
Armenian history

PERSECUTED ARMENIA – by Nishan Der-Hagopian [Century, 1918]

When a man has been slaugh­tering human beings for many months, and his eyes have grown accustomed to the sight of blood, his ears used to the scream of shell and shrapnel, and his soul calloused to all save his sense of duty, he moves au­tomatically, and it is only when there comes a lull, and the black-winged hor­rors lift for a little, that with clear vision and delicate ear he sees and hears the world around him.

THE GREATEST HORROR IN HISTORY – by Henry Morgenthau [The Red Cross Magazine, 1918]

An Authentic Account of the Armenian Atrocities. Whatever else you may do, do not fail to read this account of the extermination of a Christian race by the Turks. Coming as it does from an authoritative source, we consider it one of the most striking and authentic documents of the war as well as a clear exposition of Germany’s guilt in the bloody affair.

ARMENIA AND THE ARMENIANS – by Hester Donaldson Jenkins [National Geographic Magazine, 1915]

Armenia is a word that has widely different connotation for different peoples. To us Americans it means a vague territory somewhere in Asia Minor; to the makers of modern maps it means nothing—there is no such place; to the Turks of a few years ago it was a forbidden name, smacking of treason and likely to bring up that bugaboo “nationalism,” than which Abdul Hamid II feared nothing more, unless it were “liberty”; but to nearly two millions of Russian, Persian, and Turkish subjects it is a word filled with emotion, one that sends the hand to the heart and calls up both pride and sorrow.

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