
Dark Matter – S01E04 – The Corridor | Transcript

Jason and Amanda fight to stay alive in the dangerous Corridor. Jason2 makes some life changes and visits an old friend.
Dark Matter - S01E04 - The Corridor

Dark Matter
Season 1 – Episode 4
Episode title: The Corridor
Original release date: May 22, 2024

Plot: Jason and Amanda fight to stay alive in the dangerous Corridor. Jason2 makes some life changes and visits an old friend.

* * *


[alarm blaring]

[Dawn] Help me!

Time frame?

[security] Two minutes, 43 seconds.


Help me.



[security] It’s open! It’s open!

[Dawn wails]

Are you out of your mind?

I’m not letting him get away again.

[doctor] You have no idea what it’s like…

Doesn’t matter! There’s nothing left for me in this world.

[breathes heavily]

You think Leighton will come after us?


Do you think your world is behind one of these doors?

[Jason] In theory.

So, how do we find it?

I have no idea.

Now, I’ve been counting, and that’s the 220th door we’ve passed.

And they’re about 12 feet apart.

So, we’ve already gone half a mile.

Yeah. Maybe we’re in some… some kind of liminal space.

Liminal as in not real?

No, it’s real. [stammers] It’s very real.

I think it’s a manifestation of the mind as it attempts to visually explain

something our brains haven’t fully evolved to comprehend.



I-I think the corridor’s a cross-section of probable realities.

Let’s get out of here.

See what we can learn.

Make ourselves harder to find.

[Amanda breathes heavily]

[Jason] Let me see that.

[breathes heavily]

[Amanda breathes heavily]


[wind whistling]

What the fuck?

[building creaking]

[wind whistling]



Oh, my God.

What happened here?

I don’t know.


Holy shit.

[building cracking]

[steel groaning]

Let’s go.





[Jason groans]


[Jason panting]



[both coughing]

Oh, God.


Are you okay?


[Jason wheezes, coughing]

What the fuck? Oh, fuck.



This car kind of sucks, huh?

Yeah. I mean, it’s definitely not amazing.

Maybe we’ll have to do something about that.

Don’t slow down. No, accelerate.

I… You sure?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can make it.


[brakes squeal]

Nice. Nice



[stammers] Nothing.

You… You always tell me to slow down for the intersection.

Well, there’s a lot of yellow in that red.


So, how’s 16 treating you so far?

I don’t know. Same as yesterday.

I think it’ll finally feel real when I get my license, you know.

Yeah. Celebrate.

What are we gonna do tonight, huh?

Probably just do the usual thing.

You know, keep it simple.

Listen, I want you to hear me, right?

Today is still your day.



[groaning, clears throat]



[Amanda] It’s 50.

Well, 48 now.


[device chimes]

[Jason gasps] GPS works.

I guess the satellites are still orbiting.


I think we’re in the same location as Velocity in my world.

All right. So, the coordinates of the box don’t change…

that makes sense… but just the outside world.

Yeah. Yes. [sighs]

Come on.

[Amanda] What are you looking for?

I’m looking for some means of control.

[Amanda] There’s only a door handle.

It’s just a box.


What do you mean it’s just a… just a box?

How does it work?

I don’t know. You tell me.

You built this thing.

[scoffs] I’m sorry.

You got the one who teaches college physics.


[injector beeps]

Injector’s ready.

It won’t be as bad as the first time.

Your body gets used to it fast.


[injector clicks]


[sighs, exhales sharply]

You okay?

[Jason] Hmm. Hmm.

[injector beeps, clicks]

[Amanda sighs]

Where does it lead?

If we just keep walking, where do we end up?

Well, the multiverse is… is infinite.

I’m guessing there is no end.

[Leighton] Jason!

[echoes] Amanda! Amanda!


[students chattering]

Today’s lesson’s up.

Thank you. We’re not gonna need that.

All right, everybody, get out your notebooks.

[chattering stops]

So, today we are gonna do a pop quiz.

Tear out a piece of paper from your notebooks, write your name at the top,

and the numbers one through ten down the margin.

[stammers] Uh, yeah.

No one really uses notebooks anymore. I just have my laptop.


What’s on your screen right now?

What’s on his screen?


[sucks teeth] You fail.

[student] Are you serious?


Uh, I only brought a laptop too.

What are you watching?

You fail.


Everyone else who only has a laptop or a device, you fail.

[students clamoring]


[smacks lips] You know what? Wait.

Good luck.

Wait! Where are you… Dr. Dessen?

[department chair] Jason.

Your TA just texted me you broke a bottle in class and stormed out.

I didn’t storm out. I walked out.

What the hell is going on?

It’s like a slow death in there so I quit.

You can’t do that.

Yes, I can.

Actually, I can do whatever I want.

[birds warbling, chirping]

[GPS chiming]

Same coordinates?




[breathes heavily]

[exhales sharply]


So, now we know that the connection between the doors

and these worlds hold during a given session of the drug.

[both breathing heavily]

[Jason] There was no atmosphere.

[Amanda] This can’t be real. This can’t be real.

Amanda. Amanda. Hey.

[breathing heavily, panting]


Amanda! Hey!




[Amanda] It has to have an end.

[Jason] I told you, there’s no end!

Why are we seeing these fucked-up worlds?

Because it’s a multiverse,

and anything that can happen will happen.

I mean, down that corridor somewhere, there is a version of you and me

that never made it in the box when you helped me escape.

Infinite possibilities.


Time is running out on this dose of the drug.

Yes. That’s why we need to start solving one problem at a time.

We need food and water soon.

So, let’s just start opening doors,

and just hope that one of them looks like home.

[breathes heavily]


[breathes heavily]

[Jason] I think we made it.

Hey, can you get us out?

I don’t know. I can try. This way.

[door opens]

[Leighton] Jason, stop.

[Jason] Wait… Wait, Leighton.

[stammers] She had nothing to do with it.

[Leighton] Really?

[Jason] I made her. I forced her to.

[Leighton] He made you?

[Jason] Yeah.

Because I’ve known you for a long time,

and I’ve never known anyone to make you do anything.

[Amanda] I won’t let you keep hurting people, Leighton.


[Amanda] I’m fucking done.


[Jason] Leighton.

We have to go.

Well, in that case…

[Jason] No!


Let’s go.

[stun gun zapping]

[screams, groaning]



[breathing heavily]

Hey. It’s okay.

You’re safe. It wasn’t you.

That was me until about three hours ago.

Amanda, that was a different Amanda, different Jason.

Must’ve not escaped till hours after we did.

Gotta keep trying.

[Amanda] There’s no logic to it.

Must be.

We’re just not seeing it.

Your Jason had no theory on how to control it?

No. If he knew, he didn’t tell me.



[creature growling]



[breathing heavily]


[breathes shakily] Fuck this.

Hey. Amanda.


[wind howling]





Where you going?



[Amanda] I can’t be in that corridor for another second!

[Jason] We’re gonna freeze!

We gotta go back!

[Amanda] I can’t see anything.

[Jason shudders, groans]


Come on. We need to find shelter. Come on!

[both panting]

[Jason] Come on.

[Amanda grunts]

[Jason breathing heavily]

[Amanda gasping]

[Jason strains, panting]

Hang on.

Stay awake.




We’ve gotta get you warm.

All right.

[pants] Okay.


All right.

[breathes heavily]

[shuddering, panting]

[breathing shakily]

Be right back.

[shuddering, panting]


[shuddering, panting]

Anybody? [shuddering, panting]


Oh, fuck.

[grunting, straining]

[breathes heavily]

[breathing heavily]

[breathes shakily]

[echoes] Jason!



I don’t know where to fucking…


[elevator dings, opens]

Oh! Oh, oh, oh!

That you, Jay?

How are you, man?

Ignore the mess. I’m still a little hungover from last night’s festivities.

Hey. Look at you, huh?



You know, I was surprised to get your text.

Would you believe I missed my old college pal?

[scoffs] No.


[Jason] Why not?

Yeah. [chuckles]

You ever get used to this?

On most days, I don’t even see it.

Cheers, king.



Hey, I was really sorry to hear about your grandfather.


[inhales sharply]

So, how is the family business?

[Leighton] Well, you’re gonna have to ask my dad that one.

Velocity was always his thing.

[Jason] So, you two still on the outs, huh?

Yeah. Haven’t spoken to the bastard in five years.

Well, still, you’re doing pretty well for yourself.

[Leighton sighs] Well, my trust fund certainly has.

[naked person sighs]



[liquid pouring]


Oh, Leighton…


…it’s good to see you.



It’s good to see you too, bud.

So, uh, fuck are you doing here?

[chuckles] Huh?

[Jason chuckles]

I quit teaching.

I wanted to get back to what I started.

Don’t we all?

So, what does that mean for you, hmm?

More time with the family, for a start.

Yeah. That’s good.

That’s good.

[inhales sharply]

Good, good, good. You seen much of Ryan Holder lately?

A bit.


You know, he’s having quite the year.

Yeah, turned up here three months ago.

Looking for some money for his new venture.

So, I’m just gonna be real with you, okay?

I’m sure whatever you’re working on is amazing.

[sighs] You wanna hang out, catch up, I’m your guy.

But right now I’m just not investing in anything anymore.

Especially with friends. No offense. Gets messy.

All right?

I mean, that’s why you’re here, right?

Finally decided to start your own thing.

Tell me, what you got going on today?

Nothing. I got no plans for the rest of my life.

I wanna show you something.

[straining, breathing heavily]

[strains, breathes heavily]

[breathes heavily]

Oh, fuck.

Don’t worry.

This is not an elaborate plot to kill you…

or is it?

[chuckles] Funny.

Yeah, I already told you. Whatever this is, I’m not investing, so…

Whoa. Whoa. Hello. Hello. What’s this?

It is a very special psychoactive drug.

Let me see that.


Yeah. What’s it do?

One way to find out.


All right, salud.

[swallows, groans]

All right. Let’s go. Not a lot of time.

[Jason grunting]

[breathes deeply]


[Leighton] Whoa. Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa.

Easy. Easy there.


The hell is this?

It’s the drug.

First time hits hard.





That it?

Yeah, that’s part of it.


All right. Come on.

Whoa. Whoa.

[sniffing, clears throat]

[sighs, sniffs]

What the fuck is that?

It’s my box.

You built this here?

[Jason] It’s a little more complicated than that.

[Leighton] So, uh, what does it do?

[Jason] It’s easier if I just show you.

You’re fucking with me, right?


Come in.


Ooh, uh… [sighs]

[sighs] Here.

Thank you.

Box is gone.

Buried in the storm.

[Amanda chuckles]

I trained the box pilots to not freak out. To stay in control.

I’ve done neither of those things.


You know when I was little, every winter, we’d go skiing in Argentina.

My dad loved that.

They had this crazy whiteouts.

He’d be driving and the snow would start blowing so hard…

[chuckles, sighs]

…you’d have to pull over.

Sit in the cold car.

It was like the world was gone.

Is there any chance that you had that thought yesterday? In the corridor?

What thought?

Of being stranded in a whiteout.

Yeah. Yeah.

I was feeling trapped and helpless, like in those snowstorms.

When exactly?

Just before we walked through the door into this world.


We know that the doors in the corridor

are connections to infinite parallel universes that seem random.

Totally unconnected and uncontrollable.

But what if our minds are defining those connections?

That they’re not random at all?


That somehow we are choosing these worlds?

I definitely didn’t choose this world.

No. Not intentionally, but…

what if the worlds are a reflection of our emotional state

the moment we open the door?


yesterday you were talking about the multiverse.

That everything that can happen will happen.

That somewhere there was a version of you and me that never made it into the box.

Then you opened the door at Velocity…

Then the door…

We see that exact same scenario play out.


The whole time I’ve been thinking, “How do we control the box?”

We are the controls.

Maybe. And if that is the case, then we can go anywhere we want.


We could go home.

Okay. An empty box?

Your bright idea is storage space. [chuckles]

Are you happy in your life?

[chuckles] Yeah, this is officially too weird for me…

Stop. Stop and listen to me.

I’m gonna show you something

that not even the billionaires of the world have access to.

Yeah? What’s that?

The road not taken.

Hey. Open the door or I’m gonna beat your fucking ass.

[Jason] Yeah.


Hey. Hey.

Uh, am I tripping?

Not exactly, no.

Leighton, I need you to listen to me.

Where do these doors go?

Hey, Leighton. Hey, Leighton.

Hey. Wait, wait, wait.

Easy, easy.

Stop. Stop. Stop.


[exhales sharply] Listen, if you think the wrong thing in here,

then we can both die.

I don’t wanna scare you, but it’s super important, okay?


Now, I’m gonna open one of the doors,

and I have some control over what’s on the other side.

But what you think can affect it too.

What the fuck are you talking about?

All right, listen.

I’m confusing you, okay. Just…

Do you practice meditation?

Once. I was terrible at it.

Couldn’t stop thinking.

Okay. That’s okay.

Clearing your mind for long periods of time can take years of practice.

The good news is, I just need you to clear your mind for five seconds.

Okay. So, how do I do that?

Just focus on taking a long deep breath in

and slowly letting it go.

[both breathing deeply]

Now close your eyes.

Keep breathing.

[exhales deeply]

In. Two. Three.

[breathes deeply]

Out. Two, three. Just focus on your breath.


[Leighton inhales deeply]

[Amanda breathing deeply]

[GPS chiming]

The box should be over there.

[breathing deeply]

[Jason] Are you ready?

Thank you.

[Jason] All right. Let’s go find it.

[both grunting]


Let me get a better reading.

[GPS beeping]


The GPS is not working.

Maybe it’s frozen?

We can’t find it without this.

[Jason] We have to. This world is gonna kill us.

[Amanda sighs]

[Amanda] Come on.

[breathing deeply]

Turn around.


[Jason] What is it?

In all these worlds, the box stands in the same geographical location, right?

No matter how much the world around it changes,

the GPS coordinates are always the same.

Can you see the Sears Tower?

That’s south.

Now look at the compass.

It should be pointing that way. It should be pointing north.

Magnetic north, but it’s aiming in that direction.

The box’s magnetic field is pushing the needle away.

[sighs] We’re close. We’re close.

[Jason grunts]

[breathes deeply] This way.

[Amanda] Can you see it?


[Amanda grunts]

[both grunting]



[Amanda chuckles]


[laughing] Goddamn!

You ready?

Where’s Dad?

I don’t know.

I’ve been calling and texting.

Should we wait?

No. No, it’s fine. It’s getting dark. Let’s go.

[Jason groans]


[Amanda sighs]


[sighs] Thank you for not letting me freeze to death out there.


So, then we’re even?

Hell, no.

Let’s not forget this is still all your fault.

Oh, yeah. Let’s not forget that.



I just realized…

today is my son’s birthday.

How old?


I’m sorry you’re missing it.

[lighter flicks]

Tell me the story.



At our first ultrasound…

we heard two heartbeats.

We went from pure joy…

…to sheer terror.

[chuckles, stammers] And ultimately, pure joy.

[stammers] We weren’t really ready to be parents.

I mean, who is?

It’s just something that you’re thrown into.

Like the ultimate deep end.

At our next visit, the doctor told us one heartbeat was normal.

[Jason] Abnormalities.

Now, there’s a word.

[Daniela] Oh, he was a fighter.

He was the first to be born.

So brave.

So full of light.

It was the surgeries that he couldn’t… he couldn’t take.

He didn’t make it through the third one.

I’m so sorry.


From the very beginning, you were inseparable.


When I think of him…

he’s always with you.

[Jason] Those final months in hospitals, Charlie just would not leave his side.

Is it still hard on him?

Oh, yeah. But he doesn’t really talk about it.

You know, we planted a tree

and we mixed some of his ashes in the soil.

And every year on his birthday,

we just sit there with him at dusk.


But now I’m not there.


[Leighton sighs]

He was alive.

Living. Breathing. [stammers]

[Jason] Yeah. I know.

It’s a lot to take in.

It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Jason, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.



You could’ve shown this to anyone.

Walked away with whatever you wanted. Why me?

‘Cause I can’t trust anyone.

And I know I can trust you.

You don’t even know me, bro!

Not really!

In the world where I come from,

your parents died.

Your grandfather raised you,

and he handed you Velocity Labs fresh out of college.

And in that world, after I won the Pavia Prize, you came to me

and you asked me did I have any ideas that you could invest in.

And I did.

And you and I, we worked together for about ten years.

We built the original version of this box.

Right here in this exact spot.

Only there it was a hangar.

They tested jet engines.


So, you and I were close?


You, uh… Well, he was one of my closest friends.

I trusted that Leighton.

I knew exactly what he was capable of.

That’s why I trust you.

So, you’re not from this world?

Why you here?

I’m here to fix something that I fucked up.

So, the question is would you leave this world if you could?

Start over somewhere else?


In a heartbeat.

What would you give for that chance?

What would I give?




that’s the ticket.



[chuckles] That look that you just did.

Right there.

The squinty, staring off into space.

You used to do it all the time.

It’s crazy.

I remind you of him?


In so many ways.

Was he happy?

Come on.

Come on. You can tell me. I mean, we’re pretty much the same person.

Was he?


I wouldn’t say he was happy.

All he did was work.

He had this hard edge.

The most driven human being I’ve ever known.

You know that he did this to me, right?

What do you mean?

Used the box to find my world.

He abducted me.

Brought me to his world.

It was him.

Why would he do that?

I don’t know. You’ve lived with him. You tell me.


If he wanted my life…

could’ve just… He could’ve killed me.


Why would he go to all that trouble just to bring me to his world?

He’s not a monster. He wouldn’t do that.

If he did this to you…

I know he did.

…he would have rationalized it.

In your world, you’re a teacher, right?


Are you wealthy?



My Jason probably told himself

he was giving you a chance of a lifetime.

A shot at the path not taken.

For you and him.

But why my life?

Of all the billions of Jasons, why… why me?

What’s the one thing you had that he didn’t?

Daniela and Charlie.



[Daniela] Don’t give me shit.

[Charlie] You’re doing it wrong.

[Daniela] They’re gonna be great.

[Charlie] Let me see.

Fake it till you make it. Hmm?

Okay. Something like that.

[scoffs, chuckles]

Do you think, uh, Dad’s been going through some stuff?

What do you mean?

Well, I don’t know. He just seems off recently.

You know?

Hey, fam.

Oh, smells amazing.

Yeah. We’re making spaghetti and meatballs.

You know, Max’s favorite.

You missed our time at his tree.

Yeah, I know. I know. I’m… Look, I’m so sorry.

But I was embroiled in a top-secret errand.


A birthday-boy-related errand actually.

Oh. Well, maybe we could go back out to the tree.

If you want?

Yeah. Of course. Yeah. In a minute.

What’s this back here?


[chuckles] Thank you.

For you.

And for us.

Because today…

is a very big day for this family.

You’re not gonna open the box?


[cork pops]

Happy birthday, pal.

From your Mom and me.

[chuckles] Are you serious?

It’s parked outside.


[chuckles] Holy shit!

Jason, what the fuck?

Listen, I quit my job today.



I was standing up there, looking out at the class,

and this one thought kept repeating in my head, it was just…

that I was meant for more than this.

Without talking to me?

Yeah. I know. I’m sorry.

But I just couldn’t do it anymore.


But my job isn’t enough to float us, let alone buy a car.

I think you should quit your job and get back to painting.

Oh, yeah? How am I gonna do that?

Before Charlie was born, I was working on a thing.

Remember the little box.


It was very important to me,

but I quit because I wanted to be fully present for you both.

I got an investor.

[Charlie chuckles]


Thank you, Dad. [chuckles]


[Charlie] Thank you.

Can we, uh, go for a ride?

Yeah. Come on.


[Daniela] Sure.

You don’t have to worry about money anymore.

You wanna ride shotgun?

[Charlie] Mom, you coming?


[Leighton groaning, straining]

[grunting, panting]






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