The European Union, champion of “freedom of expression,” doesn’t hesitate to charge Telegram’s Pavel Durov with an arsenal of accusations worthy of a Hollywood movie, all in defense of the narrative imposed by the Western empire. If Durov doesn’t comply, he faces prison and censorship, while real criminals like Netanyahu continue to walk free. It’s clear that for the EU, democracy is only valid if it aligns with the dictates of Big Brother, while anyone who dares to dissent is destined for the gallows.
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The European Union is the kind of place where if you allow the documentation of the crimes of the terrorist state of Israel on your platform, you get arrested with countless charges. But if you censor them and highlight what benefits the empire of evil, you walk free. Understand how freedom of expression and democracy work in the “garden of the world”? This situation is particularly alarming for freedom of expression and information, which are increasingly being minimized. Telegram is a place where everyone can choose what to read freely, and this evidently poses a threat to the rulers, especially to the American empire and the European Union’s nazi vassals. Because let’s be clear: in the European Union today, the nazis are in power. Or maybe they never left…
The charges against Durov are extremely serious: terrorism, narcotics, complicity, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, and criminal content involving minors. If confirmed in court, he could end up never leaving Western prisons. The frontal attack on anyone who dares to obstruct the Western regime is clear and evident. It’s clear that they will now do everything to force Durov to comply with Western standards (doing what Zuckerberg does, to be clear). Listen carefully: if Durov doesn’t collaborate, which means bending over for the CIA and the like, he risks 20 years in prison.
If he doesn’t comply, a ban on Telegram might be in the cards, as the EU law “Digital Services Act,” passed not long ago, seems to have been tailor-made for this case. In the end, it would only take crafting a narrative to justify yet another nazi act, perhaps by taking specific content circulated on Telegram and emphasizing it (Western propaganda excels at this) to stir up public outrage. Banning Telegram outright would have been too much for those who pride themselves on being “democratic.” So, a pretext is needed, just like all the pretexts found whenever there’s a need to, for example, wage a war to “export democracy.”
In all this, there’s a figure named Netanyahu who has killed over 40,000 people, including more than 16,000 children. Yet, the same people who arrest Durov oppose an arrest warrant for the aforementioned war criminal. It’s literally incredible what is happening right before our eyes, where every bastion of freedom is being boycotted, dismantled, blocked, and censored because the narrative must have only one version: that of Orwell’s Big Brother. As incredible as the addiction and zero will to react concretely. Hollywood has drugged hundreds of millions of minds, which today are incapable of understanding or willing. Incapable even of realizing that, piece by piece, they are being stripped of every right. It’s as if our society has become a society of zombies without a trace of neurons.
In conclusion, Durov was placed on the wanted list just minutes before landing in Paris, and immediately after, an arrest warrant was issued, according to BFMTV. On May 31, 2024, Bloomberg headlined: “Putin floods the EU with fake news on Telegram.” In the same article, Vera Jourova, a member of the EU commission, said: “TELEGRAM IS A PROBLEM.”
Need I say more?
August 25, 2024
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Andreotti used to say that thinking the worst is a sin, but often you’re right. In any case, the debate that has arisen in Israel after some hackers published thousands of classified documents from the terrorist state of Israel on Telegram is quite telling. Haaretz, in an article from August 21, titled: “Telegram has proven to be a huge challenge for Israel since the start of the war. While many tech companies have simplified the mechanisms through which states can contact them, Telegram is considered the least cooperative of all.”
A few days ago, after the hacking of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) servers, the Knesset’s servers sent messages that literally said: “A response will come and a decision will be made, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.” Now, it could be a coincidence, but a few days later, the head of Telegram was arrested. Of course, they will now come up with a narrative to explain this message, perhaps claiming that it was sent by the hackers themselves. A scenario we’ve seen over and over again, especially with Israel…
It’s also worth noting that some of the accusations against Durov could easily be leveled against Zuckerberg. For instance, in January 2024, The Guardian wrote: “Meta documents show that 100,000 children are sexually abused on its platforms every day.” Another significant point is that the newspaper highlighted in its subtitle the concern about a “negligible” response from Meta. In May 2024, CNBC headlined: “Meta hit by child safety probe under EU tech law.” So why not issue an arrest warrant for Zuckerberg as well?
The answer to this question is fairly straightforward, and we can find it again in the aforementioned Haaretz article: “Israeli sources explain that Google or Meta will remove a page… On Telegram, content cannot be removed with such arguments… The Israeli Ministry of Justice sent Facebook over 40,000 requests to remove ‘illegal content,’ which were granted… This is illegal content according to Western standards. TikTok also removed over 20,000 posts reported by Israel. On Telegram, that number is just over 1,300.”
In 2018, when Telegram was blocked by a Russian court ruling following the implementation of a law requiring the retention of correspondence for six months and the handing over of keys to decrypt them, dozens of Western human rights organizations cried scandal. All the propaganda newspapers pushed the usual narrative of freedom of the press being torn apart, justice serving political power, and made appeals to the UN, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, etc., etc. Where are they today, now that much worse is happening in the “good and democratic West”?
Where are those underdeveloped people who call themselves “liberals” just because “we’re hypocritical, intolerant, supremacist censors full of double standards” was too long? The same liberals who, when Meta censors something, tell us these are private platforms, and if we don’t like it, we should leave them. Yet when the head of a private platform that allows you to speak and express yourself freely without censorship and expose Israeli and Western Nazi propaganda is arrested, they tell you that even if it’s a private platform, it must adhere to certain rules. Exactly which rules? Those of censorship and double standards? YOU ARE DANGEROUS. VERY DANGEROUS!
August 26, 2024