
Christopher Hitchens


A compilation for the rejection of the culture of offense. Featuring Christopher Hitchens, Stephen Fry,  Penn Jillette, Louis C.K. and Jim Norton, Richard Dawkins, Peter Hitchens, Steve Hughes, Big Jay Oakerson, Ricky Gervais, Salman Rushdie

Christopher Hitchens

Why Women Aren’t Funny

What makes the female so much deadlier than the male? With assists from Fran Lebowitz, Nora Ephron, and a recent Stanford-medical-school study, Christopher Hitchens investigates the reasons for the humor gap

Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens on Abortion

Three decades after Roe v. Wade, abortion is still the hottest button in American society; scientific advances, from pre-natal testing to stem-cell research, have only raised the temperature.


Instead of marveling at the number of books, articles, and documentaries he produced, some of Christopher Hitchens’ friends muttered about the quantity of booze he drank. Now medical science backs his long-held belief that booze is a subtle weapon. Plus: Hitch’s tips on drinking right.

HITCHENS ON THE MEDIA – Interview by Carl Rutan

Christopher Hitchens, a Washington correspondent, uh, with The Nation, you write a column for them every two weeks. There are lots and lots of TV talk shows that news junkies can watch to get information or hear analysis. What do you think of these talk shows?

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