

What Is the Definition of Barbiecore

Barbiecore is a fashion and aesthetic trend inspired by the iconic Barbie doll, characterized by vibrant, playful, and predominantly pink elements.

Finis gloriae mundi from 1672

Aurea Mediocritas

“Aurea mediocritas” is a Latin phrase that translates to “the golden mean” or “golden middle way” in English.


The term “eidetic” refers to the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with high precision and in seemingly photographic detail, after only a few instances of exposure, without using a mnemonic device.

Non Sequitur: Definition and Examples

“Non sequitur” is a Latin phrase that literally translates to “it does not follow.” It refers to a statement or argument that does not logically follow from the previous statement or context

What is the meaning of “divide et impera”?

“Divide et impera” is a Latin phrase that translates to “divide and conquer” in English. This strategy involves breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.


“Dwindling” refers to the process of gradually becoming smaller in size, amount, strength, or degree.

Ad Libitum

“Ad libitum,” often abbreviated as “ad lib,” is a Latin phrase that translates to “at one’s pleasure” or “as much as one desires.” It conveys the idea of freedom, spontaneity, and personal discretion.

Civil Rights Movement

Grassroots Movement

A grassroots movement is a type of social or political campaign that emerges naturally and spontaneously from a community or group of individuals

Fear of Missing Out - Illustration by Poccioro

What’s the meaning of: FoMO

The term “FoMO” stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” It refers to the anxiety or apprehension people feel when they believe they might be missing out on something interesting or exciting that others are experiencing.

What is the meaning of “auteur’s plunge”

“Auteur’s plunge” could describe any bold artistic move or experiment undertaken. It’s a way to highlight their willingness to venture into uncharted territory or push boundaries within their chosen art form

What is the meaning of “auteur plongée”

“Auteur plongée” could be interpreted metaphorically as someone who excels at deep thinking, introspection, or exploring hidden depths of knowledge or the human psyche

Habeas Corpus

The term “habeas corpus” originates from Latin, translating literally to “you shall have the body.” At its core, habeas corpus is a fundamental legal principle safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action.

Chekhov’s Gun

Chekhov’s gun is a dramatic principle that originates from the advice of the Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. It suggests that every element in a story should be necessary and have a purpose

Mea culpa definition - Illustration by Poccioro

Mea Culpa

The term “mea culpa” is a Latin phrase that translates to “my fault” or “my own fault” in English. It is an expression of acknowledgment and admission of one’s own wrongdoing, mistake, or fault.

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