
The American Nightmare. Delenda Carthago

The collective West has revealed its true face. Its narratives on freedom, democracy, and pluralism are revealed for what they are: lies meant for the dulled masses.
Western Hypocrisy

The West has shown its true face, revealing that its ideals of freedom, democracy, and pluralism are mere illusions for the masses. The reaction to the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Fico is emblematic: while Fico is depicted as a mafia-like Soviet nostalgia figure, his attacker is portrayed as a harmless intellectual. In the United States, the House of Representatives even voted on a law defining the New Testament as anti-Semitic, ignoring real social and political problems. The USA, which considers the world its backyard, continues to impose its vision of human rights, criticizing countries for their abortion laws and LGBTQI+ rights. This interference is based on a view inconsistent with international standards and serves the interests of the oligarchies. While the United States preaches freedom, it ignores internal issues such as poverty, lack of healthcare, and the prison system. Hollywood and American culture seek to colonize global minds, but some, like us, oppose this domination, dreaming of a world free from the impositions of the Empire of Good.

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The collective West has revealed its true face. Its narratives on freedom, democracy, and pluralism are revealed for what they are: lies meant for the dulled masses. The reaction to the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Fico, who is disliked by colonial oligarchies, is disconcerting; the veil of institutional hypocrisy has been lifted, revealing sincerity. While the Bratislava politician is depicted as a mobster, populist, and Soviet nostalgia, the attacker—or murderer, if Fico does not survive—is portrayed as a gentle old man, a poetry lover, an innocent progressive intellectual who strolls hand in hand with his wife, a proud democrat concerned about his unfortunate country now in the hands of a Bluebeard. Strangely, he roamed the city armed, ready to shoot the horrid dictator regularly elected by the Slovak people.

In the USA, the hub of the Empire of Good, the House of Representatives—whether challenging ridicule or the 1776 Constitution more—is voting on a law that declares the New Testament anti-Semitic. As for the Old Testament, caution prevails: it was written by Semites, and the first five books are sacred to a very powerful minority. But the Gospel is scandalous, making people believe that the people among whom Jesus was born are guilty of his crucifixion. Even the Redeemer himself does not spare harsh criticism of power, recorded by the evangelists, also Semites. Shockingly, Christians—something that needs to be remedied by law—consider the New Testament “the word of the Lord.” At this rate, who knows if it will still be possible to call oneself a Christian, or if the Gospel—like many texts unwanted by progressive radicalism—will be “purged” and claim that the man from Nazareth died of a cold, like the leaders of the Soviet Union. Lucky America, where politicians have no social, economic, financial, ethical, or racial problems to solve, allowing them to focus on combating the anti-Semitism of the Gospel.

A Roman senator, Cato the Censor, a vile reactionary supporter of the mos maiorum (ancient traditions), ended every speech demanding that Carthage, Rome’s enemy power, be destroyed: delenda Carthago. The powerful North African city was the first “global” trading power, and old Cato got his wish. Scipio razed it to the ground, and Rome began to dominate the world. We feel like him, demanding with the little voice we have left the secession from the West and especially from the USA. No material destruction, no bloodshed. We only want to renounce the privilege of being Western and servants—pardon, faithful allies—of the United States. We do not accept their desire to colonize us culturally, economically, militarily, linguistically. Hollywood and New York are not our capitals: what comes from up there is destructive, and we must reject it. We are reasonable, asking for the impossible, was a slogan of ’68. Let us dream. The American dream is a nightmare from which we wish to wake up.

The USA has the right to live as it wants, to organize its society based on the principles it believes in. No interference: they are masters in their own home, a home, by the way, usurped with arms from the native populations. However, they must stop believing in the “manifest destiny” to dominate the world. This phrase, steeped in racist suprematism, was coined by an 18th-century journalist, John O’Sullivan, a supporter of the Democratic Party. They must stop thinking their model should apply to every other people and be exported by force to ignorant, savage, backward peoples. The USA constantly needs an enemy to demonize, whose destruction is inevitably a civilizing act. The victims are collateral damage. This applies to the prime minister of a small Central European nation—Slovakia has a population just over five million and an area equal to Lombardy and Piedmont—it even applies to the book once sacred to the populations of this part of the world, the land of the sunset.

The U.S. State Department (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) publishes an annual report on “human rights,” criticizing—and threatening—countries that do not share the ideas of the U.S. ruling classes. An intolerable interference by Big Brother in other people’s affairs, directed at a world that Uncle Sam considers his backyard. This year, the attentions of the star-spangled benefactor are directed against “conservative positions on human sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights.” Once again, the real agenda is clear: to deconstruct humanity, animalize it even in words (reproductive health sounds like a manual for livestock), and strip it of any identity with the alibi of “sexual” rights, proclaimed as a replacement for social and political rights. Dominance over the human zoo.

The report is based on a vision of human rights inconsistent with official international documents but in line with the practices of UN agencies funded by American billionaire “philanthropists.” The report judges whether foreign governments respect “reproductive rights,” legally recognize gender, and consider various “sexual orientations and perceived gender identities” worthy of legal protection. None of these concepts correspond to a human right under international standards. Secretary of State Blinken stated that “there is much work to be done to support the rights enunciated in the Universal Declaration.” However, there is no international right to abortion; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is silent on that point. It is a political priority of the American government, as is the concept of reproductive rights, introduced by the Obama presidency.

The report criticizes El Salvador for its abortion ban, Hungary for “requiring women to examine fetal vital signs before undergoing an abortion,” points fingers at Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Uganda for the lack of access “to abortion and sexual and reproductive health services.” These are not exactly the urgent issues for poor African countries. It denounces the lack of sex education in Burundi and Romania. “There are barriers to maintaining reproductive health, including a lack of community healthcare and age-appropriate sex education.” Blinken notes that the report includes “specific provisions for members of vulnerable communities,” a term used to promote recognition and special rights for LGBTQI+ individuals and groups. Poland is criticized for not allowing LGBTQI+ couples to adopt and attacks a legislative initiative that “prevents LGBT ideology in schools, invokes the protection of children from moral corruption, and declares marriage exclusively between a man and a woman.” It condemns Hungary for preventing “transgender or intersex people from changing the sex or gender assigned to them at birth on legal identification documents” and for the child protection law that requires “websites containing any form of LGBTQI+ content to require users to prove they are at least eighteen with adult content warnings.” Burundi is accused of allowing Catholic schools not to collaborate with organizations that violate Church teaching. How do they reconcile this with the freedom of religion guaranteed in the USA by the Constitution? Oh, right, the Gospel is anti-Semitic. A high-ranking government official stated that the report “is more central than ever in a world where we see more and more facts defamed as lies, lies presented as facts, and information manipulated to hinder the goals of autocrats and other dangerous actors.” Fortunately, Uncle Sam—distinct from the majority of Americans—watches over us, inhabitants of a world full of “dangerous subjects, autocrats, and liars.” The Ministry of Truth is based in Washington D.C. Orwell and the Vatican censorship that granted or denied publication—“imprimatur,” let it be printed—of texts not conforming to Catholic doctrine pale in comparison.

However, the report has merits: it first reminds us of our condition as colonies with limited sovereignty (remember the Soviet Union?), watched over by Captain America’s omnipresent eye. Then it clearly explains the imperial priorities and wills: population reduction, destruction of the most intimate identity of individuals and peoples, manipulation of consciences from childhood. Discarding the grotesque hypothesis that these gentlemen believe it themselves, the evidence remains of a formatting of humanity in line with the oligarchic interests of which the USA is the secular (and violent) arm. No report binds the USA to social rights—virtually non-existent in the realm of the “free” market where everything and everyone is for sale—no fight against addictions—Fentanyl kills over a hundred thousand Americans every year—no interest in political rights, except the tired reiteration of a representative democracy that no longer represents and responds exclusively to the financiers of “system” parties and politicians. The freedom of the press, expression, and thought—guaranteed by the first constitutional amendment—is converted into a fight against “false” opinions, i.e., different from the dominant ideas. All this is seasoned with indifference to the traditions, customs, moral convictions, uses, and religious beliefs of every people, to be subjected to “sexual and reproductive rights” and, concretely, to the socio-economic neoliberal and globalist system to which it is futile to oppose, as “there is no alternative” (copyright Margaret Thatcher).

Guaranteeing sexual and reproductive rights does not include in America healthcare that prevents people from dying for lack of care if they cannot pay for it—there are tens of millions—or offers a home to the many homeless, who are instead given a verbal compensation: they must be called “people without a home.” Their condition does not change, but the Good ones’ conscience is at ease. Those who do have a roof are the millions of prisoners, making the USA the state with the highest percentage of detainees, or rather “guests of the penitentiary system.” A partly privatized system, where people work at a slave-like pace and wage. The American dream of exploiters. While politicians, intellectuals, and the affluent classes think about reproductive health, tens of millions of their fellow citizens lack the means to face an unexpected emergency.

Military and police spending absorbs very high percentages of the budget, with immense—often unchecked—powers of the military and security agencies, both external (CIA, DEA, etc.) and internal, like NSA and Homeland Security Department. Over all this, the global entertainment apparatus (the spectacle society unveiled by Guy Debord) of Hollywood watches, colonizing the global imagination by spreading American ideas, lifestyles, preferences, and ideologies.

We may be the only ones, at least in this small corner of the world, but we refuse to comply. Without bloodshed, without hatred, delenda Carthago, starting with our inner forum. Out of sight, out of mind. They can keep their American dream, their reproductive health, and their sexual rights.

Roberto Pecchioli

EreticaMente, May 17, 2024


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