Season 2, Episode 4
Episode title: Heart of the TVA
Original release date : October 26, 2023
Episode summary: Miss Minutes reveals that Renslayer was once He Who Remains’ partner and commander of his army before He Who Remains ordered her memories erased along with everyone else’s. As the Temporal Loom reaches catastrophic failure, Loki and his allies attempt to use Timely and O.B.’s Throughput Multiplier to fix it, but Renslayer, Miss Minutes, and Wolfe attempt to thwart them to take the TVA for themselves, kidnapping Timely, pruning D-90 and killing Dox and her men when they refuse to join them. In the midst of the conflict, Loki encounters his time slipping self and prunes him. O.B. deactivates Miss Minutes and the dampeners preventing Sylvie from using her magic, enabling Sylvie to enchant Wolfe, who prunes Renslayer. Timely is able to unlock the Temporal Loom, but the temporal radiation disintegrates him before Timely can launch the Throughput Multiplier. The Temporal Loom explodes, and everyone is engulfed in the blast wave as it spreads throughout the TVA.
* * *
MISS MINUTES: He wasn’t always alone. There’s something you have to see.
RENSLAYER: What is this?
Just watch.
So, it’s almost ready.
A utopia at the end of time.
For us.
For All Time.
HE WHO REMAINS: Ravonna Renslayer, you are quite a marvel.
I will be proud to lead with you.
You made a difference in this war.
Thank you for being on my team.
The TVA awaits our commands.
Shall we go?
I’ll catch up.
It’s been a long road.
See you soon.
Hey, boss. Fancy a game of chess?
HE WHO REMAINS: Not today. Pull up Protocol 42.
MISS MINUTES: Is it time?
Erase her memories.
Are you sure?
Erase all of their memories.
If you say so.
I’m sorry.
I was here.
I helped win?
You didn’t just help. It was you who commanded the army.
So he built this little tower.
And while he sat on his throne…
I continued to do all the work to keep him there?
Well, something like that.
RENSLAYER: So, what are you proposing?
MISS MINUTES: That we don’t need him. Maybe we never did.
The TVA.
WOMAN OVER PA: All engineers to Temporal Core immediately.
Chronocenters 11, 29, 14 offline.
HUNTER B-15: Are you…
Just stop!
It’s okay. It’s all right.
What do… What do you want with me?
Come with us… and we’ll show you.
That didn’t sound as reassuring as you hoped it would.
Listen, Professor, I can only imagine what Renslayer and Miss Minutes have been saying about us, but it’s not true.
Unless they said something good.
Here’s the deal. You have to trust us, and we don’t have time.
I’m from Chicago, friend.
The schadeocracy capital of the world. I don’t trust anyone.
Oh, it’s a party. Hello.
The more the merrier. And you all want me.
Ms. Ravonna wants me.
The effervescent clock-lady monster thing wants me.
I should have some say.
I don’t disagree.
WOMAN OVER PA: Chronocenters 32, 81, 7 offline.
Is that… my Loom?
LOKI: Yes. That’s your Loom.
And you’re the only one who can help us fix it.
Well, la-di-da.
So, Dox is alive?
Yes, she’s in holding with the others.
We can’t keep them there forever.
What do you want me to do?
You tell me.
Sit with me.
I know what we would have done in the past.
Pruned all of them. It’s simple, clean, efficient.
Is that what we do now?
I don’t know.
But someone told me that the TVA has to change, and it has to change now.
So we forgive and forget?
She’s a general of the TVA, and she wants to protect it at all costs.
That was her mission.
And it can be again, if you can convince her that this new version is worth protecting, too.
I don’t think it’ll change anything.
Don’t be so sure of that.
Your words changed me.
LOKI: Here. This way.
So, I built all of this?
Or I did?
Or I will, and I did?
Almost. You, but not you.
This way.
Look, can’t we just take a look?
Trust me, it’s not that great, and we don’t have time.
Listen. You’re here to solve one of many problems, then you’re free to wander around all you want.
The Loom will still overload.
I don’t understand.
We’ve adjusted everything we can adjust.
This is Casey and O.B.
Yeah, that’s me.
You wrote the TVA Handbook.
Well… Yes, I did.
But I learned everything I know from a brilliant 19th-century inventor named Victor Timely. If he’d had the resources, he would have been bigger than Einstein.
What did you say your name was?
So, if your work is based on his work, and his work is based on your work…
Exactly. Which came first?
It’s like a snake eating its own tail.
Mr. Ouroboros, would you inscribe my handbook?
Only if you inscribe mine.
I was living in your engineering descriptions.
Me? The way you explained the electric bypass system…
The bypass.
Poetry, just poetry.
Guys, sorry to break up this bromance, but can we fix now and sign later?
Yeah, let’s go.
O.B., how’s it going?
Uh, we have a… We have a good plan.
O.B.: It’s a pretty good plan.
We have a plan. Casey?
Here’s a model I mocked up of the Loom. Forgive the shoddy and slapdash work.
It’s not to scale. I only got one coat of paint on there.
I haven’t been able to carve out figures to represent all of us.
TIMELY: The Loom.
I’m honestly embarrassed that Victor’s here to see it.
MOBIUS: You’re being hard on yourself. It looks great.
All right. What’s the plan?
O.B.: It’s simple.
One of us will have to take our Throughput Multiplier down the gangway.
Load the Throughput Multiplier into the launcher.
Then, they’ll need to hit the green button…
CASEY: Green button.
…and launch it towards the Loom.
It will dock with the Loom, where it will scale the Loom’s capacity to manage the backlog of branches that was created when… someone killed He Who Remains and released all those branches and ruined my life.
Hang on. What’s the connection between the Throughput Multiplier and the Loom?
The rings of the Loom aren’t wide enough.
That’s correct.
We need to make the rings bigger, so more branches can fit through.
But there’s one gigantic problem.
LOKI: What’s that?
There is much, much more Temporal Radiation through here than there was when you went out there, Mobius.
Yeah, so much more.
O.B.: Yes.
Okay, well, I mean, Loki’s really gonna have to hoof it then, right?
Hang on a second. Why is it suddenly me having to hoof it?
Well, because it’s your turn.
LOKI: Says who? Why? Why is it suddenly me?
Well, because clearly this isn’t me.
Just because it isn’t you, it isn’t me.
O.B.: Listen, guys.
It’s got your shape.
It’s got my shape?
It’s a suit. Could be anybody.
It’s wearing a helmet.
Doesn’t look like anyone.
Don’t think it’s me.
Uh… It doesn’t matter who it is. It’s doable.
But this person just needs to be… (IMITATES WHOOSHING) super-fast.
SYLVIE: Okay, great. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s do this.
CASEY: There’s another problem.
LOKI: What’s that?
O.B.: This whole plan is only theoretical because our Throughput Multiplier does not yet work.
LOKI: Why?
SYLVIE: It doesn’t work.
Wait. Let me guess.
The Loom’s temporal decay outpaces your Multiplier’s throughput capabilities.
Every time, yeah. How did you know that?
Because I had the same problem with my Loom… until I made this.
It’s a prototype. Still.
O.B., it’ll work?
Integrating them, if that would even work, would take a long time.
Yeah, a long time.
Mr. Ouroboros, if anyone can, it’s you and me.
MOBIUS: Okay, come on. Let’s give them some space to work.
All right, let’s have a little pie while we wait.
What is the matter with you?
You dragged me back here begging for help, so you must have some idea of what’s happening.
Everything is turning to shit, and you want to leave it to them while we go and have some pie?
Great idea, Mobius.
LOKI: Sylvie, wait.
No, I won’t wait. Come on. Let’s go and get some pie. Why not?
It’s a great idea. Does it matter that the branches are dying?
Clocks don’t tick at the TVA, do they?
You found out you’re a Variant, and you haven’t even looked, have you?
It’s just another bad day at the office for you.
Timelines are just lines on a monitor.
Doesn’t matter if a few disappear.
Because you’ve never bothered to look if one of them was yours.
Who cares if a few just disappear?
Enjoy your pie.
BRAD: So, are you gonna say anything?
No? Okay.
All right, everybody. Listen up.
We don’t have any weapons.
We don’t really have the numbers, obviously.
But I think, I think if we put our heads together and if we just try to figure this out, we can get out of this room and we can get back to our lives. Huh?
I believe it was Galileo, or Winston Churchill, or…
Oh, will you just cut the shit?
I don’t wanna die in here!
DOX: Oh.
Oh, really?
Well, it seemed like you gave up when you sold out our plan.
I didn’t know you knew that.
DOX: Oh, yes.
We all know about your escapades as an actor, Brad.
(SCOFFS) Okay.
I earned my life.
I think we all earned our lives.
Don’t you think you earned your life?
You have no authority to keep us here.
I don’t want any of this.
And I certainly don’t wanna be talking to you.
But I know you care about the TVA, and I know you wanna protect it.
That’s the only reason I’m here.
What do you want?
Your help.
You and your Minutemen.
If we have to fight to defend this place, from Renslayer or worse, can we trust you?
You’re serious.
Help us, we’ll talk.
How can I trust you?
We may not see eye to eye on most things,
but I care about this place, these people.
So do you. Trust that.
Give them time to mull that over.
What if they don’t go for it?
Go and help Mobius keep an eye on Timely.
SYLVIE: You’ve got to be kidding me.
I took a wrong turn.
I didn’t plan on coming to pie land.
Say it then.
LOKI: About Mobius…
He’s just trying to see in the dark like the rest of us.
And so we’re clear, I asked for your help and you walked away.
Just so we’re clear, no, I didn’t.
I’m here, aren’t I? Again!
You’re only here because you couldn’t kill him.
Yeah, I couldn’t kill him.
Couldn’t do it.
Timely just looked so scared. He Who Remains wasn’t scared.
Maybe he was, and I just didn’t notice.
Some years ago, my brother was banished from Asgard and sent to Earth.
And when he came back, he was different.
Changed somehow.
I thought it was weakness.
I mocked him.
Said he’d gone soft.
Soft gets you killed.
Listen, Sylvie, you spared Timely’s life, and because of that, the TVA and those timelines will survive.
Those people will survive. You spared their lives, too.
You’re putting a lot of faith in those three back there.
Don’t forget Dox. She’s part of the TVA.
All those dead branches, those dead people, that’s the TVA’s fault.
What about those branches that are still living?
That’s because of Mobius and B-15.
And those guys back there, O.B. and Casey.
What if you’re wrong?
What if you are wrong to believe that this place can be any better?
What if I was wrong to spare him?
It would just be easier to burn this place down and start from scratch.
Sure. Burn it down. Easy.
Annihilating is easy. Razing things to the ground is easy.
Trying to fix what’s broken is hard.
Hope is hard.
Okay, so Timely can save the TVA.
Then, we hope that the TVA turns into something good.
Then, we hope that Timely doesn’t turn into He Who Remains or someone worse.
That’s a lot of hoping, Loki.
I didn’t have you down for an optimist.
This is the best option we have.
So, you’re gonna bring him behind the curtain, show him all of this, and then just send him home?
Maybe that’s a good thing. We can watch him, protect him.
Interfere for good. Heard that one before.
You can’t give people free will and then just walk away, Sylvie.
That’s not how it works.
Now, for better or for worse, the timelines are free.
It’s up to us to protect them.
It’s up to us to do better than He Who Remains.
Sounds like whatever we do, we’re playing God.
We are gods.
BRAD: They’re gonna prune us the minute they don’t need us.
That’s what they do. The TVA prunes traitors.
We need a backup plan. We need something else.
B-15 has integrity. I don’t need to agree with her to know that.
I don’t trust B-15. So, I…
Renslayer. Where’s B-15?
She’s setting in place her plan to control the TVA.
But if we work together, we can stop her.
Protect this place.
The only thing you want to protect is yourself, Ravonna.
And you. This is really disappointing, I must say.
I know. I’m working on myself.
The Temporal Loom is imploding.
I’ve been gone mere days, and this place is hours away from becoming a crater in the cosmos.
Driven into the ground by two Variants?
Is that what you want?
Well, what’s your plan then?
Anyone who joins me right here, follows me out that door and helps me restore stability to the TVA, will have a life on the timeline if they want it.
I thought you could see the bigger picture.
For the first time, I finally am seeing the bigger picture.
Please, stop.
You made a rather impressive life for yourself on the timeline.
Don’t you want it back?
DOX: X-5.
Bradley. Look at me.
Life on the timeline was that good?
How does it feel knowing that all of us here would rather die than follow you out that door? Hmm?
RENSLAYER: Let’s go, X-5.
MOBIUS: How we looking?
Everything is going according to plan.
What is that?
This? A little Mobius pick-me-up, courtesy of the hot cocoa machine.
Diagnostics just went down.
O.B.: What?
Did you say hot cocoa… machine?
Machine? Yeah.
This TemPad’s not working.
Mobius, can I see your TemPad?
You have a machine for that?
Yeah. You’re interested in this machine.
Weird. This one’s not connecting either.
About this hot cocoa machine…
Could I take a look?
Can you sit tight for just a second?
What do you mean?
HUNTER D-90: I can take him.
Can you? Okay. Professor, he’ll take you.
MISS MINUTES: Uh-uh-uh. Access denied.
I’m sorry.
Where’s the device?
So strange. All your files are being corrupted in real time.
Did you download unauthorized games again?
No. I’m not gonna make that mistake twice.
CASEY: Something’s messing with this.
Yours wasn’t working either.
It’s Miss Minutes.
She’s taken control of the systems.
That’s why the TemPads weren’t working.
Grab the Multiplier and let’s get Timely.
What’s wrong?
MOBIUS: Timely’s gone.
And Miss Minutes is back.
Dox and her team are dead.
LOKI: What?
It’s gotta be Renslayer.
Is the Multiplier ready?
Theoretically. I haven’t had time to test it, but without Timely, it doesn’t matter.
Without his Aura, I can’t open the blast doors. We’re locked.
MOBIUS: Okay, well, we gotta find out who took him back to the timeline.
Where else would they have gone?
Renslayer doesn’t want him.
She wants the TVA. They’re still here.
Listen, friend, I don’t know…
Move it.
…what you’re jabbering on about.
Sit. Sit down.
Thank God you’re both okay.
Ms. Ravonna…
Sit down.
Sitting down.
I would like…
I’m done listening to your lies.
You’re gonna talk when I say you can, and only then.
And right now, you’re gonna tell us where to find your device.
And if you don’t like what I have to tell you?
Then X-5 here is gonna find a very thorough and incredibly painful way to kill you.
It’s a very small box.
I think you’re going to like what I have to say.
WOMAN ON PA: TVA code 1127.
All personnel…
Come on.
…report to your nearest time door evacuation point.
SYLVIE: Come on!
WOMAN ON PA: TVA code 1127.
All personnel, report to your nearest time door evacuation point.
MISS MINUTES: Access denied.
LOKI: Sylvie. You okay?
Yeah. I just hate that clock.
She’s trying to slow us down.
Take the stairs.
WOMAN ON PA: Total Loom failure imminent.
Okay, that sounds like a noise you wanna hear from farther away.
O.B.: We’re running out of time. Come on.
WOMAN ON PA: All personnel, report to your nearest time door evacuation point.
TVA code 1127.
LOKI: There’s still time.
All personnel, report to your nearest time door evacuation point.
MISS MINUTES: Access denied. Access denied.
Access denied.
Pretty tech-savvy.
Come on.
(PANTING) There you are.
I promise you this will make sense.
About time. What’s taking you guys so long?
Miss Minutes is sabotaging everything, slowing us down.
I could take her offline if I reboot the system.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Reboot the system.
But we’ll lose the entire safety system.
So what?
What are we gonna lose?
O.B.: The security protocols will go down.
MOBIUS: Like what?
Like the dampeners that prevent people from using magic at the TVA.
We would have to turn that off too.
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
This is where the Multiplier goes.
As I said, we haven’t much time.
BRAD: He’s stalling.
I need one of…
We understand how it works. Now…
Well, that’s getting worse.
MISS MINUTES: That’s not another power surge. Let me investigate.
(STUTTERING) Someone’s trying to reboot the system. I can’t access it.
I’m being locked out.
Well, mocking is… just isn’t necessary.
They’re up to something. What’s happening to you?
They’re taking me offline. I’m losing my cognitive facilities.
I only have moments left.
Victor, I need to tell you… tell you…
You’ll never be him.
Hi. I’m Miss Minutes. (STUTTERING) And the time…
Oh, dear.
Oh. That’s new.
LOKI: What do you say, X-5?
Fancy a rematch?
TIMELY: Clearly not.
RENSLAYER: X-5, what’s going on?
This is cozy. (EXHALES)
Come here for a second.
Come here. Come here. Come here.
What is going on?
I didn’t think I’d see you again so soon.
Victor! Let’s go right now. Now!
LOKI: Let’s go. Go, go, go, now.
Which way, wizard?
This way. Elevator.
You saved my life.
Time for you to return the favor. Let’s go.
O.B., he’s here.
Come on. Hurry. Right here.
Victor, this way. What do we need to do?
Over here.
The Throughput Multiplier is waiting in the airlock.
But first, we need Mr. Timely’s Aura scanned so we can get the blast doors open.
Okay, let’s go.
Just put your head in the scanner.
Is that safe?
I haven’t tested it. Theoretically…
LOKI: It’s all right.
You’ll be fine.
Here, let me hold those.
MALE AUTOMATED VOICE: Welcome, He Who Remains.
TIMELY: Can I come out?
You did it.
O.B.: It’s worse than I thought.
We have to move fast.
Who’s it gonna be?
I’ll do it. I’ll put the suit on.
MOBIUS: Okay, let’s go then.
HUNTER B-15: Come on, let’s move.
TIMELY: Wait. It should be me.
LOKI: No, you don’t have to do this.
But I do.
Something wrong could happen and I know how the Throughput Multiplier works.
Okay, let’s go. Come on.
Okay, okay, no time to argue. Hurry. Come, follow me.
Listen. Get in, get suited up.
When those doors open, get down the gangway as fast as you can.
Load the Multiplier, launch it and get back. Got it?
Got it.
Time to be brave.
Good luck.
Time to be brave.
How long will he have?
O.B.: Not long.
He’ll make it.
Yeah, I don’t know about these radiation levels.
It’s worse than when I was out there.
He’ll make it.
Come on, let’s go, let’s go.
HUNTER B-15: Come on, let’s move.
Here we go.
What happened?
What… Where is he?
He’s gone.
MOBIUS: What happened?
It’s over.
HUNTER B-15: Is he dead?
The Temporal Radiation is just too high.
HUNTER B-15: What did we do wrong?
CASEY: I don’t know.
MOBIUS: What happened?
CASEY: I don’t know. It wasn’t me.
HUNTER B-15: What happened?
I don’t know.
I don’t know.