
In a Violent Nature (2024) | Transcript

When a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower in the woods that entombs the rotting corpse of Johnny, a vengeful spirit spurred on by a horrific 60-year old crime, his body is resurrected and becomes hellbent on retrieving it.
In a Violent Nature (2024)

In a Violent Nature (2024)
: Horror, Thriller
Director: Chris Nash
Stars: Ry Barrett, Andrea Pavlovic, Cameron Love, Reece Presley, Liam Leone

Plot: The enigmatic resurrection, rampage, and retribution of an undead monster in a remote wilderness unleashes an iconic new killer after a locket is removed from a collapsed fire tower that entombed its rotting corpse.

* * *

[Ominous music playing]

[Footsteps walking]

Yo, check this out.

What is that?

A necklace or something.

Looks like gold.

Hey. Maybe it’s here for a reason.

Oh, yeah? What reason, Colt?

I don’t know.

This whole place freaks me out.

Well, we are in the middle of a graveyard after all.

Oh, don’t start with your crap, Ehren.

What, you guys never heard of the White Pine slaughter?

The what?

The White Pine slaughter.

I thought that was the whole reason we were here.

Ehren, we’re not in the mood for your shit today.

Fine. Whatever. I’m leaving.

Yeah. Seriously, though, he’s right.

We should probably get back.

Yeah. I figure we got, like, 20 minutes

before Brodie claims all the girls for herself.

Right. ‘Cause you’d be rolling in it

if she wasn’t there, right?

Hey, those girls from the gas station

seemed pretty into me.

They were not flirting. They were terrified.

Hey, Troy, you coming?


[Birds chirping]


[Bubbling continues]


[Bubbling continues]

[Rustling continues]

[Rustling continues]

[Chains clang]

[Birds chirping]

[Chirping continues]

[Flies buzzing]

[Horn honking]

[Buzzing continues]

[Honking continues]

[Honking continues]

You want to be tough?

You got 15 seconds before I come back with the sheriff.

[Honking continues]


[Honking continues]

Jesus Christ.

Got no patience for a man to pinch off a piece?

Tough shit, Chuck.

I think that’s what I was just trying to do.

I told you what would happen the next time I found

one of your fucking animal traps in that park.

I’ve never seen those before in my life.

When you first moved here, I said,

“You know, I’m gonna be neighborly,

give you the benefit of the doubt.”

But you are fucking testing me, boy!

Jesus, man. You got to lighten up.

Come on inside.

Take a load off.

I’ll buy you a beer.

There are people in the park, Chuck.

Got college kids just coming for the weekend.

If they step in one of these, then what?

I gotta go.

So I go back there, I’m not gonna find any more of these.

You go in that fucking barn,

you might not find your way out again, boy.

Are you threatening an officer of the law, Chuck?

Don’t play tough with me, Ranger.

Your authority ends right there at them trees.

I’m not gonna ask you again. You stay out of that park.

Or one of these days, you’re gonna find something

that’s gonna walk. Right through your traps.

And trust me, you don’t want to find that out.

That’s a threat.

Are you threatening me?

Stay out of the park.

I know my rights, Ranger.

You step one foot on this property again

and all my rifles will blow you a kiss goodbye.

If I see you in the park again, Chuck,

I’m coming back with the sheriff.

Oh, yeah. That’s what you need, you coward.

Another man to do your dirty work.

Get the fuck out of here!

Take out the trash while you’re at it.

[Mumbling indistinctly]

Soft cock, motherfucker.


[Birds chirping]

Lane reduction to continue into the afternoon.

Those who need to travel along Highway 427

west of Kennedale are encouraged to find a detour.

Today marks the 135th day

since North Fort Steel and Milford Haven

has closed its doors.

And John Gibbs, president of UVS107,

is appealing to Mayor Joe Mancini for help.

Gibbs met with the mayor last night

to discuss the possibility of utilizing

the city’s Emergency Measures Act

to provide relief for the hundreds

of laid-off steelworkers in the community.

Gibbs says…

This was your mother’s, John.

I want you to have it.

That way, it will always be with you no matter what happens.

You’ll always be our little boy, John.

The school board has announced their plans

to amalgamate their intermediate secondary school

into the newly designated…

[Glass bottle clinks]

over the last 10 years has made the continued operation

of both buildings feasible.

The new school is scheduled to open this fall.

[Rifle cocks]

In sports, it looks like the Milford Haven Rangers

will once again conclude a hard-fought season in defeat.

Coming up…


You son of a bitch.

I told you what would happen if you came back here.

You were gonna make me fucking do this,

you stupid son of…

What the fuck?!


[Yelling indistinctly]


What do you want?

Say something!

I didn’t do anything to you.

Get away!



Get away! Leave me alone!

Help me!

Oh! Jesus Christ!

Oh, no!



What do you want?! Fuck.


[Chain clanging]



Don’t fucking touch me.

I didn’t do anything to you.

I did nothing to you.


Get away from me!

I didn’t do anything to you!


It happened at Townline Storage

at approximately 2:15 last evening.

Thieves making off with various pieces

of medical equipment being stored at that facility

from Portlock General Hospital.

Anyone with information on this or any other incident

are encouraged to call

the Kennedale Police Department’s tip line

at 248-3245

or through e-mail at tips at

Good news for campers

and outdoor adventurers this weekend.

[Birds chirping]

[Flies buzzing]

[Buzzing continues]

[Engine revving]

[People cheering]

[Gunshots in distance]




[Indistinct conversations]


Which one? In there?

[Laughs] Yeah.

[Music playing softy]


Jesus Christ.


Okay, you two. We get it. Your dicks are fucking huge,

and you’re not compensating for anything.

You don’t get shit, baby. But keep it up.

You’ll get it later.

What, are you hiding

a wedding ring somewhere or something?


It’s behind my zipper.

Wow. My boyfriend, ladies and gentlemen.

You can’t help but think that’s his actual wedding proposal.

Nothing but the best for my girl!

Wait. When you said behind my zippers,

does that mean the ring is on your dick?

As in your dick is the size of Kris’s finger?


Yeah, like, sometimes it gets that big.




Yeah. My girl’s pretty funny.

Isn’t she, Colt?

You’re a lucky man, Troy.

Hey, can I get that lighter off you, bud?


[Music continues]


Smoked a bug.

You good?

Yeah, I’m good.

Cough it up.

Hey, what were you talking about earlier?

What was that?

The slaughter thing.

Oh, the White Pine slaughter?

Wait, wait. A slaughter? Like a murder?

Yeah. My uncle used to live around here.

He told me the whole thing.

All the locals know about it, but they’ll never talk about it.

Come on, then, Soft Serve. What’s the story?

Well, my uncle said it all started

with this slow kid named Johnny.

A slow kid. What does that mean?

You know. Slow.

So what? The kid didn’t win a race

and then a slaughter happened? I don’t get it.

He was mentally hindered.

No. Hindered doesn’t sound right.

It sounds like there’s another word maybe for that.

You know what the word is, asshole.

Why don’t you just say it?

No, don’t say it.

Aurora is filming you.


Oh, so you’re gonna cancel me. Cool.

Okay. Cancel culture doesn’t exist,

you fucking ableist.

Cancel culture does exist

because I’m canceling storytime, you fucks.

Oh, my God.

Fuck off, Ehren.

Just tell us the goddamn story.

You guys really want to hear it?

Come on, tell the fucking story.

Are you sure?

Yes! Tell the fucking story!

Alright. Buckle up.

So, like, 70 years ago,

everywhere, 100 miles in every direction

was leased out by this logging company.

And everything was way more remote back then.

So they would set up shops in the camp

and sell shit like razors and soap to the loggers,

but they would jack up the prices like a motherfucker.

Johnny’s dad was the guy that ran these stores

and they hated him for it.

And they used to take out their anger on Johnny.

It all came to a head one day when one of the drunk loggers

tripped and broke his ankle on one of Johnny’s toy cars.

He was out of work for months. They would blame Johnny for it.

So they decided to teach him a lesson.

They told Johnny they found a bag of toys

and that he should meet them at the old fire tower.

So Johnny snuck out camp at night,

an eager and keen and naive as he was,

he climbed up the top of the tower.

But there were no toys.

Just one of the men in a creepy old firefighter’s mask

waiting to scare him.

And he did.

Johnny fell from the tower.

His neck snapped as soon as it hit the ground

and the men freaked out.

So they put one of the firefighter masks on him

to make it look like he was playing up there by himself

and tripped and fell.

So are you saying that was the same fire tower

from earlier?

It could be.

Hard to say.

When Johnny’s dad found the body a day later,

he knew those guys had something to do with it.

So he confronted them in the mess hall and a fight broke out.

And when the dust settled, Johnny’s dad was dead

and the guy that killed him claimed self-defense.

And the company not wanting any issues,

made sure that no charges were laid.

Well, I mean, a dead father and son

ain’t really much of a slaughter, Ehren.

Well, that happened a week later.

So what happened next?

A couple of the execs from the company

showed up to the camp

and every single person was dead.

Huge fucking lumberjacks torn to pieces.

After a healthy donation from the company,

they paid off the widows, closed up shop

and the police ruled it as a poisoning from tainted meat.

And they said a bunch of animals got in and tore up the bodies.

One of the policemen said he saw a guy

watching in the woods with a mask.

They still don’t know who did it,

but some say it was the man in the mask.

Some say it was Johnny’s spirit trying to get revenge.

Some say it was both.

[Music continues]

Good story. [Laughs]

Good goddamn story.

I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

My nails… they’re bitten to shreds.

Fuck off. It was a good story.

All true, too. Swear on my uncle.

Uh, fuck your uncle. He’s a pedo.

It doesn’t count if I forgave him.

You’re fucked.

You guys want to hear about the park rangers

that died here 10 years ago?

I think we’re good for tonight.

Hey, Brodie was the one asking for it.

You know what? The bugs are getting bad.

I think we should go in.

Sounds good to me.

[Imitates whip crack]

Wait, wait, wait.

Nope. Going inside.

No, I need everyone.

How long is it gonna take for you to realize

there’s no reception out here? Are you fucking slow?

Okay. Fuck off. The lighting here is truly amazing,

so I need everyone to come behind me.

Over there?

Over here, Evan. Get up.

Come on.

Okay, Evan.


Your head’s not in the shot.


Three, two, one.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Wait. Let me just get one without…



[Camera shutter clicks]

Yeah. Okay. I’m going in, too.

And the ciders in the cooler are mine.

Okay, guys?

Yeah, we know.

You won’t shut the fuck up about ’em.

Good. I’m not drinking beer all weekend

just because your toxic masculinity…

You’re welcome.

[Door closes]



I’m gonna change into something a bit more comfy.

Oh, really?


Would you like a hand?

You know earlier tonight?

You kind of upset me out there,

whether you were talking about me.



What about you?

What about me?

Holding up your finger and shit.

Yeah, as a joke.

And everyone was laughing.

I don’t fucking care.

I don’t want to hear this again. Okay?

You already made me invite your fucked-up friend.

I told you, he’s just going through something.

I don’t fucking care. He’s bringing everyone down.

Wow. Real nice, Troy.

Real nice.

[“High” by Peter Landi playing]

♪ I’m getting tired

♪ Of losing my…



Do you have a lighter?



[Lighter clicks]

Where are you going?


Then why are you sneaking out the back door?

It’s just a door.


Are you going to meet up with those gas-station girls?

It’s like a 4-hour walk away. Are you kidding?

No, but it’s a yes or no question.

How desperate do you think I am?

I think you’re you.

I’m gonna go take a shit. Is that all right with you?

Right. Okay. But when you get there,

make sure you show them your really cool cassette player.

Because they’ll think you’re from the future.

[Door opens]

What’s going on out here?

Ehren’s gonna meet those gas-station girls.

No fucking way.


What? You’re gonna go ask them if they need a fill-up?


Jesus Christ.

I’m gonna go take a shit.

Yeah. Yeah, sure.


No, I’m just a little gas-station girl.

Ehren, can you please fill me up?

Me too, Ehren.

I’m just a little gas-station girl.

I need a fill-up really bad, but I don’t know how.


Hey, fill me up, Ehren.

Fill me up, Ehren.

Ehren, can you fill me up? Fill me up.

Ehren, fill me up. Fill me up, Ehren.

Fill me up, Ehren.

Oh, fuck you!

Fill me up, Ehren!

Fill me up, Ehren!


My God.

Hey, you want to see a cool spider?


It’s weird but cool. I found it.

Is it big and hairy?

It’s bigger than Troy’s dick.

Fuck. Anything’s bigger…

[Music fading]

[Insects chirping]

[Lighter clicks]

[Bones breaking]


[“Lover Boy” by Techno Westerns playing on cassette]

♪ Quick lips never slowed me down ♪

♪ Keep breathing like you’re gonna get drowned ♪

♪ Missed kisses? Well, you know where I’m found ♪

♪ Keep wishing but you’re never gonna sound like me ♪

♪ Best make it up while your brother’s still working ♪

♪ A birdie told me you’ve been skipping the chores ♪

♪ It’s close enough if you really try squinting ♪

♪ The real thing is busy winning awards ♪

♪ Oh, lover boy, you’re a really bad copy ♪

♪ You lack in heart and have a bale for thoughts ♪

♪ That’s quite enough, think it’s time to just cut it ♪

♪ Your M.O. matches with the one in reports ♪

♪ Quick lips never slowed me down ♪

♪ Keep breathing like you’re gonna get… ♪

[Music slows]

[Singing becomes distorted]

[Glass shatters]

[Distorted music continues]

[Glass shatters]

[Glass shatters]

[Music stops]

[Insects chirping]


[Metal scraping]

[Lights click on]

[Birds chirping, water rushing]

[Giggling] Where are we?

[Indistinct conversation]

[Both giggling]

It’s so beautiful.

Are you serious?


Isn’t it so gorgeous?

We finally have some time away from everyone here together.

Um… what are you doing?

Aurora, you need to live a little.

You said that you wanted to do yoga.

This doesn’t look like yoga to me.

It looks a lot like swimming. Doesn’t it?

[Water splashes]

Come on. The water’s great.

I dressed for yoga.

I’m not getting this stuff wet.

Take it off, then. There’s no one around for miles.

Did you really think this was gonna work?


This whole thing that you’re doing.

I don’t know.

It’s worth a try, isn’t it?

Oh, was it?

Hey. No.

What? Really?

Yeah, really.

Come on.

You know we had something back there.

I didn’t say we didn’t.

So what’s all this, then?

If you want to make a move, make a move.

Just don’t waste my time with this high-school bullshit.

Well, that’s good news, because I hated high school

and it was my move.

Take it easy there, tiger.

You blew your chance this time.

Uh, sorry. What’s going on here, then?

Am I missing something?

I’m still gonna go to the lookout

to stretch myself out a little bit.

Why don’t you come find me when you’re done with your swim

and maybe you can stretch me out a little more?

No. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?

Don’t wear yourself out in there.

[Birds chirping]



[Twig snaps]

I was wondering when you were finally gonna show.

You sure took your time, though.


[Knife plunges]

[Flies buzzing]

[Birds chirping]

Don’t you even care?

You’re freaking out over nothing.

Okay? We all know

Ehren went to see those gas-station girls.

Brodie and Aurora are probably just off fucking.

Something’s not right, Troy, and you know it.

Let’s just go to the cops

and file a police report or something.

We’re not going anywhere.

Fine. Give me the keys. I’ll go.

Yeah. You want these?


Go fucking get them.

What’s your problem?!

Did you seriously just do that?


Did you see where they went?

Yeah. Yeah. Um…

I think they’re over here.

Happy hunting, big guy.

No, don’t touch me.



Be reasonable for once, Troy.

I mean, what about the guy in the photo?

What fucking guy?

It was just a shitty photo.

Dirt on the fucking lens or something.

No, it wasn’t dirt, and you know it.

Where the fuck do you think you’re going?

Oh, you think you can drive that thing?

Okay, look, I’m sorry Colt’s dead dad fucked him up.

But he doesn’t get to kill my whole fucking weekend, too.

What the fuck did you just say?

[Plastic crunching]

What are you gonna do with that, huh, tough guy?

You think we’re crazy?

You think there wasn’t anyone else in that picture?

Well, look at this!

I found it on the ground out there!

There’s shit like that all over the fucking place here.

Something’s not right, man. Get it through your head!

Come on, Colt.

There’s a ranger station down the road

with a phone we can use to call for help.

You two lovebirds be careful!

Fuck you, Troy!

[Door opens, closes]

[Horn honking continuously]

Hey, tough guy!

Want to actually do something?!

Just keep fucking with me!

[Yelling indistinctly]


[Honking continues]

[Honking stops]

What the fuck is this?!

[Yells indistinctly]





[Rifle cocks]




You okay?

Did you get him?

Yeah, I got him.

Fuck, man!

What the fuck is that?

Come on, let’s go.


Oh, shit, man.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.



Look, if you cut through that… that deer trail,

we can make it to the main road.

Fuck. I don’t fucking care, man.

Just get me the fuck out of here!

Fuck! Stop moving, man.

Oh. Jesus Christ.

It’s fine, man. It’s fine.

Shit. Shit.

Fuck! Come on, man.

Stop moving! Let’s go.

Come on, man. Get up.


Oh, my God.

Oh, fuck.


Pull up. Pull up.

[Ax thuds]

Ugh. Evan, come on.



Someone help me!


Help me!

[Grunting, groaning]


Fuck no.

Please. Help!

So he confronted them in the mess hall

and a fight broke out.

And when the dust settled, Johnny’s dad was dead.

[Engine revving]

Troy! Evan!


Troy, we gotta fucking go! Ehren’s dead!


Colt, I can’t find them anywhere.


I think it’s blood.

Kris, look out!

Come on! Hurry!

Go, go, go, go, go, go!

[Birds chirping]

This man, is he…

Where’d you get that necklace?

What? Are you listening?

Where’d you get that necklace?

Listen to us!

Where did you get that necklace?!

In the old fire tower!

Fire tower.


You don’t know what you just did. Okay?

That’s his mother’s necklace.

It’s the only thing holding his soul at rest.

Okay, fine, then we’ll just give it back.

You can’t just give it back. He’s awake now.

He’s awake.

He’s gonna be coming for all of us.

We have…

There he is.

[Breathing shakily]

You remember me?

I remember you.

And I…

I remember what you did 10 years ago.

I put you in the ground before.

And I’ll do it again!


Is he… Is he dead?


But it will certainly slow him down.

Hey, Tom Sawyer.

Go to the shed there. Grab some chains, okay?

We’re gonna wrap him up and take him to the old fire tower.

It’s the only ground that’ll hold him.


Wait, wait. So it’s… it’s true?

The story about the kid,

the one who massacred everyone at the logging camp?

It’s mostly true.

Not all of it.

There was one survivor.

[Rifle cocks]

My father.

He put this monster down before.

You know, I never believed him when he told me the stories.

And then…

Then Johnny got up 10 years later.

And he killed the people that I cared about.

So I did what my dad did.

And I put him in the ground.

This time, I’ll make sure he stays there.

Hurry up!


Start wrapping his feet, and then we’ll get his hands.

I got him.


I can’t.

Okay. Take the chains, put them there.

Okay. Now, on the count of three,

I’m gonna pass this gun to you. Okay?



Stop shaking.



Get out of here now!

We have to get out of here.

No, we have to do something.

Come on, come on, come on.

Forget about it! Let’s go!

Aaaah! [Gunshot]

Come on! Come on!

Take this.

Go, go!


[Bones cracking, flesh tearing]

[Motor running]

[Whimpering softly]

[Chains clanging]

[Metal creaking]

[Metal screeching]

[Metal screeching]

[Insects chirping]


Come and get us! We’re right here!

Come on!

What are you waiting for?!

[Whispering] He sees us. Oh, my God, he sees us.

[Whispering] Shh!

You got to keep quiet!

No, no, no. Wait, wait. Where are you going?

I’ve got to distract him.

You go to the fire tower and set up the trap.

I’ll lead him there.

It’s the only way to stop him.

I’ll be back, I promise.

I won’t let anything happen to you.

Colt. Colt, no.

Come on, you ugly son of a bitch! We’re right…

[Ax thudding]

[Thudding continues]

[Thudding continues]

[Insects chirping, animals screeching]


[Chirping and screeching continue]

[Animal squeaking]

[Thudding continues]

[Panting] Ah!


[Animals screeching loudly]


[Thudding continues]





[Breathing raggedly]

[Grunting softly]

[Birds chirping]



[Bird calls]

[Vehicle approaching]

Hey! Hey!

Hey, stop! Stop!

Stop! Stop!

Oh, my God! What the hell happened to you?!

[Conversation muffled]

What happened?! What happened?!

Hey, lady, come on. You okay?


You okay?



You’re okay? You need a hand?


Just take it as best you can.

We’ll get you to the hospital real quick.

You’re alright.

Let’s go.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Let’s get you going. You’ll be okay.

[Engine starts]

[Classical music playing]

You’re gonna be alright.


Hey, honey.

Can you look at me?

You got to answer me when I talk to you, okay?

Just so I know you’re with me.



Just tired.

You were, um, limping up the road back there.

Just fell.


Sorry, I, uh, I don’t have any water.

Just coffee.

Can you, uh,

tell me what happened to you back there?

Just in case I have to answer some questions at the hospital.

It was an animal.


Jesus. What kind of animal?

You’re gonna be okay.

You are.

You are.

Hey. You made it out okay, didn’t you?

No missing pieces.

Heck, you even walked out by yourself.

You’re gonna be okay.

Trust me.

I’ve seen people come out of there a lot worse than that.

They made it through just fine.

Right as rain.

You’ve seen worse, huh?

Brother was a game warden.

Got mauled by a bear 30 years ago.

Real bad.

Real bad.

His office got a call from a hunter who came upon

a couple of deer carcass out in the woods

out near Portlock.

Bobby took the call.

Drove his ATV about an hour or so,

deep into the bush, where this guy told him.

Looked like something out of a horror movie or something.

Blood all over the ground.

Black-bear tracks all dug in the mud.

In the middle of it all was a fawn and a 10-point buck.

Torn to shreds.

Doing what he does,

Bobby has seen feeding grounds before.

This one did not sit right with him.

They didn’t look eaten at all.

It’s like the bear just up and left after he killed him.

And that’s when Bobby knows something ain’t right

with this bear.

So called it into his office.

Bobby’s boss didn’t want to take any chances.

Told him he would send him some support.

Told Bobby to keep track of that bear.

So Bobby gets back on his ATV,

goes deep into the forest.

All the while,

he’s coming across fresh kill…

porcupine, partridges

just ripped apart and left there.

All of a sudden, it comes to a creek.

So Bobby gets off his ATV,

goes into the water, comes out the other side.

Tracks are gone.

It’s as if the bear just went downstream

and moved along.

So he’s standing there in the water, reaches for his walkie,

when all of a sudden, he feels…

digging in the back of his head.

Said it felt like 100 bee stings or something.

It turns out this bear come up behind him,

chomped on the back of his head, and pushed him into the creek.

Bobby said it was like too much going on at once,

like it should have hurt more.

But he didn’t feel anything.

I mean, this bear was eating him alive.

And all Bobby could think of was getting his face out of water,

but he had a goddamn bear on his back.

[Chuckles softly] Hell.

He laughs when he tells you now.

I guess you get kind of funny

when you’re in a situation like that.

I’m sorry.

I’m just saying,

Bobby made it out okay.

You’ll make it out, too.

How’d he get out?


he took in too much water and drowned,

woke up on the side of the creek,

member of his team doing CPR.

He was only out for a minute or so.

They airlifted him to the hospital.

100 stitches later, he’s right as rain.

What about the bear?

Don’t know.

His team said that the bear was gone

when they got there.

I guess when Bobby drowned,

the bear figure he killed him and moved on.


Who knows.

Bobby says that there is something in the field

called henhouse disease.

Henhouse syndrome. Something like that.

It’s when coyotes and wolves and such

just keep killing everything around ’em.

They don’t go back for food or anything.

They just keep killing.

No reason at all.

Bobby says animals don’t get too hung up on reason.

Well, that’s what he says.


Hey, honey.


Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?

Hey, honey, can you wake up?

Come on. Wake up, will you?

Sweetie, come on, wake up.

Sweetie. Come on. Come on. Let’s wake up.

Why are you stopping?

Why are we stopping?

I’m sorry, sweetie.

I got to do something and try to get that leg

to slow down the bleeding.

Take me to a hospital. Let’s go to the hospital.

Okay? Please, please, please, please.

Just take me to, like, a hospital.

Please, please, please.



I know you’re scared,

and you went through something out there,

and I don’t pretend to know what it was,

but I have got to stop the bleeding in your leg.

Okay, so let’s go. Let’s go, Let’s go.

Get in the car, and we’ll go to the hospital.

Please, please.

Look at me.

I’m gonna wrap this around your leg.

It’s probably gonna hurt a little bit,

but I’ll be as gentle as I can be.

When I’m done with this,

we’ll get back on the road and we’ll get to the hospital.

But I got to do this first.

You okay with that?




[Birds chirping]

[Animal howling]

♪ Twas early in the spring when I set out to go ♪

♪ To work up in the woods in north On-tar-i-o ♪

♪ The unemployment office said they’d send me through ♪

♪ With the Little Abitibi and the survey crew ♪

♪ And those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o

♪ Well, the man, Black Toby, was the captain of the crew ♪

♪ He said, “I’m gonna tell you boys what we’re gonna do ♪”

♪ They want to build a power dam, so we must find a way ♪

♪ To make the Little Ab flow around the other way” ♪

♪ And those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum

♪ So we surveyed to the east, we surveyed to the west ♪

♪ We tried to make our minds up just how to do it best ♪

♪ Little Ab, Little Ab, what shall I do? ♪

♪ I’m all but going crazy on the survey crew ♪

♪ With those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum

♪ Was black fly, black fly, black fly everywhere ♪

♪ A-crawling in your whiskers, a-crawling in your hair ♪

♪ A-swimming in the soup, a-swimming in the tea ♪

♪ The devil take the black fly and let me be ♪

♪ With those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum

♪ Well, the bull cook’s name was Blind River Joe ♪

♪ If it hadn’t been for him, we’d have never pulled through ♪

♪ He bound up all our bruises, and he kidded us for fun ♪

♪ He lathered us with bacon grease and balsam gum ♪

♪ And those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o

♪ Bum, bum, bum, bum

♪ Well, now the work is over, Black Toby says we’re through ♪

♪ With the Little Abitibi and the survey crew ♪

♪ Twas a wonderful experience, but this I know ♪

♪ I’ll never go again to north On-tar-i-o ♪

♪ With those black flies, the little black flies ♪

♪ Always a black fly, no matter where you go ♪

♪ I’ll die with the black fly picking my bones ♪

♪ In north On-tar-i-o-i-o

♪ In north On-tar-i-o


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