
Snowpiercer – S04E02 – The Sing of Survival | Transcript

Milius and his Animal Squad storm the train; Melanie realizes something is wrong and shuts the vault doors to the engine; when Ben's life is threatened, Melanie surrenders the engine.

Season 4 – Episode 2
Episode title: The Sing of Survival
Original air date: July 28, 2024

Plot: Milius and his Animal Squad storm the train; Melanie realizes something is wrong and shuts the vault doors to the engine; when Ben’s life is threatened, Melanie surrenders the engine.

* * *

I tried to warn New Eden.




they were blindsided, just like we’d been on the train


Yeah, hey, Audrey. I’m here, I’m right here.

They took the train.

After Big Alice left us,

we circled the globe not knowing

whether our friends and loved

ones were alive or dead.

And then, we were finally

close enough to hear from them,

all of us waiting for a sign.


radio stations used between 25,000 and 100,000 Watts to broadcast.

New Eden might broadcast,

Best-case scenario,

about 400 Watts?

Hills, mountains, metals block radio waves completely.

The signal strength’s reduced

with every object it passes through.

So with 400 Watts,

it’s not exactly ideal, is it?

It’s been three months. Short wave’s a crapshoot.

I need to know she’s okay.


Tamara, when we pass the turning off with New Eden,

it’s our best shot at at making contact.

And if we don’t get a signal?

If we don’t get a signal…

..we’ll hear from them on our next revolution.

You know, for a mind reader, sometimes I have no idea what’s

going on in that head of yours.

Okay. Rock. Rock.

Puffy clouds, tiny shrub next to a rock.

I feel so much closer to you now.

Mm-hmm. Come on.

Let’s go to bed.

We waited month after month,

the guilt weighing us down.

And when we finally did get a sign of life, it wasn’t

from New Eden.

♪ Each time someone speaks your name ♪

Radiation levels, swab,

The span of the debris field. Don’t ask me, I’m just

a spotter, in case you fall in a hole again.

We’re approaching drop off.

Once you’re out, you’ll see a thick black cloud hovering

over the crash site.

We’ll follow it. Braking to full stop.

Snowpiercer, this is Ben.

Do you read me?

Mel, do you copy? Come in.

Hey, scavengers.

You on your way back yet?

Ben, Till.

Do you copy?

It’s Snowpiercer, come in.

I’ll check the back channels.


Holy shit.

The engine can’t idle for much longer.

Release safeties on all code

Locks and bay doors, please. Their comms must be down.

They’re boarding.

Okay then. They’re with us.

Admiral Anton Milius, International Peacekeeping

Everyone remain calm.

Everyone except you two.

Take me to Melanie Cavill.

Put that down or you get shot.



The night before Melanie saw the rocket was the

last we knew of peace. And with a single shot,

the peace ended on Snowpiercer,

879 cars long.

Okay, okay.

I’m gonna have to put a lot of

pressure on it, okay?

You need to warn Melanie.

No, I am not leaving you here alone with this.

It’s okay, he barely nicked me.

What are you doing?

No, sit back down!

You need to go before it’s too late.

I have to stop the bleeding.

No. They’re gonna

take the engine, just go.

Just go!





Let’s reboot the comm system.

Evacuate First Class!

Please and thank you.

Um, uh, as head of

hospitality, it is my duty

to inform you that all new

passengers must report to the…


Where’s the panic button?

Panic button? You know, to the engine room.

Under the desk.

Get to your quarters.


All passengers

evacuate First Class.

Move along, please.

This is Admiral Anton Milius, I need you to open

The train has to make a turn

coming up.

I’m gonna need more information, Admiral.

No, you do not.

I’m on the clock, Ms. Cavill, and now so are you.

You have 30 seconds.

You’re on my train. My engine.

This is an international peace-keeping mission.

We are authorised to use force.

It’s a vault door.

You can’t breach it.

We don’t have to

breach, we have a gun to a passenger’s forehead.

I’m alright, Mel.

I can assure you he is not going to be alright.

You have 15 seconds.

Don’t listen to him!

We’ve already shot one of

your people, we don’t wanna shoot another.


Ben, who? »> No one!

Five seconds.

Do not open the door!

Four, three,


Good. Glad we didn’t have to go there.



Escort them out. You’re gonna need

An engineer to drive. At least one of us has to stay.

We’ve got it covered, thank you.

Anyone can accelerate, you need to balance the expenditure

Against the intake. Don’t touch me, don’t touch me.


I’m fine.

It’s a trap.


They blew up a rocket to lure us.

Who the hell are these people?

How did they even survive?

What turn are they talking about?

I mean, our next switch is New Eden, that’s over

1,000 kilometres away.

They shot Till…

That’s who they shot.

Is she okay?

In the shoulder.

I don’t know how she’s doing. I was dragged off.

Some peacekeepers.

How do we get out of here?

I don’t know.

But I’m thinking.

What’s he doing?

You know what, maybe you

Shouldn’t be spy on him just in case he sees or…

I got to get back to our train.

He’s leaving! Yes.

You coming? »> You know what, I think

I’m just gonna stay put.

Yeah. Maybe get some stuff done.


All passengers in first and second class are

to evacuate to third.

This is only a temporary location.

The new passengers want you to know that, um…

That, um… Oh God…

That as long as you do as you are told, all is well.

Thank you.

We got to get uptrain. »> Jesus, Till, your shoulder.

Oh, they ambushed us.

They shot you?

There’s only a handful of them.

I’ll take care of you.

Anterior exit, posterior entry. No major arteries.

Any dizziness or nausea?

We tried to lead them away

from the train…

but they chased us down…

You heart rate’s irregular. We can take them!

You’ve lost a lot of blood. We’ve got to pack the wound.

No, we don’t have time. Your pulse says you’re about

To pass out so just shut it. They took my clinic,

so that’s not an option.

Yeah, neither is this hallway.

This way. Lean on me.

Wartime Measures.

Your place is now a clinic.

Are there really survivors out there?


But they don’t give a shit about us.

Winston, we need to round up anyone who can fight.

We outnumber them.

Uh, not interested.

Sorry, Till.

You started drinking again, right?

Yeah, you mind? No.

You got anything strong at hand? »> Yeah, yeah, yeah,

That will help. Got any whiskey?

No, the drinking is just gonna thin your blood.

This is to disinfect.

Okay, just tell me when

you’re gonna put it on. Can you bring me that plant?

Now once the bandage is taped on, keep it wet.

I’m soaking it in alcohol.

Just hurry it up.

. What the hell.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Sterilizing the dirt

so I can pack the wound.

That’s a medieval shit there, Pelton.

Helluva view from up here.

I could get used to seeing sunlight again.

Or the moon…

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight…

clear for running…

Set switch for our new track.

On target for arrival at thirteen fifteen.

Bravo Zulu, Buff.

We are turning…

Is that East?

It can’t be. There’s no track here.

We’re not on Wilford track anymore.

Whoever built that did it quick too because that was not there

three months ago.


If they have the manpower to lay a new track, how many

Of them are out there?

Okay, well, we’re going East, so what’s East of here?

Uh, well, we turned before

the Ethiopian Highlands.

Right, so that’s Eritrea,

or… Djibouti.

Djibouti. International trade hub

for the entire continent. International military hub.

They’re going for reinforcements.

We have an hour max before we hit Djibouti.

If this works, and we know

our train, we mess with them,

and we don’t let them dock.


Let’s go.

Mel, come on.

Oh, thanks.

We need to buy ourselves some time.

Yeah, slow the train.

This way.

It’s okay.

Find them.

Till! Oh, Miles,

Have you seen Audrey? No. What happened to you?


I sent her uptrain to warn Melanie.

We did get warned. »> Yeah?

Someone signaled us from Hospitality.

That’s right by the Engine.

I heard people are gathering at the market.

Oh, maybe she’s there.


A whole library

for Mr. Joseph Wilford… going in circles around

Seven Wonders of the world,

reading English literature,

while my people work the mines.

I see he enjoyed the classics.

Me, I prefer murder mysteries…

Although, there’s not much mystery in this murder,

murder, is there?

I know who did it.

What remains unknown

your role in all this.

What can you tell me about Melanie Cavill?

She’s smarter than you.

Is Ms. Cavill

woman of integrity?


Honour? Does she keep her word

Does she keep her word?

What do you want with Melanie?

To pick her brain.

Through here.

What’s all this?

It’s where Ruth led

the rebellion against Wilford.

She spent six months down here.

Six months.

And I bet she never complained.

Think she knew her foxhole

accessed a brake line?

I wouldn’t put it past her,

but Big Alice was going far

too slow for Ruth to grind the

the brakes, even as a threat.

No time like the present.

Your friend, Ms. Cavill?

Let’s make an example.

She’s not there.



Oh God, look at you. You look terrible.

Get down!

Hey, open the door!

100 passengers are being held

captive in a partially

breached car.

In 20 minutes,

they will freeze…

unless Melanie Cavill surrenders.

They’re in the Market car!

They’ve got two guards…

Don’t be a hero.

They rarely survive.


Two guards, two guards in the Market,

that’s one at each entrance.

One gunman, we can handle that.


If there are two at the Market,

one’s driving, another at the Ark door,

that means there’s only one left to guard the Admiral.

This is our chance to take back the Engine.

There’s a hundred passengers about to freeze to death.

We need to focus on freeing them.

Yes, we will from the Engine.

The driver’s cab has that failsafe.

If the temperature drops near freezing the doors will open

to flush out the cold air.

I can rewire the airflow system from the Engine’s airshaft.

To freeze the Engine?

The doors will open before it freezes.

That failsafe’s a gamble.

We’ve never tested it.

Yeah, it’ll work.

How do you plan to get in the airshaft?

The only access is through the Engine.

Not if you open the intake.

That’s completely crazy, Mel.

You’re gonna crawl through the intake from outside?

I told you not to open the door.

Yeah, but I did.

I did.

And now we have to get back the Engine.

You better make sure they don’t see you coming.

Let’s go.

The temperature’s dropping fast.

Out of my way!

Quit shoving!

Let us out!

We’ll have to seal the hole.

Your lips are blue.

Everybody’s lips are gonna be blue if we don’t get on it.

Help each other.


Okay, everyone!

Everybody get in the centre right here!

Get really close.

Get all the blankets you can, anything…

Hey. Uh, hold this.


You’re, uh, gonna help me plug up that hole.

Okay, be careful.

Okay, okay.

It’s not sticking.

It froze on the way up.


Alcohol has a lower freezing temperature.

Shove it in the hole.

Good job.

Okay, now go back to where it’s warmer.

Everyone, please.

Get together.

Huddle, huddle together as close as you can.

Everyone, together.

Huddle together as close as you can, please.

When you reach the Engine I’ll open the intakes for you.

Yes, that’s why we’re arriving late.

She did something to the brakes.

Are 100 people

really going to die for that?

That’s up to her.

I’ll deal with the fallout either way.

You just make sure you hold up your end of the bargain.


What’s your updated ETA?

Should be there in under 20.

Be ready for us.

Let’s move out.

Come in, Melanie.

Melanie, can you hear me?


Are you there?

You know, I’ve been thinking,

reception’s pretty lousy here

for a luxury liner.

Remind me when we get home.

I’ll file a complaint.

Okay, made it.

Intakes are activated.

Intake’s right here.


How’s it look?

Like if I entered I’d be sprayed out.

That’s very visual, thank you.

Ben, we’re gong underground.


Any day now.

Initializing cleaning protocol sequence.

Clear, clear! Go, go, go!

It’s negative 40.

Jesus-mother-of-god-damn-shit it’s cold.

I bet you wish you went to New Eden, huh?

You have a way with people on this train.

I admire that in you.

No, don’t do that.

We’re gonna be okay.

You bought us time by plugging that hole.

When the train’s separating and you were standing

on the other side of the door…

did it ever cross your mind

to join me in New Eden?

Yes, of course.

I’m at the control panel.

You’re making good time.

Airflow re-routed.

Mel, they’re decelerating.

I know.

They (Unclear).

You can’t kill me.

You would have already.

Did they order you not to?

Let’s get out of here.

Miles, Miles.

Get out of my Engine.

This is your last warning ’cause I will shoot.

Don’t do that, Mel.


Could, could we please just…

Are we connected to the power grid?

Affirmative, sir.

Upon arrival.

Gives you time to catch up.

It’s nice to see you…

How did you…

How did you survive?

Where were you? Here?

International Peacekeeping conscripted my research team

when the weather turned.

You’re MIT fellowship?

No, selection wasn’t up to me.

Nothing was.

Um, US Air Force flew me here to this bunker

along with another 80 scientists and engineers

tasked with correcting the government’s mistakes,

or as they preferred to say,

pioneering the next age for humankind.

I haven’t seen the sky since that flight.

Well, your Admiral hijacked my train.

Yeah, I can explain.

Why didn’t he explain?

You were threatening him.

That’s bullshit.

It was an ambush right from the start.

He shot a passenger, he held

A gun to Ben’s head. He threatened to freeze a car

of civilians.

Admiral Milius has a temper.

I don’t agree with his tactics

but he is uncompromising.

And Snowpiercer needed to dock here.

Well, we’re here.

So… Why?

My research team has

developed a compound that

triggers CW-7 to denature in the

upper atmosphere and fall from

the sky.

We’ve only launched missiles from a single location.

But our compound followed

weather patterns across half

the equator, creating six warm spots.

Sulawesi, Gujarat, Managua,

Atacama, Korea, and the Horn.

That was you?

My team.

But now we’ve hit a barrier.

These warm spots… they need to

to grow and mix and feed off one

another into a web that extends

across the globe.

But with half the equator still

in deep freeze, there’s there’s no point.

It’s six candles in a blizzard.

It’s why we need Snowpiercer to

help launch our compound from

the opposite side of the planet.

What’s the chance it will work?

It did work.

I’ll show you.

We still have one working satellite.

They’re living outside.


This is every trial,

every test we’ve run.

Go through it.

We’re on the verge of a breakthrough.

This colony living in the Horn…

What if we can make it like that everywhere?

Two floors of supercomputers?

Engineering a project of this

scope, we wouldn’t even think

to consider it but…

it’s possible.


I’d have the computing power

here for modeling and

simulation, and labs

for chemical testing.

We Could shorten the train’s revolution,

come by here monthly

to pick up your blueprints and data.

So how about the train?

Say I’m able to engineer

the retrofit to carry out mission.

Can she handle it?

What do you think?

Remodeling would likely

cause irrevocable damage.


isn’t that the point?

If we’re successful, we don’t

a train to stay alive anymore.

It’s asking a lot

from the passengers.

They’d be doing the heavy lifting.

We’d prioritize essential labour and systems.

Still, it’d be tricky.

We’d have to extend hours.

But when we tell them that

people are living outside of

New Eden, hopefully they’ll want

to be a part of this.

And we’d be boarding a civilian

workforce to help.

But no military presence.

And no guns.

I have the Admiral’s word.

That man, we can’t trust.

No, I don’t trust him.

But I trust the data.

The proof is in the work.

It lines up with all of our research.

Dr. Nima Rousseau…

It’s no surprise that at the end

of the world they’d want

He’s a serious thinker.

He always has been.

It’s a risk.

What if this is it?

They’re alive.

Before Alex left,

she told me she couldn’t remember the earth.

You have the train, Mr. Knox.

I’ll keep her warm for you.

I’m gonna miss you.

It’s programmed for New Eden,

please don’t touch the settings.

We’re two kilometers from the drop!

Till, thank you.

What if Miles misheard the Admiral?

The words “ambush” and “New

are pretty distinct.

He said they were on their way?

I don’t know, but if there’s

any chance they’re planning

some sort of attack on our

friends, we have to warn them.

I owe Layton that.

You’re crazy, you know that?

I wouldn’t last three seconds in this thing.

If you die in this thing…

I promise to come back and haunt you.

Parallel track approaching.

Are you ready? Can I breach?

Not yet. Audrey’s just exiting.

Shit, go! Go! Go!

Hold on, we’ve got a visitor.

Come on, come on, come on.

Till, do you copy.

It’s now or never.

Ben, it’s me.

You have to send me instead.

Alright, hold on!

Okay, okay.

And then it was just

Alone in the cold.

Hoping I’d reach you.

Warn you.

It’s still too late.

I’m sorry.

What would they want with Liana?

I need air.

All this time I thought Miles was safe.

I thought we were safe.

Melanie surrenders the train.

To soldiers.

Headwood takes Leon.

Layton, where are you going?

To find them.


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