
Tom Hanks

Finch (2021) Tom Hanks

Finch (2021) | Transcript

On a post-apocalyptic earth, a robot, built to protect the life of his creator’s beloved dog, learns about life, love, friendship and what it means to be human.

Recensione | Greyhound: il nemico invisibile

Leggi la recensione di “Greyhound: Il nemico invisibile”, il nuovo film scritto e interpretato da Tom Hanks. Basato su un romanzo del 1955, il film segue un capitano della Marina Miltare Americana che deve guidare uomini e navi attraverso il pericoloso Oceano Atlantico infestato dai sottomarini U-Boot tedeschi.

Greyhound (2020) Poster


Based upon the novel The Good Shepherd by C S Forester, this is the thrilling story of the leader of an Allied convoy crossing the North Atlantic in 1942 as he faces relentless attack by a Nazi submarine wolf pack.

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