
Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan: Endings

Endings are a very important part of Dylan’s art, and I want to talk about endings particularly in relation to rhymes. You’ll remember the stroke of genius that makes the line, “Oh, Mama, can this really be the end?” be the antepenultimate line of the song in which it regularly appears.

Renaldo and Clara

Renaldo and Clara (1978) – Review by Pauline Kael

Like Mailer, Dylan is an artist who intended to do something in advance of conventional movies—more poetic, more ‘true’—yet “Renaldo and Clara,” like Mailer’s “Wild 90,” “Beyond the Law” and “Maidstone,” is marked by an absence of artistic intelligence. The picture hasn’t been thought out in terms of movement or a visual plan.

Bob Dylan and Bono at Slane Castle 1984

Bob Dylan: The Bono Vox Interview (1984)

On July 8th, 1984, Bob Dylan played a concert at Slane Castle in Dublin that was flimed for broadcast on MTV. On the day of the concert, the publication Hot Press arranged for the young 24-year old Bono to interview Dylan backstage. When Bono arrived, he found Dylan in the company of Van Morrison.

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