The Penguin
Season 1 – Episode 2
Episode title: Inside Man
Original air date: September 30, 2024
Plot: Sofia works to secure her family’s strength, while Oz attempts to play both the Falcones and Maronis to his advantage.
* * *
[woman in eerie singsong] ♪ Hangman ♪
[cell door clangs]
[woman chuckling]
[prisoners clamoring]
[woman whistling]
[keychain rattling]
[lock clicking]
[woman vocalizing eerily]
[man] Sofia…
[cell door clunking]
Sofia, you need to go inside.
[prisoners clamoring]
[cell door clangs]
[prisoners laughing maniacally]
[cell door whirring]
[Alberto] Sofia…
[cell door clangs]
[voices subside]
[Sofia gasps softly]
[chains rattling]
You’re here.
[Sofia sighs]
[breathing rapidly]
[eerie music playing]
Alberto, your finger…
I swear to God, one day, I’ll get you outta here.
Berto, behind you! Berto! Berto!
No, no, no, no, no!
[intense music playing]
[loud droning]
[breathing rapidly]
[muffled gunshot]
[loud droning continues]
[muffled] No!
[man] Sofia…
[music fades]
You’re safe.
[Sofia breathing rapidly]
[device clicks]
It’s okay. It’s okay.
Get off of me! [grunting]
Sofia… Sofia!
Sofia, it’s okay.
[Sofia yells]
Sofia… Okay, okay…
Deep breaths. Come on.
Deep breaths.
Count with me.
[inhales, then exhales]
[softly] In for four…
[Sofia exhales]
And then out…
[Sofia inhales shakily]
There you go.
Do you see the pictures on the wall?
[Sofia softly] Uh-huh.
The items on my desk?
[Sofia breathes steadily]
[Sofia exhales sharply]
You’re not in Arkham anymore.
You’re safe.
[Sofia breathing rapidly]
[Julian] Tell me what you saw.
[Sofia] I have to go.
I can help you, Sofia.
You’re safe.
I’m not safe.
[dramatic music playing]
I’m home.
[dramatic music swells]
[rain pattering]
[somber music playing]
[dramatic music building]
[music fades]
[door lock buzzes]
[inmates chattering]
[door closes, locks]
Didn’t know I was walkin’ into a party.
I woulda brought something.
You cocky motherfucker.
Tryin’ to force my hand to take a fall for you?
I ain’t forcing nothin’, Sal. I saw an opportunity, is all.
The streets are talkin’ again!
They know there’s only one man big enough to go against Falcones,
Salvatore motherfuckin’ Maroni.
You want the credit.
You deserve the credit. And it’s yours.
Or… I could drop your name to the Falcones right now and stop this war you’ve brought on my Family.
Tell ’em it was you that whacked Alberto and watch ’em slice you from earhole to asshole.
Well, yeah, I mean, that’s another way to go.
But you’re wearin’ that ring around here, Sal.
You’re already gloatin’.
You might as well lean in.
The Falcones are still lickin’ their wounds.
They’re distracted.
And I got the inside track with the new Don.
They brought in Carmine’s brother, Luca.
He’s a fuckin’ pussy, but I got his ear.
This can work.
We can take ’em all down, Sal.
But you gotta do your part.
[uneasy music playing]
[in Farsi]
[in English] I claim Alberto, you make good on the Drops you promised.
This is Ervad, one of my capos.
He’ll run point.
It’s a simple route.
Straight shot to Robbinsville.
No highways. All neighborhoods.
Nice work, boys. Do it up.
[Oz] Usin’ the FEMA truck as our cover, and the Drops’ll be sittin’ pretty inside barrels of “Emergency Water.”
Hey, Castillo.
No hard feelings, right?
We’re all on the same side.
[barrel clangs]
Yeah, sure, Oz.
[Oz] Everyone in the lead car and truck, they’re patsies.
You waste ’em, you get your drugs
and some blood.
That it?
[man] Yeah.
Alright, lock it up. Let’s head out!
But the follow car, that’s where I’ll be.
You don’t fuckin’ touch that.
I’ll be there making sure that you get what’s yours without a hitch.
Sound good?
Everything goes simple.
[tense music playing]
You’re on the truck with the product.
Johnny. Nice to see you, too.
But listen, I got it all set.
I’m in the, uh, follow car.
The truck is packed. Ready to go. All good–
[Viti] The fuck’s your head at?
We’re in the middle of a gang war.
I’m doin’ what I was told.
Ain’t my idea to close shop and move the product to Robbinsville.
We’re adding artillery to every vehicle.
And your operation… Right?
That’s what you said, it’s your operation.
…means you’re on the truck.
Let’s go.
[vehicle doors shut]
[dramatic music playing]
[engines revving]
[weapon cocking]
[tires screeching]
[engines revving]
They’re at the underpass.
Get ready.
[engine revving]
Hey, why do seagulls fly over the sea?
‘Cause if they flew over the bay,
they’d be bagels. [laughs]
You get it? Bagels! Like the bread.
Yeah, I get it now, Ray.
Thanks for the explanation.
[engines thrumming]
[engines revving]
Hey, I got one for ya.
[“Call Me Irresponsible” by Bobby Darin plays]
What’s the difference between the Mafia and the government?
♪ Call me irresponsible ♪
One of ’em is organized!
See, Ray?
You just gotta know your audience!
[tires screeching]
[brakes screeching]
♪ Do my foolish alibis ♪
♪ Bother you? ♪
[tires screeching]
♪ Well, I’m not too clever ♪
[panting] ♪ I just adore you ♪
Whoa! Hold up, Ervad!
I got your Drops right here.
[Ray] Oz, you fuckin’ traitor!
[Ervad and Ray groan]
What the fuck?!
[engine revving]
[metal screeching]
[gunfire ricocheting]
♪ Call me irresponsible ♪
♪ Yes, I’m unreliable ♪
♪ But it’s undeniably true ♪
[gunfire resumes outside]
[Oz grunting]
♪ That I’m irresponsibly mad ♪
[gunfire ricocheting]
♪ For you ♪
[men yelling outside]
♪ Go on and call me… ♪
[grunting] Shit.
[tires screeching]
[Oz] Castillo!
[man groans]
Castillo! Let’s go!
[tires screeching]
Let’s go!
Get in.
♪ I admit I’m unreliable ♪
♪ But it is undeniably true ♪
[fading] ♪ That I’m irresponsibly mad… ♪
[Nick] We’re just riding down the fuckin’ road and then the truck-[imitates gunfire] gets lit up.
First SUV crashes, we hop out of the car, we’re fucking shot. I’m beating some fucking guy…
I’m definitely dead without this motherfucker.
Castillo here is dead if it wasn’t for Oz.
And then we fucking lock up…
[Oz yelling indistinctly]
[Nick continues indistinctly]
[Oz and Viti arguing indistinctly]
[Oz] What the fuck was I supposed to do?
They ambushed us ’cause they think we’re weak.
I tried to tell ya–
[Viti] We look weak ’cause you let ’em fuck us.
[Oz] Hey, it was your route!
We were sittin’ ducks out there.
If it weren’t for me, more men woulda died.
Please. You didn’t do shit to protect our Drops.
The Maronis walked away with the whole goddamn stash.
[Sofia] Is that all you care about?
The product? The money we lost?
We can get more money, gentlemen.
You’re missing the point here.
They humiliated our Family.
I mean, they took my brother, and they shoved his body in the trunk of a car, like he was a piece of trash.
Look, Sofia, we all cared for Alberto–
[Sofia] Well, I doubt that, Milos. I really do.
Justice is what matters.
And that is what my brother-your nephew-deserves.
Hear, hear.
Why aren’t his killers strung up across the city?
When the time is right, the Maronis’ll pay.
[Sofia] The Maronis. Right, okay.
Well, open your eyes. They weren’t working alone.
How’d they know about our route?
How’d they know about the FEMA truck?
They had someone on the inside, helping them.
Someone in our own Family.
[Viti] How dare you with this shit.
You waltzin’ in here like you mean something.
You don’t call the shots around here.
[Luca] Johnny! Neither do you.
And this is my niece you’re talking to.
Show her some fucking respect.
[Viti] Sorry, Luca. You’re right.
Sofia… my apologies.
Increase security around the house and all our businesses.
Put the word out. If anybody outside the network is selling our Drops, they’ll answer for it.
Let’s call it a night.
You need anything from me, Boss?
You’ve done enough.
[door closes]
[cup clatters]
You’ve always had a nose for bullshit, Sofia.
Your father knew that too.
But if there’s a rat, we’ll find him.
But the when and the how, that… that ain’t up to you.
The when and the how…
That’s your call.
Because you’re the Boss.
I’m gonna let that one slide.
Because you’re grieving.
We’re all grieving.
Your brother’s funeral is tomorrow.
Just focus on laying him to rest.
I’ll deal with the Family business.
What do you want, Oz?
I know we’ve got our differences.
You made that pretty fuckin’ clear.
But I’m willin’ to look past the pain you put me through, if you are.
Is that right?
Look, I’m on your side.
I saved your boy Castillo’s life tonight, even after what he did to me.
What’re we runnin’, a marathon here?
Listen, what you said about an inside man.
I believe you. I could ask around.
Do some digging. Whatever you need.
Why would you do that?
Because it should be you in there, callin’ the shots.
You should be the new boss, not Carmine’s little brother.
Careful–“Careful” whatever.
I know I shouldn’t say it. So what?
Al is dead. I loved him, too.
More than those pricks.
And look…
If one of ’em had a hand in it, who’s to say you ain’t next?
They didn’t care about Al.
They sure as shit don’t like you.
They think you’re crazy.
You don’t need me tellin’ you that.
You can feel it.
But you got a card to play.
Something that’ll force them to see the power you got.
Al’s shipment.
The new drug.
It’s what he woulda wanted.
To see you take over.
Keep his dream alive, you know?
You think you know what’s best for me, hmm?
You think you know what I need?
How are you any different than those pricks in there?
That ain’t what I was saying, Sofia–
Very, very convenient that, all of a sudden, you’re on my side.
Will you look at that?
My little helper.
Fucking desperate.
You are scrambling for whatever dignity you have left and you’re hoping I will save you.
Not gonna happen.
I don’t owe you a fuckin’ thing.
No, you’re right, you don’t.
I owe you.
[jazzy piano music playing]
[Oz] Fuck ’em all.
Trying to push me out?
I was Carmine Falcone’s right hand.
You’d think it’d mean something.
A couple of “thank-yous” wouldn’t hurt, but no.
“You’ve done enough, Oz.”
You think I’ve done enough, asshole?
You ain’t seen what I can do.
[car horns honking]
None of those fucks had the balls to do what I did.
Hey, kid! Let’s go!
A lotta people’d be happy if their dipshit brother turned up dead.
[door closes]
Maybe even ecstatic.
Not Sofia Falcone!
So friggin’ uptight.
[glasses clinking]
She ain’t gonna stop until she’s got someone’s head on a platter.
[cork pops]
Yeah. R-right.
So, what’s the plan with that, by the way?
Are we gonna–
I know what you’re thinkin’.
We can’t kill her.
Oh, um… No, I wasn’t–
She wants an inside man, I’m gonna give her one.
Otherwise, I ain’t got no shot at getting my hands on Al’s shipment, you know?
Jesus, Vic! I said no cilantro!
It’s fuckin’ everywhere!
Shit, I’m sorry.
Might as well shove a bar of goddamn soap in my mouth.
Girls are on their way. Start pickin’.
[engine revving]
[man on radio] Since the seawall’s collapse, crime has spiked all over Gotham.
Going up by a whopping 42%.
[woman] Don’t forget the rolling power outages.
This city and the system are broken.
[man] And I doubt the mayor-elect
has the guts to fix it.
They’re letting psychos out of Arkham now.
You hear about this?
[woman] The Hangman.
She was technically exonerated.
[man] I don’t care.
Wait. Leave it on.
Sofia Falcone is a serial killer.
Seven women. And that’s just who we know about.
[car horns honking]
[Oz] You ever heard of the Blue Heron?
[Oz] It was a club.
You know, it was the Falcone hangout back in the day, and I was a bar-back.
One day, this guy Pinchy rolls in, says he’s so impressed with the way that I been takin’ care of everybody, he wants me to be his driver.
Only problem was… I couldn’t drive.
Right, so… so what’d you do?
What’d I do?
I took the goddamn job, kid. What do you think?
And this was on a Friday, and I start on Monday.
So, over the weekend, I stole myself an old Buick.
I drove it around the Eastside like a maniac till I landed it in a ditch next to the Sprang River.
But I fuckin’ learned, Vic.
[buzzer sounds]
And on Monday, I became Pinchy Rovegno’s driver.
[buzzer sounds]
[Victor] Where is he now?
The, uh…
Pinchy. What, uh… What happened to him?
[Oz] Ah, well.
A few months later, Carmine caught him talkin’ to the Feds.
Yeah, so Pinchy got popped.
But Carmine saw somethin’ in me.
Thought I was worth keepin’ around.
[knocking on door]
And the rest is history.
[door opens]
[Oz] Welcome, ladies.
I’m glad you could make it. Hey, Alice.
Whoa, is that a new coat? Very furry.
Hi, baby.
Hey, Cin, Rox.
Everybody, this is Vic.
Vic, everybody. There’s my girl.
You alright?
Yeah, yeah. Long day, tough day.
It’s good you’re here.
Let’s put on some tunes.
I’m asking how much you got left.
And I told you. Nothing.
[rock music playing]
It’s a goddamn drought out there.
Bullshit. Bullshit.
You owe me, man.
Take it up with The Riddler.
[patrons chattering]
Rough night, Detective?
You gotta be kidding me. I-I-I…
No. I-I’m sorry, but, um, all respect, no.
No, no.
[Sofia] You used to work for my father.
Half the force worked for your father, you know.
But you were particularly… dependable, especially at finding snakes in the grass.
Right… until you became a Drophead.
Well, that’s insulting.
I don’t think we need to–
[Sofia] A gift, for your condition.
You wanna do ’em now?
You can do ’em now.
[softly] Oh yeah.
[laughs, sniffs]
Four hours ago, the Maronis hijacked a Falcone transport heading for Robbinsville.
I need to know how they came to have that information.
And you’re coming to me, instead of your Family? Why?
Oh, you-you think it was an inside job.
That’s something I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable…
I’ll need discretion.
Let me see what I can dig up.
[laughing and exclaiming]
[Oz] Hey, everybody. Tonight…
[phone chimes]
Tonight went fuckin’ sideways. No easy way to say it.
The Maronis came at us, but we held our own.
We spilled their goddamn blood in the streets, too. Right?
[men exclaim in agreement]
[Oz] Okay, so I say we save our anger.
We keep it right in here, ’cause the Maronis started something they don’t know what.
They’ll fuckin’ see.
That’s fuckin’ right.
So here’s to our friends who ain’t so lucky tonight.
Rest well.
Hey, Vic, get over here. Rox…
This is the guy who fucked up the taco order.
Roxy here is a successful entrepreneur in the, uh, camming industry.
Wow, okay. So you’re a camgirl.
Whoa, easy, Romeo, you can’t afford her.
I do mostly fetish stuff.
Sometimes I work with cake.
You got a sweet tooth, Vic?
[Oz laughs] Gonna leave you to it.
[Victor] All right.
[indistinct chatter]
[door clicking shut]
[door closes]
Where are you from?
Yeah, I’m, um… [stammers] I’m-I’m from…
I’m… f-f-from Cr…
[stutters softly]
Crown Point. I’m from Crown Point.
Yeah, my cousin lived over there.
She said it’s like a no-man’s-land now or something.
I mean, they lost everything.
What about you?
How do you know Oz?
Um, uh…
I-I… I work for him.
Yeah, I’m…
I’m his driver.
[rock music playing in background]
[knock at door]
Baby, can we talk?
[Oz] It’s gonna have to wait, doll.
Got a lot of shit I’m dealing with.
You killed Alberto Falcone.
That’s why you needed my alibi, isn’t it?
You’re putting me and my girls at risk.
That’s not part of the deal.
Say something.
Eve, sweetheart, there’s all kinds of things I can say, but what matters is, ain’t nothin’ to be afraid of.
Look, I got a file on Johnny Viti.
Once Luca gets his eyes on that, that prick weasel Viti’s gonna take the fall for the whole fuckin’ thing.
The Falcone underboss?
He’s untouchable.
[Oz laughs] No one’s untouchable.
Then neither are you.
[Oz sighs]
Hey, look at me.
Look at me.
[Eve sighs]
You bet on the right horse.
And I ain’t gonna be on my own enjoyin’ the spoils.
I’m gonna open up another club,
it’s gonna be swankier than the Iceberg Lounge, your girls for entertainment.
I slip these pics to Luca at the funeral tomorrow and it’s baby blue skies, doll.
You just gotta trust me.
[softly] Come here.
[Oz grunts]
There she is.
You’re playing a dangerous game with this Family, Oz.
Oh, yeah?
You think I want Sofia Falcone knocking on my door?
Women like me, we got enough targets on our backs.
And I’m tellin’ you, I know what I’m doin’.
You seen me through worse, and I always come out the other side, better than before.
Trust me.
There ain’t nothin’ about Sofia Falcone I can’t handle.
[sharp gasp]
[softly] Fuck.
[uneasy music playing]
[music fades]
[traffic hums outside]
Uh… I appreciate the gesture, but this is too much.
Ah, come on, doll. You–
[phone buzzes]
I’ll be right there.
[tense music playing]
Everything okay?
Yeah, yeah, just work.
[brakes squealing]
[man speaking indistinctly]
[door opens]
[Oz] Hey, Ma.
[door closes]
You alright?
Yeah, I’m fine.
I just went for a walk.
[Oz] Okay.
This guy.
This guy. He’s got nothin’ better to do than waste your goddamn time.
Come here.
Qué pasó?
[Francis] Hey.
You’re a nurse, right?
Do you need anything?
Why does everybody keep asking me that?
[in Spanish]
[in English] Oh, so you’re a doctor now, too?
I don’t pay you for your medical advice, Cesar.
[in Spanish]
[in English] Alright?
[speaks Spanish]
[sniffs] Vic, show him out.
God bless you.
Thanks a lot.
[in Spanish]
[“Tears and Laughter” by Dinah Washington playing]
♪ Tears and laughter ♪
♪ Love forever after ♪
Come on.
♪ Tears, tears, tears ♪
[breathes shakily] ♪ Tears and laughter ♪
♪ I’ll share with you ♪
[Francis shudders] You gotta help me up.
♪ Rain and rainbows ♪
All right. Good.
♪ Love will make rainbows ♪
[snapping fingers]
There you go.
[Francis chuckles]
♪ Rain, rain, rain ♪
[Francis sighs]
♪ Rain and rainbows… ♪
You promised me, Oswald.
I deserve a better life.
I don’t wanna be cooped up in this shitty house no more.
I know, Ma. I know.
I won’t be here forever.
None of us will.
You know, but we got time.
You just gotta be patient.
Yeah, tell it to my headstone.
Jesus. Don’t start with that shit.
Alright. I’m workin’ on it.
♪ Tears and laughter… ♪
If my son is a nothing, what am I?
Oz. Um, the, um… the funeral’s starting.
Go. Go, go, go. You go.
You sure?
Get outta here.
Yeah, I know, Ma.
I won’t let you down.
[distant dog barking]
[song ends]
[engine revving]
[distant clamoring]
[Oz] Come on!
[horn honks]
[protestors chanting] Send her back!
Send her back! Send her back!
[man 1] Hang the Hangman!
Send her back! Send her back!
[man 2] Falcones are fascists!
Hey, Luca. I got something you’re gonna wanna–
[driver] Mr. Falcone.
[protestors clamoring]
[man shouting indistinctly]
[protestors chanting indistinctly]
[protestors] Send her back! Send her back!
Send her back! Send her back!
[bell tolling]
Not a fan of crowds?
Just needed a minute away from the spectacle.
[Oz] Lotta ass-kissin’ going on.
Real nice service though.
Didn’t see you in there.
I didn’t know you were lookin’.
I was in the back.
[sighs] Thinkin’ about how much Al woulda hated it.
Yeah, he would’ve left early.
Found a better party.
[laughs] Yeah.
[birds chirping]
We didn’t have a service for my brothers.
My ma said she didn’t want to deal with the pity.
Well, my ma, she, uh… she wouldn’t get outta bed.
For weeks.
Maybe a month.
I tried all kinds of shit to get her up and goin’ but… you know, nothin’ took.
Then one night, outta the blue, she came to me, she was all dolled up.
“Oswald, we’re going out,” she says.
I was fuckin’ thrilled.
She took me to a jazz club in the Eastside.
Yeah, it’s the first time I ever heard live music.
We danced all night.
You and your mom?
That’s what we did.
How we celebrated ’em, you know.
Jack and Benny.
They woulda fuckin’ loved it, too. [chuckles]
Anyway, after that, she started gettin’ outta bed.
She went back to work. She took care of me.
What do you think it was that changed for her?
Uh, I’d like to think it was me, but I dunno.
She died a few years back. I never asked.
Shit like this, the pain of it, you gotta be careful, ’cause it’ll eat you alive if you let it.
It’s helluva lot more fun to dance.
[approaching footsteps]
[Castillo] Ms. Falcone.
There’s a call for you.
[Oz clears his throat]
We should get to the house.
[shoe scraping]
Listen, what I said before,
I meant.
Excuse me.
[somber music playing]
[whispers] The detective says he’s got something.
[phone buzzing]
[receding footsteps]
[dramatic music playing]
[door opens]
No, no. Wait, wait. Oh, oh. Right there.
Ta-da. [wheezing chuckle]
Alright. This is Ervad.
He’s one of the Maronis who lifted your Drops.
He will perk up once the morphine wears off.
What are we supposed to do with him?
It’s my brother’s memorial.
You said you wanted answers, I brought you answers.
In the flesh.
[car engine revs nearby]
You better hurry up, ’cause he ain’t gonna last long.
Take him to the basement. Quietly.
When he wakes up, find me.
[Nadia] You inflated your position.
Said you had the inside track with Luca.
But now, the Falcones snatched one of our men out of the hospital.
And you didn’t say a motherfuckin’ word.
W-We shoulda been warned.
[Nadia] Taj.
[in Farsi]
[in English] This ain’t Luca.
Trust me. He don’t tie his shoes without lookin’ both ways.
It’s gotta be Sofia Falcone, acting on her own.
Chick just got out of Arkham, so she’s a little…
A Falcone is a Falcone.
You should know all their movements.
Otherwise you have no value to us.
You broke your word.
And that is not something our Family tolerates.
It is how we have survived this long.
Whoa, hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey!
Goddammit, just listen.
My pocket. My fuckin’ pocket.
My jacket pocket!
Let’s see what he has.
[tense music playing]
What am I looking at?
Johnny Viti is fuckin’ Luca Falcone’s wife.
They been doin’ it for years.
You’re lookin’ at the proof.
That’s just the cherry on top. I got all kinds of dirt.
Lots of it.
We can squeeze ’em one by one.
We want our man back.
Yeah, of course.
Me too.
Gimme his name. I’ll find him.
Ervad Hakimi.
You met him at Blackgate.
And I suggest you hurry, ’cause if the Falcones get him to talk, he’ll have a lot to say about you.
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[indistinct chatter]
[chatter quiets]
[guests whispering]
[woman whispers] I can’t believe she’s out.
[ice clinking]
[indistinct whispering]
[woman whispers] This is crazy.
[man whispers] She’s become unhinged.
[woman shushing]
[woman whispers] She’s fucking crazy.
[silverware clatters]
[hushed gasps]
[indistinct whispering]
[somber music playing]
[Oz] It’s gotta be Sofia running her own game.
We could be drivin’ to our deaths right now.
Sh-Should we turn around?
The only way outta this is through, kid.
Nadia took the pictures, but Viti’s still our mark.
Red Mercedes, okay?
That’s the car you’re lookin’ for.
Yeah, I don’t–
And just so we’re clear, you’re gonna plant the jewels in Viti’s car while I find Ervad.
All these people, there’s only a couple spots they can keep him.
Yeah, Oz, look, I-I-I want to help,
I-I just got a-a… a couple of questions–
Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me.
We pull this off, Viti takes the fall, we’re one step closer to the top.
We’re not just gonna walk away outta fear. Right, chief?
That’s right.
Fuck yeah, right.
You feel alive, Vic? Huh? [laughs]
Feel your heart beating?
[Victor] Mm-hmm.
Good. Good. Let’s keep it that way, huh?
[suspenseful music playing]
[line ringing]
What’s he saying?
[Castillo] Ervad’s still out cold.
[Luca] Thanks for coming.
Good to see you.
[Luca continues indistinctly]
[Castillo] He doesn’t look too good.
I got my eye on him.
[Sofia] Well, get him up.
I need to know who killed my brother.
[Castillo] Of course, Ms. Falcone.
[indistinct chatter]
That’s alright. Keep talkin’. I already know.
[Milos] Already know what?
Don’t bullshit me, Milos.
I lost good men and nearly got my own head shot off.
You should’ve told me you had one of those scumbags here.
Really, Johnny?
Who ya got in the basement?
I been in this Family years, you’re gonna trust one of Sofia’s guys over me?
It’s bullshit. Bullshit.
[quietly] Come on.
[suspenseful music continues]
[woman’s voice] Alberto, Sofia…
[child’s voice] I’m gonna beat you!
[woman] Come here.
[sound of children’s laughter]
[emotional music playing]
[children chattering in film]
[woman] Look at me. Smile!
[woman laughing]
[woman] Happy New Year!
Happy New Year.
[cheering] Have a great year.
It’s gonna be the best.
[noisemakers sounding in film]
[woman 2] Sofia! Oh my God!
[music fades]
It’s so nice to see you.
You too, Carla.
You look, uh, the same.
I like your dress. You always had such great style.
Do you remember all those wild nights at Lake Como?
Getting drunk, hanging out with those horny Italian boys?
Uh, we got into some trouble for that.
Yeah, but it was worth it.
You know, I still go to Italy every summer.
We should plan a girls’ trip.
A-A girls’ trip.
Yeah, that-that could be… fun.
[footsteps approach]
[girl] Mama!
They have cake. Can I have cake?
Who’s this?
I’m Gia.
Hi, Gia. I’m your mom’s cousin.
[Carla whispers] Gia.
[soft, tense music playing]
[Sofia] Aren’t you pretty.
Uh-oh, your barrette’s loose.
Oh, I can fix that–
I got it.
There you go.
She’s a real cutie, Carla.
[softly] Yeah…
Make sure you keep her protected.
A young woman in this Family…
Might not end well for her.
[Carla] Come on.
[Viti] Sofia.
Luca wants to see you.
[tense music playing]
[alarm beeps]
[lock clicks]
[footsteps approaching]
The hell you doing?
That’s my boss’s car!
I-I-I work here. The alarm was going off.
Taking something outta the car?
What? No.
What’s in the bag?
[man] Hey!
[suspenseful music playing]
It’s un-fucking-believable.
You and Sofia, you really thought you could keep this from the Family.
[tense music playing]
[door creaking]
[music fades]
Hey, Ervad.
[Ervad groans]
Wake up, pal.
Hey, Nadia sent me.
Can you hear me?
Help… [choking]
[hoarsely] Help me.
Yeah, yeah. That’s what I’m here for.
But I can’t just walk you outta here.
You’re gonna have to do something for me first.
There’s this chick. She’s got an ax to grind.
She’s gonna roll in here, she’s gonna ask you if you been workin’ with someone on the inside.
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look at me.
I need you to say the name Johnny Viti.
He killed Alberto Falcone.
Listen to me. Johnny Viti.
Alright? That’s the name you give ’em.
Then I help you, alright?
[weakly] Alright.
Johnny… Viti…
[Oz] There it is.
[phone buzzing]
Vic. How we lookin’?
Oz, I-I-I couldn’t do it.
I couldn’t get the jewels into Viti’s car.
The fuck you talkin’ about?
They’re lookin’ for me.
Security, they s-s-s…
[Oz] Where are you? Where’s the fuckin’ jewels?
I had to run, okay? But I still got the pouch.
I c-I c-c–
[Victor stuttering] I can’t–
God, tell me what to do!
[Ervad] Oz, I can say it.
I’ll say his name.
Plan’s changed, pal.
[suspenseful music playing]
I gotta give ’em somethin’ solid, or they’ll be lookin’ at me.
I can’t have that.
[Oz shushing]
[muffled choking]
[blade slices]
[muffled groaning]
[suspenseful music builds]
[flesh squelching]
[music fades]
[breathing rapidly]
[breathing rapidly]
We all gotta make sacrifices, pal.
[suspenseful music playing]
I told you to come to me. Not go behind my back.
Well, I did go to you and you told me to weep about my dead brother and do nothing.
There is a traitor in this Family, and I brought you someone who can give us an actual fucking answer.
[Luca] No one comes in.
[Sofia inhales sharply]
[Sofia] Fuck.
[Luca] Jesus Christ.
I warned you.
You get me everyone from the Drops transport.
Nobody leaves.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Hey, Dom. You seen Viti?
Let’s go.
What are you doin’?
[tense music playing]
[Dom] Close the doors.
[Oz] What’s goin’ on?
[door closes]
[man 1] Get them inside.
[man 2] Search everyone for weapons.
[Leo] We’re looking for a knife.
Nick, what the fuck is goin’ on?
Someone iced a Maroni in the basement.
[rapid breathing]
[Viti grunting, struggling] The fuck!
Come on!
Fuck you!
You touch me again, I will have that goddamn hand cut off.
The fuck you lookin’ at?
It was you, wasn’t it?
You sent us there to get massacred.
What the Maronis give ya, huh?
Watch your mouth, you fucking gimp.
Fuck your mother, you dirty rat!
[Viti] Fuck you!
Fuck your mother!
[man] Hey, hey, hey, hey!
[Oz] …your face off, you motherfucker!
Let him go! Let him go!
[Luca] Hey!
Get the fuck off me!
Hey! Everybody back in line!
One of you is a traitor.
Feeding information to the fuckin’ enemy.
That ends tonight.
I will not tolerate a rat.
Fucking shit.
[Dom] He’s clean.
[tense music playing]
Got him.
It was in his pocket.
[Castillo] That’s not mine.
That’s not f-Get off of me.
Ms. Falcone, I swear to God, that is not mine.
It was you.
That’s not true.
[Sofia] You were there with him that night.
You killed him.
I didn’t. I would never!
Give me your gun.
[Castillo] Sofia.
Give me your fucking gun.
Please, listen to me.
I would never do that.
Give me your gun.
I have been nothing but loyal to you!
Give me your fucking gun!
[bullet casing clatters]
[clears throat]
[Sofia] You should have left him for me.
Sofia, it’s done–
He was mine to kill.
For Alberto.
I made the call.
[weary sigh]
Maybe it’s time for you to leave Gotham.
We got to do what’s best… for you.
For your safety.
Italy is beautiful this time of year.
[uneasy music playing]
Didn’t you spend your summers there, in Lake Como?
[clock ticking faintly]
You’re right, Uncle Luca…
And I could use the time away.
[Luca] Yeah.
It’ll be good for you.
[laughs softly]
Sweetheart. [kisses]
Come in.
We’re done here.
[clock ticking]
[insects chirring]
Fuckin’ Johnny Viti givin’ me orders now?
Sayin’ I gotta clean up?
It was supposed to be him in this grave, not these two schmucks.
Oh, man.
[Victor grunts] Shit!
[ominous music playing]
Lay down, where you belong.
Oz… look.
Lay down! Now!
[Victor] God.
How does it feel, Vic, huh?
Nah! Hey, hey. Don’t close your eyes.
Look at them. Remember this.
This is what happens when you choke, ya understand?
Dead’s a one-way street, Vic.
You know how close I got to getting popped tonight?
‘Cause you fucked up?
Then I gotta plant the blade and the jewels…
Lotta work for me, Vic.
A lotta work.
Look, I’m-I’m-I’m sorry, okay?
I mean it.
You know what?
Fuck apologizin’.
You wanna survive? You gotta adapt.
Respond to the environment, the situation, gotta think on your feet, you gotta be quick.
Otherwise, this is what happens.
Whatever Carmine threw at me, I delivered on.
Every goddamn time!
You get what I’m saying?
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
[Oz] Yeah?
Ah, fuck it. Alright, come on.
Get up, get up. Gimme your hand.
[Victor grunting]
There ain’t no playbook for this shit, kid.
I saw somethin’ in you. Maybe I was wrong.
You tell me.
Maybe you ain’t cut out for this life.
[phone buzzing]
You know?
Who the fuck is calling me now?
[music darkens]
Cover the bodies.
Hey, Sofia.
How ya doin’?
[music fades]
[limping footsteps approaching]
He killed my brother.
A man I trusted, working for them.
For what?
Some diamonds.
These were in Castillo’s apartment.
It’s what Alberto went to get the night he died.
As an investment in our future.
In our new drug.
We were going to run the Family together.
But Berto was taken from me.
[clicks tongue] And I refuse to let these old fucking men push me aside again, like I’m nothing.
So, I’m going to take from them now.
And I’m gonna force them to their knees.
It should be fun. [laughs softly]
What do you say, Oz?
You in?
Let’s dance.
[“Happy Together” by Floor Cry playing]
♪ Imagine me and you ♪
♪ I do ♪
♪ I think about you day and night ♪
♪ It’s only right ♪
♪ To think about the girl you love ♪
♪ And hold her tight ♪
♪ So happy together ♪
♪ If I should call you up ♪
♪ Invest a dime ♪
♪ And you say you belong to me ♪
♪ And ease my mind ♪
♪ Imagine how the world could be ♪
♪ So very fine ♪
♪ So happy together ♪
♪ I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you ♪
♪ For all my life ♪
♪ When you’re with me, baby ♪
♪ The skies’ll be blue ♪
♪ For all my life ♪
[tense, dramatic theme music playing]