
The Revolt Against World War

Politicians are dragging us toward war for their own gain, betraying Italy's history. Only a citizen revolt can stop this madness before it's too late.

by Tommaso Merlo

Only a popular uprising can stop the spiral towards a third world war. The governments tethered to the Americans and the war lobbies must be made to tremble. Politicians will act only when their positions are at risk—not a second before. We are already deep into a phase of rearmament, and the next step will be to reintroduce compulsory military service to prepare fresh cannon fodder, as some European countries are already doing. Then, the massive propaganda will follow, spreading fear and convincing the masses that war is the only salvation.

This dangerous slide has been ongoing for years, and today the risk is that we may pass the point of no return. By continuing to follow the Americans’ warlike delusions, by producing and selling death machines to anyone, and through governmental conformity and incompetence, it may soon be too late to escape yet another global collective madness. We must react. NATO can go to hell, and so can the American warmongering delusions. They have been in a permanent state of war for decades and have done nothing but cause damage. Yet they insist on playing global sheriffs, while we obediently follow like loyal lapdogs. As if true friends were those who lick your feet instead of those who speak frankly.

Italy has already experienced two world wars on its own skin and paid such a high price that it decided never to repeat such tragic mistakes again. A concept that, not coincidentally, was written into its Constitution. The current politicians must not be allowed to trample on the history of our country and the values on which our Republic is founded. It is unacceptable. Governments last a few years at best, while the aftermath of world wars is paid for by generations. And in a democracy, it is the citizens who rule, not the arms lobbies and their political lackeys.

If we’ve come this far, it’s because politics has reached truly dismal levels and because all the war veterans are dying off, taking with them the awareness of what that collective madness called war really is. If we’ve come this far, it’s because Italy has been playing with fire for years, bypassing the Constitution by passing off wars as peace missions or even as missions to export democracy and human rights. But if we’ve come this far, it’s also because citizens, with few exceptions, don’t even realize what’s happening. They’re too busy running from one party or shop to another and scrolling through TikTok to understand that they risk ending up in the trenches like their grandparents and great-grandparents.

Eternal children who will be forced to grow up suddenly when they receive a draft notice, perhaps via WhatsApp, and when they hear the explosions of bombs from their homes instead of from some screen. A large-scale conflict is looming that will not be experienced lounging on the couch like previous ones. To prevent the situation from degenerating while we still have time, a popular uprising is needed against the risk of being dragged by inertia into a third world war and in defense of our Constitution. But not only that. We must ensure that we never reach such levels of risk again. It is unacceptable that war has become normalized and is increasingly removed from the control of citizens and parliaments, handled opaquely by some supranational lobbying forum. The fate of a true democracy—national or continental—must remain firmly in the hands of its citizens, especially when their lives and the lives of future generations are at stake.

Europeans do not want war, yet today there are already two open fronts. A worrying situation that the politicians do not even seem to realize. Only the citizens can reverse course, revolting and reclaiming the democratic role that is rightfully theirs.


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