living here with him, aren’t you?



Dickie wouldn’t be caught dead in that ghastly robe.

Where are you living?

I’m just traveling.


Around Italy.



Otello’s, yeah?

That’s what he said.


Well, maybe I will go there.

Well, if you miss him, I’ll let him know you stopped by.

Where are you staying?

The Excelsior.

Of course.

Well, I’ll tell him.


[Tom sighs]

[Freddie] Hmm.

[Tom] Nice to see you again.

[elevator door opens]

[elevator door closes]

[elevator whirring]

[broom swishing]

[Freddie in Italian] Excuse me.

[landlady] Yes?

[Freddie] He’s not home.

[landlady] Yes, he’s home.


[landlady] Riccardo.

No Riccardo.

[landlady] Yes.

[Freddie] No, he’s gone out.

[landlady] No, no. I saw him.

I’m sure of it.

[in English] No, you’re wrong.

Non è in casa.

[landlady] I’m wrong? No, sir, you’re wrong.

[in English] He’s not here.

[in Italian] He’s home. I’m telling you…

Listen, I don’t know what to tell you.

[elevator thuds]

[elevator door opens]

[elevator door closes]

[footsteps approaching]

[knocking at door]

[Freddie in English] It’s me, Tom.

You forget something?


I was just talking to the landlady again.

Can I come in?


She says Dickie’s the only one here.

[cork squeaks, pops]

[Tom] He is.

I told you, I don’t live here.

He’s the only one here now, she says.

[bottle thuds on tray]

I don’t understand.

She saw him come up. She’s sure.

Well, he’s not here, obviously.

She must not have seen him leave.

When he went to Otello’s?




She seems to me like someone who sees everything.

What’s really going on, Tom?

What’s going on with what?

With you and Dickie.

Marge has some theories, but I think she’s on the wrong track.

She didn’t talk to Bob.

Who’s Bob?

Delancey, in New York. I called him.

We did meet at his place. He remembers it as well as I do.

You’re the only one that doesn’t remember. Why is that?

I just don’t.


Okay. I don’t care. I think you do.

It doesn’t matter. He told me some things about you.

He barely knows me.

Accounting, Tom?

[Tom] What?

That’s what you told me you did, in Naples.

That’s right.

And you’re sticking with that?

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

[chuckles] I’m talking about what Bob said.

What you really do.

[glass thuds]

Which, apparently, is whatever anyone needs.

False ID.

Bank letter. Notary seal.

“Whatever it is, talk to Tom,” he said. “He’ll get it for you.”

Is that why you left New York, Tom?

Before someone could arrest you?


Where is he?

And don’t say he’s at Otello’s since we both know he isn’t.

I’d like you to leave.

I bet you would.

[bell tolling distantly]

Can I see your watch?


I mean what you know I mean.

Take it off so I can see the back of it.

So I can see the initials “RG” written on it.

[chuckles softly]

His Rolex. His clothes. His Ferragamos.

What else have you got, Tom?

His money? His Picasso?

I really think that you should go.


I’ll leave. I’m leaving.

But I’ll be back with the police.

And even if you’re not here, who cares?

You won’t get far.

[ominous music playing]

[Freddie groans]

[Freddie breathing heavily]

[rapid ticking]

[unsettling music playing]

[haunting operatic music playing]


[music intensifies]

[Freddie yells]

[music fades]

[dog barking downstairs]

[Freddie coughing]

[groaning softly]


[indistinct chatter downstairs]

[Tom breathing heavily]

[faucet squeaks]




[Tom groans]

Oh, my God.

[Tom sighs]

[breathes deeply]

[bell tolling distantly]

[object jingling]

[door opens]

[button clicks]

[mechanism whirring]

[mechanism rumbling]

[in Italian] It works.


It’s a miracle.

[button clicks]

After you. Grazie.

[dramatic music playing over speakers]

[woman] Ah.

[indistinct chatter over speakers]

[gunshots over speakers]


[bells tolling]

[dog barking distantly]

[distant chatter]

[elevator door opens]

[button clicks]

[mechanism whirring]

[indistinct chatter]

[mechanism rumbling]


[faucet squeaks]

[glass squeaking]

[elevator whirring]

[Tom sighs]

[Tom sighs deeply]

[Tom sighs]



[eerie note plays]

[glass clinking]

[grunts softly]

[Tom sighs]

[vehicles passing]

[elevator whirring]


[indistinct chatter downstairs]

[footsteps clumping downstairs]

[door closes downstairs]


[indistinct chatter downstairs]

[in English] What time?

Uh, I’m not sure exactly. I think he left around 8:00 or 9:00.

Something like that.

Uh, 8:00.8:00.

[clocks ticking]

[bell tolling]

[Tom grunts softly]

[Tom exhales]

[shoes thud]


[softly] Fuck.

[breathing heavily]



[bowl wobbling]


[sniffs, exhales]

[wobbling stops]



[dog barking]

[thudding continues]

[sighs wearily]


[breathing heavily]

[breathing heavily]

[Tom grunting]

[Tom breathing heavily]

[button clicks]

[mechanism whirring]

[button clicks]

[mechanism whirring]

[metal creaking]

[mechanism rumbling]

[breathing heavily]

[tapping on button]

[metal creaking]

[tapping on button]

[Tom grunts softly]

[dog barking]

[Tom groans]

[head thudding]

[lock clicks]

[door creaks open]

[water dripping]

[woman in Italian] Who’s there?

[door closes]

[grunting softly]

[door opens]

[dog barking distantly]


[footsteps approaching]

[Tom panting]

[Tom grunts]

[Tom grunting]

[Tom panting]

[dog panting]

[man] Can I help?


[dog whines]

No, thanks. Everything’s fine.

Is he all right?

[chuckles] Si, si, si.

He’s fine.

Too much to drink is all. [laughs]

[chuckles] Good night.



[Tom in English] Come on, man.

It’s okay.

All right.



[car door closes]

[engine starts]

[grim music playing]

[Tom grunts]

[insects trilling]

[music fades]

[engine turns off]

[insects trilling]

[grunts softly]


[owl hooting]

[insects trilling]

[dog barking distantly]

[pleasant music playing distantly]

[people chattering]

[silverware clinking]

[pleasant music continues over speakers]

[Tom] Ciao. Al centro?

[driver] Sì, certo.

[engine starts]

[brakes squeal]



[breathing heavily]



[sighs wearily]

[in English] God damn it.

[door slams]

[in Italian] Are you free?


[engine starts]

[Tom] Claudio Aqueduct.

[brakes squeal]

[Tom] Grazie.


[engine revving]

[insects trilling]

[dog barking distantly]

[insects trilling]


[owl hooting]

[dog barking distantly]



[door opens]

[footsteps approaching]

[sighing wearily]

[glass thuds]

[exhales deeply]

[grim music playing]

[music intensifies]

[cat meows]

[music fades]

[insects trilling]

[dogs barking distantly]

[owls hooting]

[vehicle approaching]

[vehicle door opens]

[vehicle door closes]

[indistinct clicking]


[metal rattling]

[suspenseful music playing]

[footsteps approaching]

[object thuds]

[mechanical whirring]

[whirring stops]

[metal grating]

[lively piano music playing]

[indistinct chatter]

[rapid footsteps approaching]

[telephone ringing]

[footsteps approaching]

[telephone continues ringing]

[water trickling]

[waves splashing]

[livestock bleating]

[bells clanking]

[bells tolling distantly]

[door opens]

[door creaks, closes]

[heavy footsteps]

[water dripping]

[suspenseful music playing]


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