
It’s a Sin (TV series)

It's a Sin (TV series)

It’s a Sin – Episode 5 – Transcript

1991. The flatmates rally round as they enter the darkest days of their lives. When Valerie goes on the warpath, it’s up to Jill to help Ritchie before it’s too late.

It's a Sin (TV series)

It’s a Sin – Episode 4 – Transcript

March 1988. Ritchie embarks on a lonely journey home. Meanwhile, Jill is in danger, and Roscoe’s set to collide with Margaret Thatcher, as protests about the AIDS crisis begin.

It's a Sin (TV series)

It’s a Sin – Episode 3 – Transcript

1986. The Pink Palace flatmates are working, falling in love and finding their way in the world. But when terror strikes in the most unexpected way, they must fight like never before.

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