
USA: Who Truly Governs Behind Biden

SECOND TERM – Advisors, hawks, lawyers, and even his sister: this is the inner circle that guides POTUS. The same group is now deciding if he should withdraw.

Joe Biden’s closest advisors include his wife Jill, his sister Valerie, and three trusted men: Mike Donilon, Ted Kaufman, and Ron Klain. This inner circle, comprising old friends, family members, and longtime collaborators, guides Biden’s decisions and influences his policies. Jill Biden, a community college teacher, plays a significant role in educational matters and reassures Democratic donors, while Valerie, a veteran campaign manager, influences strategies, especially concerning the female vote. Donilon, Kaufman, and Klain bring political and strategic expertise, shaping Biden’s messages and preparing him for critical debates. This trusted group not only supports Biden’s presidency but is also pivotal in determining whether he should run again or step down.

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by Roberto Festa

Old friends. Longtime collaborators. Family members. This is the old school that surrounds Joe Biden. It’s the inner circle Biden consults when making important decisions, like running for president again or possibly withdrawing from the race. This group consists mostly of older individuals with unrestricted access to the president, influencing his choices. They enjoy the rare privilege of speaking candidly to Biden, known for his low tolerance for dissent. Some of them accompanied Biden to Camp David to prepare for the debate with Donald Trump, with the outcomes we know.

The closest circle, those in whom Biden places absolute trust, consists of five people. Two are family members. Firstly, there’s Jill Biden, his wife of 47 years, whom Joe loves passionately and with whom he has shared joys and tragedies—from electoral successes to two aneurysms, to the death of their son Beau from brain cancer. Together, they have established a genuine “political enterprise.” A community college teacher, Jill is particularly influential on education matters. It was her gaze Biden sought immediately after the disastrous debate with Trump. She reached him and reassured him, saying, “You did great. You answered all the questions.” Jill then went on a whirlwind tour, attending three events in twelve hours post-debate to reassure Democratic donors that everything was fine.

“I told him: Joe, it won’t be an hour and a half on TV that defines your four years as president,” she recounted at a fundraising event in Manhattan. Many Democratic leaders are currently in touch with Jill to gauge the president’s intentions and possibly hint at his potential withdrawal.

The other woman Biden relies on is his younger sister, Valerie. At 78, also a former teacher, Valerie has managed all of Biden’s Senate campaigns since 1972, as well as his 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns. Many strategies to win the female vote bear her signature, and she commands the “Biden Foundation.” Valerie’s role in her brother’s life extends far beyond politics. When Biden lost his first wife Neilia and their one-year-old daughter in a car accident, Valerie moved in to care for him and his two young sons, Hunter and Beau. Over the years, Valerie has been one of the most influential figures in Democratic politics—Barack Obama appointed her as his representative to the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in 2016, despite never holding any official position. Forbes listed her among the 50 most powerful women over 50 in America. Along with Jill and Valerie, there are three men who have earned Biden’s trust over the years.

These men are Mike Donilon, Ted Kaufman, and Ron Klain. None of them are young. Kaufman, the eldest, is 85 years old. Donilon is 65, and Klain is 62. They have always been involved in Democratic politics and have supported Biden during the most challenging moments of his political life. Kaufman, a Philadelphia native, built his career in Delaware, where Biden served as senator. Kaufman was Biden’s first Senate chief of staff, orchestrated his first presidential run in 1988, and advised him to withdraw when it was revealed Biden had plagiarized an academic article in his first year of law school. Kaufman was there when Biden was accused of harshly and misogynistically interrogating Anita Hill, the woman who accused Judge Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. Kaufman was the only non-family member present in Biden’s living room when he decided to make another presidential bid in 2008. Over the years, Kaufman has maintained connections with numerous Delaware-based companies, a tax haven for US businesses.

Mike Donilon is the strategist within Biden’s inner circle, shaping the political message and advising the president on what to say, how to say it, and when to speak. Donilon is part of a well-connected family within the US state administration: his brother Tom was Obama’s national security advisor and also the chair of BlackRock, the largest fund management company in the world. Donilon has worked for almost every Democratic politician, from John Edwards to Al Gore to John Kerry. However, his relationship with Biden is special. Donilon decided that Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign message should be “Trump is a threat to democracy.” He also crafted Biden’s response to the Supreme Court’s 2022 abortion rights ruling, knowing Biden, a Catholic, was uncomfortable discussing abortion. He tailored a speech for Biden around the neutral values of personal freedom and privacy. As Biden recounts in his memoir, Promise Me, Dad, it was a look from Donilon that led him to decide not to run for president in 2016 (Biden was devastated after Beau’s death). Naturally, Donilon was at Camp David to help prepare Biden for the TV debate.

Ron Klain was also at Camp David, alongside Julie Chávez Rodríguez, Jen O’Malley Dillon, and Anita Dunn (all present at Camp David and now focused on reassuring donors). Klain holds a unique position. He embodies the Washington theory of “revolving doors,” the seamless and often unscrupulous transition between public and private sectors. Klain has been a lobbyist for Fannie Mae, vice president of Revolution LLC, a venture capital firm, and currently serves as Airbnb’s chief legal officer.

Meanwhile, Klain has worked for nearly everyone, from Bill and Hillary Clinton to Gore to Obama. His career moves have always puzzled Jill Biden, but they haven’t prevented him from becoming one of the most notable and powerful members of the Biden clan (Kevin Spacey portrayed him in the film Recount). He served as Biden’s chief of staff until 2023 and has always overseen Biden’s debate preparations. Klain is also the author of an article in Third Way magazine, outlining 21 points for winning a TV debate. The 10th point states: “An attacking joke is good. A counter-attacking joke is even better.” This lesson, however, didn’t seem to resonate with Biden, who spent much of his debate with Trump in a confused, desolate defense.

Il Fatto Quotidiano, June 30, 2024


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