

This seminal work of Japanese master of animation Hayao Miyazaki, Future Boy Conan  (Mirai Shōnen Konan) is a post-apocalyptic anime series, consisting of 26 unforgettable episodes packed with action, drama, humor.
Future Boy Conan by Hayao Miyazaki

This seminal work of Japanese master of animation Hayao Miyazaki, Future Boy Conan  (未来少年コナンMirai Shōnen Konan) is a post-apocalyptic anime series, consisting of 26 unforgettable episodes packed with action, drama, humor.

The story begins in July 2008, during a time when mankind is faced with the threat of extinction. A devastating war fought between two major nations with ultra-magnetic weapons far greater than anything seen earlier brings about total chaos and destruction throughout the world, resulting in several earthquakes and tidal waves, the earth thrown off its axis, its crust being rocked by massive movements, and the five continents being torn completely apart and sinking deep below the sea.

An attempt by a group of people to flee to outer space failed, with their spaceships being forced back to earth and vanishing, thus shattering their hopes. But one of the spaceships narrowly escaped destruction and crash landed on a small island which had miraculously survived the devastation. The crew members of the spaceship settled there, as if they were seeds sown on the island.

Amidst these survivors, a boy named Conan was born, bringing a new ray of hope to the earth. After several years, during which most of the other survivors had died and the only people left on the island were Conan and his grandfather, he meets a young girl named Lana, and their adventure begins.

Once you have finished binge-watching it, you will ask yourself why this series isn’t more well known.

You can watch the entire series below:



  1. The best thing Miyazaki ever did. In fact, I’ll go a step further: the best animated series that ever was and ever will be. 13 or so perfect hours. Everyone who loves adventure should watch this.

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