
Is there a documentary about the men and one woman who standardized the two-letter abbreviations for all 50 states?

There isn't a documentary about the standardization of the two-letter abbreviations for the US states. This specific detail is a satirical invention by comedian Gary Gulman in his 2016 stand-up special "It's About Time"

There isn’t actually a documentary about the men and one woman who standardized the two-letter abbreviations for all 50 states! This specific detail is a satirical invention by comedian Gary Gulman in his 2016 stand-up special It’s About Time.

He weaves a hilarious and imaginative narrative about a ragtag team of “abbreviators” tasked with this monumental feat, filled with comedic conflict, unexpeted relationships, and ultimately, the triumph of two-letter clarity.

While the documentary itself is fictional, the history of state abbreviations is actually quite interesting!

• Prior to 1963, there was no official two-letter abbreviation standard for all states. Individual states used varying lengths and formats, leading to confusion and inconsistency.
• In 1963, the American Standards Association (ASA) published a standard list of two-letter abbreviations for all states and outlying territories.
• The ASA list was not universally adopted at first, but the United States Postal Service (USPS) officially adopted it in 1967, making it the de facto standard for government and commercial use.

So, while you won’t find a documentary about the fictional team of state abbreviators, you can learn some fascinating real-life facts about how those familiar two-letter codes came to be!


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