
Short Stories

Michael Shea – The Autopsy

A doctor stricken with cancer, Doctor Winter, gets called into a mining town to examine the victims of an underground explosion at the mine…

Beyond the Wall of Sleep | by H.P. Lovecraft

“Beyond the Wall of Sleep” by H.P. Lovecraft follows the story of a medical intern working at a psychiatric hospital who becomes fascinated with Joe Slater, a patient from the Catskill Mountains, known for his barbaric and isolated upbringing.

The Specialty of the House

Stanley Ellin: The Specialty of the House

Stanley Ellin’s short story, ‘The Specialty of the House’, about a New York restaurant with a special gourmet menu, was published in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine in 1948

Philip K. Dick


Here’s a wry little story—but one with a sting in its tail— that demonstrates that sometimes our worst enemies, as well as some unexpected allies, can literally be right under our feet…

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