
Hierarchy – Episode 4 | Transcript

He-ra plants a suspicion about Jae-i in Kang Ha's head. As anonymous threats continue to plague Jae-i, she disappears from school.
Hierarchy (TV series)

Season 1 – Episode 4
Released worldwide on Netflix on June 7, 2024

Plot: He-ra plants a suspicion about Jae-i in Kang Ha’s head. As anonymous threats continue to plague Jae-i, she disappears from school.

* * *

[opening theme music playing]


[tires squealing]

[engine revving]

[unsettling music playing]

[breathing heavily]

[tires squealing]


[phone buzzing]

You’re crazy.

You’re all crazy!


I have to…

I… I’m gonna expose everything that’s going on here!

[tires screeching]

[loud thud]

[metal clattering]

[car door opens]

[somber music playing]



[Ha] What about the guard?

I told him I left something behind. That should buy us ten minutes.

So, what exactly are you looking for?


I saw Choi Yun-seok giving pills to Kim Ri-an, who hid them in his locker.

Ms. Han said it’s an antidepressant like Xanax. I’m sure it’s something else.

I’ve heard about them dealing drugs before.

Weed, edibles, GHB, stuff like that.

[keypad beeping]

Take a look.

[wistful music playing]

[Tae-ho] Find anything?

What is it? Is there something in those photos?

[Ha] I can’t believe it.

I didn’t know she could smile like that.

[ocean waves crashing]

[dog barks]

[dog barks]

[Jae-i laughs]

Oh, that’s cold! [laughs]

[melodic acoustic guitar music playing]

Okay, you ready? Let’s go.

[Jae-i laughs]

No, wait! [laughs]

[tender pop music playing]

[Jae-i laughs]

[Jae-i laughing]


[Jae-i laughing]

[Jae-i] It’s so pretty.

[Ri-an] Just like you. [chuckles]


I’m so happy right now.

Usually, I’m so focused on playing my role…

on how Jung Jae-i of the Jaeyul Group should be acting.

It’s almost etched into my brain.

With you, I don’t worry about any of that.

I hear you.

It can feel good to forget who you are,

to forget that I’m Kim Ri-an, heir to the Jooshin empire.

I like feeling that way with you.

[Jae-i chuckles softly]

In fact,

I like you more than I thought it was possible to like anyone.

[tender pop music continues]

[phone buzzing]

I see you’re on your way home.

We just landed, so I thought I’d call you from the plane.

Well, Ri-an, how did you feel about yesterday?

How’d I feel about what?

About the glimpse into your future.

The things that’ll be yours, the people you’ll command.

Does it seem more real to you now?

All this love I’ve prepared for you to inherit one day?

You call that “love”?

You’re right.

That kind of love can be a burden.

Jooshin Group’s reputation,

the future of its employees and their families,

all of that will be on your shoulders.

It’s a heavy crown but a valuable one.

You must protect your right to inherit that crown, Ri-an.

Maintain your aura of nobility.

Don’t involve yourself in any cheap scandals.

Be above it.

Always remind yourself of how important you are.

I’ll talk to you again soon, my successor.

[disconnect tone plays]

[pensive music playing]

[woman] Your tutors are waiting. Class will begin once you’ve changed.

Do I at least get a break?

[woman] You have strategic management with Professor Cho of Seoul National University

and international trade with Professor Son of Harvard.

Essential courses for a future leader of a top company to master.

These tutors were meticulously chosen for you.

Besides, you have a commitment at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow. We can’t reschedule.

I’m only 18.

I’m still just in high school.

My schedule is packed from sunrise until after midnight.

I think I deserve some breathing room when I get home from school, don’t you?

I understand that you must be tired,


[Ri-an sighs]

[woman] There you are.

Oh, Woo-jin, sometimes your mom doesn’t have a clue.

If I’m trying to run for president, I’ll need Jooshin’s heir to support me.

But all we have for him is some measly seaweed soup?

I’ll have you know Ri-an specifically asked for it.


Ri-an likes seaweed soup. Thanks a lot, Mom.

Ah, I think that’s our cue to leave.


Sometimes, your mom does have a clue.

Please enjoy your meal, Ri-an.

Thank you. I’m sure I will.

[door closes]

[Woo-jin sighs]

It’s just seaweed soup.

Why doesn’t it taste like this at my place?

You have the best chefs in the world on your staff.

They can make anything you want them to.

That’s not true.

There are some things you can’t fake.

The warmth of a home-cooked meal, for example. Things like that.

[tuts] You won’t be getting that at my place.

Come over anytime.

You’d help me be a good son.

I know my parents would love it.


You’re a good friend, man.

I really should come more often.

[wistful music playing]

Something came to me recently.

Being together felt so natural for us. Jae-i and me.

Time we spent, she and I,

that was the only time either of us felt anything like comfort.

I guess that’s why I’ve been feeling so anxious lately.

It’s like a part of me is missing.

[inhales sharply]

Can Jae-i really be okay with this?

I know how anxious she gets.

No way.

I know she’s hurting.

What about you?

Let’s eat.


[music fades]

Right before you pull the trigger, the target senses it.

They can feel that a bullet will soon be passing through their body.

What matters next is how they react.

Either they stand clueless and meet death,

or they’re swift enough to live another day.

The look in their eyes at that moment,

in that brief instant preceding their death or their escape,

is the most exhilarating thing in the world.

You’re right. Every time I hit something that’s trying to run away,

I get this insane rush of adrenaline.

That’s why I find hunting enjoyable.

What about you, Jae-i?

Well, I think…

“Oh, that poor thing, so weak and defenseless.”

Something along those lines?

Does that explain the scholarship boy?

[intriguing music playing]

Do you feel the same compassion for him as you do for the game animals

that cower and flee from you on the hunting grounds?

[rifle clicks]

[blows] Because, otherwise, I can’t understand it.

[smugly] “Scholarship.”

Well, I guess it’s like mother, like daughter.

Just something low-class sluts have in common. [laughs]


[chuckles] Jae-hyeok?

Yeah, Dad?


Don’t ever let me hear you talk like that again, you brat.

This isn’t a subject for you to babble about like an idiot.



Get out.

Yes, sir.

[unsettling music playing]


I felt sorry for him. It was just like you said.

I felt bad for him because he was a scholarship student.

People at school exaggerated it.

I thought you’d learned your lesson.

You’ve seen first-hand

where trivial emotions like pity can lead, haven’t you? So why?

What happened to the last kid wasn’t enough?

[unsettling music continues]

I’m sorry.

You’ve spent enough time there.

Thankfully, the rumors about Jooshin and Jaeyul being enemies have died down.

You’re moving to New York.

Start getting ready.



[sighs] That was annoying.

Dad slapped me again,

and it’s your fault.

I think he slapped you because you don’t know how to shut up.

And by the way,

don’t call me “noona” ever again.

It makes my skin crawl.

What? Whoa!

Does it?

[laughs] “Skin crawl.” Good one.

You sure seem confident, hmm?

Just remember,


that I still have cards I can play here.

Don’t forget what you signed.

[unsettling music continues]

[He-ra] Kim Ri-an!

Let’s go together.

What do you want for lunch?

Well done, Yoon He-ra.

You might survive this after all.

What’s that again?

Imagine if she tried to take on Jae-i alone.

We’d be waving “bye” at her funeral by now.


By sticking next to Ri-an, she has guaranteed protection.


[tender music playing]

[breathes deeply]

[Jae-i] I asked you here to apologize.

My dad…

I’m sure you felt insulted the other night.

[He-ra] Meet Jae-i’s boyfriend.

Nice to meet you, sir. Hi, I’m Kang Ha.

[unsettling music playing]

What makes you think you have the right to address me?

[scoffs] Please don’t worry about that. It doesn’t affect me at all.

I’ve had to put up with so much crap here at Jooshin, I’m immune by now.

But thanks anyway.

Why are you thanking me?

Plenty of people at this school have done bad things to me,

but not one of them has apologized.

You’re the first person to do that, Jae-i.


[tender music resumes]

Well, if it happens again,

don’t wait around expecting another apology.

Don’t try to fight.

It’s better to just run away.


Do you still like Kim Ri-an?


If you still do, can I ask what made you break up with him and run away?

Did something force you to do it?

If you wanna be with him,

what’s holding you back?

I thought I already told you.


The line we don’t cross?


I wanna see your smiling face as well.

So how about it?

Let’s date for real and stop faking.

Forget Kim Ri-an.

I’ll be the one by your side.

You don’t have to be anxious or lonely anymore.

I’ll make you smile. Or try, at least.


[In-han] You don’t have to be anxious anymore.

I’m here to help.

Jae-i, I’ll be by your side.

[chuckles softly]

[Jae-i] It’s strange.

They’re so alike.

[electronic pop music playing]

[Jae-i sighs]

Who cares if it’s real or fake. It’s all meaningless to me.

What do you mean?

You could never understand.

Why? Because I’m a scholarship student?


I don’t think you and I are any different.

It’s just, we both live in completely different worlds.

In my world, how I feel doesn’t matter.

At all!

That’s the world I have to survive in.

At least until I can stand on my own.

What do you mean, “survive”?

I told you you wouldn’t understand.

I’m gonna pretend you never said that.

[electronic pop music continues]

[music fades]

Well, Ms. Park?

How do we look?

I will pretend I never saw you.

Oh, and Ri-an?

Your mother was so gracious to attend our school event the other day.

I hope I made that clear.

Would you pass on how truly thankful I am for her doing us that honor?

Tell her yourself like you always do.



I can’t tell who’s in charge anymore.

[Woo-jin] Whoever has the most power.


[door closes]

[Woo-jin sighs]

Age, gender,

job title… none of it matters.

These days, power is the only thing that counts.

You must have figured that out by now.

Missed a button, Ms. Han.


[phone buzzes]

[He-ra] Okay. Come to the lounge.

Don’t forget to eat lunch.

I’m meeting my friends.

You don’t really love me…

do you Woo-jin?

[pensive music playing]


But I’m not sure of who.

Or maybe…

you’re the one in love.

Who is she?

The woman in Lee Woo-jin’s heart?

I’ll see you at the studio.

Good afternoon.

Hi, Ms. Han.


[girl 1] Hey, did you see her bag?

[girl 2] Yes, you are.


[girl 2] It’s a secret.

[girl 3] You are, right? Right? Right?

[Ms. Han grunts]


[Ms. Han] Jae-i?

Normally, we apologize to someone after bumping into them by accident.

“Teachers and students are expected to show mutual respect.”

Section 8 of the school regulations.

Respect you?

Do I have to?

Perhaps I should be recommending you for special counseling now.


I don’t remember you having this attitude before.

Plus, you and Kang Ha have been hanging out an awful lot lately.

You’re so on edge. It’s almost as if you think you’re in danger.

[intriguing music playing]

Come by to see me anytime if you need some help.

We’ve all been through so much lately,

and we can’t let a tragedy like that ever happen again.

An Hermès Birkin bag?

You know what, Ms. Han? I think you’re the one who’s in danger.


Ju-won, what were you doing in there alone?

I left my house key at home, so…

The passcode is enough to unlock it, you know that.


I’m, uh, late for study hall. I’ll get going.


[Ju-won] Here’s how you get

the numerical value of the average rate of change.

The increase in X is A minus B.

That gives you delta X.


I’ll try solving it from here.

Tae-ho, you lived in the States before coming here, right?


So you wouldn’t have any friends in Korea.

Mm, you could say that.



Not the UK or America?

Everyone is going to the UK or America. I wanted to go somewhere quiet.

Somewhere without any Jooshin kids, you mean?

Well, not necessarily.

You’re different from the others, aren’t you, Tae-ho?

I am?

You’re the heir to Jaeyul Hotels,

yet you interact with the students like me.

And the new kid…

Kang Ha is your friend.

Who says that?

[intriguing music playing]

I mean, who says I’m friends with that scholarship asshole?

I saw you and Kang Ha eating a burger together.

[Tae-ho] Wh… what are you saying?

[Ju-won] Don’t worry.

You know I’m discreet.

I won’t tell.

Speaking of Kang Ha…

don’t you think he looks a lot like the kid who died?

[fidget spinner whirring]

[phone chimes]

[indistinct chattering]

[Chan-min] Hey. Are you crazy?

Are you fucking stupid, asshole?

What the fuck were you doing with Jae-i, huh?


Answer me. What’s this asshole’s name again?

Kang In-han?

You must think you’re tough, huh? You son of a bitch.

You stupid asshole.

Little shit!


Get up!

[indistinct chattering]

[unsettling music playing]

[music soaring]

[He-ra] You scholarship kids are always hiding in the ugliest places.

You should be thanking me, don’t you think?

Thanking you?

Even the elite of the elite find it hard to make eye contact with Jae-i’s father.

And thanks to me, you were introduced. That’s quite an accomplishment for you.

You only did that to put Jae-i on the spot.

You should be apologizing to her and me. Honestly.

You should be apologizing to her.

If you think about it, you’re the one who put Jae-i on the spot.

Just by being around her.

Would you like to hear a story?

Honey, there was a kid here before that was just like you.

He was close with Jae-i too.

Have you heard the rest of it yet?

I’m sure you have.

You mean the scholarship kid Kim Ri-an killed?


Ri-an is Jooshin’s heir.

Why would he bother with a mere scholarship kid?

If you’re really looking for someone to blame, I’d say it was actually

Jae-i who was behind it.

[unsettling music playing]

Jae-i was behind it?

[He-ra] Whatever sympathy Jae-i tried to show him,

he never should’ve accepted it.

If he hadn’t, that tragic accident may never have happened.

Jae-i’s the one… who killed him.

[tense music playing]

Don’t think this has nothing to do with you.

You’ll be exactly the same.

Whenever a scholarship kid gets mixed up with us, there are issues.

In the end, no matter how bad the consequences get,

they never seem to reach us.

It’s people like you who suffer.

And why are you telling me this now?


For everyone’s sake.

Nobody wants to see another tragedy happen.

[rhythmic pop music playing]

[girls shouting indistinctly]


[rhythmic pop music continues]

No, seriously. I have to go shopping today.

I got my personal color analysis yesterday.

Oh yeah?

Guess what I got.

[He-ra] Summer?

[Ba-da] Not cool winter?

[Ye-ji] Right. It’s summer.


[Ye-ji] I need to get new makeup.

[He-ra] Nice, right?

[rhythmic pop music continues]


[music subsides]

[woman speaking Spanish]

[phone buzzes]

[distorted voice] We have a time limit now?

[woman continues speaking Spanish]

[distorted voice] You’re being exiled to New York?

I wanted to have some more fun, but I guess we won’t have time.

[eerie music playing]

[breathing heavily]


[overlapping laughter]

[phone dinging rapidly]

[laughter continues]

[music swells]

[stirring music playing]



[Ha] Jae-i.

What’s wrong? What’s going on?

Jung Jae-i!

[loud thud]

Leave her alone.

Don’t you get it? This is all your fault!

How is this my fault?

She’s always been anxious.

But now, her father knows

there’s a scholarship student sniffing around his daughter.

Think about that.

Think about the pressure she’s under, thanks to you.

Do you have any idea what that’s doing to her?

Do you have any idea what we have to deal with every single day?

[unsettling music playing]

Of course not. How could you understand?

I’m so sick of you tryhard scholarship pricks.

[Ha] This must be how he looked at In-han

right before he killed him.

Listen to me.

I consider you a threat to Jae-i’s safety.

Your kind always is.


[Yun-seok] Whoa, whoa!

Ri-an, Ri-an! You don’t need to waste your time with this prick.

We’ll deal with it, okay?

[boy 1] We’ll deal with it.

[Yun-seok] Let’s go.

Where the hell do you think you’re going? Come here.

[Ha] Man, you guys are terrifying.

I’m not about to wind up dead somewhere, am I?

You know, like the other scholarship kid you killed.


Wow, look at your faces.

Did I hit a nerve? Am I not supposed to bring that up in front of Kim Ri-an?

Kang Ha.

Who are you?

[intriguing music playing]

[electronic music playing]

[teacher] Parade, riposte. Touche.





Attaque, touche, point.

Prêts. Allez.

Attaque, touche, point.

[Ri-an] Thanks.

[music fades]

[Woo-jin grunts]

Can you do a background check for me on the new kid?

Why all of a sudden?

[Ri-an] From the moment he got to Jooshin,

all that scholarship kid can talk about is how he doesn’t want any trouble.

But he still comes after me every chance he can get.

Like he has nothing to be afraid of.

I think you’re right about that.

Nobody would act like that unless they thought they had a good reason.

I’m suddenly curious about what that is.

[jazz music playing in background]

You want an apology.

But you won’t get one.

I don’t want your apology. It wouldn’t mean anything anyway.

What happened with the thing I asked you?


After everything, you only care if your chore gets done?

It’s someone at school.

Whoever sent you those messages sent them from Jooshin High.

I hope you’re happy

because that’s the last favor I ever do for you.

From now on,

we’re no longer friends.

You never thought of me as a friend anyway.

Face it. We’ve burned our last bridge.

What’s the point of hanging out and pretending everything’s all right?

You done?

Since we’re not friends, I’ll just come out and say it.

I like Ri-an.

God, I didn’t wanna say this.

It’s so childish and cliché, but I l liked him first!

Way before you. Since kindergarten.

I’ve been holding back and letting you have him because we were best friends.

But that’s all over.

From now on…

Ri-an is mine.

Go ahead.

He’s all yours.

It’s better this way.

Are you disappointed?

What? Were you expecting me to slap you across the face?

Don’t get me wrong.

I’m mad enough to do a lot worse than that.

But like you said, we’re not friends anymore.

Fighting, getting angry…

What would even be the point?

[sighs angrily]

[door opens]

[door closes]

[young He-ra] Jae-i, on the count of three,

let’s jump in together!

[young Jae-i] Okay, He-ra.

[both] One, two, three!

[both laughing]

[poignant pop music playing]



[both laughing]

Hey, wait. I’m gonna take a video.


We didn’t take a picture of this yet. Cheese!

[both laughing]

[poignant pop music continues]





[He-ra] What’s wrong with me? Why am I crying?

[man] Please. He-ra is supposed to graduate next year.

Can’t anything be done?

I could send her abroad to study with your second child.

I remember he always liked He-ra, didn’t he?

The whole company is about to collapse.

I know you have the connections to get us with Jooshin. Please, Mr. Kim!

[He-ra] It’s about survival now, Yoon He-ra.

Snap out of it.


You’ll see a lot of the chairman’s son when you move to New York.

Have you ever met him before?

I haven’t. I’ve heard about him, but we’ve never spoken.

We planned tonight’s dinner so you two could get acquainted.

But I also plan to discuss Jaeyul Group’s electric car issues with Chairman Park.

You know what you should do.

It’s a big night for us, so don’t mess it up, okay?


[Woo-jin] There’s something I need to check.

Can you get the scholarship kid’s student record for me?

[chuckles softly]

[Ms. Han] All right. I’ll have it ready for you.

There was nothing special about him.

[Ri-an] Yeah. You’re right.

But I still can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

He’s just a scholarship student.

I mean, why do you care so much?

Good question.

Why does he bother me so much?

[scoffs] So an anonymous account just sent you this video and nothing else?

[Ha] Yeah. Who could it be?

Whoever sent it to me knows who my brother is.

Yoon He-ra said she thinks In-han’s accident was Jae-i’s fault,

not Kim Ri-an’s.

She said that? Why now, all of a sudden?

Well, she’s not exactly wrong. They were basically all accomplices.

No way.

The Jae-i I know is different.

In what way?

She isn’t mean and selfish like Kim Ri-an and Yoon He-ra.


[pensive music playing]

[Chairman Park] These two make a great-looking pair, don’t you think?


I guess this is what people mean when they say, “a match made in heaven.”


My dear, I’m sorry for the other night.

I was mistaken about Ri-an, and I apologize.

It’s alright, really.

You know how these rumors start. It wasn’t worthy of your concern.

I hope you’ll understand, Mr. Seon-jun.

Oh please. There’s nothing to discuss.

With friendships between people of our caliber,

there’s always bound to be talk.

I don’t pay it any mind.

I can see you’re destined for great things.

Rest assured, when Jae-i comes to New York,

I’ll take excellent care of her.

We should get engaged right after you graduate,

then attend university together.

[laughter] Whose son is this?

I’ve never seen him rush into anything so fast before.

[Seon-jun] Well, if we’re going to do it, what’s the point of waiting?

Besides, there’s only so many families that make a suitable match.

Honestly, I was just hoping to find somebody pretty.

And she’s more than that. She’s perfect.

[chuckles] I should claim her while I can.

[Chairman Park laughs]

I was worried that they might not get along.

I see my concern was misplaced. [laughs]

Please enjoy. Eat up, Jae-i.


[water running]

[Seon-jun] Jae-i?

I meant what I said earlier during dinner.

[phone buzzes]

I’m aware for people like us, marriage can feel…

[distorted voice] Remember this?

[Seon-jun] Our lives will be suffocating enough when we’re married.


[distorted voice] Does Kim Ri-an know?

[Seon-jun] I get it. Really.

[intriguing music playing]

Do you like dogs? I have a lot of them in New York.

[Jae-i breathing nervously]

[distorted voice] Maybe I should be asking if Ri-an is involved at all.

[panicked breathing]


I like you more than I thought it was possible to like anyone.

You don’t have to be anxious anymore. I’ll make you smile.

I’ll be by your side.

Ugh! What the fuck?

You psycho!


Oh shit.

[music intensifies]

[breathing heavily]

[music fades]

[teacher] Out of all of Shakespeare’s sonnets,

this is the most famous.

“Sonnet 18.”

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

Published for the first time in 1609.

As you all know, Shakespeare lived 400 years ago.

As such, there are many archaic phrases from that time seen in this poem too.

The poem was written in iambic pentameter, which means ten syllables in…

[tender music playing]

[tender music continues]

[music fades]

[soothing pop music playing]


[Seon-u] Better keep your promise about that date.

Of course. You know me.

Now move it.

[Jae-hyeok] I came because Seon-u asked me.

But I have no idea what you’d wanna see me for. [laughs]

I thought… we could become friends.

[laughs] But… but you hardly know me at all.

Of course I do!

At the very least,

I know how much you hate your older sister.


[girl] I’m having a party. Wanna come? Bring Si-u if you can.

[boy] Just ask him yourself.

[girl] You ask him!

Why hasn’t Jae-i been in school? Why isn’t she answering my calls?

Did you forget how to talk?

I’m asking you what’s going on.

Whatever it is, it’s her business.

I don’t see any reason to tell you a thing.


You don’t know either, do you?

[electronic pop music playing]

She’s been banished.

She what?

There was a dinner for Seon-jun’s family of the Gongseong Group.

I don’t know what she said there,

but she must’ve ruined it.

And so Jae-i’s enraged father must have said,

“Forget school or anything else, and get her out of my sight.”

She’s at their vacation house.

And when she’s unbanished? She’ll be sent to New York City.

New York?

Just like that?

Hey, don’t you dare go and tell Ri-an where Jae-i went.

I’m on fire right now.

Get in my way, and I’ll destroy you.

“Get in your way”? What are you plotting now?

How do I look?


I… I… I’m sorry?

What are you doing?

[electronic pop music continues]


I must be pretty today.

That reaction is all I need.

Thanks for the confirmation, Woo-jin.


[phone line ringing]

[pensive music playing]


[phone line ringing]



[He-ra] 186 Biseong-ro. That’s Jae-i’s vacation house address.

Apparently, she’s been banished there.

Don’t you think her boyfriend should be there for her?

[doorbell rings]

[pensive music continues]

[phone buzzing]

[phone continues buzzing]


[Woo-jin sighs]

[pensive music continues]


[music fades]

What are you doing here?

[keypad beeping]

[Ha] I was worried. I couldn’t reach you, and you weren’t even in school.

What are you doing here?

Tell me what’s going on. Tell me what I can do to help you.


You can’t help with anything.

No, I can help.

Whatever it is, it’s better than going through it alone.

Why do you keep pushing me away? You look like you’re about to collapse.

I can tell how much pain you’re in.

How do you expect to survive if you keep shutting me out?

[breathes heavily] Let go.

No way.

No matter what happens, I’ll stay by your side.


Please just leave me alone!

What can you do for me?

I’m being blackmailed, and I don’t even know who’s behind it.

So tell me.

What could you possibly do to help?


By who?

And for what?

What could you be blackmailed over?

I killed someone.


I said I killed someone.

Kim Ri-an.

This is a surprise. Why are you here?

I have something to say.

I’ve thought it over, and this is the only card I have left to play.

Although, just saying it isn’t really my style.

What card?

Jae-i’s off to New York with Park Seon-jun.

Which means that ship has sailed.

She’s at her vacation home. She’s gonna stay there until her move to New York.

So listen carefully to what I have to say, Kim Ri-an.

It’s over between you and her. You can’t stop her from leaving.

[Ri-an sighs]

Start a new life with me.

[sighs] I like you, Ri-an.

More than that, I love you. I have for a long time.

So why don’t we make it official?

[unsettling music playing]


You said she’s at her vacation house?


You killed someone?


A scholarship kid.

Kang In-han.


He was…

my brother.

[electronic pop music playing]

The person you just said you killed…

was my brother.

[electronic pop music continues]

[music fades]


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