
Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024) | Transcript

Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024)

Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024)
: Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Comedy
Director: Rhys Frake-Waterfield
Stars: Scott Chambers, Ryan Oliva, Lewis Santer, Eddy MacKenzie, Marcus Massey

Plot: “Deep within the 100-Acre-Wood, a destructive rage grows as Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Owl, and Tigger find their home and their lives endangered after Christopher Robin revealed their existence. Not wanting to live in the shadows any longer, the group decides to take the fight to the town of Ashdown, home of Christopher Robin, leaving a bloody trail of death and mayhem in their wake. Winnie and his savage friends will show everyone that they are deadlier, stronger, and smarter than anyone could ever imagine and get their revenge on Christopher Robin, once and for all.”

* * *




We all know the story about the boy and the bear.

But as Ernest Hemingway once said: “All truly evil things begin with innocence.”

Today you will learn the true story about this Bears, which is very different from what we have been told.

The last encounter with Christopher Robin came difficult times.

The “100 Acre Massacre”, as it was called, shocked the people in quiet Ashdown, MURDERER and there was a violent LIAR rebellion against Christopher.

The doubts grew. Few believed him.

Most didn’t.

He was cast out.

But a small group of locals believed Christopher.

They began a hunt for the creatures of the 100 Acre Wood.

For months, and they were looking for.

If Pooh and his friends were out there, they couldn’t hide much longer.

Some time has passed since then.

And another winter came.

A cold, merciless time.

The Hundred Acre Wood was no longer safe and Pooh was forced to turn to his old friends.

Only with them did they have a chance of survival.

Hoping for a better life

Christopher ended his medical training and worked at Ashdown Hospital as a young doctor.

But it soon became apparent that people did not trust him.

His future was completely uncertain.


Unknowingly, Christopher and Pooh experienced the same Disdain.

Undesirable. Hated.

They knew: Things couldn’t go on like this.

Changes had to be made.

Nevertheless, one thing remained clear.

Wherever they go and whatever happens on their journey…

The boy and his bear will always play.

And unfortunately, there will be many casualties on their journey.

Ghosts of the 100 Acre Wood.

Do you want to tell us something?

Show us…

What? I can’t believe I’m taking part in this.

Focus, Jamie!

Okay, chill, Mia! Holy cow!

Is it that difficult?


When you’re there, move the pointer to “yes”.

If you’re here, please… give us a sign of your presence.

Shit! Oh shit!

Shit! Did you hear that too?

No, Mia! There was no fucking bang!

That’s stupid!

Are you kidding me?

Stop, stop!

You have no business being here.

Someone has to check.

Go ahead.

What? You asked for a sign, Alice!

Are you scared?

Yes, I am!

I’m not going to get out of there!

What’s going to happen?

I don’t know… 4,985 / 5,000

Jamie! The door!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!



You dare to try to survive?

No, please!

Help! Please!

No! Please!

No! No!

No, no, no!

No, no, no, please!


No! No!


Now which of us is more disgusting?


You’re fully awake.

Take your time.

How are you feeling?

Good, I think.

Do you remember anything?

Some pictures…

Yes, I…

There was something…

From my childhood, playing with Pooh in the forest…

Mom and Dad didn’t know anything about it.

And… then everything is gone.

It’s fine.

Our head needs time that hypnosis produces.

Will we see each other tomorrow?

At the same time?


“Chris is eight meters away.”

What are you doing here?

How was it?

Funny, yeah, good.


And I think it’s nice that you’re worried, but I’d say we keep our distance and then everything will be fine.

No, sorry, that’s out of the question. Just get in.

It’s not possible.

Chris! Seriously, get in.

It’s possible.

You know, you’re doing this all the time right now.

What exactly?

You’re pushing me away and I don’t like that.

No, it’s just…

Half the town is harassing my parents and their house is being trashed,

Bunny is being bullied, I don’t want to get my friends involved.

Chris, I don’t give a shit about people’s opinions. I know you, and I know they’re talking bullshit.

That’s what friends are for.



Shall we go?

Go ahead.

All right!


See you then!

By the way, I’m looking after that bastard Freddie for the next few days, so I can’t come to Cara’s rave.

No, definitely not! You’ll come, I’m not going alone.

I need the money, so no, sorry.

Besides, I’m not into that kind of costume crap.

I knew it!

Love you!

Ask Finn if he wants to come along.



I’m going crazy.

I had just finished the car, drove over,

I chatted briefly with your dad inside…


and when I came back, it was smeared again.

I didn’t want you to see that, Chris.

I’m leaving, don’t take it personally, man.



It’s okay. It’s okay.

Yes, it is bad…

Hey, hey, hey…

5,000 / 5,000 are you?

I love you.

Give them time. It will be OK.


Yes, you’re right.


Oh, dear God.

Make a report.

“Officer 942, report of three dead in the 100 Acre Woods.

We need backup immediately.”


These freaks can’t hide forever!


It’s getting dark.

So what? Should we go back?

No. Calm down, man.

You just have to keep your eyes open.

We’re not going anywhere

until those bastards pay for what they did to my girl!

They’re nowhere here, brother.

I saw them.

They’re here.

It’s cool.

We’ll find them.

There aren’t many places left for them to hide.

They’re coming.

They’re closer than ever.


Ashdown sees our existence as a plague.

As the terror of the Hundred Acre Wood!

Evil of their own making!

They will never stop. They are hunting us!

And all thanks to Christopher.

We will never trust him again!

Look what we’ve become.

Every day

we’re getting weaker and weaker.

But don’t forget.

Don’t forget what happened last time!

Phew. You have to decide.

Either we take up the fight against them,

and somehow manage to survive,

or we give up and die!

Did you see?

Yes. I did.

Guys, there was something coming from the back there too…

Then look, damn it!

Come on!


What’s going on, man?

There’s definitely something there.

Yes? Let’s kill it.

Don’t make a damn move!

I don’t believe it, Chris was right!

The whole of Ashdown is going to burn.

Shut up!


Stupid fucking face.

What is that?

No idea.

Shep. Shep!

Shep! Holy shit!

What happened? Shep!

Oh, shit.

Who was that, man?

Fuck you.


Okay, so, Alex.

My name is Chris and this is going to be a relaxed affair, OK?

It’ll be over in a minute.

And you, Ruby, hold Alex’s hand for a while.

That might sting for a moment.


No, no. You can do it, okay?

It won’t take long.

Afterwards you’ll feel 20 million times better, buddy.

Okay. Ready? Breathe deeply, you can do it.

Three, two…

That’s it. That was really quick.

Well done, Alex,

You’ll feel much better now, I promise.

Just a word.

Can you take that?



I wanted to wait until after the holidays, but I have no choice. 3,928 / 5,000

My boss doesn’t like

the amount of attention on the hospital.

There have been complaints. About me?

The horror film that’s coming out offers a lot of scope for attack.

I know you didn’t do any of that. I have no doubts.

I talked to them, but…

But what? Honestly?

I worked so hard after that shit back then.

They don’t care, they just want to stay out of trouble.


Prepare OP 6 immediately, please!

Oh my God, that’s Aaron! Hey! What happened to him?

No idea, he was found outside of town.

Do you know him?

Yes, Aaron Jones,

he went to my school.

Quick, he’s bleeding us to death!

Oh, honey. How terrible, I’m so sorry.

It’s understandable.


What? These guys don’t give a shit about their employees,

they act nice and as soon as a problem occurs, they try to get rid of it.

I don’t think that’s right, but it doesn’t surprise me.


The food is almost ready, are you coming down?

Are you eating with us?

No, I just wanted to pick something up quickly and then go to my therapy session.

That won’t fit in there.

Ella! Come on now!

Chris, can you get her? I’d wring her neck.



Mom keeps calling you and is getting mad.


She calls me Ella, but my name is Bunny!

You have two names, no big deal.

No. Just Bunny.

And only Ella.

Just Bunny!

What are you doing here? What is all this?

Before you get mad, Mom let me play with it.

With what exactly?

Is that Billy’s teddy? Have you been in his room?

Mom said Billy would want me to have it.

Okay, Bunny, next time

Please ask me before you take anything, okay?

Why? That’s not your bear.

Besides, I just want to protect us.

Protect us? From what?

At school they say, you’re crazy,

and think there are creepy animal people in the 100 Acre Wood.

But you’re not crazy, just a little weird.

That means the animal people are real.

That’s why I’m keeping an eye out here, so that nothing bad happens to us.

Now it makes a lot more sense.


I might be a little weird, but… 4,900 / 5,000

Big bit!

Excuse me? Seriously?

Oh yeah.

Okay, sure, cool! Okay!

I’m weird, fine. But I promise you

that nothing bad will happen to you, okay?

Deal? Yes! Great!

I think Billy would have really liked that.

I’m sorry I was so grumpy.

But you know who’s about to get even grumpier?

Exactly! Mommy!

We need a protection spell if we don’t go down now!

Come on, let’s go! First one down! Go!

Move slowly, boy.

Look up there in the tree. Straight ahead.

What do you see there?

Is that a red cardinal?

Exactly! Well done.

Okay. And what’s over there?

Right up there, what do you see?

Looks like a…


Very good, Luke!

Pick something for me!


How about…

I want to go home!


Daddy? Where are you?


Did you know that unconscious,

fear-induced memories

can remain hidden from our consciousness for quite a while?

Like last time?

Probably, yes.

I’ll take you back there.


Let’s begin.

Feel all the burdens fall away from you.

Just focus on me.


reality fading away.

It takes you…

from today to then.

From your conscious memories…

to your subconscious ones.

A deep breath.

Lean back. Relax.

Close your eyes.

See yourself in that place.

Immerse yourself completely.

Do you see it?

Oh, how memories can be deceptive.

For Christopher, his first moments with Pooh

were full of joy, innocence and happiness.

But the truth was much darker.

Pooh was not who Christopher thought he was held.

His naive mind blocked out

what he couldn’t understand or explain.

Scary and evil things.



Dive deeper.

It’s Billy’s and my birthday.

Flynn, Lexy, Cara…


Everyone is there.

That’s the day Billy was kidnapped.

Christopher. Concentrate.

What’s going on?


Calm down!

I saw him.

Seen who, Chris?

I saw their faces!

It’s okay.

It was blurry, but I saw him!

Who? Who did you see?

I don’t know, I don’t know!

Okay. I understand.

He kidnapped my brother. My brother…

Okay. It’s fine. 5,000 / 5,000

Help me, please!

Calm down, Chris. Listen to me.

We’re making great progress.

Listen to me.

Chris, this is all taking time.

But we’ll get there.

Just hang in there.

It was awesome, I could see him right in front of me!

It was so blurry, but I think we’re getting closer, you know?

This is amazing, Chris! A real breakthrough.

That would be it, if I could actually see him.

Yes, I know, but I tried and…

we were so young, nobody remembers it anymore.

It’s crazy that nobody has solved it or found out anything yet.

This monster is still on the loose.

Speaking of monsters, I’m going to kill this kid.

Is he that bad?

Die, die, die, die!

Let me put it this way:

Today he wants to be a killer from a horror film.

Then he has good taste.

“This isn’t funny, Chris!”

He’s setting traps to kill me,

“like ‘Home Alone’ as a horror movie!”

Cara is calling again.

She won’t let up, I apologized.

Hey, don’t worry, I’ll sort this out for you, okay?

“And I wanted to tell you something else…”

Thank you very much.

“For being there for me.”

I’m sorry if it feels like I’m rejecting you.

Wow. Now it’s getting weird, Chris.

“That was cringe, wasn’t it? Sorry,”

forget what I said.

“I was just kidding,”

of course I’m here for you.

But if you piss me off, I’ll set Psycho Freddie on you.


I’ll go and check whether he’s already burning down the house.

All right, then we’ll talk.

Hey, Freddie Krueger, what are you watching?

Isn’t the film about your friend?

Well, first of all: he’s not my friend and secondly:

Yes, but it’s not true.

Was he wearing a bear mask when he committed the murders?

What? No! He didn’t murder anyone,

and the film isn’t for you!

Why? My dad lets me watch whatever I want.

He shouldn’t, you’re young, impressionable and slightly sociopathic.


Not important. Okay? Turn it off.

By the way, it’s bedtime now, mister.

God, Freddie!

Freddie, where have you gone?

Hey, Freddie, this isn’t funny. Come out. Freddie!

I’ll show you now that Jason can lose too!

Jason never loses!

Go to bed, come on! Get up! Come on!

“Here comes Pooh.”

Straight to the slaughterhouse.

Oh my God.

Like a nightmare.

Let’s get out of here.

You should be jumping.


My therapist says I should talk about it.

I want to remember it.

When the search started,

it was like a dream, a nightmare.


one day the city just 4,243 / 5,000

stopped looking.


And that day changed Ashdown.

It was like a dark cloud was hovering over us.

And everyone seemed so empty.

The city failed those kids.

We failed them.



You didn’t.

I didn’t mean to interrupt.

No, no, Dad. It’s fine.

I wanted to talk to you both today.

Today I had…

a memory from back then.

A blurry picture of this man…

I think this man kidnapped her.

Then I called for you, Dad,

and then he just drove away.

Are you sure this isn’t one of those false memories?

The mind plays so many tricks on you…

No, Mom. I’m sure, honestly.

He’s not making this up, Daph.

I remember.

How Chris called out to me.

And how he stood in the middle of that dirt road.


I’ll never forget the look on your face.


I thought this hypnosis thing wouldn’t do any good,

but maybe I’m wrong.

If you can think of even the smallest detail about this person,

no matter what,

it could get the investigation rolling again.






“in Ashdown burnt down.”

“Arson and murder suspected.”


“Arthur Gallup.”


“Disturbing practices.”

“Mysterious disappearances.”

“All units: Multiple missing officers in the 100 Acre Woods!

I repeat: Missing officers in the 100 Acre Woods.

All units report for briefing. Over.”

What’s going on here?

Officer Daughtry just wants to ask you a few questions, Chris.

Good morning, Chris.

I was just telling you that there was an incident in the woods.

Two hunters were killed, another seriously injured.

I think you know him.

Yes, Aaron. You said “killed”, I thought it was an accident?

We are searching intensively for clues and some of it has

a disturbing similarity to the 100 Acre Massacre,

so we wanted to talk to you about it, is that OK?

Yes, yes, OK.

I’m glad.

Chris, where were you the night before last? 3,583 / 5,000

I was here with Mom and Dad.

And Mr. and Mrs. Robin, can you confirm that?

Yes, it was me, his father, our daughter Ella and Chris.

OK. It’s just a routine question.

Mrs. Robin, we may need a statement from you.

We’re getting a lot of false reports about Chris.

Given the current situation, it’s important

that you’re completely honest with me.

Aaron has woken up now.

We wanted to question him, but he said he wanted to talk to you first, Chris.

What’s he like? Oh, are you serious?


Hey, man!

Hey, how are you?

OK, and you?

Good, thanks. Hello!


Let’s go in.

Yeah, come in there.

Wow, how awesome! Hey!

Oh, cool!

Hi! It’s been ages! How are you?


Hey, how are you?

How many are coming today?

No idea, like 100? That’s completely crazy!

But we’re almost done. This is going to be the best party ever!

Have you seen the masks?

Yeah, they look awesome.

What do you need them for?

Okay, grab something to drink, then we’ll give you a tour!

Here people can chill, smoke, fool around, whatever they want.

Aves, the construction site stuff has to come out, right?

There’s a stupid silent disco over here.

I’m glad you’re coming!

Cara, I’m working, I can’t come.


I’m sorry.

No problem. Does that mean Chris isn’t coming either?

No, he’s probably coming with Finn. Why?

I thought it was because of the murders…

Stop it!

If people find out that there’s a murderer running around here…

Sure, but I’ve never done anything. Just for your information.

Nobody says that either… So…

The whole town is talking about last year\’92s incident

and I want them to talk about this. I don\’92t want anything to go wrong.

Nothing will go wrong, I\’92m going home.

Are you crazy?



It’s all good.

I’m so sorry, buddy.

You can do it, fight through it.

When I got the call, they said,

You want to tell me something?

YOU WERE RIGHT 5,000 / 5,000

Hey! Would you give us a minute, please? What do you think?

Was it them? How many? What did they look like?

Tell me everything you saw.


Aaron, hey.

Hey, hey, what’s going on?

Oh my God!

There is no God. Only life and death!

I know! Don’t move!

Don’t move!

There must be some confusion.

No, no, no! I saw you!

You’ve kidnapped so many children! Tell me why!

I understand you’re upset.

I swear to God, I’ll kill you!

Tell me!


The children were just unlucky.


It was a stupid move.

I never knew why he wanted her.

And I didn’t care at the time.

Who wanted her?


Dr. Gallup. He offered to pay my gambling debts.

My creditors had already made several men disappear.

I just didn’t know how to get out,

so I drank a lot and just drove around.

Then I stumbled

on this kids’ sleepover party.

I grabbed some, dropped them off at Gallup,

and then he got me out of debt.

Is he still alive?

My brother?

He experimented on these children.

They were disgusting things.

He altered their genes and stuff.

Manipulated nature!

Combined human and animal DNA.

Played God.

With success.

Those poor children…

are monsters now.

Then he got scared.

And decided to get rid of them.

He destroyed all evidence of his actions.

I kept an eye on him.


I followed him to the 100 Acre Wood.

I wanted to stop him.

But I was too drunk. I threw myself at him,

but he knocked me down and then everything went black.

When I woke up,

all the children were dead.

He buried them.

I took his gun and shot the bastard between the eyes.

I didn’t know what to do!

I buried him far away from the children.

In a place that I could remember forever.

But unfortunately…

the kids…

were not left buried there for long.

One day later they were gone.

So did someone dig them up or…?

No! Have you ever digged anyone up?

The whole earth is being churned up, it looks like hell!

It didn’t look like that!

The earth was pulled out of the hole again.

As if the earth itself wanted

that this horror…

to rise back up.


These children were able to crawl up themselves.

So they were alive? 3,473 / 5,000

Last year,

when the massacre happened…

I was reading the newspaper.

I heard the murmuring.

Nobody believed you, I did!

I knew what killed those people.


The same ones that Gallup killed and buried.

The same ones that dug themselves out of the ground.

The same ones that have been living out there ever since.

After Gallup was murdered

I wasn’t keen on getting caught.

I had a wife and children.

I didn’t want to lose them.

The irony is,

that thanks to my actions

I became a monster myself.

She left me.

Took the kids.

Karma, I would say.

That night I went back into Gallup’s lab,

took everything that would give me away,

and set the place on fire. I burned the damn place down!

Because I knew this day would come.

I thought I didn’t want this.

It’s a huge relief.

This burden is off my shoulders.

Now you have to bear this burden.

I’m so sorry about all of this.

From the bottom of my heart.


May God forgive my soul.

Shit! Lexy!

Hey, I’m sorry! I think someone’s in the house.

Yeah, right. Fool someone else.

What is that?

Come with me! Up now!

My mask!



Yes, just briefly.

Can someone drive by and check on my grandson?


He has a babysitter, but no one answers his cell phone.

That would be nice.


Stay calm! What’s going on?

There’s a monster in the house!

Are you kidding me?

No! The thing from the 100 Acre Wood is in there!

This is no joke! It wants to kill us!

Take it easy.

My colleague will do it, okay? Check behind me, I’ll do the rest.

Fuck you! 3,949 / 5,000

“This could be my biggest challenge.”

Yes, the experiments failed at first, but I was so close.

I remained persistent. There was no other way.

I finally made a real breakthrough.

My research, my work is finally bearing fruit thanks to the new test subjects.

The children.

They fight back, but I have to keep going.

They change every day, grow

and develop in ways that are unimaginable.

There has been an incredible increase in bone density and strength.

They take on the physical characteristics of the animals to,

with which their genetic sequence is linked.

I also observe extraordinary abilities.

The ability to regenerate, in one of them in particular,

probably due to the axolotl DNA that I mixed in.

In other words:

“It works.”

The bonds have been broken several times…

Facial structure shifts subtly…


Teeth grow rapidly and become sharper…

Nails harden themselves…

Stronger, unstable, dangerous.

“But this has to end. Soon.”

I’ve tried to suppress it, but I’ve grown fond of them all.


But they are becoming more and more dangerous,


their animal characteristics are taking over.

I fear that I will soon become their prey.

So my only way out is

to make them my prey first.

“And then we start all over again.”

The hunt begins!

Of course I’m telling the truth! It was such a creature!

Yes, just as Christopher Robin described it.

But honestly, miss, I won’t believe it until I see it.

Officer! Look!


Oh, Chris! You were right, about everything!

What do you mean?

Someone attacked me and Freddie.

What? Are you okay?

“We’re fine fine,” but it’s dangerous! There have been so many murders in Ashdown…


they killed Finn.

Have you tried to reach your parents?


Then do it, Chris. I think they’re in danger.

What are you doing with it?

Ah, I see.

Yes, okay. Well.

It’s an idea, there’s just one problem, because the bear only has one leg left. How is he supposed to walk? 4,689 / 5,000

He must be limping around, right?

Come on! Oh dear.


Jesus Christ! You’re going to kill me one of these days.


Hey, honey, you wait here. I’ll go check on Mommy.






Please, please!


Now you and Tigger can have some fun!

You look really hot.


What kind of bird is that?

What is he wearing?

Looks like shit…

No! No!


Oh my God!

Help! No!


Lexy, hey! Where are you?

At the police station, why?


Stay where you are, okay?

He has my sister and I have to find him.

“What? Bunny?”

Chris, what’s going on? Is everything OK? What about your parents?

You don’t move, okay?

“Understood, is there a description of the perpetrator?”

“‘Monster’. Proceed with extreme caution. Over.”

I don’t know…

He’s not calling anymore!

We have to get to him!

Calm down! Calm down!

He’s not calling back! Hands off!

Miss, stay calm!

Hello, my friends.



Shit. Boo!

Come here, you shining bitch!


Let’s clip your wings!

Help! Ava!


Come on, Ava!

You have to help her.

Watch where you’re crawling, bitch!

He’s under you!


Dance, bitch!



Stop it!

Now you!

Come on, Chris! Come on!



Ava! Hey! Hey!

Hey, hey!

Where’s Pooh?

It wasn’t you.

Chris. I should have believed you.

She doesn’t fly like Owl.

Hello, Christopher.

Fuck you!


Where are you going?

No! No!


Where is my sister?

Come on!

Fuck you!


I see you, you stupid piece of shit!


I’m sorry.

I’m so sorry you were kidnapped.

Please let me have my sister.

Please tell me where she is.



No! No!


Jesus Christ.

I’m sorry, Billy.

Your brother?

He was right under my nose the whole time. 1,495 / 5,000

That’s not your brother anymore, Chris.

That’s different.

I wanted to…

I couldn’t find Bunny.

I promised to protect her and I failed.

No! Look at me, it’s not your fault!



She was still in the house and is in shock but unharmed.


Hey! There you are! Thank God!

Are you OK? I’m sorry!

For leaving you alone.

Come here.

Why are you throwing it away? Because we don’t need it anymore.

How foolish, Christopher Robin.

Oh, you have no idea.

Our strength lies in our friendship.

Oh, Pooh.

You are indeed a bear without a brain.

But I will bring you back, yes.

We will all come back!

To you, Christopher Robin!


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