In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher calls on Americans to take control of their health and address the growing obesity epidemic.
Aired on 6th September 2019
And finally new rule: at next Thursday’s debate one of the candidates has to say the problem with our health care system is Americans eat shit, and too much of it.
All the candidates will talk about their health plans but no one will mention the key factor: the citizens don’t lift a finger to help and then the candidates will go back on the trail the next day and try to prove they’re just as big a gluttonous slob as the rest of us. Sometimes while discussing pre-existing conditions…
But why do people have so many pre-existing conditions? Being fat isn’t a birth defect. Nobody comes out of the womb needing to buy two seats on the airplane.
Here it is in a nutshell from the New York Times: poor diet is the leading cause of mortality in the United States.
Everyone knows, obesity is linked to terrible conditions like diabetes, heart disease and virginity… not to mention cancer. But that’s just the beginning of it. there is literally nothing being overweight does not make worse eyesight memory pain, fatigue, depression, you don’t poop right… it weakens your immune system. We scream at Congress to find a way to pay for our medical bills but it wouldn’t be nearly the issue it is if people just didn’t eat like assholes…
…who are killing not only themselves but the planet. The Amazon fires are because farmers there are burning down the rainforests to make room for a future hamburgers and soy beans because here in America we look at fried chicken and think “that’s a good start,” now put it on a bun and add bacon and cheese and something don’t even thought to put on it. Make my mouth come.
What’s Elizabeth Warren’s plan for that?
Europe doesn’t look like this because Europe’s not always eating for two. We weren’t always like this. Watching the footage of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 I was struck by how not fat everyone in the crowd was. We look like a completely different race of people. Now look at us, we wear shirts that our ancestors could have used as a sail.
A hundred years ago this guy was fat enough to be the fat man in the circus. Now… he’s a guy.
People know I’m speaking the truth, after all is not why your Tinder picture is three years old.
Can fat be beautiful that’s in the eye of the beholder but healthy no, that’s science.
I know this is a controversial thing to say now in today’s America, but being fat is a bad thing. We shouldn’t taunt people about it and overeating shouldn’t be singled out as the only vice it’s not we all have something. But there’s no smoking acceptance or drunk acceptance. When I drank too much– yeah, sometimes someone would say to me “you know that’s not great for your health Bill maybe you should slow down a little, you went kind of hard last night.” And I would say “yeah I know I’m gonna start next week”—and then of course I wouldn’t—but I didn’t say “how dare you drink shame me!” being blotto is beautiful. Of course I didn’t say that, I was focusing on the road!
When did it become taboo in this country to talk about getting healthy Weight Watchers had to literally take the words weight and Watchers I’m not kidding out of their name it’s now WW because merely the idea of watching your weight is now bullying. What’s next? Banning scales?
Hey liberals, you know how you hate it when conservatives won’t even let the CDC study gun violence as a public health issue? This is that, you’re the NRA of mayonnaise.
We have gone to this weird place where fat is good. It’s pointing out that fat is unhealthy, that’s what’s bad. Fat-shame? No we fit-shame. Really, you hear it all the time, someone sees a merely trim person “you should eat something!” No, you should not eat something! I should be more unhealthy so you can feel better about your fat ass?
In August, fifty three Americans died from mass shootings. Terrible, right? You know how many died from obesity? Forty thousand!
Fat shaming doesn’t need to end, needs to make a comeback. Some amount of shame is good. We shamed people out of smoking and into wearing seatbelts. We shame them out of littering and most of them out of racism. Shame is the first step in reform it’s what goads people into saying maybe I can do better as opposed to I’m always perfect the way I am how dare you. We need to start aiming higher as a country this is a good place to start.
We can all keep pretending that health care is an issue between you and the government but it’s really between you and the waitress.
It’s not just about being able to see a doctor, it’s also about being able to see your dick.