
Netanyahu and Free Palestine

Netanyahu's actions expose brutality against Palestinians, sparking global outrage and recognition of Palestine. Calls for 1967 borders and self-determination grow.

Netanyahu’s actions are dismantling Israel and inadvertently supporting the Palestinian cause. Decades of propaganda and Western complicity have obscured the brutality inflicted on Palestinians. The world now awaits Netanyahu’s political downfall and condemnation for crimes against humanity, including mass bombings and starvation tactics. Despite attempts to hide the truth, international outrage and evidence collection continue, leading to a shift in global recognition of Palestine. Spain, Norway, and Ireland’s recognition of Palestine marks a significant political stance amid Israel’s far-right government’s annexation efforts. The call for a return to 1967 borders and Palestinian self-determination is growing, signifying an end to decades of propaganda and persecution.

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Netanyahu is destroying Israel, solidifying his role as a key ally to the Palestinian cause. Decades of mass manipulation and Western complicity have finally brought to light the brutality inflicted on Palestinians. Netanyahu and his government have already lost, with the world eagerly awaiting their political downfall and condemnation for crimes against humanity.

The carpet bombing of residential areas, the deaths of thousands of innocent women and children, and the use of starvation as a weapon are inexcusable crimes. Netanyahu’s arrogance led him to believe that his seasoned propaganda machine would shield him once again, and on the ground, he thought he could hide everything by barring international journalists from Gaza, killing local ones, and censoring as much as possible. It was all in vain.

The entire world has reacted with indignation, and the International Tribunal has gathered sufficient evidence despite the pressures, aided by new technologies. The prosecutor reports receiving threatening calls from influential politicians, puppets of the pro-Israel lobby, terrified of the truth. An entire system is trembling, both politically and in the media. The disorganized nervousness and signs of collapse are evident as they struggle to invent lies to deny the obvious and distract public opinion.

The International Tribunal’s delegitimization, once a pride of the international community, has just begun. While condemning Balkan war criminals or Putin was acceptable, indicting Netanyahu now warrants sanctions, according to some American officials. Hypocrisy. Cynical bias. Ignorance. Israel’s only remaining friends are in the high-ranking establishment; for the rest, an era has truly ended.

The ongoing genocide in Gaza has led countries like Spain, Norway, and Ireland to recognize Palestine. This symbolic gesture carries great political significance, especially given the timing amidst a brutal war led by a far-right government aiming to complete the annexation of remaining territories and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

This is justified by the usual propaganda about security, as if all Palestinians were terrorists, and opportunities, as if Palestinians were entitled to a state only when they deserve it. And, of course, the Israelis decide whether they deserve it. Not a right, but a concession under conditions that never materialize. This has been the story for decades: propaganda tricks to distort reality in their favor, like baseless accusations of anti-Semitism.

However, in life and history, facts matter more than words. The facts speak of over seventy years of persecution and occupation. The recognition of Palestine, regardless, is a smart and rightful strategic shift, and after decades of hypocritical stalemate, it is hoped that countries like Italy will follow this example.

A return to the 1967 borders, dismantling all illegal settlements, and granting Palestine full freedom to self-determine are civilizational milestones that seemed impossible until recently. The path is still long and arduous, but significant progress has been made in these tragic months, all thanks to Netanyahu, who ironically confirms himself as a primary ally of the Palestinian cause.

Tommaso Merlo


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